Lack Of Motitvation Energy



Oct 28, 2012
I thought about trying more of a PHD type diet but incorporating more grains, starch and less sugar (icecream, dairy, fruit juice)... thoughts?


slayers said:
I thought about trying more of a PHD type diet but incorporating more grains, starch and less sugar (icecream, dairy, fruit juice)... thoughts?
The Perfect Health Diet is similar to a Peat diet in many ways. Both discourage eating grains. Grains contain a lot of PUFA, as well as phytic acid and other supposedly harmful chemicals (present in grains, nuts, seeds to keep from being eaten by mammals so the plant will re-seed). Peat talks about some harmful effects of starch. Starch feeds endotoxin, causes a higher insulin response than other sugars, and the starch molecules can actually travel outside of the stomach and intestine and block capillaries, causing death to the cells fed by that capillary. Cooking starches very well and eating with saturated fat and sugar can protect from the latter problem.


Feb 22, 2014
Mittir said:
I do not know if RP recommends HCG.
In article "Progesterone Pregnenolone & DHEA" he warned
against using large dose of DHEA. He thinks a 50 yr old can take 4 mg
of DHEA to reach youthful level and thyroid and pregnenolone are the safe way to
increase DHEA. In other places he mentioned 2-5 mg DHEA as safe dose.
He does not recommend regular use of zinc supplement.
Your diet looks quite healthy. Gut irritation can be a source
of many health issues. Pectin in OJ, Gelatin, Starch all can
feed bad bacteria. You can try removing these foods for few days.
Here is a RP quote on coconut sugar
Ray Peat wrote:
If it's browned from heating, it's more likely to be allergenic, and even without too much heat, some people are likely to be allergic to it. But if it doesn't cause any reactions, then it's very good, with some nutritional value.
Honey is in some ways better than white sugar, but depending on the plants it's derived from, it can be allergenic. White sugar has the advantage of being very clean. Fruits have many valuable nutrients, so are the best way to get sugars, when good ones are available.
I do not see any major source of calcium in your diet. Ratio of calcium to phosphorus
is very important. You can use cronometer to find out this ratio and intake of all the nutrients.
Meat and liver both are very high in phosphorus. You can use egg shell powder ,
oyster shell powder or slaked lime. I find eggshell allergenic .
I Add acid ( vinegar or lemon juice) to Slaked lime
( Calcium Hydroxide) to make my own calcium supplement.
I feel really bad when i eat a lot of meat without good amount of calcium.
RP recommends 1200-2000 mg of calcium . I try to get more calcium then phosphorus.
Vitamin D helps a lot with lowering PTH.
RP recommends eating most of the protein before sunset.
You can eat carb, fat and some protein for dinner.
Any Cheese, (farmer's cheese is quite safe) with carb is good before bed.
If your metabolism is low all the liquid can make things worse.
Checking pulse and temperature 1-2 hours after breakfast gives a good
idea about your thyroid status. You can experiment with lowering fluid for few days.
Daily carrot salad, once or twice a day is very beneficial.


I'm following this thread about calcium and phosphorus. Per day I do about 2 c.milk, 2 oz cheese, 1/4 c cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, about 3-4 oz of red meat per day, about 2 oz liver/7-10days. Also about 1-2 Tbsp gelatin (Great Lakes or bone in meat stews).

I don't take a calcium supplement. Seems like my diet gives enough, but with meat/liver and dairy and your comments on ratios, might I have too much phos to calcium? If so, how much calcium supplement would you suggest? (I'm female, upper 50s in age.)



Feb 22, 2014
classicallady said:
Mittir said:
I do not know if RP recommends HCG.
In article "Progesterone Pregnenolone & DHEA" he warned
against using large dose of DHEA. He thinks a 50 yr old can take 4 mg
of DHEA to reach youthful level and thyroid and pregnenolone are the safe way to
increase DHEA. In other places he mentioned 2-5 mg DHEA as safe dose.
He does not recommend regular use of zinc supplement.
Your diet looks quite healthy. Gut irritation can be a source
of many health issues. Pectin in OJ, Gelatin, Starch all can
feed bad bacteria. You can try removing these foods for few days.
Here is a RP quote on coconut sugar
Ray Peat wrote:
If it's browned from heating, it's more likely to be allergenic, and even without too much heat, some people are likely to be allergic to it. But if it doesn't cause any reactions, then it's very good, with some nutritional value.
Honey is in some ways better than white sugar, but depending on the plants it's derived from, it can be allergenic. White sugar has the advantage of being very clean. Fruits have many valuable nutrients, so are the best way to get sugars, when good ones are available.
I do not see any major source of calcium in your diet. Ratio of calcium to phosphorus
is very important. You can use cronometer to find out this ratio and intake of all the nutrients.
Meat and liver both are very high in phosphorus. You can use egg shell powder ,
oyster shell powder or slaked lime. I find eggshell allergenic .
I Add acid ( vinegar or lemon juice) to Slaked lime
( Calcium Hydroxide) to make my own calcium supplement.
I feel really bad when i eat a lot of meat without good amount of calcium.
RP recommends 1200-2000 mg of calcium . I try to get more calcium then phosphorus.
Vitamin D helps a lot with lowering PTH.
RP recommends eating most of the protein before sunset.
You can eat carb, fat and some protein for dinner.
Any Cheese, (farmer's cheese is quite safe) with carb is good before bed.
If your metabolism is low all the liquid can make things worse.
Checking pulse and temperature 1-2 hours after breakfast gives a good
idea about your thyroid status. You can experiment with lowering fluid for few days.
Daily carrot salad, once or twice a day is very beneficial.


I'm following this thread about calcium and phosphorus. Per day I do about 2 c.milk, 2 oz cheese, 1/4 c cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, about 3-4 oz of red meat per day, about 2 oz liver/7-10days. Also about 1-2 Tbsp gelatin per day(Great Lakes or bone in meat stews).

I don't take a calcium supplement. Seems like my diet gives enough, but with meat/liver and dairy and your comments on ratios, might I have too much phos to calcium? If so, how much calcium supplement would you suggest? (I'm female, upper 50s in age.)



Feb 22, 2014
Mittir said:
One of the purpose of light therapy after sunset is to suppress rise in cortisol.
Ratio of red to blue light is much better in regular incandescent and brooding lamps
than sunlight around noon. 250 watt of regular incandescent is not that hot and short
period of light exposure is enough to get major benefits.
You can also use red LED.
Milk has a lot of phosphorus, milk will improve calcium to phosphorus ratio.
Some pure calcium is needed to reach 1 to 1 ratio.
Calcium carbonate is a good source of calcium. But you need to think
about the quality of commercial supplement. Check for
list of good quality calcium supplement.
Working outdoor, physical activity, surrounding temperature
are big factor in fluid intake. Salt increases ability to handle extra fluid.
But the best approach is to just try low fluid diet for a day or two to
see how you feel. Sipping liquid protects against stress reaction of gut.
But this will not solve the problem if you are drinking more than your
metabolic rate.


Is this the form of calcium you use? How much per day and what is the equivalent in mg (per tsp, etc)? You usually add it to oj, or other liquids? Thanks- ... roduct_top
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