Forums, Websites, Blogs Where They Are Discussing Ray Peat


May 27, 2015
What an awesome accomplishment on ray's part, to think one person could change a whole system ..


Re: Forums, Websites, Blogs Where They Are Discussing Ray Pe

And because people like visual examples, point out the difference between an eskimo woman and a SE asia woman:
(Philippines) ... -small.jpg

If fish oil is so great for the skin, why are the benefits not seen in eskimo women? They eat plenty of fish oil but still have very poor skin. SE asia women traditionally use coconut oil while only eating low fat fish and have the best skin on earth. Keep in mind that SE asia women also get 4-fold more sun exposure than women in Alaska.

Very good point.


Feb 9, 2013
This guy sounds seriously angry. Is Fish Oil Just a Massive, Artery-Clogging Scam? « AnthonyColpo

"Ray Peat has written a heap about the fish oils and it looks like not only a massive con but something that is pretty bad for us(4)."

Why thank you Walter, how nice of you to insinuate I'm involved in a massive con. Obviously another advanced graduate of The Pee Pee School of Social Diplomacy. I've long been recommending fish oil, and I've done so only because an extensive review of the scientific evidence has convinced me it's the right thing to do. For the record, I don't have - and never had - any financial stake in fish oil or any other omega-3 product.

And no offense to Ray Peat, I'm sure he's a nice guy who's sincere about what he does, and I have no desire to start a pissing contest with the bloke, but...if I'm going to place my future health in the hands of a couple of Internet articles that fail to discuss a boatload of contradictory research, or data from randomized controlled clinical trials, well...

Walter, if Gary Taubes and Ray Peat are your almighty Gods whose teachings you subscribe to with unquestioning faith, then good for you. If you have already decided they are the most convincing of dietary commentators and thus you no longer have to critically analyse anything they say, then please show some courtesy and don't waste my time with cocksure emails informing me of your "gripes" - gripes that I have already debunked a hundred times before. I hate to sound like a broken record, but it kinda irks me when people write pissing and moaning about stuff I've already explained in detail numerous times previously.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Richard from drinking orange juice and milk with his "Ray Peat Hack"?

Richard Nikoley said:
I feel and felt ******* awesome. Exceedingly calm. But I was mostly trying to discern the purported stress reduction element and I think I got some resolution.

Some great comments and quotes in the comments section.

My Own Ray Peat Hack of Orange Juice and Milk - 2 Days
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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