Shrimp's Peat Log- Thyroid, Anxiety And Acne Issues, Oh My!


Oct 29, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Hi Shrimp,

I talked to Ray about my issues and he told me vitamin A likely strongly blocked my thyroid function. Apart from severe adrenaline symptoms I never had before in my life, my pulse eventually fell to the lowest numbers ever and some other very unusual symptoms appeared, so I think he might be right, or maybe vit. A was even toxic for me. I'm still having symptoms even two months after quitting vit. A -- Ray said it can be stored in the tissues and that I should take a thyroid supplement to raise my metabolism, which should also lower adrenaline with time...

"The body tends to compensate for low thyroid by increasing adrenaline; increasing the thyroid supplement gradually over a period of weeks, it's possible to lower the adrenaline. It's necessary to use extra sugar and salt, and foods with calcium and magnesium, during that time." - RP

He also said some people can't even stand 5000 IU vit. A/day, so be careful even with lower dosages, especially if you're hypothyroid. Also, your tolerance to it might change with time. Personally, after reading quite a bit about it, I don't think it is necessarily safe even if it clears someone's acne. But of course it might not be your problem at all, I don't know, I'm just adding my two cents here. :)

And to mandance and others who say anxiety is a mental issue... in my case anxiety (disabling physical symptoms like trembling and muscle tension/pain) was almost without a doubt caused by vit. A and has nothing to do with mental issues. If causes are not known, that does not mean it's in one's head. But of course I agree that fearing these symptoms and panicking can make it worse.


Mar 17, 2013
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

I get anxiety reactions from too much histamine in food for one example of that. Too much liver causes a kind of torpor maybe from too much vitamin A.


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

@mandance: You are right; anxiety is a beast of its own to deal with on top of the metabolism issues. I'll look into CBT; can't afford therapy but I'm sure there are some good resources out there in books/on the net. Thanks!

@Swandattur: I'm not sure about histamine intolerance. I'd think that the thyroid medication would remedy any issues with that eventually. I'm not sure I could handle a low-histamine food trial as it's already hard for me to eat enough. I'll look into it, though. I do have problems with allergies and probably SIBO that could suggest an issue there.

@Lucy: Did you have any bloodwork done re: Vitamin A levels? I've tested low in Vit A the few times I've had it drawn, which is why I decided to start supplementing (aside from acne). I can definitely see it being an issue if you supplement without needing to. Not sure if it's my issue since I have low levels, and I've never supplemented large amounts.

About ten days ago, I added 15mg Thiroyd to the 60mg of NP Thyroid I've been on since the start of the summer. It made my period about a week late, which happens sometimes when I increase meds. I've been taking my temps, and I range anywhere from 97.2-97.7 in the mornings and 97.9-98.2 in the afternoon. Pulse is typically ~80bpm. I'm beyond exhausted, and my hands and feet are freezing. I've also been dealing with annoying sinus headache type symptoms (pressure, pain, congestion). I've been trying to do light exercise on an exercise bike ~20 mins 3x/week, with some light weight lifting after. I just feel way too weak right now. :/ I'm going to add another 15mg of Thiroyd in a few days and see if that helps.

I also purchased a heat lamp and have been using it ~30mins/day. Haven't noticed any real effect but I'm sure anything from that would be subtle anyway. It does help to warm my room up a bit. :D


Mar 17, 2013
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

I know what you mean about dietary restrictions. It would be better to improve metabolism so that you don't have to restrict so much.


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Swandattur said:
I know what you mean about dietary restrictions. It would be better to improve metabolism so that you don't have to restrict so much.
Definitely! I do hope that improving thyroid status helps with tolerating more foods. From what I've read, it seems like it does.

Just wanted to make a note that my cycle has been messed up since I increased my dosage of NDT from 1 grain to 1.5 grains a few weeks ago. My period was over a week late last month, and now I'm getting random mild bleeding mid-cycle. From what I've read it seems like it's "ovulation bleeding," but I've never had that before. I'm not pregnant, either. It must be related to the thyroid meds as my periods were very regular before my dose increase.

Otherwise, I feel pretty much the same as before my dose increase; still exhausted, foggy, cold and anxious most of the time. Found out via a post I made on that I'm inadvertently eating fairly low-carb (~150g carbs/day), so I'm going to try to increase my OJ and fruit intake and see if that helps.


Mar 17, 2013
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Hey, increasing carbs should really help, since they are, at least in the no starch form, supposed to be very stress relieving!


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

I haven't posted here in a while. Unfortunately, I still feel awful.

In an attempt to rule out a prolactinoma due to my elevated prolactin levels, the endo I saw ordered a pituitary MRI, which I had scheduled for this coming Monday. The more I read about the contrast agent they use and the risks involved, however, the more I am thinking that I am going to cancel the test. I'm already unwell, and I don't want to further stress my body with an injection of some nasty heavy metal.

Additionally, I've read on several websites that high prolactin levels can be high due to hypothyroidism. Where I still have many hypo symptoms, I think the logical reason for my high prolactin levels would be hypothyroidism instead of a pituitary tumor.

I'm going to try to bring the prolactin down by other means, probably by stepping up my progesterone supplementation considerably, supplementing a small amount of zinc and looking into herbals like Vitex.

I'm not sure how much the 120mg of Thiroyd I'm taking is doing for me. I feel like I have some weird resistance to thyroid hormone, as I'm only 90lbs and have been on up to 125mcg of pure T3 with little effect, though I was eating a ton of PUFAs at the time.

On a more positive note, I got an ice cream maker, and my dad and I have been making mocha chip ice cream with espresso, cocoa and honey. Haagen Dazs just can't compare anymore. :D


Aug 9, 2013
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Shrimp said:
Swandattur said:
Otherwise, I feel pretty much the same as before my dose increase; still exhausted, foggy, cold and anxious most of the time. Found out via a post I made on that I'm inadvertently eating fairly low-carb (~150g carbs/day), so I'm going to try to increase my OJ and fruit intake and see if that helps.

did you increase your sugar?

RP says somewhere about eating 400 grams of carbs per day.


Mar 17, 2013
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Shrimp wrote the above. The way this copied, it looks like I said it. I wonder if it helped, too, though. These days, I myself eat lots of carbs in the form of non starchy fruit and if that weren't enough I eat sugar, too. I think more non starchy carbs is a help.


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

I've tried to get more carbs through fruit and sugar but it is still a challenge. I can't get full without starch, and too much fruit just makes me pee all the time.

Feeling pretty much the same as before; tired, foggy, anxious, incapable of doing many "normal" things. I'm losing my heath insurance soon so I had some tests done:

Mag RBC: 4.0 (3.3-5.5)
TSH: <0.01 (0.35-4.50)
Free T3: 2.90 (2.30-4.20)
Reverse T3: 19 (8-25)
Free T4: 1.02 (0.71-1.42)
Vitamin D: 24.6 (<30 = deficiency)

Adding Vit. D and magnesium. Currently taking Vit. A, Vitex, Zinc, Selenium when I remember. Don't wanna overdo the supplements.

I'd increased my dose of NDT to 2 grains with no real relief of symptoms. According to labs, my T3 is still pooling some despite my TSH being suppressed, which means its the T4 from the medication causing the issues. So I am lowering my NDT dose to 1 grain (possibly 1/2 grain) and adding in pure T3 (12.5-25mcg) to see if that helps.


Mar 17, 2013
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Wouldn't that be a lot of reverse T3? By 'pooling,' is that what you mean? I don't understand this stuff real well, I guess. Before I even saw your post, your log came to mind after some trouble I've been having. My endocrinologist put me on a little T4 to shrink a multi-nodular thyroid. Even though he said it would have no effect for six weeks, I noticed improvement in some physical symptoms, but I believe it was the cause of worsening of my depression. I took myself off of it, and stopped feeling so bad. I've read several accounts of T4 alone not helping or even causing depression. Maybe it does this through increasing reverse T3.


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Hi Swandattur! How are you doing?

In my case, my reverse T3 is in range, but it is the ratio of free T3 to reverse T3 that shows the conversion issue. There is a calculator here:

I've read in a few places that the ratio is higher than 20 in healthy people. Mine is 15.

Many people have issues converting T4 to T3 due to stress, other illness, etc. There are countless stories on the net about people who've stayed ill on T4 only treatment, or have even gotten worse. I've just started to realize that too much T4, even in the form of natural dessicated thyroid which includes T3, makes me feel worse, too. Have you tried taking any T3 for the depression?


Mar 17, 2013
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

No, I haven't tried T3 for my depression, although I would like to try it. I've been reading some of the stories about T4 only causing depression. I have read that psychiatrists will sometimes prescribe some T3 for depression. My psychiatrist has never suggested it. Maybe I can get my endocrinologist to have my reverse T3 tested. At least I would know if ratio of T3 to reverse T3 is a problem. Everything else seems to have been tested. I do have a lot of stress in my life and I'm past menopause, so probably my body does have a problem with the conversion.
Sorry for the rambling paragraph.
Do you have a doctor who prescribes the NDT and T3? It sounds like you are beginning to get things figured out as to which things and how much to take. That's really good!


Mar 21, 2014
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Hi Shrimp,

I've read through the entire thread and my heart goes out to you. I've had similar symptoms and experiences and it's pretty maddening.

Are you still Peating? Do you feel like it's helping at all? Any changes in the constant hunger feeling?

I also did damage on a Paleo diet (very low carb for me) and have been on the Armour roller-coaster as well. Starting to implement some of Peat's ideas to see if they will help.

Are you taking selenium to help T3 conversion?


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

I have a doctor who does prescribe these, but as I went hyperthyroid before she is extremely hesitant in raising my doses, and will only prescribe the bare minimum amount of medication. I've been ordering my own T3 online for now to try to use and see if it helps. The stress of trying to convince my doctor that I need more medication isn't helping me any. Unfortunately, my experiences with doctors who say that they'll treat by symptoms is that they ultimately all fall back on bloodwork when deciding a dose for medication, which in my case is almost completely useless. It's hard to find one who will listen to your symptoms above all else. I've read that some people call around local pharmacies to find out who prescribes natural dessicated thyroid or T3, so if you're interested in trying it that may be an option.

Hi freyasam,

Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings! Sorry to hear that you're dealing with the aftermath of Paleo, too. I have no idea if the Peating is helping to be honest, but I don't really have an alternative "diet" to go back to so I've been sticking with it. I'm gluten intolerant so my choices are kind of limited, anyway. I eat some things that Peat doesn't really recommend like rice in decent quantities to help with the hunger feeling. My diet right now is mostly milk, cheese, greek yogurt with honey, OJ, black cherry juice, eggs, beef, skinless chicken breasts, potatoes, rice and some shrimp and oysters when I can. It is nearly impossible to get quality ripe tropical fruit around here, so most of my carbs are from juice or starch. I eat a big scoop of Haagen Dazs Vanilla before bed to get through the night without waking up hungry.

I was taking selenium daily to help with T3 conversion but didn't really feel much effect from it. For supplements I take zinc, D3, Magnesium Citrate and Vitamin A. These are all vitamins I have labwork saying I was deficient in. Not sure if there is a test for selenium.

Have you had any luck with thyroid supplementation? Seems like it doesn't do much of anything for me most of the time and it is beyond frustrating at this point. :/


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

I've slowly worked my way up to ~44mcg Cynomel, split into four doses/day. Haven't noticed any real dent in my hypo symptoms (hair loss, fatigue, anxiety, foggy head, cold hands/feet). Also, my pulse has been doing some funky things. Tends to be ~75bpm in the mornings the past few days, then shoot up to 90-105bpm as the day goes on. I'm wondering if its an adrenaline/cortisol thing. My temps still rarely hit 98.6 so I doubt I am hyper...Been having headaches as well but they are prob just sinuses as the pollen is high here lately.

On another note, I seem to do a bit better with mango juice than OJ. OJ just feels so acidic in my gut, while the mango juice causes no upset. The only problem is the mango juice is kind of high in beta carotene, so I might just use it to dilute the OJ a bit.


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

I had one of those weird adrenaline attacks when at my boyfriend's apartment this weekend. I lay down in bed and suddenly felt the sick panicky feeling wash over me. I got up and took my pulse- it was 120. Ended up in the bathroom where I had an episode of the runs AND vomited at the same time. Felt a lot better after, but the attack was miserable. Temps have been better lately (98.2 in mornings!) but hands and feet can be freezing, pulse still high 90's and I'm still exhausted so I think it may be adrenaline.

Decided to swap over some of my Cynomel to Thiroyd after reading a convincing article about why T3-only treatment is unnecessary and can be harmful. Now I am doing 1 grain NDT and 25mcg Cynomel.


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Dealing with another adrenaline attack; can't try to doze off without getting a sickening jolt of anxiety. They are definitely brought on by stress/anxiety. I have a job interview upcoming, the first in a long time, for a fantastic job. However, I still feel so ill that I have doubts if I can handle the interview or even the job. It is not a stressful job, but I feel so unable to deal with any new stressors right now without just collapsing in an anxiety/adrenaline attack. Then I start getting anxious about if I'll ever feel better, and the cycle continues. Something has to change.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

Hope things get better Shrimp. We are here for you.
Can you think of anything that might help calm you down? Large doses of Niacinamide maybe?


Oct 3, 2012
Re: Shrimp's Peat log- thyroid, anxiety and acne issues, oh

paper_clips43 said:
Hope things get better Shrimp. We are here for you.
Can you think of anything that might help calm you down? Large doses of Niacinamide maybe?
Hi paper_clips43,

Thanks for the message! I did eventually end up getting a few hours of sleep. What finally calmed me down enough was actually lying down on an Acupressure mat for a while. I don't feel much effect from supplements, but the large doses of Niacinamide are a possibility to try, as I've only tried around 500mg daily doses before. My doc suggested 1500mg a while back but I never tried it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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