Life Is Too Complicated For Me- Biological Cause?

Dec 25, 2014
I suffer from the same experience. I used to be something of a go getter, even with my condition and I always had hope I would get cured. Something happened to me and suddenly I became very morose and suicidal and had low energy. I also got weird socially and all my confidence and outgoingness stopped. At the same time I started balding and felt very physically weak.

I would say if you drink, stop. Take zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D. Sun exposure helps a lot with the third one. Eat a lot of fruit like @ jennifer reccomends

It sounds like you have high cortisol. I would search the terms "cortisol" and "learned helplessness" on this site and read the posts written about eah.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon

Don't believe people who blame you. It's not your fault. It's biological. Things that influence your biology include genetics, nutrition, psychology, and your environment. The thing that you have the least amount of control over is your environment, but you may want to focus on your biology and environment in a dynamic way.

Either way, just keep chugging; you'll find happiness. I'm still trying to find my own, and it's hard: incredibly hard. You're not alone to be lost in a world of loneliness.

Last thing you should think; we have a great deal of mental illness in our society, so the fact that you recognize this and wish to supersede the current says a lot about your introspective ability.

James_001 said something about sympathetic dominance; he's absolutely right. High serotonin does not come by itself, but this is probably the root cause. A serotonin antagonist may help you; try it and see how you react. You have lots of options; cyproheptadine, ritanserin, ketanserin, or even one of the ergot derivatives. Even psilocybin remains an option. Raising your metabolic rate will lower serotonin (T3 or caffeine).


Feb 26, 2016
What @DaveFoster said. Adrenaline isn't quite the problem it used to be for me, but I know that something about my environment is too aggressive for me (or my state is not robust, or both) if I have sensations of being overwhelmed.

I don't have advice that can make the process of becoming a fortified, robust organism in varying environments go faster besides the basic peaty practices everyone here adapts to be his/her own. I can say that it has taken me an almost inhuman amount of patience to see solid progress, but it does come. And it comes in precisely the ways RP suggests. So weird, so wonderful.

I still get overwhelming, hassled sensations sometimes, but if I can buffer from the causes, then I do. But it's not always possible. Sometimes being immersed in the hassle and taking it in a slow, de-adrenalized fashion ends up helping me learn how to handle the slow, beautiful life.


Jan 5, 2016
Ben the difference b/w your desires, and your reality, appears to be causing you a lot of stress.
It's complicated b/c you are afraid to fail, be it consciously, or sub-consciously.

So you can learn to tolerate failing a little better, or you can move to a location where you can feel comfortable, and hopefully slowly removed these unattainable desires from your thought process. Here in Canada, it's common for the people who have some of the same issues you have to move north away from all the hustle & bustle.

I was observing my neighbor trying to teach his twin sons how to ride a bike without training wheels. One of the twins refused to even try riding the bike, even after seeing that any pain the brother suffered from falling, was short lived. So as of today, even though that child desires riding the bike like his brother, he desires avoiding the pain that might accompany that desires (bike riding) even more. So from an observers point of view, he is actually fulfilling his highest desire. Once his desire to learn how to ride the bike (falling & all) outweighs his desire to avoid that pain, he will more than likely learn how to ride a bike.
I feel this wisdom could be applied to a lot of people. Generally people want nice things, but they don't want to work for them. Why? Maybe it's too stressful, they don't have the energy. They're content with what they have, comparatively.

I guess a lot of rags to riches stories are like that; the person is not content, they're afraid, starving (even mentally, so the stress of achieving is less than the fear of not.
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