Heavy bleeding



Apr 17, 2014
First 2 days of not bleeding (spotting or flooding) in 2 months. Slight headache but it feels like what I would call a hormonal headache and I can live with it. (Morning coffee helps). I went ahead with the colonic yesterday and that could explain the headache. I have a tone of excess estrogen to lose. Diet going well, I need to check out other people's recipes. Not that I am not flooding, I realize that it was my bodies way of getting rid of all the estrogen. I am looking at past pictures and man was I red and bloated in the face. I know the thyroid needs some work and once the hormones seem a bit more balanced, onto the thyroid. I see the doctor on Monday and will have all necessary blood levels checked. This might be TMI but t3 days ago when I last had spotting, I passed a glob of tissue that in all likelihood was a cyst (it didn't look like typical clots I had been having with the flooding). It will be interesting to see what they find if they do another ultrasound. There are no words to express my deepest gratitude for finding this group. Though I had planned to fight a hysterectomy, I was going to go with an ablation but after reading other's stories, I am glad I was spared that. I think I have some awesome guardian angels looking out for me and they led me to this group. For that, I am eternally grateful. Off to finish my yummy coffee and have some chicken livers and OJ for breakfast. You guys rock! :mrgreen:


Apr 17, 2014
So I went to see this new doc today that was recommended to me because she is open to doing things naturally. Sigh. It didn't go well. She rolled her eyes at the Progest-E, wanted to insert some metal thing into my uterus that would send out estradil (?), like I need more estrogen! She said I could stay on the bio-identical progesterone which I do not think is doing anything but the Progest-E is. She said my TSH looked fine last year, not thyroid, um and would do iron but not other labs because they cost too much. I give up trying to get anywhere with a medical doctor. My next step is my thyroid. I have been taking Standard Process Thytropin PMG which has NDT in it. Not ideal but I want to use up the bottle. I have spent thousands out of pocket and will have to continue to because I get no where "in network!" Uncle. I will stick to Peat's work and this forum. I am still not bleeding and feeling great. Gotta be heading in the right direction. My temps have been up slightly with the Standard process and I am gradually increasing the amount. I have Thiroyd from Thailand I bought last year and kept in a cool dark cupboard so I will use that when the SP is done. Off to find some info on getting that thyroid back on track and off to drink my OJ. TX all!


Jan 3, 2014
Glad you feel you're going in the right direction. Bleeding can be scary and you end up being rushed into something you may later regret. Being able to note progress and also feel less rushed into things is definitely progress and the same approach to the next steps you take, could take you far. That doc sounds scary too. If we can remove scaremongering and panic we are that much more free.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hoodlt said:
So I went to see this new doc today that was recommended to me because she is open to doing things naturally. Sigh. It didn't go well. She rolled her eyes at the Progest-E, wanted to insert some metal thing into my uterus that would send out estradil (?), like I need more estrogen! She said I could stay on the bio-identical progesterone which I do not think is doing anything but the Progest-E is. She said my TSH looked fine last year, not thyroid, um and would do iron but not other labs because they cost too much. I give up trying to get anywhere with a medical doctor. My next step is my thyroid. I have been taking Standard Process Thytropin PMG which has NDT in it. Not ideal but I want to use up the bottle. I have spent thousands out of pocket and will have to continue to because I get no where "in network!" Uncle. I will stick to Peat's work and this forum. I am still not bleeding and feeling great. Gotta be heading in the right direction. My temps have been up slightly with the Standard process and I am gradually increasing the amount. I have Thiroyd from Thailand I bought last year and kept in a cool dark cupboard so I will use that when the SP is done. Off to find some info on getting that thyroid back on track and off to drink my OJ. TX all!
Thanks for sharing your story. It's all too common for physicians to dismiss things they no nothing about and I'm glad you had the insight into your situation enough to not let that effect you. Even the doctors open to 'natural' treatments seem to be operating on the same flawed view of the human body. In many ways they are just as dangerous. Hats off to you hoodit! :hattip


Jul 24, 2013
Hoodlt said:
It didn't go well. She rolled her eyes at the Progest-E, wanted to insert some metal thing into my uterus that would send out estradil (?), like I need more estrogen! She said I could stay on the bio-identical progesterone which I do not think is doing anything but the Progest-E is. She said my TSH looked fine last year, not thyroid, um and would do iron but not other labs because they cost too much. I give up trying to get anywhere with a medical doctor.

Progest-E is (of course) a different formulation and delivery of bio-identical progesterone. It sounds like the OB/Gyn was raising the possibility of using a vaginal/uterine estradiol ring, which is "at least" delivering a much lower dose of estradiol than pills.

It's reasonable medical practice, when conditions have changed, to test the TSH once a year, or more. Why is the physician fussing about the cost of lab tests? And even if she is, the routine TSH test should be cheap. Also, get the exact TSH number (and the date it was done), rather than a declaration that the numerical value looked "fine".

Was there any interest by the new doctor in your dramatic relief with progesterone?


Apr 17, 2014
Still feeling good with the Progest-E. In a few weeks, I am going to take a break and see what my period is like when it returns. When you go off, do you taper or just stop for a bit cold turkey. Food is going well as I like most things Peat recommends. Still confused about potatoes but they seem to agree with me so I am sticking to them. Started the Thytropin PMG and it is going well. Temps in the upper 97's and sometimes a 98 + (which never happened before!). Can someone tell me why I am now recalling all my dreams in detail with the Progest-e? Thanks.
Jan 24, 2014
I'm so glad to hear things are going well for you!

When I stop taking Progest-E orally I do stop cold turkey on day 27 of my cycle, but I continue to use it topically...makes for a FABULOUS lip gloss! :cool:

I had intensely realistic dreams with vivid recall and nightmares when I was low-carbing. They continued for a bit when I first started Peating, but I have not had nightmares in months. I still dream, but my recall is much more vague and thankfully they are never scary.

I chocked it up to my body transitioning to better nutrition and less stress. I dunno, just my unscientific two cents. :2cents


Jul 24, 2013
Hoodlt said:
Still feeling good with the Progest-E....Started the Thytropin PMG and it is going well. Temps in the upper 97's and sometimes a 98 + (which never happened before!). Can someone tell me why I am now recalling all my dreams in detail with the Progest-e? Thanks.

Sleep is dependent on metabolic energy. Though it's simplistic to say, it's closer to a recharging state than an inactive state. Improved metabolism consistently helps sleep become more restorative. Better dream recall is also frequent.

My experience and that of my friends is that both progesterone and pregnenolone can evoke more vivid dreams for some people, at some times. Fortunately, the vivid dreams are usually pleasant or compelling, rather than disturbing.

Dr. Peat has some things to say about sleep in Mind and Tissue book.

Excuse me for saying so, I am a bit wary of the Thyrotropin PMG products. It's unclear how much thyroid is in it, and what constituents are there. Standard Process only says that the levothyroxine is removed. The nature of "Protomorphogens" of all their glandulars remain unspecified. Bio-identical T3 and T4, or NDT, have clearer disclosure about ingredients. You might consider them after your Thyrotropin PMG trial. The temp increase could easily be the effect of better natural progesterone (Progest-E) delivery.


Feb 12, 2014
Hoodlt wrote
"So I went to see this new doc today that was recommended to me because she is open to doing things naturally…
….um and would do iron but not other labs because they cost too much. "

I feel your pain Hoodlt and I and many others have to work on our own health by educating ourselves.

I ditched my first "doctor" because he was totally rude and insisted that there was nothing wrong with me because my blood labs were "normal." I went to an "integrative" doctor thinking that this would be the answer. He was nice and he really did try to help, but NOW I realize that the medical system is a construct and the doctors training forces them into total obedience to this system.

He sent me out for loads of tests- MRI, carotid doppler, ENT, etc… Then he diagnosed me with "CFS/ME" and instead of alternative treatments, I got drugs and none worked and some really sickened me more. After over four years, I said no more of this.

Your statement about that doctor claiming that the labs "cost to much" is really telling and this doctor really slipped up in front of you by revealing this tidbit about how they deliver medical care.

My doctor sent me out to a lot of other "specialists". A nurse in an "Allergy" practice made the comment that I had "good insurance" and that this would cover the tests and treatments that they offered. Not only was this a totally inappropriate statement to make in front of any patient; I ended up with several substantial co-pays and I never went back because I had allergy shots years ago and they did not work.

The vultures suss us out by our "insurance" and determine how much meat they can pick off our "cash cow" carcasses.


Apr 17, 2014
Excuse me for saying so, I am a bit wary of the Thyrotropin PMG products. It's unclear how much thyroid is in it, and what constituents are there. Standard Process only says that the levothyroxine is removed. The nature of "Protomorphogens" of all their glandulars remain unspecified. Bio-identical T3 and T4, or NDT, have clearer disclosure about ingredients. You might consider them after your Thyrotropin PMG trial. The temp increase could easily be the effect of better natural progesterone (Progest-E) delivery.

I appreciate the info. I have the book, Stop the Thyroid Madness but they really stress finding a NDT doc and that isn't happening around here for me so I am going it alone. Thanks for the info.
Jan 24, 2014
Hoodlt said:
I appreciate the info. I have the book, Stop the Thyroid Madness but they really stress finding a NDT doc and that isn't happening around here for me so I am going it alone. Thanks for the info.

My personal experience has been that one is definitely waaaaay better off by "going it alone". Keep reading and educating yourself (especially RP's articles), you will figure out just exactly what is right for YOU.

I was on NDT for years, but now I get my thyroid meds from Mexico and I order labs online. I don't bother with doctors anymore....VERY freeing!


Feb 12, 2014
Hoodlt wrote
I appreciate the info. I have the book, Stop the Thyroid Madness but they really stress finding a NDT doc and that isn't happening around here for me so I am going it alone. Thanks for the info.

Rough Justice in the United Kingdom: GMC Suspends Dr. Barry Durrant-Peatfield
by Mary Shomon

Dr. Barry Durrant Peatfield, MD worked in the UK studied at the Broda Barnes Institute. He helped quite a lot of people with thyroid/metabolic disorders. His license was revoked and he was near retirement age so he left his practice. Unfortunately, this is what happens even if a doctor has an excellent clinical reputation. Surely the same scenario exists is the US. No wonder we can't find doctors to even recognize that thyroid/metabolic problems even exist at all.

Ray Peat stated that when all the hocus-pocus with the changing thyroid testing numbers occurred, the actual percentage of hypothyroid which was approx. 40% of the population magically was reduced to 5%.(I doubt at this point now they even diagnose 2%, let alone 5%, and 40% is perhaps even higher )

from Ray Peat
Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud
Until the second world war, hypothyroidism was diagnosed on the basis of BMR (basal metabolic rate) and a large group of signs and symptoms. In the late 1940s, promotion of the (biologically inappropriate) PBI (protein-bound iodine) blood test in the U.S. led to the concept that only 5% of the population were hypothyroid, and that the 40% identified by "obsolete" methods were either normal, or suffered from other problems such as sloth and gluttony, or "genetic susceptibility" to disease.

This is why we are in this terrible position, and many have suffered needlessly and way too long. Tragically, most will never even know about this at all...


Jul 24, 2013
Hoodlt said:
I appreciate the info. I have the book, Stop the Thyroid Madness but they really stress finding a NDT doc and that isn't happening around here for me so I am going it alone. Thanks for the info.

The STTM website and book are progressive and pioneering. I check them out now and then. They have some good resource listings. My views, based on relief for myself and my friends, are closer to Dr. Peat's guidance.

It's surely ideal to have an ally who is wise and helpful and has clout in the prescribing system of your region. Many of us have to go on with less than ideal resources. You've made great progress already after a daunting problem. Peat-ing is usually an upward spiral. Boosting one metabolic factor helps the others. Progesterone boosts thyroid function, and vice versa.


Apr 17, 2014
So I am starting a 2 week break from the Progest-E to see if I get my period back and how it will be. I like the way I feel better on the Progesterone but I think it will be good to see. I can't wait for summer to have some fresh fruit back in season. I haven't been eating as Peatish as I would like but I think with more time in the summer it will get better.


Apr 17, 2014
Wow! It has been almost 2 months since my last post. For the most part, LIFE IS GOOD. I think the Progest-E was the single biggest factor in the change. It halted the flooding and has given me the chance to re-build my iron (and psyche!). I was using it non-stop until I felt better and then switched to a 2 week cycle. I got some spotting when I was on it, so I went off to see how I felt and my period came (in a very orderly fashion and very manageable). I am due for another ultrasound so it will be interesting to see. For the most part, I am following a Peat was to eat. My temps are good, I started in NDT and am sitting under a red lamp and hour or so a day. I think my only complaint is weight gain. If I had weight I needed to gain that would be one thing. My stomach, my hips and thighs are chunking out and I would rather not but I am trying to stay on this healthy path. I am doing yoga 5-6 time a week, walking an hour a day but still I keep on expanding. I know when I get to the doc. the next time, I will no longer be considered borderline obese but fill blown obese. If anyone has any ideas for taking off weight, I am open. The biggies that I am eating are lots of raw dairy, any fruit I can get in season, organ meat 1-2 times a week, eggs, lots of orange juice, gelatin in my oj and coffee (with raw milk and honey.). I occasionally do grains (wheat, popcorn, etc) but not very often. Any ideas Peat People? Thanks all!


Jul 24, 2013
Hoodlt said:
... I think the Progest-E was the single biggest factor in the change. It halted the flooding and has given me the chance to re-build my iron (and psyche!). I was using it non-stop until I felt better and then switched to a 2 week cycle.... My temps are good, I started in NDT and am sitting under a red lamp and hour or so a day. I think my only complaint is weight gain. If I had weight I needed to gain that would be one thing. My stomach, my hips and thighs are chunking out and I would rather not but I am trying to stay on this healthy path. Any ideas...?

Thanks for the report. It is very encouraging to hear about the improvement. Good for you, and great to see the utilization of so many resources.

One thing that comes to mind is to divide the total NDT amount so that it is taken frequently during the day while delivering fairly small amounts of the T3 portion. I don't mean to speak for them, but I think the STTM viewpoint emphasizes this less.

IMNHO, it is generally best to chew or crush an NDT preparation, since some people have reduced absorption with some of the excipients in the different NDT forms. Dr. Peat's more usual guidance AFAIK is to use bio-identical T3 in addition to a T4/T3 combination for steadier T3 supply throughout the day. Taking NDT more frequently is an approximation, which is more governed by the fixed ratio of T4 to T3 in NDT.

If you are already doing this, you might look at ways to reduce cortisol effects, if there is increasing size around the middle.


"Since T3 has a short half life, it should be taken frequently. If the liver isn't producing a noticeable amount of T3, it is usually helpful to take a few micorgrams per hour. Since it restores respiration and metabolic efficiency very quickly, it isn't usually necessary to take it every hour or two, but until normal temperature and pulse have been achieved and stabilized, sometimes it's necessary to take it four or more times during the day. T4 acts by being changed to T3, so it tends to accumulate in the body, and on a given dose, usually reaches a steady concentration after about two weeks.

An effective way to use supplements is to take a combination T4-T3 dose, e.g., 40 mcg of T4 and 10 mcg of T3 once a day, and to use a few mcg of T3 at other times in the day. Keeping a 14-day chart of pulse rate and temperature allows you to see whether the dose is producing the desired response. If the figures aren't increasing at all after a few days, the dose can be increased, until a gradual daily increment can be seen, moving toward the goal at the rate of about 1/14 per day"
Jan 24, 2014
Hoodlt said:
Wow! It has been almost 2 months since my last post....I think my only complaint is weight gain. If I had weight I needed to gain that would be one thing. My stomach, my hips and thighs are chunking out and I would rather not but I am trying to stay on this healthy path. I am doing yoga 5-6 time a week, walking an hour a day but still I keep on expanding. I know when I get to the doc. the next time, I will no longer be considered borderline obese but fill blown obese. If anyone has any ideas for taking off weight, I am open. The biggies that I am eating are lots of raw dairy, any fruit I can get in season, organ meat 1-2 times a week, eggs, lots of orange juice, gelatin in my oj and coffee (with raw milk and honey.). I occasionally do grains (wheat, popcorn, etc) but not very often. Any ideas Peat People? Thanks all!

The only meager advice that I can suggest is to avoid any and all forms of wheat like the plague and perhaps popcorn too until you metabolise starches better. I know starch was/is an issue for me personally. Are you tracking calories and nutrition on Cron-O-Meter?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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