Danny Roddy And Meal Suggestions


Feb 7, 2013
frustrated said:
BTW, throwing around studies doesn't make you smart or correct. And I much prefer to read Ray Peat because I trust the source. If you are interested in studies, you may want to read the study posted by Edward recently entitled "Metabolic and behavioral effects of a high sucrose diet during weight 1oss."

I'm done with this thread but in passing you should know that is the exact same study I just posted lol.
I'm not throwing studies around for a laugh. If you actually read the study it goes against a few of the rp quotes you've been spamming. And just blinding believing someones explanations probably makes you less-smart and less-correct.


Well there you have it. At least say you disagree with Ray and be honest about it.
And you call me a cherry picker. geez


Feb 20, 2013
key said:
I doubt potato juice retains all the nutrients. Only benefit I've heard is keto-acids, which are only needed if you can't digest protein. If it was so exceptional(for average person) he'd probably be doing it himself. I don't agree with your logic since fruits have beneficial compounds beyond vit/min like salicylic acid, hesperidin.

If i make orange juice all the nutrients will be there but when i make potato juice those nutrients may not be there.
I can make 4 lbs of potato juice and hope it will retain at least 50 % of it's nutrient. My point is that potato juice is an excellent source of several vitamins and minerals without any carbohydrate.
Ray Peat has said lots of things about potato and potato juice. He does recommend potato and potato juice even if you do not have protein digesting problems.( He prefers potato juice over potato because of starch). Apegenin, Naringenin and Hesperidin in orange and guava are aromatase inihibitors. There are hundred other source of aromatase inhihbitors.


Jan 27, 2013
@mittir-Potato juice + sugar sounds really good. Have you ever tried it?


Nov 9, 2012
key said:
@mittir-Potato juice + sugar sounds really good. Have you ever tried it?

Some days ago, I tried the potato juice a bit randomly, just to diversify my diet and because I thought it'd be tasty, and within 30-60 minutes it made me feel even calmer than a good sugary meal. It profoundly improved the way I sleep both at night and when taking a nap, it was probably the first time in 6-12 months that I got any deep sleep (it is usually very difficult for me to fall asleep, even when relaxed, exposed to red light during the day or night, can't take a nap even if exhausted, etc - so pretty insomniac). I repeated the experience and I'm confident that the potato juice is responsible for this. I'm quite puzzled. I know that this juice is easily digestible with its keto-acids. But I don't have any obvious digestion issue (never bloated or transit issue), so why is this juice so special?


Feb 20, 2013
jyb said:
key said:
@mittir-Potato juice + sugar sounds really good. Have you ever tried it?

Some days ago, I tried the potato juice a bit randomly, just to diversify my diet and because I thought it'd be tasty, and within 30-60 minutes it made me feel even calmer than a good sugary meal. It profoundly improved the way I sleep both at night and when taking a nap, it was probably the first time in 6-12 months that I got any deep sleep (it is usually very difficult for me to fall asleep, even when relaxed, exposed to red light during the day or night, can't take a nap even if exhausted, etc - so pretty insomniac). I repeated the experience and I'm confident that the potato juice is responsible for this. I'm quite puzzled. I know that this juice is easily digestible with its keto-acids. But I don't have any obvious digestion issue (never bloated or transit issue), so why is this juice so special?

I had similar experience with potato juice. I do not add sugar to potato juice, it is already quite sweet. RP explained the mechanism in Starch and Glycemia interview with Josh. It is the keto acids that provides energy to brain and heart, this way blocks the release of free fatty acids. It's main impact is on energizing brain ,thus lessening stress. whole thing happens without stimulation of insulin or cortisol. Keto acids can also turn to amino acids when needed. There is also a good amount of magnesium to help with relaxation.


Apr 17, 2013
Quote from Ray Peat on manuka Honey

"I haven't had any experience with manuka. Some honey can be allergenic, so it's good to look for a mild one; white sugar is probably similar, with less allergy risk."


Apr 17, 2013
More Ray Peat quotes on sugar:

"Starch is less harmful when eaten with saturated fat, but it's still more fattening than sugars."

"Refined granulated sugar is extremely pure, but it lacks all of the essential nutrients, so it should be considered as a temporary therapeutic material, or as an occasional substitute when good fruit isn't available, or when available honey is allergenic. "

"Appetite should be the basic guide. When your liver has enough glycogen stored, sweet things aren't appetizing."


Since the email still hasnt been posted, i guess Imonaquest just trolled us sucessfully.


Feb 9, 2013
Tobieagle, Imonaquest has been posting for months, about various topics. How that is "trolling" is beyond me. You honestly need to think a little bit more before you post. He/She (I think it's a guy, but not totally sure) has been talking about mega anxiety and other issues following Danny Roddy's Ray Peat advice. He/She posting Ray Peat's email communication is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS (or MINE!). Why some of you feel entitled to read a personal email is mind boggling.

The whole adding sugar to things works for some, doesn't work for others. That's pretty obvious based on what I've read over the past few months on here. Everyone needs to find their happy balance. For those of you who can bomb on sugar all day long and feel great, God Bless! As long as your labs are good and you feel good, keep it up!


Mar 24, 2013
Long Island, NY
I gave this diet my best effort. Been about 5-6 months in the making. It's just not working for me had a few times where I felt decent, but overall, can't make it work for me, even with Ray Peat's suggestions.

No matter what I do or how I do it, I suffer from anxiety attacks, feeling of unstable blood sugar, and I actually feel colder now than I did at the beginning. I'm just going back to what has worked for me in the past. Intelligent eating. Fruits, vegetables, egg white, lean meats, tubers, and once in awhile, some beans.

What really did things in for me was waking up last night at 3 am, thinking I was having a heart attack or stroke. Room was spinning, breathing was labored, anxiety through the roof, hands were pins and needles. This stuff is not who I am. I'm in my early 30's, always been relatively healthy, only a little gas and bloating every now and again if I ate the wrong foods, but no health concerns otherwise. On this Ray Peat lifestyle, I have full blown panic disorder, unstable blood sugar, unpredictable moods, a bunch of weird aches and pains, gout flare up, and my fitness has gotten way worse.

This was a good experiment, and I'm glad I did it, but this did not work for me. If anything, I'm in a worse state of health than I was before. Best of luck to the rest of you.


Jan 22, 2013
Imonaquest said:
I gave this diet my best effort. Been about 5-6 months in the making. It's just not working for me had a few times where I felt decent, but overall, can't make it work for me, even with Ray Peat's suggestions.

No matter what I do or how I do it, I suffer from anxiety attacks, feeling of unstable blood sugar, and I actually feel colder now than I did at the beginning. I'm just going back to what has worked for me in the past. Intelligent eating. Fruits, vegetables, egg white, lean meats, tubers, and once in awhile, some beans.

What really did things in for me was waking up last night at 3 am, thinking I was having a heart attack or stroke. Room was spinning, breathing was labored, anxiety through the roof, hands were pins and needles. This stuff is not who I am. I'm in my early 30's, always been relatively healthy, only a little gas and bloating every now and again if I ate the wrong foods, but no health concerns otherwise. On this Ray Peat lifestyle, I have full blown panic disorder, unstable blood sugar, unpredictable moods, a bunch of weird aches and pains, gout flare up, and my fitness has gotten way worse.

This was a good experiment, and I'm glad I did it, but this did not work for me. If anything, I'm in a worse state of health than I was before. Best of luck to the rest of you.

wishing you the best man...just wondering, is there any food or something you have been craving but not 'allowed' to eat on the Peat diet? (just personally curious)


Feb 9, 2013
Wow, that's crazy stuff, but I don't blame you. There was a month stretch where I wanted to give up on the diet as well. And actually did a few times. I went back to eating standard fare, and noticed how much it negatively affected my intestinal health. I don't know if it will happen to you as well.

The intense anxiety and panic that you have, definitely sounds blood sugar related, based on my experience. You should have a glucose tolerance test scheduled ASAP. You may be pre-diabetic, diabetic, or hypoglycemic. If that's the case, you might do better with a low fat diet.... drinking skim or 1% milk, eating egg whites and going easy on the yolks, cutting out ice cream, having part-skim cheeses, and getting 93-97% lean beef.

One of the things I learned from Doug Graham (the 80-10-10 guy) is about the importance of reducing fats in the diet, if you're going to have a lot of sugar in the diet. Vitally important for balancing blood sugar.

I think you'll be back, Imonaquest. And if you are, give the low fat version a shot. It just may work.


Imonaquest, out of curiosity, what have you tried? The diet, supplements, or both?


Mar 24, 2013
Long Island, NY
Jake, my blood sugar is completely normal. 88, last check, about 3-4 weeks ago. It's probably not that. Thanks for your suggestions but I'm going off this diet for awhile. Going to apply some of the things I learned from Ray Peat, such as low to no PUFA, using refined coconut oil, and avoiding some of anti-thyroid foods.

Pboy, I didn't really have any cravings while on the diet. All of the stuff I crave was allowed on this diet! I usually just crave sweets and sugary things, and the occasional piece of beef. Which I had.

J, I did the entire gamut of this lifestyle. Including following Danny Roddy's "Peat Whisperer" guidelines, then Ray Peat's own suggestions to me personally. Neither worked. I used aspirin, egg shell calcium that I made myself, K2, E, Pregnenolone, Thyroid, Niacinamide, Cascara Sagrada... ***t, I think I bought every damn supplement he recommends!

I gave this diet a good 6 months of my life. I had to draw the line after I woke up last night feeling like I was going to die. Literally. I thought my number was up. I'm in my early 30's! I shouldn't be feeling like this. Something's not right.

Good luck to everybody!


Feeling like one is going to die is probably a panic attack. It's not that rare. It might be related to the gut, and having a raw carrot as one of the last things you eat before sleeping might help.

Did you eat anything unusual in the afternoon or before having that attack?

Once the panic attack started, you might try breathing in a paper bag or breathing slowly. Regardless, avoiding PUFA, as you said you would, just by itself might improve this type of thing over time.

This is not Peat's advice, but some people get relief from panic attacks immediately if they take Klonopin.


if you don't want to use "white sugar" that's fine, that's your choice. but this the the Ray Peat forum after all and you are lying when you say that he says to avoid white sugar. he absolutely has never said that anywhere at all period end of story. it's quite the opposite in fact, he uses it quite often himself. yes, you don't have to use it but don't go around the internet with your fear of sugar trying to make people think that those are his views, they are not.


jaketthomas said:
Tobieagle, Imonaquest has been posting for months, about various topics. How that is "trolling" is beyond me. You honestly need to think a little bit more before you post. He/She (I think it's a guy, but not totally sure) has been talking about mega anxiety and other issues following Danny Roddy's Ray Peat advice. He/She posting Ray Peat's email communication is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS (or MINE!). Why some of you feel entitled to read a personal email is mind boggling.

Well, it would be pretty important if Ray's views have changed recently. So that's why people here want to see the actual email. Imonaquest made some ridiculous statements as to Ray's view's on white sugar, ok fine, so if it is true please show us where he said this, you don't have to show the whole email. but of course it is not true, he has never said such things, in fact quite the opposite. and no ive never heard him recommend anyone avoid it even on an individual basis, which makes sense because he explains how it is just half glucose and half fructose not to mention sucrose being in many fruits and tubers naturally anyways, so this whole thing is wrong. so yes if imonaquest says things like this then it is indeed trolling:

"I've been in contact a lot with Ray Peat lately. Instead of getting secondhand information and answers to my questions, I decided to ask him myself."

"it ends up robbing your body of nutrition, which is why Ray doesn't suggest the use of it."

"turns out, the main man himself advised against using it!"

What? are you kidding me? This is false information. That is like going onto the 30 bananas a day forum and saying "Duianrider says some dairy is ok."
Nov 7, 2012
Well, white sugar does increase nutrient needs without supplying any in return.


Jan 22, 2013
Dorito Loyalist said:
Well, white sugar does increase nutrient needs without supplying any in return.
So does time, and being alive...and sugar is a necessary nutrient


Jul 26, 2012
Thanks Imonaquest for your sharing.
I find that a "traditional" Peat diet (mainly : fruit, dairy, some animal flesh... no refined sugar) lacks vegetables for me. The weird thing is that I "overlook" them when on this diet. But if I eat some "green" : I feel so much better !
Can you elaborate on the absence of grains in your diet (have you come to that conclusion by feel or after readings ?)... what about dairy ?

edit : the main problem with grains, as far I am concerned, is the gut-feeling of getting energy without nutrients. Wich quickly turns me anxious. I am aware that there are some other theoric "problems" with grains (persorption for instance), but I wonder if they could be made a good sugar source if properly combined. The balance probably is probably individual. I would probably need - at least - as much veggies as grains (a little birdie told me).
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