How prolactin causes hair loss



Feb 26, 2018
If you're going to do this, why not use idealabs Lisuride? That way you don't have to crush, dissolve, and filter bromocriptine tablets.
Yeah , good point.


May 10, 2018
Yeah , good point.
It is a good point, but Lisuride is/has been out of stock for a long while and I don’t want to use up the whole bottle and not be able to source it again. It’s the only one Haidut mentioned on one of Danny’s interviews ‘but we have Metergoline which is similar if not better’, so i took that as it wouldn’t be getting restocked. Do you think Metergoline would serve the same purpose in the context of PRL antagonism?


May 26, 2018
An often overlooked reason for high prolactin is high phosphorus/calcium ratio.

Also, NoFap should help.


From:Cupid's Poisoned Arrow

***“On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline ( P < 0.01). No regular fluctuation was observed following continuous abstinence after the peak.”
A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. - PubMed - NCBI

***Even though ejaculations seemingly have no significant effects on serum testosterone levels, they can (at least according to rodent studies) alter the body’s ability to utilize testosterone. It has been seen that after multiple ejaculations a sharp decline in androgen receptors takes place inside the hypothalamus, and not only that, but a sharp increase in estrogen receptors follows as well. One rodent study also found out that 1 or 2 ejaculations in short span of time increased androgen receptor activity in the body, while 4 or more ejaculations caused a significant drop in the activity of AR, suggesting that ejaculating yourself to “sexual exhaustion” might lower your body’s ability to utilize androgens.
Ejaculation and Testosterone Levels: Masturbation Lowers T?

***Studies have shown if you masturbate more than twice in a day, there becomes a decline in androgen receptors in your brain. These are what allows your body to use testosterone by binding to it – with less of these, the less your body can use and lower your active testosterone levels will be. [7]

And to make matters worse it’s been seen to make estrogen levels increase. [8] While your androgen receptors are on the decline, estrogen receptors are on the rise, meaning they’re binding to more of the female hormone in your body and increasing your risk of lower testosterone.

[7] Romano-Torres M, Phillips-Farfan BV, Chavira R, Rodriguez-Manzo G, Fernandez-Guasti A. Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors. Neuroendocrinology. 2007;85:16–26.
[8] Phillips-Farfan BV, Lemus AE, Fernandez-Guasti A. Increased estrogen receptor alpha immunoreactivity in the forebrain of sexually satiated rats. Horm. Behav. 2007;51:328–334.
Does Masturbating Lower Testosterone? - TestoFuel Blog

***Today, there is also a growing number of evidence that links testosterone levels with the number of times you ejaculate in a single day. This is evidenced by changes observed in your number of androgen receptors or receptors that allow you to utilize testosterone throughout your body. Hence with lower androgen receptors, you will essentially also have lower active testosterone levels.

According to a study conducted by the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico, one to two ejaculations for a short period of time can increase androgen receptor activity. However, when ejaculations are done four or more times during a short period of time, there is a significant reduction in androgen activity. Specifically, it was observed that androgen receptors returned to its baseline level after the fourth ejaculation. (study)

This finding seems to be supported by another study done by the Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados and Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición 'Salvador Zubirán' in Mexico. Their experiment revealed that multiple ejaculations resulted in a significant decline in androgen receptors. (study)

At the same time, a study conducted by CINVESTAV in Mexico found that while androgen receptors are decreased after multiple ejaculations, there is also a significant increase in estrogen receptors. (study)
Is There a Link Between Masturbation and Testosterone?

***Dopamine is a major factor. Drugs and activities whichc change the regulation of dopamine will alter libido. Dopamine agonists (pramiprexole), dopamine reuptake inhibitors (wellbutrin, cocaine, methamphetamine) will all cause increases in reward seeking behavior including but not limited to libido. Dopamine blockers such as antipsychotics are often considered libido killers.

Dopamine is counter-regulated by prolactin which is released after male ejaculation, so increases in prolactin cause dopamine and libido to drastically fall off. The other name for dopamine is prolactin inhibiting hormone, or PIH. Males who are able to ejaculate multiple times in a row with no refractory period tend to have a reduced production of or response to prolactin.

Testosterone is a huge factor in libido for men and women. Testosterone acts as a neuromodulator and potentiates dopamineric activation of the sex drive.
ELI5: What causes libido, and why does it vary so much between people? : explainlikeimfive

***It not only helps regulate testosterone production in men, but also helps to regulate immune functions, salt and water balances, metabolic functions, endocrine system, brain and behavior, and growth and development. Prolactin is what tells your body that it’s satisfied after sex, and lets the arousal mechanisms (aka dopamine) know they can settle down for a bit.
Because higher levels of prolactin are found in fathers of young children and in expectant fathers, as compared to un-mated males, according to a large-scale study in the Phillipines, behavioral endocrinologists have theorized that a modest rise in prolactin helps prepare men for the task of fatherhood. It quiets the sex drive, they figure, and along with oxytocin—with its weird reputation for being both the “cuddle” hormone as well as a byproduct of stress—helps dads of young children bond to and empathize with their offspring.

Elevated levels prolactin in the blood signals the gonads to make less testosterone (hypogonadism).

Sometimes levels also go up during periods of stress, even briefly.
It can be helpful to look at prolactin levels next to testosterone levels, because ongoing high prolactin secretion will signal the body to lower testosterone production.
Prolactinemia | Causes of Male Infertility

this is what 'YOU' can achieve after 'X' amount of days!

  • 5 minutes - heart rate returns to normal.

  • 2-3 days - guilt and shame seems to decrease.

  • 7 days - brain fog lifts.

  • 14 days - prolactin starts to drop.

  • 14 - 21 days - due to drop in prolactin, dopamine sensitivity increases, you can start to enjoy the little things in life again, no longer emotionally numb, energy levels start to increase big time, confidence also increases.

  • 30 days - cravings and flashbacks noticeably reduce.

  • 30-60 days - PIED symptoms disappear or improve. Erections become rock solid, unless you're PIED symptoms are severe. Confidence keeps rising

  • 42 days - ΔFosB (DeltaFosB) that has accumulated around the nucleus accumbens starts to remove itself. This makes it possible for the neurons in the porn-addicted pathways to now start to slowly break up over time without use.

  • 90 days - considered a full reboot for most people, however people with severe PIED will need longer. Confidence still rising

  • 120 - 150 days - symptoms of severe PIED disappear or improve.
this is what 'YOU' can achieve after 'X' amount of days! : NoFap



Aug 27, 2022
Cairo, Egypt.
An often overlooked reason for high prolactin is high phosphorus/calcium ratio.

Also, NoFap should help.

An often overlooked reason for high prolactin is high phosphorus/calcium ratio.

Also, NoFap should help.

i can relate to almost everything in this study, especially the appreciation of small things/catching feelings, did anyone hear about PNC (post nut clarity) it seems like a clarity of mind but it turn out to be dopamine crash and prolactin spike, sometimes i feel like i wanna end my life for doing such act, everything seems to come in place now, been 18 days nofap now, and for life inshallah.


Feb 26, 2018
It is a good point, but Lisuride is/has been out of stock for a long while and I don’t want to use up the whole bottle and not be able to source it again. It’s the only one Haidut mentioned on one of Danny’s interviews ‘but we have Metergoline which is similar if not better’, so i took that as it wouldn’t be getting restocked. Do you think Metergoline would serve the same purpose in the context of PRL antagonism?
Not sure ,but 5adhp might be even better since it also has progestogenic action and inhibits prolactin fairly strongly . Not sure about absorption though.


May 10, 2018
Not sure ,but 5adhp might be even better since it also has progestogenic action and inhibits prolactin fairly strongly . Not sure about absorption though.
Thanks man, solid logic with the additional hairfriendly progestogenic action. Hope you don’t mind me picking your brains and saving me some research, but which compound on Idealabs would likely to offer the strongest suppression on prolactin? Is it 5ADHP?


Feb 26, 2018
Thanks man, solid logic with the additional hairfriendly progestogenic action. Hope you don’t mind me picking your brains and saving me some research, but which compound on Idealabs would likely to offer the strongest suppression on prolactin? Is it 5ADHP?
It might actually be that ,yes .


Sep 27, 2015
Lisuride and metergoline both show up as in stock, for me. I mixed a bromo solution yesterday. It's cheaper because I have everything on hand to do the task, but preparing topical lisuride would be so much easier. Just poor lisuride into a 4oz (let's say) glass spray bottle, then fill the remainder with vodka or distilled water. Then spray it on your scalp daily, and wait for the inevitable massive regrowth. Just kidding, it probably won't do ***t, but might as well try.


Jul 13, 2014
The hair seems to be a target AND source of prolactin, this is what the researchers found in this study.
They also showed that increasing prolactin in the hair follicle basically kills the hair follicle by removing it from the blood supply (a.k.a catagen phase).

View attachment 50097
In my opinion prolactin is a central part of hair loss and MPB. I remember a member on the forum reported that his hair grew back when he took bromocriptine, which is used against prolactinima.

"Treatment of organ-cultured human scalp HFs with high-dose PRL (400 ng/ml) results in a significant inhibition of hair shaft elongation and premature catagen development, along with reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis of hair bulb keratinocytes (Ki-67/terminal dUTP nick-end labeling immunohistomorphometry). This shows that PRL receptors, expressed in HFs, are functional and that human skin and human scalp HFs are both direct targets and sources of PRL. Our data suggest that PRL acts as an autocrine hair growth modulator with catagen-promoting functions and that the hair growth-inhibitory effects of PRL demonstrated here may underlie the as yet ill-understood hair loss in patients with hyperprolactinemia."
- Human Scalp Hair Follicles Are Both a Target and a Source of Prolactin, which Serves as an Autocrine and/or Paracrine Promoter of Apoptosis-Driven Hair Follicle Regression
So do women not have prolactin then


Jul 13, 2014
Both men and women in the preliminary trials of the anti-prolactin receptor drug HMI-115 have reported serious improvements in hair growth.
yes but my point is that women on the whole do not get (male) pattern baldness. so if its true that prolactin is the cause of MPB, which i also suspect it is, why do the vast majority of women not experience mpb, do they somehow deal with prolactin differently to men? because of more progesterone perhaps?


Feb 26, 2018


Feb 26, 2018
Lisuride and metergoline both show up as in stock, for me. I mixed a bromo solution yesterday. It's cheaper because I have everything on hand to do the task, but preparing topical lisuride would be so much easier. Just poor lisuride into a 4oz (let's say) glass spray bottle, then fill the remainder with vodka or distilled water. Then spray it on your scalp daily, and wait for the inevitable massive regrowth. Just kidding, it probably won't do ***t, but might as well try.
I might try lisuride soon . Dilute it , and then apply a few drops to scalp.
I think one might see first indications of it works or not pretty soon. Like a cessation of hairloss for example ....


Aug 27, 2022
Cairo, Egypt.
I might try lisuride soon . Dilute it , and then apply a few drops to scalp.
I think one might see first indications of it works or not pretty soon. Like a cessation of hairloss for example ....
I might as well try Bromocriptine dissolved in ethanol and apply it daily to the scalp, I’m just still not decided about the concentration of the solution


Jul 13, 2014
It does absolutely nothing...
on top of the 5 years ive used it and 100% noticed it works.....theres also a fair bit of science



Mar 18, 2017
yes but my point is that women on the whole do not get (male) pattern baldness. so if its true that prolactin is the cause of MPB, which i also suspect it is, why do the vast majority of women not experience mpb, do they somehow deal with prolactin differently to men? because of more progesterone perhaps?
Please oh please stop repeating these statements, women do get male pattern baldness! Certainly not the majority, but many do, and I have, since I was 16. I've had hair transplanted from the nape area to the top of my head, why do these follicles survive the trauma of transplant and a new environment as the original top follicles continue to waste and wane? Protective hormones such as progesterone can't quite answer this bizarre phenomenon.


Feb 26, 2018
Why does taurine work unbelievably well against mpb then? It doesn't lower prolactin
Of course it does. At the very least on functional level , in several ways.
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