Effects Of Fruit On Your Mental State


Nov 21, 2012
@gately white sugar I already had to avoid during my previous try. Back then I handled sugar from maple syrup,coconut and cane sugar a bit better, but it seems sugar overall isn't a good fit for me.....it's too much like crack.
I do take a couple of sips of lemon juice daily.

lol.....I'd say 150grams is moderate carb. I'd guess my carb intake is around 30grams daily,if not lower (I eat according to appetite and don't track them).


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
Just out of curiosity, how do you handle sugar? Obviously if you're benefiting from low-carb, I don't want to dissuade you. I do not think low-carb diets are inherently unhealthy like most on here people seem to think. (In fact, I personally feel optimal with a relatively low-carb diet, around 150 grams of net carbs, and wish I could handle going lower to 72 grams for all the other benefits). But I handle sugar much better than I handle fruit, though I still try keep my consumption on the low end.

I myself have wild blueberries often and enjoy having fresh lime/lemon with my water once a day.

The high fruit/sugar consumption on this forum used to confound me. It wasn't that it offended some outdated sensibility about nutrition, but that having been in the trenches with the extremely (and often mysteriously) sick for a decade, I can it say it plainly makes most chronically sick people much, much worse--including myself. But then I'd come across an anecdote, often on this forum, of someone who it would resolutely work for. (Typically this was someone with a metabolic or hormonal issue, and not someone with, say, an autoimmune disorder.) So I began researching it more. This is how it seems to me now: that for whatever reason, some people do better with starches as a staple, and some do better with fruit as a staple, and some people are so damaged they need to eschew carbohydrates to whatever degree is needed (anywhere from zero-carb to roughly 72 net grams) to restore their health. I now think figuring out your optimal carbohydrate source and intake to be the most important aspect of any restorative-healing diet. Even Aajonus, who I mentioned above, would admit a few of his clients handled high fruit consumption very well. There's just no one-sized fits all approach, despite the mantra of fruit repeated here. While the mexicoke meme (and honestly a whole host of peatisms) irks me as well, I do love the sense of self-experimentation and openness to new ideas that drives the heart of this forum.

I think here more than anywhere else the ability to think for yourself and looking out how your body handles things without engaging in delusive thinking becomes very important. There's a very fine line between ideas that are fringe because of systemic bias or fads and ideas that are fringe because they're bad ideas and this forum seems to be having a nice campout on that line.

re: sugar

Simple sugar used to ruin my mental state for 24 or more hours after ingesting and I would balloon off of it pretty rapidly. Since fixing microbiome issues I crave it every now and again and seem to run slightly faster, even having trouble gaining weight despite drinking what is probably an unhealthy amount of limeade lol. The more time I spend looking at what following even very good health science can do to people depending on their preexisting issues and states the more I lean towards consultations being the ideal way to handle people's medical issues since there's simply no way a normal person can sort through everything that might be good or bad depending on changing individual conditions


Aug 9, 2019
Personally,mental state is overall better on high fruit / fructose vs starch. I also strongly feel the anti-stress properties of fruit and fruit juice, especially.


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
Personally,mental state is overall better on high fruit / fructose vs starch. I also strongly feel the anti-stress properties of fruit and fruit juice, especially.

Have you noticed any difference between concentrate and non concentrate? Personally for me it goes squeezed on site is better than organic concentrate which is better than "organic" (i'm skeptical) juice which is better than non-organics


Aug 23, 2018
For me, it's mixed. Some starch, some fruits. More fruits in the summer amd more starch in the winter.


Dec 12, 2019
Also for me Cold Pressed Juices. Mostly I Drink OJ for Breakfast. I Eat Starch also Daily BUT mostly later in the Day (like Pre-/After Workout or in the Late Afternoon).


Feb 5, 2015
Also for me Cold Pressed Juices. Mostly I Drink OJ for Breakfast. I Eat Starch also Daily BUT mostly later in the Day (like Pre-/After Workout or in the Late Afternoon).

I wonder if that would be way to mitigate negative starch effect on mood - do some light lifting workout or cardio before eating it.

I tend to handle it better on days I work (physical job). However when I am sedentary it's like willingly choosing to experience depressive states by eating potatoes lol.


May 4, 2019
I wonder if that would be way to mitigate negative starch effect on mood - do some light lifting workout or cardio before eating it.

I tend to handle it better on days I work (physical job). However when I am sedentary it's like willingly choosing to experience depressive states by eating potatoes lol.

I have the same reaction to potatoes, if I want to get physically and mentally sick all I have to do is eat some taters. Worst food for me. On paper the potato should be great but not for me at least. Also Ayurveda deems it as an "unwholesome" food.

When it comes to starches I do way better with whole grains and bread, they feel quite dopaminergic sometimes. Though at the moment I can't eat them as staples as I get a backlog of fermenting material in my small intestine/colon and health quickly goes down the drain. My goal is to fix digestion so I can eat some damn bread without falling apart.


Feb 5, 2015
I have the same reaction to potatoes, if I want to get physically and mentally sick all I have to do is eat some taters. Worst food for me. On paper the potato should be great but not for me at least. Also Ayurveda deems it as an "unwholesome" food.

When it comes to starches I do way better with whole grains and bread, they feel quite dopaminergic sometimes. Though at the moment I can't eat them as staples as I get a backlog of fermenting material in my small intestine/colon and health quickly goes down the drain. My goal is to fix digestion so I can eat some damn bread without falling apart.

Did you ever find out why potatoe seemingly superfood can be so notorious? There is this nightshade intolerance thing going on but for me it never manifests as joint pain, runny nose or etc. It's always submissive - melancholic mental state and urge to self isolate. Even being very active barely helps with that.

Too bad juices and fruits keeps my blood sugar up slightly longer than TV commercials lol. And as far as eating high fat to provide such effect it has other unpleasant issues. So I am stuck eating tubers as less often as possible.

Whats been your experience?


May 4, 2019
Did you ever find out why potatoe seemingly superfood can be so notorious? There is this nightshade intolerance thing going on but for me it never manifests as joint pain, runny nose or etc. It's always submissive - melancholic mental state and urge to self isolate. Even being very active barely helps with that.

Too bad juices and fruits keeps my blood sugar up slightly longer than TV commercials lol. And as far as eating high fat to provide such effect it has other unpleasant issues. So I am stuck eating tubers as less often as possible.

Whats been your experience?

I don't know... maybe it's the glycoalkaloids (solanine, chaconine etc), or it's the oxalates, the lectins, some undiscovered potato poison, or it's the long starch molecules that are particularly resistant to digestion and feed bad bacteria/SIBO, or it's all of these together :fearscream:

Same experience with fruit, I feel like crap eating lots of fruit - jittery, anxious, nervous energy, can't maintain stable blood sugar and get unpleasant adrenaline surges. Never felt worse than when I was listening to the "medical medium" and eating fruit all day in winter lol.

Fortunately, I tolerate dairy products and meat (and some honey) just fine so that's most of my calories now. Also some well-cooked vegetables. But definitely want to bring in bread and oats when I've sorted my digestion/dysbiosis out.


Jan 25, 2014
Our ancestors weren't emotionally damaged as us. That explains something.


Dec 12, 2019
I wonder if that would be way to mitigate negative starch effect on mood - do some light lifting workout or cardio before eating it.

I tend to handle it better on days I work (physical job). However when I am sedentary it's like willingly choosing to experience depressive states by eating potatoes lol.
Yeah, try it out. Maybe it lessens the Negative Effect.


Mar 5, 2018
I do
1. proteins / fats / veggies for breakfast,
2. then for second breakfast have fruit / honey
3. then for lunch starches (sweet potatoes and taro)

Meal 1 helps me tolerate meal 2, if I reverse order I feel anxious, hard to focus, etc.
Meal 2 helps me tolerate meal 3 better, if I don’t get enough fruits / honey starch at meal 3 will crash me 2-3 hours after
Meal 3 is my last meal of the day and I don’t eat after it.

if I get enough calories / nutritions day before everything goes better / more tolerable next day. Also breakfast is my most sensitive meal of the day. Worse thing I can eat for breakfast are starches. But they are perfect (and needed) for lunch.
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Oct 19, 2019
For me honeydew melon, mango, pineapple, papaya, cooked apple/raisins, oranges/OJ all work really well (and honey) and I don't miss starch at all. Key is having enough fat with them, mainly from whole milk, eggs and cocoa butter for me, average around 100g fat a day.

High fruit with low fat was no fun, no matter the protein amount.


Mar 5, 2018
For me honeydew melon, mango, pineapple, papaya, cooked apple/raisins, oranges/OJ all work really well (and honey) and I don't miss starch at all. Key is having enough fat with them, mainly from whole milk, eggs and cocoa butter for me, average around 100g fat a day.

High fruit with low fat was no fun, no matter the protein amount.
Do you take any supplements / thyroid, etc?


Oct 19, 2019
@jet9 B1 and nutritional yeast, magnesium, K2 once or twice a week, Vit E once in a while and UVB lamp for D. A drop of methylene blue in OJ with magnesium and B1 on waking. If ever I feel my gut is a little unhappy before bed some activated charcoal.

Thinking of trying small amounts of DHEA/Progesterone or possibly T3 once winter comes back around.


Jun 8, 2021
Just out of curiosity, how do you handle sugar? Obviously if you're benefiting from low-carb, I don't want to dissuade you. I do not think low-carb diets are inherently unhealthy like most on here people seem to think. (In fact, I personally feel optimal with a relatively low-carb diet, around 150 grams of net carbs, and wish I could handle going lower to 72 grams for all the other benefits). But I handle sugar much better than I handle fruit, though I still try keep my consumption on the low end.

I myself have wild blueberries often and enjoy having fresh lime/lemon with my water once a day.

The high fruit/sugar consumption on this forum used to confound me. It wasn't that it offended some outdated sensibility about nutrition, but that having been in the trenches with the extremely (and often mysteriously) sick for a decade, I can it say it plainly makes most chronically sick people much, much worse--including myself. But then I'd come across an anecdote, often on this forum, of someone who it would resolutely work for. (Typically this was someone with a metabolic or hormonal issue, and not someone with, say, an autoimmune disorder.) So I began researching it more. This is how it seems to me now: that for whatever reason, some people do better with starches as a staple, and some do better with fruit as a staple, and some people are so damaged they need to eschew carbohydrates to whatever degree is needed (anywhere from zero-carb to roughly 72 net grams) to restore their health. I now think figuring out your optimal carbohydrate source and intake to be the most important aspect of any restorative-healing diet. Even Aajonus, who I mentioned above, would admit a few of his clients handled high fruit consumption very well. There's just no one-sized fits all approach, despite the mantra of fruit repeated here. While the mexicoke meme (and honestly a whole host of peatisms) irks me as well, I do love the sense of self-experimentation and openness to new ideas that drives the heart of this forum.
Great post ?


Feb 12, 2020
I can’t tolerate a lot of fruit anymore. It gives me gas and loose stools and I feel cold. I also feel weak in that I can’t perform physical work or sport. I don’t get this surge of strength and energy. However when I eat watermelon I can feel the inflammation in my body reduce, my skin instantly calms down

Starch on the other hand (potatoes) -more satiating, energising, warming. most reliable way to maintain weight but it’s a bit heavy, sometimes I get brain fog, face gets inflamed, rosacea and I do notice a correlation with forehead pores congestion. Gotta wait for hours to consume anything else before and after eating starch. Grains seem to induce gut pain right now. white fleshed sweet potatoes were better but they’re not available here

meat- helps mental stability and sleep. However don’t have the stomach acid necessary to eat lots of it. Sometimes it can make me feel heavy for hours. I have to supplement hcl and sometimes that damages my stomach

Fat- have limited capacity to consume fat. It has improved but not to the point I can make it a primary calorie source. Plant fats seems to digest easier than tallow and the like. Break out from ghee. More fat has been better for my hormonal health and weight

Dairy including ghee- get acne the very same day, cystic too, sometimes gut problems, dermatitis etc, face gets inflamed. On the other hand I had years in the past when I didn’t react like that so it’s either bacterial gut problem or I overloaded myself with vitamin A by eating hundreds of sticks of butter in my youth. At one point butter and bread was 80% of my diet. Trying to get myself to tolerate it because teeth could be healthier but not working so far

Fruit-like vegetables- they’re fine, beneficial, a bit expensive to eat organic
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Mar 5, 2018
I can’t tolerate a lot of fruit anymore. It gives me gas and loose stools and I feel cold. I also feel weak in that I can’t perform physical work or sport. I don’t get this surge of strength and energy. However when I eat watermelon I can feel the inflammation in my body reduce, my skin instantly calms down

Starch on the other hand (potatoes) -more satiating, energising, warming. most reliable way to maintain weight but it’s a bit heavy, sometimes I get brain fog, face gets inflamed, rosacea and I do notice a correlation with forehead pores congestion. Gotta wait for hours to consume anything else before and after eating starch. Grains seem to induce gut pain right now. white fleshed sweet potatoes were better but they’re not available here

meat- helps mental stability and sleep. However don’t have the stomach acid necessary to eat lots of it. Sometimes it can make me feel heavy for hours. I have to supplement hcl and sometimes that damages my stomach

Fat- have limited capacity to consume fat. It has improved but not to the point I can make it a primary calorie source. Plant fats seems to digest easier than tallow and the like. Break out from ghee. More fat has been better for my hormonal health and weight

Dairy including ghee- get acne the very same day, cystic too, sometimes gut problems, dermatitis etc, face gets inflamed. On the other hand I had years in the past when I didn’t react like that so it’s either bacterial gut problem or I overloaded myself with vitamin A by eating hundreds of sticks of butter in my youth. At one point butter and bread was 80% of my diet. Trying to get myself to tolerate it because teeth could be healthier but not working so far

Fruit-like vegetables- they’re fine, beneficial, a bit expensive to eat organic
I see you tolerate watermelon well. Are you sure then it's not fiber in fruits that cause you problems? How do you tolerate low fiber fruits? honeydrew, papaya, etc? And what about fruits juices?
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