Spirituality Wrecked Me. Can I Ever Heal?

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019

it likely was but all it did just wrecked me without anything positive and no clue how to fix it.

Although I communicate with Kundalini therapist I feel it is now brain and body issue instead of spiritual.
Cinderella is correct. You were not prepared. You will have to learn to run the orbits and KEEP YOUR TONGUE UP! You must also forgive everyone. This energy is trying to awake you but will destroy you if you don't do these things. Fire your therapist. If he/she had any idea what was really going on they would have corrected this.


Feb 5, 2015
Cinderella is correct. You were not prepared. You will have to learn to run the orbits and KEEP YOUR TONGUE UP! You must also forgive everyone. This energy is trying to awake you but will destroy you if you don't do these things. Fire your therapist. If he/she had any idea what was really going on they would have corrected this.
What do you mean by moving orbits? At my worse I visited local Tao guy that supposedly opened my microcosmic orbit but that didn't help at all.



Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
Hello all,

last three years I spent aroun 1-2h a day meditating at the same time staying in strict celibacy. My health improved a ton, I enjoyed such lifestyle and thought it's all roses and butterflies until one evening enormous amount of energy generated in my body and acted as some sort of electro shock to my psyche and body.

That happened on December and since then I've been living in a hell. I've been hospitalized in mental ward because I was averaging 1-2h of sleep at night for full month and my body went into katatonic mode. Felt like my nerves were "locking up". There I've been diagnosed as severely depressed and fed a lot of Ssri's, benzos and even antipsychotics. I quit most medications as I was barely alive from them but still on single pill of Ssri. Needless to say things did not improve at all and I've been living corpse with lots of torturing symptoms.

* I guess it's severe depression. I feel suicidal half of the day regardless of what I do. Take a walk, speak with my mother or occasionally meet friend. No pleasure ever just feeling horrible. At worst it often feels as I am breathing in toxins or chemicals.

*Major cognitive impairment that is quite similar to early onset of dementia. Vocabulary and short term memory vanished. It seems I also "lost thinking". Nothing creative, humorous or logical comes up in my head. It is usually some nonsense spinning all the time. When I have conversations they are really dry and not flow or liveness there. Often times it's one liners.

*This one is going to be difficult to explain but it's almost like I can't keep up with external view. Like all surroundings and what I see lags a micro second behind which makes it difficult to be on point. I am always confused and awkward when I need to respond by doing something (picking x or navigating my way in a more crowded areas for example).

*Energy issues. I never know when wave of fatigue hits me and I will need to lie in bed to catch breathing. Able to walk about 12km on a good day but not fit to work anymore.


*Overreactive nervous system. I never feel relaxed or at ease. Constantly on guard.

*Changes in personality for worse. I've became timid, withdrawn selfish, lazy, irritable, not caring. Wasn't exactly Mother Terresa prior but this new version of me is something like 30 years old booze addict living with his parents.

We did MRI scan because I thought it looks really brain injury alike but scan was fine.

I used to follow Peat sort of intuitively, especially when my health improved but currently my appetite is really low. I don't digest food as fast as I used to and not craving sweet/sugar like before.

Guys, this situation looks really hopeless but perhaps I can at least fix part where joy and energy comes back? This is really unbearable state to be living in and I don't know where to start if it's even healable.

If anybody could point some directions that would be great.

Thank you for reading
I’m curious as to why you attribute this mental break (?) to your spirituality and/or meditation practice?


Feb 5, 2015
I’m curious as to why you attribute this mental break (?) to your spirituality and/or meditation practice?
Cause the whole cascade of spiraling down happened after mentioned evening. Before that I was more or less fine.


Apr 28, 2018
Hello fellow Traveler,
Forgive me for not addressing you by your tag line, but, my first point is that your label, by your own hand, is putting "useless" into the ether every time you get a message...please change that to something that is wanted.
Now then.
My only qualification to speak here, is that this forum supported me with an outpour if amazing information and suggests just like you have received. I had nearly your same symptoms. Insomnia, the killer of proper metabolusm and right thinking, and destroyed GABA receptors from benzos, life trauma, isolation, and wellmeaning practitioners that prescribed ssris and other crazy ***t.
I am nearby, in Angelfire, and am offering dialogue for now if you want to pm me.


Nov 25, 2016
Sorry to hear about your struggle brother.

At the beginning of the year I hit a bad depressive episode, during which life took on a nightmarish quality. I felt like I was mentally deteriorating in a way that I had never experienced before. Surprisingly, Biotin supplementation helped bring me out of this condition. I was flabbergasted that suicidal depression could be reversed by such a commonplace vitamin. I read around a bit and found this article by Nathan Hatch in which he proposes that Autism is caused by disregulation of biotin and vitamin d caused by certain kinds of gut bacteria. Please read the article and see if any of the strategies could help you.

The feeling that you have permanently damaged yourself is horrible (Coincidentally, I was actually convinced that my depressive episode was caused by some bodywork I was doing at the time and that I had broken myself), but you have to remember that the work or Ray and others shows us that health issues, including mental health issues like depression and schizophrenia are overwhelmingly environmental and nutritional in origin (even when not recognised as such by the mainstream).

I say this not disrespect or belittle what you are going through but rather based on the fact that telling yourself a story that you are permanently broken is disempowering and will ultimately make it harder for you to heal.

Even though you may be convinced that your meditation experience directly caused this issue, it is more likely that this incident ‘triggered’ an underlying biological issue (in the same way that Nate talks about vaccines triggering the autism bacteria in the above article), and that the actual issue is biological in origin rather than spiritual.


Feb 5, 2015
Sorry to hear about your struggle brother.

At the beginning of the year I hit a bad depressive episode, during which life took on a nightmarish quality. I felt like I was mentally deteriorating in a way that I had never experienced before. Surprisingly, Biotin supplementation helped bring me out of this condition. I was flabbergasted that suicidal depression could be reversed by such a commonplace vitamin. I read around a bit and found this article by Nathan Hatch in which he proposes that Autism is caused by disregulation of biotin and vitamin d caused by certain kinds of gut bacteria. Please read the article and see if any of the strategies could help you.

The feeling that you have permanently damaged yourself is horrible (Coincidentally, I was actually convinced that my depressive episode was caused by some bodywork I was doing at the time and that I had broken myself), but you have to remember that the work or Ray and others shows us that health issues, including mental health issues like depression and schizophrenia are overwhelmingly environmental and nutritional in origin (even when not recognised as such by the mainstream).

I say this not disrespect or belittle what you are going through but rather based on the fact that telling yourself a story that you are permanently broken is disempowering and will ultimately make it harder for you to heal.

Even though you may be convinced that your meditation experience directly caused this issue, it is more likely that this incident ‘triggered’ an underlying biological issue (in the same way that Nate talks about vaccines triggering the autism bacteria in the above article), and that the actual issue is biological in origin rather than spiritual.

Thanks man for lengthy response!

Glad you recovered. I mean it. If somebody was/is suicidal with no hope at all that person knows what burning hell such condition is. Maybe thats why you're giving me up's ☺

I totally agree. I am glad at certain moment some strength cameback and I was able to reapply myself to "Peating". Week of some pregnenolone did more then half a year of various nasty medication and gave me hope to continue. Eating well, getting back my sleep and finally environmental enrichment is what I am after now☺

Will take a look at your link.

Take care!


Nov 9, 2019
First off, I hope you have become self aware of the reason why you are in this mess. Save yourself from ever experimenting with the spiritual woo woo ever again if you learn anything at all from this experience. Celibacy, meditation, literal nonsense. I used to be that guy. Meditation isnt necessarily bad except raising GABA too much by being too calm and relaxed because of meditation turns you into a vegetable. GABA basically reduces every other neurotransmitter in the body, good and bad.

Your spiritual endeavors, despite temporarily improving your quality of life(I experienced the same improvement) lead you to denying your unconscious mind. Call it you shadow, your animal mind, lizard brain etc. Denial of the self through celibacy is one of the strongest and worst things you can do to yourself. This is stupidity #1(not criticizing, but emphasizing). Meditation is okay but depending on how its done can leave you a vegetable. God only knows what you have done but to put it simply...

Likely based on your symptoms, dopamine deficiency, possibly general catecholamine deficiency. Issues with time passing are also dopamine related. Dopamine speeds up the internal clock, causing everything to happen faster. I cant exactly explain that specific symptom but dopamine likely plays a part. Vital for brain function, drive, energy, social interaction(dry conversation is a big red flag), etc. Research yourself for more on it.

General advice that will actually work is you need to make a 180 turn around. Likely as those three years went on you became more ungrounded(denial of the physical, the self, one's desire) and "spiritual". You likely changed your behavior, thought processes, personality big time basing around whatever spirituality you were into. As time goes on when doing things like this that is a natural consequence.

You need to ground yourself. You need to become one with the physical. All those desires you shunned you need to pull them back in. All this spirituality bull**** needs to be shoved away in favor of the material world. All it does is disconnect you even though it is advertised as doing the opposite. Eat, sleep, have fun, have sex. Weightlifting is also helpful, one of the most physically grounding things you can do. Have a drive that exists in the real world. Dream job, dream home, dream life(real life, not spiritual). Live for the sake of it, enjoy life do not deny it. Become unapologetically free of religious/spiritual rules of behavior, thought, impure thoughts etc.

Im not saying live life with no rules. Problem is you tipped the scales of your psyche too far into the abstract/spiritual/religious/inhibition crap and you need to tip it the other way. Debauchery is likely the key. Only after that can you seek balance. You lack joy and energy because you have lost a drive for living as a consequence of your choices. Now there are also nutritional things you can do to help with anhedonia(lack of pleasure) and energy.

Look into supplementing L-Tyrosine, B6(P5P, active B6), Vitamin C, other catecholamine cofactors to help you help yourself so you can start living again. Meditation is big no-no at least for now. Listen to exciting music instead. Get hobbies, do things you enjoy, even if they are "shallow" or materialistic in nature. I hope for you to recover from this. Life without joy or pleasure is no life at all.

Greetings Redsun, i am sure i have the same situation. I have mild anhedonia, and it happened out of nowhere, literally. One day i woke up and i just felt like part of myself is gone, lethargic and fatigued. I wasn't able to feel the emotions in a full range, they were diminished and were there for a short time. You know when you get an emotion, you can feel the arousal in the chest. But my chest felt flat and when an emotion or feeling tried to build up it kinda hurt. It feels like part of your brain is switched off, or like your brain is wrapped in a curtain.

I think 2 things were the cause of my anhedonia. The first would be my sedentary lifestyle during my summer vacation and things connected to spirituality. I have read your explanation on how it may happen so i think it's that. I wasn't necessarily meditating, but i expanded my consciousness and developed new aspects of life and learned how you can create your life by yourself. It involves the thing, i know it will sound clique, but it's the "law of attraction" thing. I finally grasped the concept of how it works, and spent my days in trying to find the feeling i wanted for my desire. Or you could say i mostly lived in my head, instead of outside. And boom, one day anhedonia set in.

The last 3 months i have been educating myself about anhedonia, and found suggestions on how to get rid of it. You mentioned the L-tyrosine and many other things. I recently ordered N-acetyl L-tyrosine in a powder form which is a more bioavailable version of L-tyrosine. But i have heard that your body might become tolerant of it, so a person suggested to me that i take it with Taurine, which will act as anti-tolerance. What do you think of this, or do you have other suggestions?
Dec 18, 2018
Yes,spirituality is very serotonine,very false consciousness,and cripples the
capacity for seeing the world for what it is.Spirituality was once just science,which got unfortunately obsoleted.
The common Bro should develop his mind on worldly things first and foremost,and if that cant bring forward the
proper Truth,he then ventures into the occult and esoteric,but not before.


Dec 17, 2018
Greetings Redsun, i am sure i have the same situation. I have mild anhedonia, and it happened out of nowhere, literally. One day i woke up and i just felt like part of myself is gone, lethargic and fatigued. I wasn't able to feel the emotions in a full range, they were diminished and were there for a short time. You know when you get an emotion, you can feel the arousal in the chest. But my chest felt flat and when an emotion or feeling tried to build up it kinda hurt. It feels like part of your brain is switched off, or like your brain is wrapped in a curtain.

I think 2 things were the cause of my anhedonia. The first would be my sedentary lifestyle during my summer vacation and things connected to spirituality. I have read your explanation on how it may happen so i think it's that. I wasn't necessarily meditating, but i expanded my consciousness and developed new aspects of life and learned how you can create your life by yourself. It involves the thing, i know it will sound clique, but it's the "law of attraction" thing. I finally grasped the concept of how it works, and spent my days in trying to find the feeling i wanted for my desire. Or you could say i mostly lived in my head, instead of outside. And boom, one day anhedonia set in.

The last 3 months i have been educating myself about anhedonia, and found suggestions on how to get rid of it. You mentioned the L-tyrosine and many other things. I recently ordered N-acetyl L-tyrosine in a powder form which is a more bioavailable version of L-tyrosine. But i have heard that your body might become tolerant of it, so a person suggested to me that i take it with Taurine, which will act as anti-tolerance. What do you think of this, or do you have other suggestions?

I'm glad someone else can find benefit in reading my posts, especially concerning spirituality.

Large part of it is you have to reteach yourself to be "human" again. You have to teach yourself to stop being a vegetable and start living grounded again basically. Eating a good diet is going to provide nutrition to help you on your quest to restore your emotions and lifeforce quite literally.

Protein, choline from animal foods, meat, eggs, organs are especially good for this. Amino acids stimulate the nervous system and this is what we want, we want to stimulate, we want to wake up and feel alive again. Amino acids play a big part in this so eating a higher protein diet will be important. Generally should avoid calcium and have high intake of potassium and sodium. Eat a diet rich in all minerals though. You may benefit from a good B-complex or not.

Bs can increase adrenaline production, niacin can help turn this adrenaline production down and increase histamine which helps with emotions so a B-complex thats not too crazy on the other Bs but has a good amount of B3. You may see benefit just from small doses of B3 to get out of emotional shutdown but no promises. You cannot get tolerant to Tyrosine because its an amino acid. The issue is you deplete the other cofactors in dopamine production and it stops working as well and in the end you will be back where you started. Dopamine isn't the biggest issue and just focusing on that wont do much.

Histamine, acetylcholine, dopamine, noradrenaline, glutamate, all neurotransmitters are important this is why I stress protein and choline(make acetylcholine) because most neurotransmitters are made from amino acids. GABA(which will generally increase because of spiritual practices) can lower all neurotransmitters. You may find benefit from stimulants like caffeine but always go for the natural way first(protein, choline, eating healthy).

In the end though regardless of dietary recommendations what I wrote in the post you quoted is the most vital. Just like you caused your own anhedonia through your lifestyle choices and voluntary decisions and through changing your beliefs, only you alone can cure it by doing the opposite. I talk about in the post. Its important you reread that and really understand, as I said you need to do a mental 180 turn around in how you think about life or anything which has been poisoned by "spiritual" propaganda.


Aug 30, 2018
I would eat some nutrient dense food that include copper. Potatoes come to mind.


Nov 9, 2019
I'm glad someone else can find benefit in reading my posts, especially concerning spirituality.

Large part of it is you have to reteach yourself to be "human" again. You have to teach yourself to stop being a vegetable and start living grounded again basically. Eating a good diet is going to provide nutrition to help you on your quest to restore your emotions and lifeforce quite literally.

Protein, choline from animal foods, meat, eggs, organs are especially good for this. Amino acids stimulate the nervous system and this is what we want, we want to stimulate, we want to wake up and feel alive again. Amino acids play a big part in this so eating a higher protein diet will be important. Generally should avoid calcium and have high intake of potassium and sodium. Eat a diet rich in all minerals though. You may benefit from a good B-complex or not.

Bs can increase adrenaline production, niacin can help turn this adrenaline production down and increase histamine which helps with emotions so a B-complex thats not too crazy on the other Bs but has a good amount of B3. You may see benefit just from small doses of B3 to get out of emotional shutdown but no promises. You cannot get tolerant to Tyrosine because its an amino acid. The issue is you deplete the other cofactors in dopamine production and it stops working as well and in the end you will be back where you started. Dopamine isn't the biggest issue and just focusing on that wont do much.

Histamine, acetylcholine, dopamine, noradrenaline, glutamate, all neurotransmitters are important this is why I stress protein and choline(make acetylcholine) because most neurotransmitters are made from amino acids. GABA(which will generally increase because of spiritual practices) can lower all neurotransmitters. You may find benefit from stimulants like caffeine but always go for the natural way first(protein, choline, eating healthy).

In the end though regardless of dietary recommendations what I wrote in the post you quoted is the most vital. Just like you caused your own anhedonia through your lifestyle choices and voluntary decisions and through changing your beliefs, only you alone can cure it by doing the opposite. I talk about in the post. Its important you reread that and really understand, as I said you need to do a mental 180 turn around in how you think about life or anything which has been poisoned by "spiritual" propaganda.

Thank you so much, i appreciate it. So you are saying the GABA lowers the neurotransmitters..No wonder i am so calm and indifferent about most of the things. I mean it's not like i totally lack the emotions, they are there but it feels like they are behind something, like i can sense them but i can't see them for ex. like they are behind a wall or a curtain. It's a very weird feeling, sometimes i cannot explain it properly. I realized that only if i give effort to care about something i will be concerned about it, if i stop and then it stops. Indifference sets in. The N-acetyl L-tryosine that i ordered said it replenishes the Dopamine and Noreopinephrine.

You are saying that i don't have to purchase the Taurine for anti-tolerance? I have joined the Anhedonia group on Facebook and there they suggested that my body will build tolerance on tyrosine..but they say a lot of stuff so i didn't know what to believe.. I have seen that the majority of the anhedonics cannot even get out of bed, do chores or any other daily task. I have no problem getting up, talking to people, doing chores (but sometimes i do feel like i can't do something). It feels like part of myself is gone, like that 50% of me is here but the other 50% is not. Others suggested that i am depressed but this is not depression. I haven't been depressed in life for that matter, nor have i been anxious. It's kind of, i know what i want in life but i don't have the drive to go for that. But i still can't exactly understand how did the thought pattern cause this? I mean i had happiness and motivation there..but i think the main contributor was my sedentary lifestyle..

Your suggestion is a protein diet along with the N-acetyl L-tyrosine? I have heard of other stuff like NAC, Ginkgo Biloba, Mucuna, ALCAR etc.


Dec 17, 2018
Thank you so much, i appreciate it. So you are saying the GABA lowers the neurotransmitters..No wonder i am so calm and indifferent about most of the things. I mean it's not like i totally lack the emotions, they are there but it feels like they are behind something, like i can sense them but i can't see them for ex. like they are behind a wall or a curtain. It's a very weird feeling, sometimes i cannot explain it properly. I realized that only if i give effort to care about something i will be concerned about it, if i stop and then it stops. Indifference sets in. The N-acetyl L-tryosine that i ordered said it replenishes the Dopamine and Noreopinephrine.

You are saying that i don't have to purchase the Taurine for anti-tolerance? I have joined the Anhedonia group on Facebook and there they suggested that my body will build tolerance on tyrosine..but they say a lot of stuff so i didn't know what to believe.. I have seen that the majority of the anhedonics cannot even get out of bed, do chores or any other daily task. I have no problem getting up, talking to people, doing chores (but sometimes i do feel like i can't do something). It feels like part of myself is gone, like that 50% of me is here but the other 50% is not. Others suggested that i am depressed but this is not depression. I haven't been depressed in life for that matter, nor have i been anxious. It's kind of, i know what i want in life but i don't have the drive to go for that. But i still can't exactly understand how did the thought pattern cause this? I mean i had happiness and motivation there..but i think the main contributor was my sedentary lifestyle..

Your suggestion is a protein diet along with the N-acetyl L-tyrosine? I have heard of other stuff like NAC, Ginkgo Biloba, Mucuna, ALCAR etc.

They are not wrong, you will build a "tolerance" to it because you will be depleting the vitamins and minerals you need in the catecholamine pathways and eventually it will seem to stop working.

Norepinephrine and/or histamine is what gives us the ability to act on a desire. Dopamine without those two is just desire without the will to follow through.

Yes sedentary lifestyle can mess you up mentally. Not doing anything when you want to can do the same. I don't know exactly what your thought patterns were to get you in this predicament but as I said spiritual practices can make you a vegetable, too calm, and you get complacent and you hold on to this feeling permanently. And to drop this complacent mindset you need to voluntarily wipe away everything that led to it.

Spirituality often leds to denial of the self, denial of reality, you need to step back in. It leds to denial of the human animal basically, the shadow, which is the part that wants to live and experience and is our connection to freedom in a sense. That's probably the other 50% of you that is seemingly gone. I am not a philosopher or an expert on this stuff but I had personal experience with spirituality and this is my understanding that helped me break free of the spiritual chains I placed on myself. You are free but mentally are in chains and don't realize it.

B-complex with extra folic acid may help. I had a strange experience, in my case taking folic acid for the first time really opened my emotions a lot, helped my wakefulness and sense of feeling alive. Its weird but I was likely deficient in it. Folic acid is needed to retain histidine in the body, without it you will excrete it and will seriously worsen your ability to produce histamine which is incredibly vital. I think that was largely why it helped me after researching it afterwards but it could be for other reasons. I had a long history of low folic acid intake in my diet so no surprise I had improvement mentally and emotionally from it.

As for the other supplements, yes they may assist you but when it comes to actual drugs and herbs, you build tolerances, and then youll keep chasing for other supplements to help until they stop working, etc...
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Nov 9, 2019
They are not wrong, you will build a "tolerance" to it because you will be depleting the vitamins and minerals you need in the catecholamine pathways and eventually it will seem to stop working.

Norepinephrine and/or histamine is what gives us the ability to act on a desire. Dopamine without those two is just desire without the will to follow through.

Yes sedentary lifestyle can mess you up mentally. Not doing anything when you want to can do the same. I don't know exactly what your thought patterns were to get you in this predicament but as I said spiritual practices can make you a vegetable, too calm, and you get complacent and you hold on to this feeling permanently. And to drop this complacent mindset you need to voluntarily wipe away everything that led to it.

Spirituality often leds to denial of the self, denial of reality, you need to step back in. It leds to denial of the human animal basically, the shadow, which is the part that wants to live and experience and is our connection to freedom in a sense. That's probably the other 50% of you that is seemingly gone. I am not a philosopher or an expert on this stuff but I had personal experience with spirituality and this is my understanding that helped me break free of the spiritual chains I placed on myself. You are free but mentally are in chains and don't realize it.

B-complex with extra folic acid may help. I had a strange experience, in my case taking folic acid for the first time really opened my emotions a lot, helped my wakefulness and sense of feeling alive. Its weird but I was likely deficient in it. Folic acid is needed to retain histidine in the body, without it you will excrete it and will seriously worsen your ability to produce histamine which is incredibly vital. I think that was largely why it helped me after researching it afterwards but it could be for other reasons. I had a long history of low folic acid intake in my diet so no surprise I had improvement mentally and emotionally from it.

As for the other supplements, yes they may assist you but when it comes to actual drugs and herbs, you build tolerances, and then youll keep chasing for other supplements to help until they stop working, etc...

I see. I didn't really have the best diet, i ate whatever was prepared in the kitchen, and i wasn't that active. The whole summer i got out like 4 or 5 times. I was so focused on the law of attraction thing, i was chasing after a feeling (the one that i desire). As i said the spirituality thing wasn't like meditating (i still don't know how to meditate properly lol) so i didn't meditate, i just expanded my consciousness and developed more aspects about life, became more aware to notice about positive outcomes rather than negative and so on.

Also the day before i entered the anhedonic state i had a weird cervicothoracic pain/nech stiffness at the point where the nech and the thoracic spine connect. I can still feel a bit of pressure/pain when i bend my neck to the full. I thought this also had to do something with it. But i am not sure.

So, again, how do i prevent the tolerance to build up? By eating the protein/vitamins? I assume you use the supplement to boost you up/to get you back to your normal state so from there you will have the drive to start making better choices. I will consider the B-complex with folic acid. Someone has suggested me black seed oil and i bought it since it was available in my country. But the N-acetyl L-tyrosine wasn't available in my country so i had to purchase it from the net.
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Dec 17, 2018
I see. I didn't really have the best diet, i ate whatever was prepared in the kitchen, and i wasn't that active. The whole summer i got out like 4 or 5 times. I was so focused on the law of attraction thing, i was chasing after a feeling (the one that i desire). As i said the spirituality thing wasn't like meditating (i still don't know how to meditate properly lol) so i didn't meditate, i just expanded my consciousness and developed more aspects about life, became more aware to notice about positive outcomes rather than negative and so on.

Also the day before i entered the anhedonic state i had a weird cervicothoracic pain/nech stiffness at the point where the nech and the thoracic spine connect. I can still feel a bit of pressure/pain when i bend my neck to the full. I thought this also had to do something with it. But i am not sure.

So, again, how do i prevent the tolerance to build up? By eating the protein/vitamins? I assume you use the supplement to boost you up/to get you back to your normal state so from there you will have the drive to start making better choices. I will consider the B-complex with folic acid. Someone has suggested me black seed oil and i bought it since it was available in my country. But the N-acetyl L-tyrosine wasn't available in my country so i had to purchase it from the net.

You can't prevent tolerance to it indefinitely because supplemental tyrosine is unnatural and will cause an imbalance eventually by depleting cofactors in the pathways and the cofactors before it. There are countless interconnected paths to neurotransmitters and their related cofactors, this is why food is always the best option and should be primary, it provides everything in natural quantities that the body is designed to deal with and builds you up.

A high protein diet with good carbs like starches and fruits is going to help build the brain back up as well as the rest of the body. Avoid milk and dairy products as it has opioid compounds which will lower dopamine. B-complex daily can assist as well. Some caffeine if you really want to can help as it is generally a mild stimulant with some usefulness.

Law of attraction causing you to get stuck in your head(I also had a short stint with LOA years ago) is very typical. You need to get out of your head. Best way is to do real things, do worldly things. Do tough exercise like sprints and weight training. Or simply walk. Socialize with whoever you do know. It may help just be and walk around in a public place with other people to keep you more present. You gotta come back into the "world" so to speak, no diet or supplement will do that as well like you can physically through actions. Being physically active, doing physical things to ground yourself. Participate in life in anyway you can, start small. Eating better will help build you up slowly and get you out of the shell with time but you have to push yourself as well. Focus on protein and dont get too obsessed about health either as you can easily get stuck in the health quest. Just be wary and always eat good protein like meats and eat carbs that you like. Cravings are helpful sometimes.

Do not just to force positivity and ignore "negativity" they are both important and will always exist in the world. You will always have the full range of emotions to deal with, good and bad, that's life and its great. Accept all emotions don't hide anything, your emotions will help guide you to back to reality if you let them.
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Nov 9, 2019
You can't prevent tolerance to it indefinitely because supplemental tyrosine is unnatural and will cause an imbalance eventually by depleting cofactors in the pathways and the cofactors before it. There are countless interconnected paths to neurotransmitters and their related cofactors, this is why food is always the best option and should be primary, it provides everything in natural quantities that the body is designed to deal with and builds you up.

A high protein diet with good carbs like starches and fruits is going to help build the brain back up as well as the rest of the body. Avoid milk and dairy products as it has opioid compounds which will lower dopamine. B-complex daily can assist as well. Some caffeine if you really want to can help as it is generally a mild stimulant with some usefulness.

Law of attraction causing you to get stuck in your head(I also had a short stint with LOA years ago) is very typical. You need to get out of your head. Best way is to do real things, do worldly things. Do tough exercise like sprints and weight training. Or simply walk. Socialize with whoever you do know. It may help just be and walk around in a public place with other people to keep you more present. You gotta come back into the "world" so to speak, no diet or supplement will do that as well like you can physically through actions. Being physically active, doing physical things to ground yourself. Participate in life in anyway you can, start small. Eating better will help build you up slowly and get you out of the shell with time but you have to push yourself as well. Focus on protein and dont get to obsessed about health either as you can easily get stuck in the health quest. Just be wary and always eat good protein like meats and eat carbs that you like. Cravings are helpful sometimes.

Do not just to force positivity and ignore "negativity" they are both important and will always exist in the world. You will always have the full range of emotions to deal with, good and bad, that's life and its great. Accept all emotions don't hide anything, your emotions will help guide you to back to reality if you let them.

Thanks again for your suggestions, i really appreciate it. Well it looks like i have to change my eating program and the physical activity. Even though it's already November and it's cold outside for jogging and so on, i will have to find a way to exercise. When the N-acetyl L-tyrosine arrives i will start consuming it in the morning on an empty stomach as i was suggested, but what about the B-complex with folic acid? Should i consume it with food or also on an empty stomach, and how much of it?

Sorry for bothering you with questions but i am trying to get rid of the anhedonia and god knows what else i have :) Also when you have time could you please elaborate how does the LOA give you anhedonia/mess with your catecholamines. What about all those stories of the people who got through it without problems such as these? Because i know it works/exists, but i must have slipped on something.


Feb 13, 2016
Anhedonia is in a sense coldness whereas emotion is heat, so you can take this very literally and approach this by focusing on how to raise body temperature. Salt, eggs (from chickens raised well with low PUFA), liver (make sure it's not high in copper), animal protein, coffee, niacinamide, thyroid, progesterone should all help with this.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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