Legitimate Question: Why Do Guys Feel Responcible If Their Wife/Girlfriend Is Not Happy About Something?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
hi,what makes you think there is a correlation between testicular fragility and masculinity? And do you have a broken keyboard? If so, why have you not fixed this keyboard yet? I'm genuinely curious.
testicular fragility was a figure of speech, considering that you perceive that a woman using the concept of brownie points which is just an imaginary idea, as emasculating, which is a physical phenomenon, so I also use a physical phenomenon as a figure of speech to describe the instability and insecurity of some men, testicular fragility. What I mean is that there is a very high association between people who feel "emasculated" by such banal things wich are imaginary ideas such as brownie points, and a very low degree of masculinity, and a fairly substantial degree of insecurity and emotional instability
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Jun 12, 2016
Crucial point - are the brownies baked with butter or some type of vegetable oil.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
You make it very obvious across threads that you're either LGBTQ or a feminist. I notice an influx of that in this forum - and it is common that they overtly ignore the basics of Peat's work while trying to enforce their views. Classic Tikkun olam.
"Seek first to understand, and then to be understood."
i am neither of those and i do not know the exact sense you give to these 2 words,if we refer to the mainstream ideas of these,i am none of these.in the other thread you were simply not respecting the person sensitivity because you did not agree with acts and a part of her comments.feel free to say whatever you think to peoples,respect their sensitivity either way the exchange productivity potential diminish drastically and you potentially make them feel bad.your non sense about ignoring "peat principles"is ridicule and irelevant.i could label and classify you to in some potentially demeaning category in wich you potentially belong,but its silly,so i prefer to ask you questions,which you did not answer
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Jul 17, 2021
Saw something recently that was pretty interesting. Despite abuse and adultery rates being virtually identical between men and women, over 80% of divorces are filed by women. Combine that tidbit with the fact that the number one predictor for filing is the husband losing his job, his business or suffering a mental health crisis… it would seem there’s actually a widespread problem with lack of loyalty and resolve - that the role of husband and father is only validated insofar as he can continue providing.

By the way you approach this topic… I can’t imagine this is currently a problem with you, but… within society, men are made painfully aware of the precariousness of their situation by media and popular culture daily. They could lose everything in but a moment… and it would only really be shrugged off as a failure on his part, or perhaps just bad luck, at the very least.

I’m not saying this is on your husband’s mind, at least not consciously, but it likely has an influence.
I agree with you. I’ve seen those statistics and I find it disturbing. But I also think that the feminist movement has had a very large hand in contributing to this. Certainly there are offenses on both sides, male and female, but what I see at play is a deeper motive behind the promoting of certain movements. And that is, getting us to hate one another instead of coming together and working out our differences. And being patient with one another.

I have seen the scenario you mentioned of which someone I know, divorced their husband for (what I thought) was unreasonable premises. The husband had lost their job, and they subsequently got a divorce. Talk about kicking someone when they are down.

This is the mentality of the fast food, instant gratification society in which we live. But this goes both ways for both sexes. “You don’t please me. I’m out the door” mentality. I don’t think people are taking into account what their actions are having on the people around them.


it is an innate instinct, for a leader to be invested In the outcomes of his leadership…

It is instinctual for a man to lead, and be concerned with his family’s well-being. I hate good man drives satisfaction from a job well done, and not before.


I agree with you. I’ve seen those statistics and I find it disturbing. But I also think that the feminist movement has had a very large hand in contributing to this. Certainly there are offenses on both sides, male and female, but what I see at play is a deeper motive behind the promoting of certain movements. And that is, getting us to hate one another instead of coming together and working out our differences. And being patient with one another.

I have seen the scenario you mentioned of which someone I know, divorced their husband for (what I thought) was unreasonable premises. The husband had lost their job, and they subsequently got a divorce. Talk about kicking someone when they are down.

This is the mentality of the fast food, instant gratification society in which we live. But this goes both ways for both sexes. “You don’t please me. I’m out the door” mentality. I don’t think people are taking into account what their actions are having on the people around them.
Well said.

I have to say, it’s encouraging to hear more balance from more people. This is only going to help build bridges and heal the damage done by these movements, as you’ve described.

Thank you.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I’d say we just stop feeding the troll.
you are ridiculous, the fact that you are using terms/labels with demeaning potential instead of responding to the points made by the person, on a forum where ideas are exchanged, and your intolerance of comments you don't like even when those comments didn't include potentially degrading terms/labels demonstrates your very low degree of energy ,stability, resilience,and your fairly high degree of impotency,so you get affected.
Go feed yourself food that makes you feel good enough, so you can emit comments that are not poisoned by suboptimal factors in your body,and you stop spreading your pessimistic ,unrealistics unfruitful comments
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@Waynish i wish to know if you are a muslim or you esteem islam as valuable in our modern days?and do you find some of Andrew Tate ideas valuables?you said to morgan on the other thread that not answering to a specific question he was asked,was revealing


Mar 17, 2017
I am too lazy to read all the replies, but from my point of view, this is because I live for the other person. Their happiness is my sole purpose. Is that a character flaw? Should it be that way? Don't know. Don't care.


I am too lazy to read all the replies, but from my point of view, this is because I live for the other person. Their happiness is my sole purpose. Is that a character flaw? Should it be that way? Don't know. Don't care.
It isn’t a flaw if you don’t lose yourself in the process. If you really are content living for others… go for it.

These aren’t mutually exclusive, mind you. We can do both.


Feb 13, 2021
I agree with you. I’ve seen those statistics and I find it disturbing. But I also think that the feminist movement has had a very large hand in contributing to this. Certainly there are offenses on both sides, male and female, but what I see at play is a deeper motive behind the promoting of certain movements. And that is, getting us to hate one another instead of coming together and working out our differences. And being patient with one another.

I have seen the scenario you mentioned of which someone I know, divorced their husband for (what I thought) was unreasonable premises. The husband had lost their job, and they subsequently got a divorce. Talk about kicking someone when they are down.

This is the mentality of the fast food, instant gratification society in which we live. But this goes both ways for both sexes. “You don’t please me. I’m out the door” mentality. I don’t think people are taking into account what their actions are having on the people around them.
As i_nomad said, it's great you see things this way! The world would be a better place if more women rejected modern 'feminism' in the way that you have.

But one thing about the modern feminist movement - and so many other cultural lies - is its pervasiveness.

In the same way that we who've discovered Peat go on to realize that even some 'health foods' contain oxidized PUFA, even those who aren't outright modern feminists can be swayed by anti-male beliefs.

Such beliefs are disturbingly pervasive in American culture. They're everywhere on TV shows, the news, social media, etc etc etc...

...as you said, it seems to be a deliberate divide-and-conquer tactic. It's impossible to have a healthy population without healthy relationships...


hi,i am judicious and human interactions are like very clear to me,the lonely thing that i did not fully solve to me is humor and laughs,i have some speculations but they do not seems to include every form of humor…
This you? lol

Yeah, you definitely have us humans all figured out. SMH.


As i_nomad said, it's great you see things this way! The world would be a better place if more women rejected modern 'feminism' in the way that you have.

But one thing about the modern feminist movement - and so many other cultural lies - is its pervasiveness.

In the same way that we who've discovered Peat go on to realize that even some 'health foods' contain oxidized PUFA, even those who aren't outright modern feminists can be swayed by anti-male beliefs.

Such beliefs are disturbingly pervasive in American culture. They're everywhere on TV shows, the news, social media, etc etc etc...

...as you said, it seems to be a deliberate divide-and-conquer tactic. It's impossible to have a healthy population without healthy relationships...
What’s worse… we have no idea just how pervasive it has become. All we is our direct experience, and the way the media has portrayed the past. History books don’t convey human interaction accurately or focused enough.

Almost like having to rebuild a shelled out, post-war civilization. Shambles.

I try not to be cynical, but it will take a lot more people on board, and a lot more openness, to even broach the topic, let alone attempt to solve…

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I wrote that,human interactions are simple and clear to me even if nuanced

i dont know what you mean by "definitely have us humans all figured out. SMH." it is not explicit wich aspects of human being i figured out according to you

did you stalk my profile to find some comments that would potentially confirm your delusion and to feel a little bit better about yourself,or did you find it randomly?

can you link me the thread where i wrote that?i never use "..."so you cutted the part of my comment that you wanted to,i want to see the full comment
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Oct 11, 2016
You guys have lost the plot in your applause for this woman. It does not matter who identifies as a feminist. It matters if they behave like one - and this one clearly has power over her man. Along with plenty of time to analyze her man's concerning brownie-point earning compliance with strangers online. And furthermore, you have lost the plot because you believe the woman has the faculties to become a feminist, non-feminist, etc. She is simply a product of her environment. The weaker the men around her, the more she will compensate by taking on those manly qualities herself; which is basically "feminism" (which should be called masculinism - a female taking on masculine qualities). In this way, OP and hundreds of millions of others are merely following their function. It is no wonder why they feel so strange when their man is under them; their subconscious is preparing them for their likely near-future wherein they have to act as the leader.
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Feb 13, 2021
It does not matter who identifies as a feminist. It matters if they behave like one - and this one clearly has power over her man. And she has so much extra that she has lots of time to analyze it with strangers online. And furthermore, you have lost the plot because you believe the woman has the faculties to become a feminist, non-feminist, etc. She is simply a product of her environment.

You're basically saying a more intense version of what I'm saying here:

In the same way that we who've discovered Peat go on to realize that even some 'health foods' contain oxidized PUFA, even those who aren't outright modern feminists can be swayed by anti-male beliefs.

Although I do believe some women have the power to resist environmental pressure and renounce feminism. Seems like more and more gen Z women are starting to do exactly that.


You guys have lost the plot in your applause for this woman. It does not matter who identifies as a feminist. It matters if they behave like one - and this one clearly has power over her man. And she has so much extra that she has lots of time to analyze it with strangers online. And furthermore, you have lost the plot because you believe the woman has the faculties to become a feminist, non-feminist, etc. She is simply a product of her environment. The weaker the men around her, the more she will compensate by taking on those manly qualities herself; which is basically "feminism" (which should be called masculinism - a female taking on masculine qualities). In this way, OP and hundreds of millions of others are merely following their function. It is no wonder why they feel so strange when their man is under them; their subconscious is preparing them for their likely near-future wherein they have to act as the leader.

But the only way to overcome, heal, right our course, etc… is conversation. Communication. Openness.

Don’t impede our ability to accomplish this, like feminism, by limiting in your own way.


Oct 11, 2016
Although I do believe some women have the power to resist environmental pressure and renounce feminism. Seems like more and more gen Z women are starting to do exactly that.
Right, because they have become hardened (less feminine) - and have begun that process to lead themselves (as the absence of true leaders has impacted them personally). Or they are post-menopausal and wise.


Aug 27, 2018
To me it's pretty simple. A man cares a lot possibly because he has no other options.
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