Carbon Dioxide


Mar 8, 2018
Ok so I have read as much as possible on this topic and have tried experimenting a little bit.

I have some theories but these may not be correct.

First I wanted to relate carbon dioxide to the health benefits of exercise.
I think this is where exercise is beneficial
After exercise we usually feel good (I don't mean over exertion / endurance bringing on endorphins)
I'm starting to believe this to be all the carbon dioxide generated.
This has multiple positive effects on the body to complicated for me to understand but generally acidifying our cells helping them to utilize the bohr effect as well as CO2 being a vasodilator.

So I wondered why bag breathing (ray peat suggestion) or buteyko method doesnt give the best results to all.
I never found profound effects from this and wondered why, especially since carbon dioxide was written as a cure all for by some for so many things.
I understand that over breathing and the oxidizing effects of oxygen can be detrimental and maybe it's absence can be beneficial to a certain degree. perhaps this could be somewhat helpful (elevation / altitude is less oxygen but co2 is the same i.e ratio is better or just the fact that there is less oxygen)

So only recently someone posted about a buying a tent to sleep in. I wondered about this along time ago.
Why didnt someone suggest just sleeping in a small room and closing the door.
Is it harmful to sleep with the door closed?
This to me is simulating the mole rat, the bats and queen bee with their envious longevity compared to their fellow related species.

Perhaps people live longer in marriages as they sleep together and create more CO2 together.

More on this in the next post


Mar 8, 2018
Ok so the diet I followed was probably not the best but I tried it to the best what I thought might be healthy with my little understand of nutrition and science.
I tried low fat generally with carbs mostly from from fruit with starch here and there from rice and protein from great lakes, shrimp liver etc and a few cups of coffee (sound familiar)
No profound effects except for pot belly which probably was lack of exercise. I did notice I looked tired alot, actually aged a bit.
Vanity strikes and I wondered why I was losing by youthful looks. Hahaha maybe I am just getting older.

Then I changed a few things.
I wanted CO2 to work

Now when we breath, from what i read, it's not because of lack of oxygen it's mostly for balancing the ph in our blood.
When we exercise something similar is probably happening as we are generating alot of co2.
People do deep breathing exercising for large breath holds and I think this is oxygenate the blood and dispurse of CO2.

Stay with me....
Most protein is acid forming leaving an acid ash
Most green leafy vegetables being alkalizing
fruits.... well they should be alkalizing but I think it might be both depending on how well they are digested or metabolized.

We want to make more CO2, but do we just want to make it and not be covered in it? ( I see the benefit of it during a wound where to keep oxygen away not oxidize and scar)
I feel we need to create it and acidify our cells and get rid of the calcium that has migrated into the cell, and then we want to disburse of it quickly or maybe we need it still in our blood but it needs to be appropriately buffered by as many alkaline minerals as possible (Magnesium calcium potassium sodium( sodium without chloride so salt may not work) .

So benefits of eating Green vegetables is for minerals to keep our bodies alkaline and this helps the body to hold more Carbon dioxide without our blood being too acidic drawing on our bones and teeth to try and buffer ph.

I saw someone post about their teeth demineralizing when they were going hard at buteyko method and I think this could be part of the reason.

I hope I contributed something and I hope you guys can fix any delusions I have.

Happy to learn and contribute
Nov 21, 2015
I've found benefits from raising my CO2 levels. I recovered from terrible asthma and became healthy for the first time in my life. Medication-free, feeling good most of the time, sleeping well. That's what I mean by healthy.

My thyroid activity fell. Not sure why. But it is recovered mostly now. Not entirely but mostly. This may be an effect of Buteyko, not sure.

"Cleansing reactions" are common. It is not a straight line to "wellness." I worked VERY hard to raise my CO2 levels, and I became a Buteyko coach and I have studied under two very excellent world-recognized coaches.

Since then I've worked with a lot of people and had pretty much 100% success but each time is different and it doesn't fix everything.

It can reveal "focal infections" making some things temporarily worse. In my case, tooth pain from a root canal (I had to have it extracted.)

It can cause anxiety and disassociation temporarily.

It can be done on one's own. But much easier with a coach. I've had 100% success as a coach, if the student stuck with the process. The Frolov device makes it much easier than before when we used pauses and reduced breathing as our only tools.

I think it's worth experimenting with exogenous CO2, but I never have so I can't give you my experience. I doubt it replaces Buteyko because Buteyko resets the body's internal CO2 sensors to higher levels and I have found those levels to be more or less permanent.


Mar 8, 2018
Thanks hamster
I am still wondering why there is alot of people trying seeming more difficult ways to introduce carbon dioxide exogenously when something as simple as closing your door when you sleep would absolutely increase carbon dioxide in the room. There is alot of blogs on the Internet of people who are concerned about co2 levels with meters measuring their co2 levels in the room with the door shut. Proving the increase of Co2 to oxygen levels.

Is this different from bag breathing or buying a co2 tank and filling a bag?
Last edited:


Nov 24, 2017
You ever tried wimhof breathing ?

Bag breathing has no effect on you?
I want to try that over the next days, but no idea how often or long i should breath in the bag. How do I know that?


Mar 8, 2018
You ever tried wimhof breathing ?

Bag breathing has no effect on you?
I want to try that over the next days, but no idea how often or long i should breath in the bag. How do I know that?

Bag breathing has an effect where definitely feel warmer for a short while. But this is increasing carbon dioxide in the blood which has some benefits but also making you want to breath more to buffer the ph of the blood.

My interpretation is still that you want high CO2 in the cell and not outside. This done of course through uncoupling (tried a few things like aspirin methylene blue) but I believe some exercise that is not overly pushing too hard to probably be the way to go.

If you have have breathing problems then buteyko may rectify it. I don't know how to do the buteyko method it seems to be allover the Internet but don't know any real detailed instructions anywhere on how to do this.

If what we are trying to achieve is to simulate a high altitude environment where the oxygen to co2 ratio is less than at lower altitudes then again I ask, Why not just close the door in our room? Be the queen bee, mole rat, bat etc?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I've found benefits from raising my CO2 levels. I recovered from terrible asthma and became healthy for the first time in my life. Medication-free, feeling good most of the time, sleeping well. That's what I mean by healthy.

My thyroid activity fell. Not sure why. But it is recovered mostly now. Not entirely but mostly. This may be an effect of Buteyko, not sure.

"Cleansing reactions" are common. It is not a straight line to "wellness." I worked VERY hard to raise my CO2 levels, and I became a Buteyko coach and I have studied under two very excellent world-recognized coaches.

Since then I've worked with a lot of people and had pretty much 100% success but each time is different and it doesn't fix everything.

It can reveal "focal infections" making some things temporarily worse. In my case, tooth pain from a root canal (I had to have it extracted.)

It can cause anxiety and disassociation temporarily.

It can be done on one's own. But much easier with a coach. I've had 100% success as a coach, if the student stuck with the process. The Frolov device makes it much easier than before when we used pauses and reduced breathing as our only tools.

I think it's worth experimenting with exogenous CO2, but I never have so I can't give you my experience. I doubt it replaces Buteyko because Buteyko resets the body's internal CO2 sensors to higher levels and I have found those levels to be more or less permanent.
Does Buteyko have a range for Etco2 that's considered optimal? Sorry to bother you but I searched and couldn't find anything.


Sep 13, 2012
I've found benefits from raising my CO2 levels. I recovered from terrible asthma and became healthy for the first time in my life. Medication-free, feeling good most of the time, sleeping well. That's what I mean by healthy.

My thyroid activity fell. Not sure why. But it is recovered mostly now. Not entirely but mostly. This may be an effect of Buteyko, not sure.

"Cleansing reactions" are common. It is not a straight line to "wellness." I worked VERY hard to raise my CO2 levels, and I became a Buteyko coach and I have studied under two very excellent world-recognized coaches.

Since then I've worked with a lot of people and had pretty much 100% success but each time is different and it doesn't fix everything.

It can reveal "focal infections" making some things temporarily worse. In my case, tooth pain from a root canal (I had to have it extracted.)

It can cause anxiety and disassociation temporarily.

It can be done on one's own. But much easier with a coach. I've had 100% success as a coach, if the student stuck with the process. The Frolov device makes it much easier than before when we used pauses and reduced breathing as our only tools.

I think it's worth experimenting with exogenous CO2, but I never have so I can't give you my experience. I doubt it replaces Buteyko because Buteyko resets the body's internal CO2 sensors to higher levels and I have found those levels to be more or less permanent.
I am curious why do you think your body revealed the infection in the root canal? I had mine flare up super bad, worst pain I've experienced, but the dentist wants me to try to save the tooth as it's the major chewing molar. I'm starting to want to go for retreatment, maybe the dentist missed a canal? Maybe retreating could mean 20 more years of having a good chewing tooth? Peat thinks the immune system can handle these root infections, I'm not sure, I'm really conflicted.


Jul 26, 2018
There are normobaric chambers - they have 40 % oxygen, 60 times more CO2 (than in the air) to counteract O2, molecular hydrogen 0,5% to anihilate ROS and others and 1500 hPa presssure. This accelerates healing, stimulates stem cells.

CO2 as peroxynitrate scavenger
CO2 modulates the ONOO7-mediated oxidation of the heme Fe of
hemoglobin, myoglobin, and cytochrome c through a mechanism leading to
ferric-heme and formation of variable amounts of transient species
such as ferryl-heme, globin-centered radicals, and O2 7 (16, 31, 32).
Thus CO2, generally considered to be inactive, redirects the
specificity of ONOO7, and reduces the lifetime of ONOO7 (from the
second to the millisecond range), partially preventing diffusion
through membranes and limiting its zone of action. With a life time in
the millisecond range, ONOOC(O)O7 has to be counted among the
biologically significant reactive species (33). Reaction with CO2
should be considered in searching for ONOO7 scavengers, keeping in
mind that a biologically proficient scavenger should react with ONOO7
faster than does CO2 and/or react with ONOOC(O)O7.


Oxygen as lung carcinogen
Can inhaled oxygen cause cancer?
Can inhaled oxygen cause cancer?
Lung cancer rates fall dramatically with increasing elevation in the western US



Mar 29, 2014
If what we are trying to achieve is to simulate a high altitude environment where the oxygen to co2 ratio is less than at lower altitudes then again I ask, Why not just close the door in our room?
The aim is not to reduce O2, but to increase CO2. Shutting the room for too long may be counter-productive - it can lead to not only reduced O2, but also gases etc from household materials - better to have fresher air.

I am curious why do you think your body revealed the infection in the root canal? I had mine flare up super bad, worst pain I've experienced, but the dentist wants me to try to save the tooth as it's the major chewing molar. I'm starting to want to go for retreatment, maybe the dentist missed a canal? Maybe retreating could mean 20 more years of having a good chewing tooth? Peat thinks the immune system can handle these root infections, I'm not sure, I'm really conflicted.
I'm not advising, just pointing to a view on focal infections from a Buteyko practitioner:
Focal Infection Theory and Buteyko Breathing Practice


Jan 14, 2020
I've found benefits from raising my CO2 levels. I recovered from terrible asthma and became healthy for the first time in my life. Medication-free, feeling good most of the time, sleeping well. That's what I mean by healthy.

My thyroid activity fell. Not sure why. But it is recovered mostly now. Not entirely but mostly. This may be an effect of Buteyko, not sure.

"Cleansing reactions" are common. It is not a straight line to "wellness." I worked VERY hard to raise my CO2 levels, and I became a Buteyko coach and I have studied under two very excellent world-recognized coaches.

Since then I've worked with a lot of people and had pretty much 100% success but each time is different and it doesn't fix everything.

It can reveal "focal infections" making some things temporarily worse. In my case, tooth pain from a root canal (I had to have it extracted.)

It can cause anxiety and disassociation temporarily.

It can be done on one's own. But much easier with a coach. I've had 100% success as a coach, if the student stuck with the process. The Frolov device makes it much easier than before when we used pauses and reduced breathing as our only tools.

I think it's worth experimenting with exogenous CO2, but I never have so I can't give you my experience. I doubt it replaces Buteyko because Buteyko resets the body's internal CO2 sensors to higher levels and I have found those levels to be more or less permanent.
@ecstatichamster are you able to recommend any good free sources on Buteyko, practice in the internet? Or maybe books?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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