Nasa's Moon Landing Hoax


Sep 9, 2021
Did Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reach the summit of Mt Everest on May 29 1953?

If they did, and they showed it was possible, has anyone returned in the years since and have they improved upon the methods used in 1953?

haha I love this - so very true. I always say that if the moon landings were real then Elon Musk would be there right now hanging out in the penthouse of his moon hotel, playing golf out on the dunes or something. Instead, ne'er a mention of going back to the moon, he is concentrating on getting to Mars instead. Totally ridiculous.

I have read Wagging the Moondoggie a few times in its entirety, its incredible. Well worth the time to read it.


Dec 8, 2016


Nov 18, 2019
I heard an interesting theory and have absolutely zero proof, but it got me thinking.

The theory: we actually did go to the moon and land but NOT with that goofy rocket/spaceship/spacesuits they showed us. Instead they used more advanced technology from our secret space agency that they hide from the public.



Jan 25, 2014
I heard an interesting theory and have absolutely zero proof, but it got me thinking.

The theory: we actually did go to the moon and land but NOT with that goofy rocket/spaceship/spacesuits they showed us. Instead they used more advanced technology from our secret space agency that they hide from the public.


If this theory is true, it would still mean that the fuel/energy issue was solved, the ability to shield humans from high level, dangerous space radiation was solved, protection from 500 degree temperature swings (both extreme cold and extreme heat) was solved, the re-entry to earth issue was solved, and that such a highly advanced and technical ship was built, and actually performed solidly enough to make a roughly half million mile journey. I'm sure there are plenty of other issues, too. Something like artificial gravity might be nice too, you know, for basic human functions like fluid circulation and functioning of the GI tract, and also so maintain bone and muscle mass.

In the 1950s, Werner Von Braun talked of spaceship a quarter mile high (basically The Empire State building) weighing 800,000 tons (10x that of the Queen Mary), mostly for the unfathomably large load of fuel that would be required to get to the moon. If the energy issue was solved with a relatively small device around a ton or less (like rumored Zero Point Energy devices), there could probably be solutions to all the other issues. Suddenly, having a ship clad in 4 feet of lead might not be impractical (as the Russians thought would be necessary for radiation protection), as well as insulation from the temperatures of space, and having power to run a state of the art climate control system.


Nov 18, 2019
If this theory is true, it would still mean that the fuel/energy issue was solved, the ability to shield humans from high level, dangerous space radiation was solved, protection from 500 degree temperature swings (both extreme cold and extreme heat) was solved, the re-entry to earth issue was solved, and that such a highly advanced and technical ship was built, and actually performed solidly enough to make a roughly half million mile journey. I'm sure there are plenty of other issues, too. Something like artificial gravity might be nice too, you know, for basic human functions like fluid circulation and functioning of the GI tract, and also so maintain bone and muscle mass.

In the 1950s, Werner Von Braun talked of spaceship a quarter mile high (basically The Empire State building) weighing 800,000 tons (10x that of the Queen Mary), mostly for the unfathomably large load of fuel that would be required to get to the moon. If the energy issue was solved with a relatively small device around a ton or less (like rumored Zero Point Energy devices), there could probably be solutions to all the other issues. Suddenly, having a ship clad in 4 feet of lead might not be impractical (as the Russians thought would be necessary for radiation protection), as well as insulation from the temperatures of space, and having power to run a state of the art climate control system.
Interesting thoughts @tankasnowgod. For sure the energy source would have to had been figured out. Your example shows that. I don’t know enough about the secret space program nor have I explored it to even claim any knowledge.

I remember two events that always struck me:
1) the interview with an early astronaut who made the off cuff complaint. Why do they get to fly in Ferraris and we have to fly in Model T’s? I can’t find the reference of the name of the astronaut but have read it recently.
2) Scottish Gary McKinnon in Britain who decided to see if he could hack into NASA. He did and supposedly found documents of deliveries scheduled for ships with no public record and officers not on public record. NASA finally figured out who hacked them, had the guy arrested in Britain and tried to get him extradited to the US. The guy had a nervous breakdown and eventually Margaret Thatcher saved him and didn’t allow the extradition. Yes he has been completely discredited and gaslighted. But randomly I stumbled upon an interview with him and listened to his version of the story. The guy seemed genuine and I think he found what he said he did.

While trying to find the source of my two anecdotes, I saw this article about who manufactured the legs. Kind of interesting ?



Mar 6, 2020
one of the best arguments I ever heard against the moon landings is that the astronauts apparently never ever do any jumps, leaps or significant hops. Put two school kids on the moon in 1/6 gravity and they would soon start to do increasingly large jumps. Tentative at first but its only human nature. It is amazing that these alpha male rocket men are on the moon for many hours and at no point do any of them jump. They don't even attach some elastic and do authorised jumps. It is funny how a small omission like this means we can be almost certain it is fake. The one thing they would have done for sure they didn't. No complex arguments in physics are necessary.


one of the best arguments I ever heard against the moon landings is that the astronauts apparently never ever do any jumps, leaps or significant hops. Put two school kids on the moon in 1/6 gravity and they would soon start to do increasingly large jumps. Tentative at first but its only human nature. It is amazing that these alpha male rocket men are on the moon for many hours and at no point do any of them jump. They don't even attach some elastic and do authorised jumps. It is funny how a small omission like this means we can be almost certain it is fake. The one thing they would have done for sure they didn't. No complex arguments in physics are necessary.
:rofl I can see how this argument won you the best essay of the year circa (insert date here). I'm convinced


Aug 9, 2019
one of the best arguments I ever heard against the moon landings is that the astronauts apparently never ever do any jumps, leaps or significant hops. Put two school kids on the moon in 1/6 gravity and they would soon start to do increasingly large jumps. Tentative at first but its only human nature. It is amazing that these alpha male rocket men are on the moon for many hours and at no point do any of them jump. They don't even attach some elastic and do authorised jumps. It is funny how a small omission like this means we can be almost certain it is fake. The one thing they would have done for sure they didn't. No complex arguments in physics are necessary.
I'd imagine they were instructed not to.


Aug 17, 2016
I just like to point and laugh at all their horseshit.
Even the horrible ones. I feel that everyone pointing and laughing at them might be the only way to knock them down.
You can't show you're horrified or impressed.
Don't say "wow"; say "yawn."


Aug 17, 2016
Do you think that works? Didn't James Bond mock the entire concept back in 1971?


.....or do you think that was more their "confession?"

Ahah! that was awesome.
Great cars, great music! Great orchestration and real musicians. sigh

They've been telling us all along. I guess they everyone likes a story. M'astronots. lolz

They're probably lapping up all the terror they are masterminding.


Aug 17, 2016


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