Ray Peat Intersectional Feminist Facebook Group


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 15, 2016
MBA's with more credentials than sense, perspective, or general knowledge about the world and human nature, are the ROOT OF ALL EVIL.

Shakespeare seemed to think (or at least he joked about it) that killing all the lawyers would be the first step in making the world a better place to live. To put a more modern spin on it, I would suggest replacing "lawyers" with "MBA's" (or at least adding them to the short list).

Why does every interesting topic on this forum ALWAYS devolve into the same (now soporific) arguments about economics, The Jooooozzzz, oblique (or direct) references to the Illuminati or similar hidden power structures, and ad hominems by various parties towards parties who disagree with them?
LOL looks like there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.


Aug 17, 2016
Why does every interesting topic on this forum ALWAYS devolve into the same (now soporific) arguments about economics, The Jooooozzzz, oblique (or direct) references to the Illuminati or similar hidden power structures, and ad hominems by various parties towards parties who disagree with them?

Why, guys?

This was a pretty good discussion for a while. @Regina gave it an even bigger boost by bringing dogs into it. :thumbsup: :D Been gone for a week and now this.

Jeez, pleez. Give it a rest, huh? Or at least, please try to keep it out of any thread that mentions dogs. :p:
My dog is seeking out the red light on his own!


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Aug 15, 2015
My dog is seeking out the red light on his own!
Did you make the red light or you bought it from somewhere? I am preparing for the winter from now and I would like to fill my apartment with red light everywhere.


Aug 17, 2016
Did you make the red light or you bought it from somewhere? I am preparing for the winter from now and I would like to fill my apartment with red light everywhere.
I bought a RubyLux Infrared Bulb from amazon for $24.99. I added the Woods 10in Brooder Clamp Bulb Guard as the lamp receptacle for $11.52.
It's a really nice combo. I now have 4 of these.
(sorry about thread diversion :dummy1:)


Aug 15, 2015
I bought a RubyLux Infrared Bulb from amazon for $24.99. I added the Woods 10in Brooder Clamp Bulb Guard as the lamp receptacle for $11.52.
It's a really nice combo. I now have 4 of these.
(sorry about thread diversion :dummy1:)
Nice thanks for sharing :)


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I was getting frustrated and losing my temper. I would give up and try to impress my pals by going to women and asking strange questions or making outlandish remarks. Nothing too repugnant or gratuitous, just genuine humorous stuff. For example once I went up to a girl and asked if she'd by me a drink. Course she says nah. Or I ask for her phone. She ask's "why?" I say "it's urgent- I need to get in touch with the president of Guatamala" or something. "He's on his way here and the bar is all out of spicy corn dog's-they're his favorite. If he doesn't get them he wont share any state secrets with us" Just harmless silly stuff like that.

Of course none of the gals saw it this way- they are used to dozens of guys delivering the same tired cliche line "How you doin tonight hot stuff" etc etc....When someone throws them a curveball they run to their favorite security guard and ham it up "he's soo creeepy zomg" At 5 different bars/clubs the security guard has refused my entry saying that he received too many complaints from women about me. I guess they remember me because I have a handsome face. Even though my pals would be up to the same shenanigans (or usually worse) and they would always be allowed in.

It's all good now- I didn't enjoy going to any of those lamestream joints. I prefer quirky bars like olde british pubs or retro diners, and usually I only order sodas or coffee so who cares.
I came back to this thread because I remember Tarmander's post, and I never read your own. I've crafted an amateur Socratic dialogue using stereotypes.

Why would a woman want a man?

First, there's the man and his being (self-property), his external property, and the contractual arrangement of any future production (gained through his being).

Why would a man want a woman?

First, there's the woman and her being, her external property, and the contractual arrangement of future production (gained through her being.)

What are the woman's alternatives to a long-term relationship with a man?

  1. His beauty and company can be replicated at a bar or social gathering with no investment, although this source would not be predictable and depends on men's attraction to her.
  2. His property can be mimicked without him, whether by transfer payments through the state (as food, utilities, or housing), or obtained from him through property settlements in divorce and so forth. Custodial cases tend to favor the woman, so the children would likely be under her jurisdiction.
  3. His future property can be obtained without him through continued transfer payments, alimony, child support and so forth. A large measure of her earning capacity depends on her strategy early in life; if she attended college, she will likely earn more than a man, but if she only attended high school or no school, then she will earn less than a man due to both a lower wage and fewer hours worked per week on average.
What are the man's alternatives to a long-term relationship with a woman?
  1. Her beauty and company can be replicated with a prostitute, where he must pay, or through multiple engagements in public with females.
  2. Her property could be mimicked through transfer payments through the state, and rarely gained through property settlements in divorce. He most likely would not gain custody of his kids, although he could adopt or hire a surrogate.
  3. Her future property will likely not be delivered through alimony, her future capacity to have children will remain her own and the man must find another woman to bear their children, and based on the decision of custodial cases, he may not gain jurisdiction over the kids. He could pursue transfer payments. The man may have foregone college to raise a family, but he likely did not function as a stay-at-home dad, and so he gained work experience or education during this time, which would have raised his wage, and men tend to work more hours per week.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
I don't understand the rationale behind HAES. A woman who is 300lbs @ 5'7 is not healthy.


May 6, 2016
My dog is seeking out the red light on his own!
I bought a RubyLux Infrared Bulb from amazon for $24.99. I added the Woods 10in Brooder Clamp Bulb Guard as the lamp receptacle for $11.52.
It's a really nice combo. I now have 4 of these.
Thanks for this tip. I'm going to try. Been seeking an economical way to experiment with red light. There's a lot of confusing info out there about them.

Did you get the 250 watt?

Also, what do you think are the best threads on the forum about red light? Again, I've tried researching a bit but haven't had time to get into the topic real good and there seems to be a lot of chatter without pithy info. If you've got any suggestion on where to read, they'd be appreciated. If not, I'll find 'em in my own time. ;)


Aug 17, 2016

Thanks for this tip. I'm going to try. Been seeking an economical way to experiment with red light. There's a lot of confusing info out there about them.

Did you get the 250 watt?

Also, what do you think are the best threads on the forum about red light? Again, I've tried researching a bit but haven't had time to get into the topic real good and there seems to be a lot of chatter without pithy info. If you've got any suggestion on where to read, they'd be appreciated. If not, I'll find 'em in my own time. ;)
Yes. They are the 25o watt rubylux bulbs. I have three of them. I also have the ABI 12W deep red 660nm LED bloom booster grow light bulb $18.95 that I stuck in a light bulb socket with cord (another $8.95).
I like this one for hand held targeting areas like my liver, solar plexus or thyroid while watching TV. Or if I have an aikido injury.
Honestly, I didn't do any reading. I just sort of jumped in. My 4th bulb that is in a metal brooder clamp lamp is a crappy red bulb from Home Depot. That one is fine for ambient red hues but it doesn't put out any heat and it's not small like my cute hand held bulb.
:2cents: if it helps.
Yeah, Mr. Phineas (my dog) seems to wait until my light is hot. Then he jumps off the couch and snuggles up next to it. Glad I am prepared for winter dead ahead.


Mar 10, 2016
It's difficult to have precision with terms such as "alpha male" and "beta male." For example, a CEO heads his dominance hierarchy within the company, but he's in service to the owners of the company (of which he may be one), and he also has an obligation to make decisions for the benefit of the entire company including its employees and customers. The archetypes of father and son may be more appropriate, and it would be beneficial to delineate between a realized and unrealized potential of these.

Exactly and thank you. Beta and alpha are terms for animals not humans and besides no man exists in a vaccuum. Each person needs another and finds his place in society.


Sep 1, 2017
I'm living within a socialist country and I was a commie. I can smell socialists miles away...and th
I figured I'd share this for those who may be interested:

"Welcome to Ray Peat Women. This is an international and intersectional ‘safe space’, primarily established to discuss female issues, with a Ray Peat backdrop. Many of us feel that Ray Peat is pro-feminism, anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian and an advocate of women. This group is open to women and men to discuss issues with respect and without hate speech, judgement or splaining.

A rough guide to our discussion topics:

• Feminism, particularly from a Peat-esque perspective

• Ray Peat’s articles and views on women

• Women's health issues, such as fertility, weight, body image, emotions

• Accessing healthcare as a woman or any marginalised group

• Health vs image and beauty

• Mother, child, relationship and family issues

• Size acceptance

• Health at every size (HAES)

• Racism and other intersections, such as ableism, homophobia etc

• Demonisation of food and lifestyle habits

• Sex and sexuality

• Reproductive health and family planning services

• Health, poverty and other types of privilege and oppression

• General feminism discussion for Ray Peat followers

• Any Ray Peat or health related issue you feel unable to discuss in other groups.

Group policy (please read before posting)

All people entering this safe space are making an agreement to:

• Respect the pronouns, names, and identities of everyone. Do not assume anyone’s gender identity, sexual preference, survivor status, economic status, background, health, etc.

• Respect people’s opinions, beliefs, experiences and differing points of view.

• Be responsible for our own actions and aware of our prejudices and privileges.

• Notice if things are falling below an acceptable standard (healthy people speaking over less healthy people, men speaking over women, hetereosexual or cis people speaking over LGBT people, etc) and be prepared to intervene if/when this happens. Be vocal when you see others being disrespected, or when they have expressed that they are triggered or distressed by something.

• Be aware and remind themselves of the group policy.

• Respect everyone’s emotional and physical (in the case of meet ups) boundaries. Ask first before touching, and listen and change your behavior if someone tells you that you are making them uncomfortable.

• Be aware of their language and behavior, and to reflect thoughtfully and critically about the subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which language furthers social stigma and oppression.

• Be tolerant of other’s religious beliefs or lack thereof.

This is a violence and hate-free space with zero-tolerance for, for racism, ageism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, sizeism, ableism (including mental illness), sexworker-phobia or for any other behavior or language that may perpetuate oppression. Admins may remove posts or comments, which violate these rules, without warning.

If you experience discrimination, abuse, harassment or violence of any kind from another group member, notify a moderator immediately."

If you don't know what "intersectionality" is, this video 'splains:

I'm living within a socialist country and I was a commie for years. I can smell socialists miles away, and I couldn't read that whole load of s.............socialist words xD

<<I'm sure Ray doesn't believe in "health at every size.">>
LOL I also read that laughted: fat people asking other people to think that they are ok and they wont consider the OBVIOUS fact that they are fat

If someone doesn't like that you are fat you can't ask for acceptance, just move on. But socialist are like that, they see someone looking athletic and they want to destroy it because they are resentful and full of envy.
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
In case anyone is interested, at the moment of this posting I'm sitting in a biomedical academic office listening to the 100% female lab that shares the office with my lab talk incessantly about food. There is a food truck on campus on Wednesdays, and apparently the empanadas are good. It's hard to mess up empanadas, they say, unless you mess up the dough. Or put too many olives in them. The sauce is pleasantly spicy. All of this is being yelled loud enough so that I would make a face if they were talking that loud to me a few feet away, and they are across the room. About an hour ago they were trying to figure out how to keep their mini fridge from smelling like ***t, and wondering if they had forgotten to take their food out again.

So, I don't know precisely what I mean by this, but there's something bad going on here, pushing more girls into science to "compete with the boys, show 'em you're just as smart" where they will end up talking about food with other fat career women all day. Ironically, their PI is a man, and the social dynamic is essentially a harem without the sex. h u m a n n a t u r e c a n n o t b e o v e r c o m e b y w i s h i n g i t a w a y
Hey Kyle, how are you doing in academia? My doctor has said repeatedly that I should enter into academia, but I'm extremely hesitant to do so, although I would enjoy the research and writing aspects. Also, I'm sure you mentioned this, but do you do mostly lab work and review research (as you seem to do that based on your blog?)

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Hey Kyle, how are you doing in academia? My doctor has said repeatedly that I should enter into academia, but I'm extremely hesitant to do so, although I would enjoy the research and writing aspects. Also, I'm sure you mentioned this, but do you do mostly lab work and review research (as you seem to do that based on your blog?)

I'm doing ok. I'm having trouble caring enough about the research I'm working on now to do the work though. It has nothing to do with human health and is extremely niche and basic science.

I am a post-doctoral biochemist, which means that most of my time is spent doing lab bench work. My background isn't in biochemistry so I have to start practicing doing more of the writing. At this point most of the literature review I do is extra-curricular, but I do read up on biochemistry in general and my particular niche field, which is endogenous cofactor enzymes, so that I can pull my weight in the writing department.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I'm doing ok. I'm having trouble caring enough about the research I'm working on now to do the work though. It has nothing to do with human health and is extremely niche and basic science.

I am a post-doctoral biochemist, which means that most of my time is spent doing lab bench work. My background isn't in biochemistry so I have to start practicing doing more of the writing. At this point most of the literature review I do is extra-curricular, but I do read up on biochemistry in general and my particular niche field, which is endogenous cofactor enzymes, so that I can pull my weight in the writing department.
That sounds pretty miserable, but at least it's an ancillary field. I had similar problems doing biochemistry; inorganic chemistry bores me to death, and added to an intense workload (to weed out underperformers for health-related professions), an accelerated tract, and regular labs, and I considered killing myself for a while. The information did not seem hard, but the whole experience seemed contrived and serotonergic.

If I wanted to study biology, then I would have to dip into genetics and all that autism finding the particular allele that codes for the toenail protein in the naked mole rat to employ some GTF who has an intense interest in sea anemones for some God-forsaken reason. No thanks.
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