Ray Peat Intersectional Feminist Facebook Group


Sep 13, 2012
I really don't get all the negativity. No one is forcing anyone else to join. It is a group of like minded people who want to connect with other like minded people. If you are interested, ask to join. If you aren't, then don't. Different people have different opinions. The one thing that I think should be absolutely 100% clear about Ray Peat is that he is anti-authoritarian, which means he does not believe in enforcing his beliefs or attitudes on others. Why do people feel such a need to crap on other people?
And actually if ya'll aren't involved in fb groups we did have a prominent ray peat practitioner in that group who would constantly interject and splain his vast knowledge on a woman's body. So there is now a smaller ray peat woman's group where men aren't allowed and can feel somewhat safer sharing details of their life.


Dec 13, 2015
Ray Peat wrote a book 'Nutrition for Women' and you think there is no evidence he is pro-women?

He wrote a whole lot about idiots in government, medical, researcher, etc as well... is he pro- all this ?

"Most of the suffering we live in is because we think there is something horribly wrong."
Btw, that's funny...


Jul 3, 2017
I think the real issue is the wording as well not sure why they had to use strong words like "pro feminism" without any substantial evidence that Ray even is in favor of feminism in the first place.

Many of us feel that Ray Peat is pro-feminism, anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian and an advocate of women.

Because of the bolded parts above plus the fact that he isn't overtly mysoginistic? 'Feminist' is an incredibly broad term after all.

I don't see the issue with the group that some of you seem to have. It offers a platform to discuss ray peat orientated ideas under a lens that is more 'accessible' to some.


Sep 30, 2016
Ray Peat wrote a book 'Nutrition for Women' and you think there is no evidence he is pro-women?

Because he wrote a book on "nutrition" for women makes him pro feminism?

Definition of feminism

the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

Of course I don't think he is against women at all, but saying he is pro feminism because he wrote a book for women's nutrition isn't really evidence.


Sep 13, 2012
No obviously just because he wrote about something doesn't mean he is pro that topic. But when you take interest in women I'd wager he wants women to be happy in life. He has spent a lot of time emailing one of my friends when she was going through a very dark time. He is a compassionate guy and is pro-women. I am not a feminist, but I am pro-women in the sense that they should not be treated with less respect and recognition just for having a vagina. My husband has helped me understand why feminism in the way it is practiced doesn't really help our cause. And we can come to an agreement about that.

What is wrong with seeing how our thoughts create our reality?


Jan 7, 2016
Based on this definition, how would one justify not being a feminist?

the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

Anyone care to explain why women shouldn't have equal rights, or to explain what makes them think Ray Peat wouldn't support that?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Ray is very much pro-women and for equality among the sexes but that is very different than saying his is a Feminist. Feminism like all "isms" is an ideology with a political agenda. Ray has written many times about how the elite have created political movements for the main purpose of keeping us divided and confused about class issues. A black woman has more in common with other black men than with rich female pied pipers like Gloria Steinhem. In fact Steinhem admitted that the CIA provided the funding for Ms. magazine when it was starting out.

The reason many of us are speak9ing out against feminism is not that we are anti-Women or think the women don't deserve equality with men but it is that the Feminist dogma is very destructive to women and society in general. Men and Women should be united together in the fight for social justice. Men are not the enemy in a class struggle.
The huge amount of money the CIA had from the Marshall Plan allowed them, starting around 1950, to shape the culture and political movements in the US, providing carrots to complement the FBI’s sticks. Their biggest achievement has probably been to obliterate coherent thinking about the meaning of “left” and “right” in politics. People with policies very much like Mussolini’s call themselves liberals, and promote war. The culture has been shaped to exclude the idea of class from political thinking. Several years ago, when John Edwards’ spoke of social class issues during his campaign for the presidency, the media immediately stopped treating him as a viable candidate. Trump’s focus on class issues helped to enfuriate his opposition, but didn’t stop people from voting. If class becomes a continuing part of political discussion, it might lead toward a restoration of democracy. Ray Peat


Sep 30, 2016
Based on this definition, how would one justify not being a feminist?

Anyone care to explain why women shouldn't have equal rights, or to explain what makes them think Ray Peat wouldn't support that?

Lol, I used it as a reference. Explain to me how nutrition and women's rights are related?

Exactly.. to quote the person above my post, pro women and feminism are different IMO.


Sep 13, 2012
Ray is very much pro-women and for equality among the sexes but that is very different than saying his is a Feminist. Feminism like all "isms" is an ideology with a political agenda. Ray has written many times about how the elite have created political movements for the main purpose of keeping us divided and confused about class issues. A black woman has more in common with other black men than with rich female pied pipers like Gloria Steinhem. In fact Steinhem admitted that the CIA provided the funding for Ms. magazine when it was starting out.

The reason many of us are speak9ing out against feminism is not that we are anti-Women or think the women don't deserve equality with men but it is that the Feminist dogma is very destructive to women and society in general. Men and Women should be united together in the fight for social justice. Men are not the enemy in a class struggle.
I can agree we shouldn't be fighting against men.


Jan 7, 2016
Lol, I used it as a reference. Explain to me how nutrition and women's rights are related?

Exactly to quote the person above my post, pro women and feminism is different IMO.

I wasn't making that point, just borrowing your definition.


Sep 13, 2012
But not every woman wants to be a stay at home Mom, and she should be able to have the option and equality. There are even stay at home Dads now. I stay home. My husband can easily support us. I realized from the beginning my kids needed me there and we don't rely on the state. But even from a young age my kids said things like 'But she's a girl she can't do it'. Where did that come from? I didn't teach them that.


Jan 7, 2016
Ray is very much pro-women and for equality among the sexes but that is very different than saying his is a Feminist. Feminism like all "isms" is an ideology with a political agenda. Ray has written many times about how the elite have created political movements for the main purpose of keeping us divided and confused about class issues. A black woman has more in common with other black men than with rich female pied pipers like Gloria Steinhem. In fact Steinhem admitted that the CIA provided the funding for Ms. magazine when it was starting out.

The reason many of us are speak9ing out against feminism is not that we are anti-Women or think the women don't deserve equality with men but it is that the Feminist dogma is very destructive to women and society in general. Men and Women should be united together in the fight for social justice. Men are not the enemy in a class struggle.

I don't think terms like "feminist dogma" are very useful. What does that mean? The quote TubZy used is what comes up in a google search. Wikipedia defines feminism as "a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to such opportunities for men." Again, I think most reasonable people would meet the definition of a feminist, defined as such.

Perhaps what you think of as feminism and reject isn't really feminism at all, but something else, misrepresented as feminism.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
What? Are you saying your female colleagues have nothing to contribute in their job?

To be clear, I believe the vast majority of biomedical scientists have nothing to contribute in their jobs. As far a sexual politics, women seem to foster and demand an environment that, to my way of thinking, tends to stifle scientific discovery. Women like predictable and safe environments more than men, the biological basis for this is obvious. Science, business, and war (among other things) require actors that can work within an unsafe (physically and emotionally) environment, and are retarded by actors who desire to tame the environment towards their preferences.

I see this behavior in males too, mostly in mimicry of the females in order to fit in. Social functions, office politics, and other things push people towards a PC attitude. I could have walked in to my old lab and said "white men should all be killed" and no one would bat an eye, but if I said "women on average have lower IQs than men" I would have been kicked out of the lab. People pick up on that and change their behavior accordingly.

But really, what you responded to had almost nothing to do with my original post. I am describing behavior I am witnessing.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I don't think terms like "feminist dogma" are very useful. What does that mean? The quote TubZy used is what comes up in a google search. Wikipedia defines feminism as "a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to such opportunities for men." Again, I think most reasonable people would meet the definition of a feminist, defined as such.

Perhaps what you think of as feminism and reject isn't really feminism at all, but something else, misrepresented as feminism.
The dictionary definition of a lot of political movements sound very appealing on the surface but they seldom if ever tell you what is really going on. Read the quote from Ray above and watch the Russo interview and ask yourself why would the CIA and the Rockefeller Foundation fund the women's movement. Do you really think that they give two sh*ts about empowering women? The true goal of Feminism and all other elite funded movements goes far beyond what they put on their t-shirts or scribble on their topless chests.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
But not every woman wants to be a stay at home Mom, and she should be able to have the option and equality. There are even stay at home Dads now. I stay home. My husband can easily support us. I realized from the beginning my kids needed me there and we don't rely on the state. But even from a young age my kids said things like 'But she's a girl she can't do it'. Where did that come from? I didn't teach them that.
Again I fully agree that everyone should be able to choose the life they want and women should be treated no differently than men. Feminism however has a much darker goal in mind.

I also believe that we should address other inequities that feminists dont have much to say about like the inequalities in child custody law, domestic violence, prison sentencing, career and educational support services etc.

As for where your kids are learning that men and women are different I would just say "out of the mouths of babes."

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Based on this definition, how would one justify not being a feminist?

Anyone care to explain why women shouldn't have equal rights, or to explain what makes them think Ray Peat wouldn't support that?
The dictionary definition of a lot of political movements sound very appealing on the surface but they seldom if ever tell you what is really going on. Read the quote from Ray above and watch the Russo interview and ask yourself why would the CIA and the Rockefeller Foundation fund the women's movement. Do you really think that they give two sh*ts about empowering women? The true goal of Feminism and all other elite funded movements goes far beyond what they put on their t-shirts or scribble on their topless chests.
Work is exhausting to anyone's body but from a Peat/Dalton perspective of women being constant grazers, I feel like working ruins my health. I would love nothing more than to be a stay at home mom but felt inadequate most of my teens and early 20s "just being in a relationship" because I had to go "find myself and my career". I would also say that there was a very different kind of feminism before the 1950s/CIA that had goals other than putting women to work. Like allowing girls to climb trees and read maps for one thing

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Again I fully agree that everyone should be able to choose the life they want and women should be treated no differently than men. Feminism however has a much darker goal in mind.

I also believe that we should address other inequities that feminists dont have much to say about like the inequalities in child custody law, domestic violence, prison sentencing, career and educational support services etc.

As for where your kids are learning that men and women are different I would just say "out of the mouths of babes."
But I would also add that feminism as a right to stable work and the ability to also be a mother would be an ideal situation. Working outside of home is not necessarily the problem, but the work environments in themselves are problematic (poor shifts, few breaks, lighting, etc)


Apr 30, 2015
Just remember...if you are a man and refuse to have sex with a trans man who is now a woman, you are transphobic and sexist. This is why we can't have nice things.
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