Drinking Hydrogen Peroxide For Oxygen Therapy


Sep 15, 2017

So I stumbled upon this book in the "suggested" section of my amazon account. The title grabbed my attention so I was able to find a pdf online. In essence, the book proposes that taking hydrogen peroxide in controlled dosages orally will increase the oxygen content of blood. My original intuition was that this would kill you. Hydrogen Peroxide is an oxidizer after all. If it doesn't kill you, you could potentially get cancer due to free radicals (right?)

But upon further investigation, I realized that the way that the author has proposed consumption involves your stomach getting used to it. Meaning enzymes in your stomach (like catalase) break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. My question is that would this cause any problems? Is oxygenation automatically the same as oxidative stress? Would free radicals be floating in your bloodstream?

I looked at the reviews for the protocol. People who have tried it seem have nothing but positive results:
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases

And people online have cured their leukemia etc. One person in the comment section claims to have killed a brain tumor and been free for 2 years. I even found a youtube channel of a guy drinking it daily for years and treating stage 4 cancer, his friends curing celiacs and lyme as well

Given such an overwhelmingly positive set of anecdotes, I am of the belief that it may work; many pathogens die in an oxygenated environment. I think it may improve the bodies functioning in the short term. But on the flipside I think that weeks, months or years of this protocol may kill you. Or may increase damage to your tissues


Oct 11, 2015
It seems to be too good at killing h pylori which many people are dependebt upon for immune function. Otherwise its very beneficial....
Nov 21, 2015
I did find this
H. pylori exploits and manipulates innate and adaptive immune cell signaling pathways to establish persistent infection


H. pylori has co-evolved with its human host for at least 30.000 years [55]. In contrast to most other bacterial pathogens, which temporarily cause virulent disease but are then rapidly cleared upon the onset of a pathogen-specific adaptive immune response, H. pylori persists in its host for decades, if not for life. This extraordinary ability to thrive in the face of a robust and vigorous local and systemic immune response is due to elaborate evolutionary adaptations of H. pylori that allow the bacteria to not only escape detection by pattern recognition receptors on innate immune cells, but to also evade adaptive immunity. The immunomodulatory properties of the pathogen reprogram the immune system towards immunological tolerance and assist the bacteria in establishing persistent infection. A byproduct of H. pylori-specific immunomodulation and immune tolerance is evident in Western societies that have largely eliminated the infection due to reduced transmission rates, frequent use of antibiotics in childhood and better sanitation. In these populations, the rates of asthma, allergies and other chronic inflammatory and auto-immune diseases have reached epidemic proportions; the inverse correlation of the incidence of such diseases and H. pylor i infection rates is striking and deserves further investigation. A better understanding of the signaling pathways and molecular players targeted by H. pylori to manipulate the host immune response and establish and maintain persistence will be instrumental for improving rational H. pylori vaccine design and possibly for exploiting H. pylori's protective properties for asthma and allergy prevention and treatment.


Oct 11, 2015
h pylori provides tregs ( at least that was Dr. Ayers' explanation ) and is quite strongly negatively associated with athsma and some other things. It still sucks the life out of you... but it might prevent bigger problems in SOME cases. You know...like the pathogen is pinch hitting for some missing function(s) of the immune system.

Actually h pylori is one of the most interesting topics in medicine and is relevant to 90%+ of people.


Jan 6, 2015
Hydrogen peroxide is interesting for me.

In one of radio interviews ray warned about excess antioxidant supplementation , and he said for example in lungs we need some of these oxidants(i think he said hydrogen peroxide?!) Because they protect you against bacterias.

So especially im interest in spray inhaling diluted hydrogen peroxide.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Regarding oxidants, how about 'MMS' ('Miracle Mineral Supplement'):

First of all, what a poor choice of words! It comes in two bottles, one is 28% sodium chlorite (NaClO2) and the other a weak acid (50% citric acid, or 4-9% hydrochloric acid) when mixed together, a chemical reaction takes place and it produces chlorine dioxide, which is used in some countries as a water disinfectant. It is 10% more potent than chlorine and I read the abstract of a Swedish study, where the use of chlorine dioxide did not lead to lower birth weight, etc., as does with chlorine water disinfection. Chlorine dioxide is used at 0.5 ppm, this number seems important, since I calculated that a single drop of the activated solution comes to about 0.5 ppm when you take the amount of water (80% by weight) into account that is in a male adult of average weight. However, Jim Humble, who discovered its potential health benefits, suggest to slowly work yourself up to 15 drops, which I think is way too much. It gave me diarrhea when I approached 6 drops activated. With 6 activated drops I mean the mix of the six drops of sodium chlorite with a proportional amount of the 'activator', which is the acid.

And here I calculated the stoichiometric ratio for the use of citric acid and hydrochloric acid. For the 50% citric acid, it comes to a 4:1 mix, for each 4 drops of the sodium chlorite solution add only one drop of citric acid, otherwise you are left with too much citric acid left over. Especially important when used as a mouth wash, since you don't want any remaining acid to attack the teeth's enamel. For 9% hydrochloric acid it would be a 1:1 drop mixing ratio. I prefer hydrochloric acid, since it reacts much, much faster, essentially instantaneously. I use it in my hot tub, since I don't want to use chlorine or worse, bromide, which would affect your thyroid function. For my hot tub I use 10 gms of sodium chlorite and 20 gms of 4.5% hydrochloric acid, that brings the pool water to about 0.5 ppm. I like the dropper design from Keavy's Corner, that sells the chlorine dioxide products.

I also witnessed the complete recovery from early onset arthritis with chlorine dioxide:

This was in 2012 when I visited my mom in Germany and saw that her caretaker, a woman in her 60s, had swollen finger knuckles. I did not notice this the year before and so I asked her whether she had arthritis and she said yes and showed me that two of her fingers on her right hand were completely stiff, she could not use them anymore. I had my MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) travel kit with me and offered her to try it out, I wasn’t sure if it would work but after only 5 (!) days the swelling was gone and she showed me with a big smile that all her fingers had their mobility back. After my mom’s passing, about 2 years later, I asked her if her arthritis was still gone and she said yes. She took 4 activated drops of MMS at that time. But I think that a single activated drop would already be therapeutic. Then in an elderly female friend of my mom, who had rheumatoid arthritis, the 4 activated drops made her pain free after only two days!

I use the chlorine dioxide as a mouth wash, once a week, and my regular teeth cleaning appointments are always painless. I also swallow the chlorine dioxide, but only one activated drop. One should not use it together with an anti-oxidant, like vitamin C, of course, since these two would cancel each other out. I take my vitamins in the morning and the chlorine dioxide in the evening.


Mar 29, 2016
It gave me diarrhea when I approached 6 drops activated.

I had diarrhea taking antibiotics and/or biofilm disruptors. Once, I wanted to stop but decided against it, thinking that the diarrhea might be due to an increase in planktonic bacteria in the gut, or if not, the toxins from dead anaerobic bacteria, being released from disrupted biofilms in the gut lining. So I took some activated charcoal, and it stopped the diarrhea. I continued with my protocol, and after a while, I didn't need the activated charcoal anymore, as the biofilm colony eventually got removed. I didn't feel much improvement in my gut health, as I already had no issues with my gut, but my feces became more compact, and less watery, and I began to have ghost wipes, and got to save toilet paper. I think the lower water content in the feces meant the colon was letting more gut liquid to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream, as the liquid quality has improved - not containing much bacteria nor toxins.

I'm not sure, but I think a lot of people would stop treatment once diarrhea starts. And that would continue to let anaerobe pathogens cling to gut linings. Antibiotics alone can't remove the anaerobes, as they're protected by the biofilm. Taking some biofilm disruptors for a week or two before antibiotic treatment would help. One would know the biofilm has been broken when one feels some abnormal gut activity. That, I think, would be the sign to start taking antibiotics.

Wikipedia has nasty things to say about MMS, classifying it as pseudoscience. It likely has the dirty hands of Paul Offit (a miscreant doctor whose virulence comes close to that of a mass murderer). I'm interested in it but can't find it in Amazon. Do you know where I can order it? Or should I just make it myself by buying USP grade sodium chlorite and HCl?


Mar 29, 2016
I'm ordering a 35% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution and hope that by the time I get the item I'll have a protocol figured out (from research) on how to use it.

@Tarmander you had mentioned use of hydrogen peroxide in passing, in your antibiotics podcast. Do you know how you'd go about it?

I'm continuing to find ways to effectively eliminate the anaerobic periodontal colony and its symbiotic microbiome, and would like to try oral hydrogen peroxide therapy. I'm hoping for something to take the place of antibiotics as removing the pathogenic biofilm colony in my blood vessels is going to be a long process, and I would like to avoid using antibiotics for fear that it will no longer be effective over a long period of time.

Hoping I won't have to go through either hydrogen peroxide or ozone IV therapy as they're more costly and more involved.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Interested in H2O2 orally too.
If it works and it,s safe would be great. People pay thousends for ozone therapy


Apr 30, 2015
I'm ordering a 35% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution and hope that by the time I get the item I'll have a protocol figured out (from research) on how to use it.

@Tarmander you had mentioned use of hydrogen peroxide in passing, in your antibiotics podcast. Do you know how you'd go about it?

I'm continuing to find ways to effectively eliminate the anaerobic periodontal colony and its symbiotic microbiome, and would like to try oral hydrogen peroxide therapy. I'm hoping for something to take the place of antibiotics as removing the pathogenic biofilm colony in my blood vessels is going to be a long process, and I would like to avoid using antibiotics for fear that it will no longer be effective over a long period of time.

Hoping I won't have to go through either hydrogen peroxide or ozone IV therapy as they're more costly and more involved.

Brion was the one who was always into peroxide...I have actually rarely used it over the years


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
[QUOTE="Wikipedia has nasty things to say about MMS, classifying it as pseudoscience. It likely has the dirty hands of Paul Offit (a miscreant doctor whose virulence comes close to that of a mass murderer). I'm interested in it but can't find it in Amazon. Do you know where I can order it? Or should I just make it myself by buying USP grade sodium chlorite and HCl?[/QUOTE]

We are taking MMS (chlorine dioxide) now daily as a preventative against COVID-19, I ordered mine from KV Lab (kvlab.com) but it took three weeks. Friends of mine in Germany take three activated drops three times daily. Most of the time, I take two times three drops, at least two hours separated from vitamin C. There are now several success stories posted on mmstestimonials.co regarding COVID-19. There are also many other testimonials on almost every illness.

Reading posts here and articles on Mercola.com and elsewhere, I am not anymore sure if the coronavirus is alone responsible for the severe pneumonia that kills the severely ill patients. Including the use of pure oxygen, which we know from Dr. Peat is a no-no. I wonder if the high incidence in New York is also related to 9-11, the poisonous dust must have affected a huge number of New Yorkers. I met a man here in Reno who was exposed to the dust and has to have dialysis almost daily, he said it was caused by the dust from the building collapses on 9-11.


Apr 15, 2013
Where can you buy 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide? I only see 12% on amazon.


Apr 15, 2013
Could you use 3 drops of 12% food grade hydrogen peroxide to equal about 1 drop of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide?


Mar 29, 2016
Where can you buy 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide? I only see 12% on amazon.

Install a Tenta browser in your Android phone and it uses another search engine and you'll find many other stores online that sell hydrogen peroxide food grade 35%.

It also can VPN into many other countries so your search doesn't have to be restricted to one country.

Or use www.onesearch.com search engine
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2016
Brion was the one who was always into peroxide...I have actually rarely used it over the years

Oh yeah, he was the one who said it. I think he said try hydrogen peroxide first before resorting to Flagyl. That made quite an impression.

I'm now doing a dosage schedule that has me increasing the dosage from 3 x 3 drops/day increasing to 25 x 3 drops/day with 35% H2O2 - with distilled water or milk or fruit juice - as long as it's not chlorinated tap water.

Here's a very informative ebook on it, which I recommend for anyone interested:

FREE E-book

The same site also contains the many studies and articles regarding use of hydrogen peroxide for healing.

Regarding oxidants, how about 'MMS' ('Miracle Mineral Supplement'):

First of all, what a poor choice of words! It comes in two bottles, one is 28% sodium chlorite (NaClO2) and the other a weak acid (50% citric acid, or 4-9% hydrochloric acid) when mixed together, a chemical reaction takes place and it produces chlorine dioxide, which is used in some countries as a water disinfectant. It is 10% more potent than chlorine and I read the abstract of a Swedish study, where the use of chlorine dioxide did not lead to lower birth weight, etc., as does with chlorine water disinfection. Chlorine dioxide is used at 0.5 ppm, this number seems important, since I calculated that a single drop of the activated solution comes to about 0.5 ppm when you take the amount of water (80% by weight) into account that is in a male adult of average weight. However, Jim Humble, who discovered its potential health benefits, suggest to slowly work yourself up to 15 drops, which I think is way too much. It gave me diarrhea when I approached 6 drops activated. With 6 activated drops I mean the mix of the six drops of sodium chlorite with a proportional amount of the 'activator', which is the acid.

Chlorine dioxide is also recommended for large-scale decontamination of public places:

Coming Out of Lockdown Unprepared

3.5 Large-scale decontamination of public places.

The use of snow cannons has been suggested to disinfect public places, but the choice of agent to use is important. Chlorine dioxide gas (ClO2) is the disinfectant for public places that I recommend, it is very well understood and leaves no pollution after use. It must be produced on site due to the instability of this gas, and the cleanest reaction to obtain it is a mixture of sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid: 5NaClO2 + 4HCl → 4ClO2↑ + 5NaCl + 2H2O. (we can also start from sodium chlorate which is cheaper: 5NaClO3 + 6HCl → 6ClO2↑ + 5NaCl + 3H2O).


Mar 29, 2016
Great ideas @yerrag thank you.
And thank Trump as well! If not for his 'disinfectant' comment, I wouldn't be looking into hydrogen peroxide at all. The swines were looking into Lysol lol
Nov 21, 2015
And thank Trump as well! If not for his 'disinfectant' comment, I wouldn't be looking into hydrogen peroxide at all. The swines were looking into Lysol lol

after I got a very bad flu and it got better, the next day I felt much worse and suspected pneumonia so I went to the doctor (very very rare for me) for a chest x-ray. The doctor was a contract employee of urgent care, but he was fairly unusual and he thought I had COVID-19 and recommended I get hydrogen peroxide intravenous therapy (but not from him -- he didn't know who offers this, but thought it was a good idea.) Good for a few doctors like this who aren't completely close minded.
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