Does thyroid use up calcium in the body?

Aug 18, 2015
Can anyone tell me if thyroid uses up calcium in the body? I noticed when I started a very low dose of thyroid my teeth felt more sensitive. Is it possible that I don't have enough calcium? Or what would cause this? Any kind of help would be greatly, greatly appreciated. My teeth seem to be going clear at the tips more.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
[ref]mayweatherking[/ref], were you using NDT or synthetics?


Apr 13, 2015
increased metabolism makes the body use more minerals and vitamins doesn't it? maybe it's just increasing your requirement for calcium and the fat solubles
Aug 18, 2015
Charlie said:
post 100579 [ref]mayweatherking[/ref], were you using NDT or synthetics?

synthetics. wp-thyroid. i only am tkaing like half of a 1/4 of a grain pill.

TheHound said:
post 100580 increased metabolism makes the body use more minerals and vitamins doesn't it? maybe it's just increasing your requirement for calcium and the fat solubles

maybe, but it seems a little extreme that my teeth get sensitive. do i really need to up the calcium that much?
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Aug 18, 2015
my skin seems to be getting very dry around my eyes, like crows feet are forming more intensely, under my eye lids have wrinkles under them. and my hair is falling out like rocket fire. i wish someone could help me figure out what the problem is. :( not even doctors know how to help me. this sucks. it's because i took finasteride. please if someone knows what is wrong with me, please tell me what blood test to get or what to check. i feel like i've tried everything. i just want my life back so much. :(


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Calcium is unexpectedly involved in skin metabolism, and if you're not getting, absorbing or ingesting co-factors enough, you can be deficient. Testing nutrient deficiencies with blood tests is very tricky due to the compensatory systems. I would try to interpret all of your cravings. And if you're too detached from your senses, drop any restriction or diet for a week or month and write down the experience. Then go back to your current diet and adjust..
Aug 18, 2015
Amazoniac said:
post 100584 Calcium is unexpectedly involved in skin metabolism, and if you're not getting, absorbing or ingesting co-factors enough, you can be deficient. Testing nutrient deficiencies with blood tests is very tricky due to the compensatory systems. I would try to interpret all of your cravings. And if you're too detached from your senses, drop any restriction or diet for a week or month and write down the experience. Then go back to your current diet and adjust..

what are the co factors?
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
And you can find articles written by Chris Masterjohn and Lawrence Wilson that discuss fat-soluble vitamins, magnesium, protein, and others that interact with calcium.
You can also look for supplements that contain calcium as the main ingredient and check for the other ingredients..


Nov 1, 2012
mayweatherking said:
my skin seems to be getting very dry around my eyes, like crows feet are forming more intensely, under my eye lids have wrinkles under them. and my hair is falling out like rocket fire. i wish someone could help me figure out what the problem is. :( not even doctors know how to help me. this sucks. it's because i took finasteride. please if someone knows what is wrong with me, please tell me what blood test to get or what to check. i feel like i've tried everything. i just want my life back so much. :(

Your post reminded me of this old post:
Heather said:
"The skin change under the eyes is still worrying me, as the skin there literally looks like it has aged 10-20 years in the past week (and I work in the performing arts and cannot afford to look prematurely old). I'm puzzled as to what is actually going on, though. Because of the time frame it can't be due to a protein deficiency. Also, I've been eating "primal" for a year, so I'm not at all protein deficient. Clearly the progest-e did something to the skin, but I don't understand the mechanism."

Peatarian said:
*** I don't think progest-e can do any damage to the skin. As I said: This symptom comes from a protein deficiency. I don't know what you mean by 'eating primal' but if it means lots of red meat and raw vegetables - this diet would be adding to your problems. You should eat protein (potatoes) throughout the whole day not just during three meals."

There is also a discussion about teeth in the thread.
Aug 18, 2015
HDD said:
post 100595
mayweatherking said:
my skin seems to be getting very dry around my eyes, like crows feet are forming more intensely, under my eye lids have wrinkles under them. and my hair is falling out like rocket fire. i wish someone could help me figure out what the problem is. :( not even doctors know how to help me. this sucks. it's because i took finasteride. please if someone knows what is wrong with me, please tell me what blood test to get or what to check. i feel like i've tried everything. i just want my life back so much. :(

Your post reminded me of this old post:
Heather said:
"The skin change under the eyes is still worrying me, as the skin there literally looks like it has aged 10-20 years in the past week (and I work in the performing arts and cannot afford to look prematurely old). I'm puzzled as to what is actually going on, though. Because of the time frame it can't be due to a protein deficiency. Also, I've been eating "primal" for a year, so I'm not at all protein deficient. Clearly the progest-e did something to the skin, but I don't understand the mechanism."

Peatarian said:
*** I don't think progest-e can do any damage to the skin. As I said: This symptom comes from a protein deficiency. I don't know what you mean by 'eating primal' but if it means lots of red meat and raw vegetables - this diet would be adding to your problems. You should eat protein (potatoes) throughout the whole day not just during three meals."

There is also a discussion about teeth in the thread.

yeah i feel like i'm all ready ****88 to be honest with you and i feel like my life is over. ive tried everything ive done everything i dont know what else to do anymore. i really got the bad cards dealt to me because i took that drug. my mom tells me i should be thankful for what i have in my life, but i cant see anything i have, i am just too depressed seeing what i am losing. i dont know what to do.

that thread basically has guesses. everything is a guess for me too. i used to be a good looking guy, girls used to be interested in me. then i tried all these crazy diets, did all these things to fix myself, now i am ugly, girls are no longer interestd inme, my hair is falling out, my eyes are wrinkling, i cant get this diet to work, the doctors tell me to go away, the doctors tell me to switch to someone else, i email ray peat, he doesnt answer or he doesnt know, i post here no one know, i post at finasteride forum, no one knows, i post at everywhere no one knows anything about it. im done dude, im just done. im too skinny, but i cant lift weights because of these problems, god know what problem i dont know.
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Aug 18, 2015
simliar to that post though i do have high estrogen or had it for a while i dont know why. my testosterone is like 200 or around there.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
The summary answer is high thyroid and low estrogen. Everything follows from that. The bad news is that it can take a few years to recover from a very low state. The good news is that it can take a few years to recover from a very low state.

Getting replete in vitamins and minerals is crucially important, and it is not especially easy. There are lots of poor foods and supplements out there. Amino acids are building blocks for not only proteins but for hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, cofactors in metabolic pathways, and what would be called vitamins except we can make them ourselves.

A guy wrote a book called "The 120 Year Diet". Implying the maximum human lifespan of 120 years, the diet was wrong but the idea is sound; what we eat today should be what we eat for the rest of our lives. If it takes a few years for RP's advice to correct previous mistakes, so what? We'll never make the same mistakes again.


Aug 15, 2015
mayweatherking said:
yeah i feel like i'm all ready f***ed to be honest with you and i feel like my life is over. ive tried everything ive done everything i dont know what else to do anymore. i really got the bad cards dealt to me because i took that drug. my mom tells me i should be thankful for what i have in my life, but i cant see anything i have, i am just too depressed seeing what i am losing. i dont know what to do.

that thread basically has guesses. everything is a guess for me too. i used to be a good looking guy, girls used to be interested in me. then i tried all these crazy diets, did all these things to fix myself, now i am ugly, girls are no longer interestd inme, my hair is falling out, my eyes are wrinkling, i cant get this diet to work, the doctors tell me to go away, the doctors tell me to switch to someone else, i email ray peat, he doesnt answer or he doesnt know, i post here no one know, i post at finasteride forum, no one knows, i post at everywhere no one knows anything about it. im done dude, im just done. im too skinny, but i cant lift weights because of these problems, god know what problem i dont know.
Relax and do not stress too much about your external look for now.. consider yourself in a transition phase.. ditch the supplements and get your nutrients from food. Girls are not the most important thing in the world although they are fun to be around. To be honest, I don't know how to advice but I felt I needed to because I sensed your pain in the text above and I hope you the best in life. I am sure you will pass this difficult time :therethere


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
mayweatherking said:
post 100600 simliar to that post though i do have high estrogen or had it for a while i dont know why. my testosterone is like 200 or around there.

Your testosterone is way too low. Even though most official ranges have a lower bound of 200 or even 150, testosterone below 450 is already too low as evidenced by the fact that most men with testosterone below 450 have trouble begetting children. Thyroid affects and also depends on the androgenic hormones for functioning. Finasteride is a horrible horrible poison, which suppresses your 5-AR pathways and as such you have no DHT and no allopregnanolone. Both of these hormones are crucial for mental, skin, and hair health. Especially the DHT. The story of DHT causing baldness and prostate cancer is a fraud rivaling the serotonin-depression genocide. Did the doctor even test your hormone levels before putting you on finasteride? If not, you may even have a case for legal action.
Anyways, some of the things I'd do if I were in your shoes is take some pregnenolone and DHEA for a month and then do a blood test to see where I stand. You can start with 100mg pregnenolone and 15mg DHEA daily. I would try to take them in the same day but if the combination makes you wired you can try taking on alternate days. DHEA you can take in 5mg doses three times a day. Since your estrogen is high it can cause conversion of DHEA into more estrogen so I would do a blood test if possible after 2 weeks to see if estrogen is NOT increasing. If it is, then lower the DHEA dose. Pregnenolone will convert into progesterone and allopregnanolone so that should replenish the neural side of steroids. DHEA should raise testosterone and DHT in tissues, even though you may not see an increase in blood levels.
I would also test for vitamin A levels as deficiency in that can affect the steroid synthesis.
For reducing estrogen, I would try progesterone, vitamin E, caffeine, vitamin B6, etc. Do you have extra weight? Do you exercise a lot, especially endurance exercise? Either one of these could cause the high estrogen.
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Aug 27, 2015
I am in the same boat OP, I didn't take finasteride, but I am falling apart and can't get anything to work for me either.
Aug 18, 2015
haidut said:
post 100630
mayweatherking said:
post 100600 simliar to that post though i do have high estrogen or had it for a while i dont know why. my testosterone is like 200 or around there.

Your testosterone is way too low. Even though most official ranges have a lower bound of 200 or even 150, testosterone below 450 is already too low as evidenced by the fact that most men with testosterone below 450 have trouble begetting children. Thyroid affects and also depends on the androgenic hormones for functioning. Finasteride is a horrible horrible poison, which suppresses your 5-AR pathways and as such you have no DHT and no allopregnanolone. Both of these hormones are crucial for mental, skin, and hair health. Especially the DHT. The story of DHT causing baldness and prostate cancer is a fraud rivaling the serotonin-depression genocide. Did the doctor even test your hormone levels before putting you on finasteride? If not, you may even have a case for legal action.
Anyways, some of the things I'd do if I were in your shoes is take some pregnenolone and DHEA for a month and then do a blood test to see where I stand. You can start with 100mg pregnenolone and 15mg DHEA daily. I would try to take them in the same day but if the combination makes you wired you can try taking on alternate days. DHEA you can take in 5mg doses three times a day. Since your estrogen is high it can cause conversion of DHEA into more estrogen so I would do a blood test if possible after 2 weeks to see if estrogen is NOT increasing. If it is, then lower the DHEA dose. Pregnenolone will convert into progesterone and allopregnanolone so that should replenish the neural side of steroids. DHEA should raise testosterone and DHT in tissues, even though you may not see an increase in blood levels.
I would also test for vitamin A levels as deficiency in that can affect the steroid synthesis.
For reducing estrogen, I would try progesterone, vitamin E, caffeine, vitamin B6, etc. Do you have extra weight? Do you exercise a lot, especially endurance exercise? Either one of these could cause the high estrogen.

Yes.. its sooo low. I feel like such a weakling constantly. I don't exercise anymore. I was doing a lot of cardio, but I stopped. Do you think an endocrinologist would prescribe those to me because I will go if they can.

Do you think I will have to take those forever because my 5 ar is broken now? My libido seems to surge a little with the thyroid, but the negative effects seem to be hitting me. Without the low dose thyroidy hair does get itchy. I dont have extra weight really.. I am 150 and 5'11" so anything underweight.

Pregnenelone converts into progesterone so is it really needed? Do you think things will get better without these things? Or the hormones are really required?
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Aug 18, 2015
milk_lover said:
post 100613
mayweatherking said:
yeah i feel like i'm all ready f***ed to be honest with you and i feel like my life is over. ive tried everything ive done everything i dont know what else to do anymore. i really got the bad cards dealt to me because i took that drug. my mom tells me i should be thankful for what i have in my life, but i cant see anything i have, i am just too depressed seeing what i am losing. i dont know what to do.

that thread basically has guesses. everything is a guess for me too. i used to be a good looking guy, girls used to be interested in me. then i tried all these crazy diets, did all these things to fix myself, now i am ugly, girls are no longer interestd inme, my hair is falling out, my eyes are wrinkling, i cant get this diet to work, the doctors tell me to go away, the doctors tell me to switch to someone else, i email ray peat, he doesnt answer or he doesnt know, i post here no one know, i post at finasteride forum, no one knows, i post at everywhere no one knows anything about it. im done dude, im just done. im too skinny, but i cant lift weights because of these problems, god know what problem i dont know.
Relax and do not stress too much about your external look for now.. consider yourself in a transition phase.. ditch the supplements and get your nutrients from food. Girls are not the most important thing in the world although they are fun to be around. To be honest, I don't know how to advice but I felt I needed to because I sensed your pain in the text above and I hope you the best in life. I am sure you will pass this difficult time :therethere

Thx. Yes I'm getting very tired of this. I know they are not so important but the thing with me is I was shy in highschool and then I took finasteride at 19 right when I was in my prime in college and actually started talking to girls. Now im 26 anf my hair is thinning and all this external stuff and im just so sick of it dude. Its like my whole life feels like i got ****88 like at exact timings I missed my opportunity to have a gf. Oh yeah I had one gf in my life and she had a kid and left me for her baby daddy when after like a month when she wanted a break. I basically felt so out of it from orgasming more than once a week I could barely talk make conversation or do anything social so I dont blame her. But that is why I am so sick of this. Ive tried other girls I get lots of numbers nothing works.. im not even attracted to girls im just going through the motions and faking it. Its sick andf worse my doctor thinks I make it up.. they say im depressed and all this ***t and to get on T is the only optoon.. its like really dude?

But yeah sorry for the rant im just honestly sick of looking at myself dying everyday and when I try things I get worse. Im gonna try what haidut said and see if a doctor will give it to me
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