Heavy bleeding



Apr 17, 2014
Me again! Okay, so my flooding stopped in April, very light period in May, June I went off Progest-E to get my period but nothing happened. Same thing in July, nothing. So I stopped it completely. I am on NDT and thought maybe that was helping things go well. No period in August either. September arrived (just in time for the start of school and I am a teacher who can't take frequent bathroom breaks!) and wham-o. The flooding has arrived in full force. I immediately started on the Progest-E that was in my refrigerator for the last few months. I did the 3 drops, 5 times a day and it isn't working. I went back and re-read all the posts and I know about K1. I just don't like to take synthetic vitamins. I prefer they come through food sources. I have been taking Cayenne (which has K1) and that slows the flow right down but when the Cayenne wears off, I am back to large clots and lots of blood. I am working on keeping up the iron with liver and molasses in my coffee. Any ideas, oh wise ones? For the record, I still think all of you rock!
Jan 24, 2014
Try taking MORE Progest-E, a lot more. Also, I recall that you were struggling with weight gain. Is that still an issue? I know for me, I had more estrogen problems when I was carrying more body fat.


Apr 17, 2014
Yes, I was and still am. I will not make the same mistake going off the Progest-E. I was having good dreams, body temp was good and I thought maybe the no period meant it was menopause time. Turns out it was building up and building up. I am wondering if my Progest-e isn't good (I had it in the fridge) because the last time I hit it hard, it worked in 3 days. I have been on it for over a week but have ordered more. I also found a whole food vitamin K and am taking that. Fingers crossed.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Sorry to hear about the set back after going off Progest-e. I'm hopeful that starting it again will help get you back to feeling better soon. Progest-e has always helped me and I've been using it for about a year now. I can't imagine going back to a life without it honestly. Haidut's product estro-ban is a wonderful combination of the fat soluble vitamins which includes k and is specifically designed to help lower estrogen. That supplement might be worth researching as an option to help with increased estrogen issues. The quality is superb in my opinion. I have no affiliation with estro-ban other than as a satisfied customer. I think your Progest-e should still be good especially since it was stored in the refrigerator. My body's responses to Progest-e vary a bit and I think it's probably my hormones and not the product although I obviously can't guarantee that 100%. Best of luck to you, it was nice to hear an update. Please keep us posted.


Apr 17, 2014
Feel like I totally own this one for thinking I didn't need the Progest-E. Waiting for my fresh supply, taking some K in the meantime. Thanks!
Jan 24, 2014
For what it's worth, I did the same thing. I quit taking Progest-E after taking high doses for several months. I guess I was hoping my body would take over and produce more progesterone on it's own and I kinda wanted to see if the benefits would last. After a couple months of not taking it, I am beginning to get slight PMS symptoms, irritable and tender swollen breasts, which I have not had any for a very long time. To be fair tho, I recently spent a week in Mexico eating massive amounts of corn (something I never eat at home), resort food (certainly loaded with PUFA) and drinking waaay too much alcohol. I came home massively bloated and definitely feeling the estrogen. What a difference! Such a stark contrast and absolutely reaffirms EVERYTHING I have learned from Dr. Peat. I ordered more Progest-E as soon as I got home and am back to taking it regularly. Like Blossom, I won't be without it ever again.


Apr 17, 2014
That Progest-E cannot arrive soon enough. I am using up what I have but I really think it has lots its effectiveness as it is NOT working. I have my 30 year class reunion this weekend and would like to not have some major embarrassing moments. Yikes it is not fun getting old.
Jan 24, 2014
OMG Hoodlt, we must be the same age. I had my 30th reunion last Saturday, Oct. 4th. I wasn't gonna go, didn't wanna go, found too many lame excuses not too go. But in the end, I am soooo glad I went. It was massive amounts of fun (despite the hangover) and totally worth it. I took a bottle of Progest-E with me and was sucking on it all evening, it makes a fab lip gloss too. Some folks have aged better than others, but the most sobering part was seeing the In Memorium wall of classmates that have passed away. Some had liver disease, several had cancer, etc. One of my close pals did not make the event as she is going through chemo right now....so so sad.

Had I not found Peat I know that my hormones and health would be so effed up by now that I'm certain I wouldn't have attended this milestone event.

Just as a side story: When I turned 40 I went in and dutifully had my first and only mammogram. They found a "spot" and said I needed further evaluation. I went in for an ultra sound which confirmed some sort of nodule and told me to see a specialist pronto. I freaked out and never went back. Fast forward four years, then 44 years old and my classmate has a lump in her left breast too. My spot had grown into a huge lump that was fully visible to the eye and made my left breast look misshapen and the lymph nodes in my left armpit were sore all the time. I went to the doctor and they absolutely insisted on a biopsy. I went home and studied the procedure an learned all about needle track metastasis and made the decision NOT to do it, much to the dismay of my entire family and friends. It's amazing the kind of pressure loved ones will put on you when you are scared, I can see why my girlfriend/classmate chose to go the standard medical route to treat her lump which turned out to be cancer. Instead I opted for a bunch of crazy alternative stuff and eventually ended up here, THANKING THE UNIVERSE PROFOUNDLY for that. I am now 48 and no longer have a lump, I don't know where it went. It simply dissolved on it's own over this past year and I have no more painful lymph nodes. Perhaps it was not cancer at all, I will never know because I didn't take the standard medical route. My classmate, who did have the very best in medical care, endured grueling surgery/chemotherapy/radiation and ended up on "the Wall", she passed away a year and a half ago. It was unbearable to watch.

I recently went in and had a procedure done at my doctor's office called Breast Thermography because they offer a discount during October which is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I HIGHLY recommend it as a great alternative to the ionizing radiation of mammograms. My results were perfectly clear, HOORAY!!!

I directly credit Progest-E...and thyroid meds...and de-stressing my life...and eating dense nutrition. But mostly Progest-E. :bravo


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hoodlt said:
That Progest-E cannot arrive soon enough. I am using up what I have but I really think it has lots its effectiveness as it is NOT working. I have my 30 year class reunion this weekend and would like to not have some major embarrassing moments. Yikes it is not fun getting old.
I have been putting progest-e up my nose with good results. YMMV. True story. :lol:


Apr 17, 2014
Thanks all! I will be bathing in Progest-e if it ever gets here. I am amazed how well I have kept my iron up through all of this. I will try it up the nose and anywhere else to get this eternal period to be gone. I plan on not taking any breaks from it again.


Apr 17, 2014
Other than getting very, very sleepy (which hasn't happened yet), is there anything else I should be worried about in taking a lot of the Progest-E? The last time I did, I got results in 3 days. It is taking longer this time. I am hanging in there and keeping my iron up with good nutrition and some herbs. I would really like to stop bleeding without having my uterus removed.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hoodlt said:
Other than getting very, very sleepy (which hasn't happened yet), is there anything else I should be worried about in taking a lot of the Progest-E? The last time I did, I got results in 3 days. It is taking longer this time. I am hanging in there and keeping my iron up with good nutrition and some herbs. I would really like to stop bleeding without having my uterus removed.
The most I've taken at once was a 100mg dose for an ovarian cyst and I was still able to function but didn't leave home until the next day. I'm unaware of any negative effects beyond the potential for anesthesia. I wish I had found Progest-e years ago. I probably would have been able to save my uterus and my other ovary.


Apr 17, 2014
Thank you! Not worried about the functioning as I have a few sick days I can use. I am going to keep dosing and hope I can get this under control. And let me add, I will NEVER be without Progest-E again!!!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hoodlt said:
Thank you! Not worried about the functioning as I have a few sick days I can use. I am going to keep dosing and hope I can get this under control. And let me add, I will NEVER be without Progest-E again!!!
I took the 100mg dose on a Friday night when I didn't have to work the next day but I'm sure I could have worked if need be. I'm not recommending any specific amount btw just telling you about my experience. Hopefully some other women will chime in on their dosing experiences. I've read in one of Peat's books that 3 drops every 10 minutes until symptoms subside is a reasonable approach. I will try to find a direct quote for you.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I found an RP quote for you from the book From PMS to Menopause. On page 89 Ray wrote:
To avoid unexpected anesthesia, the correct dose should be determined by taking 10 mg at a time, allowing it to spread into the membranes of the mouth, and repeating the dose after 10 minutes until symptoms are controlled.


Apr 17, 2014
Thanks Blossom! I survived and had a great time at my reunion. Of course the flooding resumed but I managed. Most of the people were too tipsy to notice my frequent trips to the bathroom. And of course I had my Progest-e to sip on! As of this moment, good dreams are back and the bleeding has ceased (fingers crossed). I will keep up the Progest-e and never, ever be without it. I believe I will keep up the high doses for a bit and then go to a maintenance dose. Thanks all! You are blessings in my life. Gotta go finish my yummy coffee!!!


Apr 17, 2014
The most I've taken at once was a 100mg dose for an ovarian cyst and I was still able to function but didn't leave home until the next day. I'm unaware of any negative effects beyond the potential for anesthesia. I wish I had found Progest-e years ago. I probably would have been able to save my uterus and my other ovary.

Okay Blossom, I must know, did it take care of your ovarian cyst? I am thinking from my symptoms (flooding done but constant spotting) that my cyst is back and it is causing my ovary to be in constant follicular stage. I am in the process of taking a lot of Progest-e. So far, it has not knocked me out but I am a little woozy. Spotting has decreased but his not gone. I can feel something in the area of my right ovary which is where the cyst was on the ultrasound. I am going to keep taking it in large doses until the spotting stops. Thanks!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hoodlt said:
The most I've taken at once was a 100mg dose for an ovarian cyst and I was still able to function but didn't leave home until the next day. I'm unaware of any negative effects beyond the potential for anesthesia. I wish I had found Progest-e years ago. I probably would have been able to save my uterus and my other ovary.

Okay Blossom, I must know, did it take care of your ovarian cyst? I am thinking from my symptoms (flooding done but constant spotting) that my cyst is back and it is causing my ovary to be in constant follicular stage. I am in the process of taking a lot of Progest-e. So far, it has not knocked me out but I am a little woozy. Spotting has decreased but his not gone. I can feel something in the area of my right ovary which is where the cyst was on the ultrasound. I am going to keep taking it in large doses until the spotting stops. Thanks!
Yes, it worked perfectly based on resolution of my symptoms. I did not have any medical testing done to confirm the presence of an ovarian cyst or that it was gone. I just felt I had one based on years of experience dealing with them.


Apr 17, 2014
Thanks! I have an ultrasound that confirmed a cyst on the right ovary and now I have bleeding that suggests it has stuck me in the follicular stage. Keeping up with the Progest-e but wishing it I could kick this.
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