School shootings aren't as bad as the world makes them out to be

Apr 22, 2019
Is hope of life after death the only hope Christianity offers? What about hope for life while you live it?
Yes. The health of your flesh today:

Proverbs 4:20-22
[20] My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
[21] Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
[22] For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
Is hope of life after death the only hope Christianity offers? What about hope for life while you live it?

Also you mentioned earlier in the thread that the Church was built on the rock of Peter and represents the truth of God’s word. What do you make of the Church at one time being the largest religion on the planet but then splintering into so many sects and breakaway churches? If the message was so obviously the truth why did so many leave? Tribalism? politics?
Matthew 16:25
"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."

This life is temporary, but our souls are immortal, thus your primary concern should getting into Heaven.

Man is fallen and prone to error, and Satan is working overtime to throw us off the narrow path. The teaching of His Church is perfect and teaches no error. Follow Her teaching, and you will secure your reward.


Oct 6, 2021
Bro you mentioned quite a few times Christianity and islam. Does that mean you would rather believe in this one for example:


Alo you said you won't believe in soul until proven by experiments. Well Jesus existence was proven by such. But is fiction to you, cause it weren't you doing this experiments/research. Than have you ever try yourself to prove/disprove anything about Christianity?

Its like a person staying in the basement and claiming sun does not exist. People telling him it certanly does and the person says Nope I don't trust authority.

Do you get how dumm would that be. This person could verify sun just by going out of his basement but he does not want to do so.
The video Chad Catholic has posted was unavailable for my country as well, but I did watch it...

Christianity does not contradict having high energy and being ''fun'' . The number of times you wish fun to others is quite telling. If one is abundant in something he is not fixating on it..

And finally weather something is true or false does not depend of anyone personal view.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Bro you mentioned quite a few times Christianity and islam. Does that mean you would rather believe in this one for example:

View attachment 45511
hi boy i mentioned islam and christianity because those are the religions i was most exposed to, that did not imply that other religions are better, there is no need of religion to live your best life
Well Jesus existence was proven by such
what are you refering to"jesus existence proven by such ? "
But is fiction to you, cause it weren't you doing this experiments/research Than have you ever try yourself to prove/disprove anything about Christianity?
It is not a duty, nor a necessity, nor a utility to try to prove / disprove all the stories / fictions that exist, there are an infinity of them whether on the internet or those that people tell, I suggest you not to waste your time/energy/well-being doing this.

the part of islam christianity that i was exposed to contains enough absurdity and authoritarianism for me to consider it irrelevant and a net negative to me
Its like a person staying in the basement and claiming sun does not exist. People telling him it certanly does and the person says Nope I don't trust
Do you get how dumm would that be. This person could verify sun just by going out of his basement but he does not want to do so.
The video Chad Catholic has posted was unavailable for my country as well, but I did watch it...
if the first person is feeling fantastically in her basement and a second person is trying to get her to consider a story out of fear/threat/authoritarianism, the first person has no reason to check the story specifically if the second person even claims that she bases her entire narrative on writings and that there is no evidence in the environment that this narrative is absolutely true,unless;

ideal scenario, the first person has enough energy to tend to help the second person feel better and get rid of the negative emotions mentioned above so that she doesn't care about this narrative anymore
Christianity does not contradict having high energy and being ''fun'' . The number of times you wish fun to others is quite telling. If one is abundant in something he is not fixating on it..
looooooooooooool,nothing i wrote implyed what you assumed above

"hi, religion can arouse positive emotions such as hope, and if for the person the sum of the positive and negative emotions aroused by religion is in favor of the positive ones,and no other narrative make him feel better than the religious one, then it is a net positive for him,
yet religion and the negative emotions it arouses for a good part of the people remain sub-optimal and limit the person in the highest degree of energy ,well-being and joy that they can achieve"

i suggest you either focus and read more carefully,
or that you try to get rid of potential negative emotions that may have been sparked by what I wrote and that could have impaired your judgment, if there are none, great

i wish people fun because(suspens).................i wish them fun loooooooooooooooool,i have high fun,and thats what i wish to peoples,feel good and have fun

"psyko"logy bad attempts are a waist of energy/time for both of us
And finally weather something is true or false does not depend of anyone personal view.
"in my experience, any perspective/"value" is always intertwined with emotions that determine your affinity, receptivity to that perspective/value, and your propensity to view it as true, relevant, and to be influenced by it"

i suggest you give your truth definition

i wish you fun intravenously
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@Chad_Catholic i have no evidence that the broad narrative you defined as soul is real and not fiction(the one i copy past below):

"The non-physical part of a human being that lives on after the death of the physical body"

your belief in a soul does not determine your empathy/psychopathy,

some religious people claim that they have a soul and it does not stop them from abusing childrens,

some people dont give specific credit to your definition of having a "soul" ,they have empathy and consider other people sensitivity


Oct 6, 2021
If wish you fun is your signature like some people write regards + their name than cool. But if you are wishing fun in this thread exclusively, that may be cause you are viewing Christians as unfun high serotonin people blindly obeying fiction authority.

looooooooooooool,nothing i wrote implyed what you assumed above
if the first person is feeling fantastically in her basement and a second person is trying to get her to consider a story out of fear/threat/authoritarianism


what are you refering to"jesus existence proven by such ? "

I'm reffering that it is proven Jesus exist, He was crossed and killed and then He rose from dead.

If by ''what are you refering'' you ask me to show you the evidence, scientific work and experiments, I would but I'm affraid you will say
"didn't watch tralala" as you previously did. Or ''it weren't me supervising their work therefore they are telling a story''

Having good energy of a child is nice but having childish behaviour is not. Arguing extensively for the sake of argument without presenting any arguments and valid points, meanwhile refusing to even glance on what others are showing to you- no thats a fiction no need to llok at it.

Giraffes do exist whether or not you witneesed them on saffari or in zoo. There is a real story for a guy being shown a photo of giraffe. He looked at it and said 'there isnt such animal'.

Now going back to original post of twohandsondeck where he said under 20s going to heaven regardless. If you die tomorrow I have hope for you-
God could see how childish you are and count you as a minor.
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@HighT Hi,i wished fun to all people on the last posts i commented on,even those that were not related to religion/christianism

first the second paragraph i wrote that you linked, i wrote it after you assumed that i was saying that christianity and a high degree of energy were incompatible, which i never said,this is why I invited you to read more carefully,

secondly this second paragraph that I wrote and that you linked is a response to your paragraph containing an Allegory of the Cave 0.1. ,so i played your allegory and i explained the factors that would influence whever or not the first person would consider the second person claim,the second person in the story is not all christians,

there is plenty on people claiming to be christians on internet,that try to push their narratives mainly through fear/threat/authoritarianism,wich from my experience is the manifestation of a suboptimal degree of fun/energy/well being at the very moment they wrote/said it

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I missclicked my post in the middle and had to edit it, so please look at it again.
loooooooooooooooooooool you are funny,you please me re-look your post,in wich you added disparagement.

I'm reffering that it is proven Jesus exist, He was crossed and killed and then He rose from dead.

If by ''what are you refering'' you ask me to show you the evidence, scientific work and experiments, I would but I'm affraid you will say
"didn't watch tralala" as you previously did. Or ''it weren't me supervising their work therefore they are telling a story''
i told you that to me writings,"scientific papers" are not concrete evidences that fictional jesus christ,was an existing being and that he had the characteristics attributed to him

Having good energy of a child is nice but having childish behaviour is not. Arguing extensively for the sake of argument without presenting any arguments and valid points, meanwhile refusing to even glance on what others are showing to you- no thats a fiction no need to llok at it.
i answered to the comments you sent me,to me the highest evidences are rigorous experiments,i shared some of mines,i got a video sent that i could not watch due to being in France,and i said prior that videos are not absolute proof to me

Giraffes do exist whether or not you witneesed them on saffari or in zoo. There is a real story for a guy being shown a photo of giraffe. He looked at it and said 'there isnt such animal'.
i have never seen giraffes in the real life,so until proven by experimentation they are fictional to me

Now going back to original post of twohandsondeck where he said under 20s going to heaven regardless. If you die tomorrow I have hope for you-
God could see how childish you are and count you as a minor.
looooooooooooooooooool thanks for wishing me a great after life if there is such thing

to me some of your comments clearly manifest emotional susceptibility at the moment,you wrote them,i suggest you to not exchange with people that have a different perspective than you if it trigger you some negatives emotions

i wish you fun intravenously


Oct 6, 2021
i told you that to me writings,"scientific papers" are not concrete evidences that fictional jesus christ,was an existing being and that he had the characteristics attributed to him
Well thats why I didn't present the experiments.

But wait than why did you asked :
what are you refering to"jesus existence proven by such ? "
Again childish behaviour, just playing arround in circles.

i have never seen giraffes in the real life,so until proven by experimentation they are fictional to me
Enough said.

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