St. John's Wort: PSSD Eliminated, Anhedonia Gone, Emotions Online!


Sep 10, 2020
Thanks @Peater and @Jayvee, nice to read your messages.

Well, after my last message, and after getting laid, I started a new streak of noFap (will try to make it longer this time as I am weaning from Remotiv). I will do 7 days streak tomorrow night, and try to go to 2 weeks of noFap (when androgen receptors start to "heal").

I am taking 250mg daily and it seems I am stable. With noFap I am starting to get strong urges to get laid again, so I think I am in the good path to get like before SSRI. I think I am in a pre noFap state again, when I was fapping and seeing porn almost everyday. If I am in that state, well, noFap will put me again on the hypersexual state.

So, for now, I have not more to say, just to wait and see how it will go.

Happy for you. Sometimes, it seems it's just a case of stabilising your brain chemistry/mind and letting it get itself into that better frame of mind and letting neuroplasticity do its thing. I think at the very least you have improved your baseline and sounds like you are taking a good approach with a minimal effective dose approach.


Mar 26, 2014
Thanks @Peater and @Jayvee, nice to read your messages.

Well, after my last message, and after getting laid, I started a new streak of noFap (will try to make it longer this time as I am weaning from Remotiv). I will do 7 days streak tomorrow night, and try to go to 2 weeks of noFap (when androgen receptors start to "heal").

I am taking 250mg daily and it seems I am stable. With noFap I am starting to get strong urges to get laid again, so I think I am in the good path to get like before SSRI. I think I am in a pre noFap state again, when I was fapping and seeing porn almost everyday. If I am in that state, well, noFap will put me again on the hypersexual state.

So, for now, I have not more to say, just to wait and see how it will go.

Thanks for the positive update!


Dec 2, 2021
One more week, and what can I say, it's worked wonders!

I am on the phase of 'day yes, day no', and did 10 days of noFap (couldn't hold it because I was so horny, like pre-SSRI), and the day after I went to a place full of girls and I was imagining me having sexual things with them, just like before. I attribute this to noFap, but noFap is only working again because Remotiv unlocked me.

Daydreaming is turning like before, too, can imagine things so much easier now, don't have that lock and fog anymore.

What can I say more, it is doing its thing, and I am very happy with the results. You don't need to take high doses of it, just be consistent and empty one box just like I did (remember mine will only end at May 13th).

Will put more thins here on day 28.


Dec 2, 2021
Sorry, a bit late a couple of days, not much to report, baseline is there, wean off is going normal, not losing progress.

Just stopped working out some three weeks, not having that dopamine increase from exercise. And had some intense edging sessions, this past week (fapping without cumming), but it takes out a lot of dopamine from you. But baseline is holding up, even with less dopamine, this is great!

Will report more in a week.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
I used St. John's as external in olive oil for sciatica - good for nerve pain.
I always stop after 2 weeks. It interacts with many medications.

Available as homeopathic - a good augmentation to the herb.



Sep 10, 2020
Sorry, a bit late a couple of days, not much to report, baseline is there, wean off is going normal, not losing progress.

Just stopped working out some three weeks, not having that dopamine increase from exercise. And had some intense edging sessions, this past week (fapping without cumming), but it takes out a lot of dopamine from you. But baseline is holding up, even with less dopamine, this is great!

Will report more in a week.

Amazing! Please keep reporting back, very good to read


Jan 15, 2022
@Lokzo i don’t have PSSD but I do have some lowered genital sensitivity. I was getting some stuff from the vitamin store and I saw the homeopathic section and grabbed the phosphorus 30C since it was so cheap, like $4.

What the hell is in this stuff?? Lol I did so much research and the closest thing I found was a thread somewhere about how they’re basically just sugar pills but absolutely ******* not when that ***t was keeping me up all night and made me feel like I was on adderall (in a good way.) is this safe to take here and there? It’s the best study aid I’ve ever taken


Dec 2, 2021
Hi! Sorry for the delay, I was waiting to end the Remotiv package to come here and reply, as not much has happened 7 days after my last post.

So, I ended it on May 13th, as scheduled. I was noticing that, for the final part, the day I would take Remotiv, I would worsen a bit, and as the days passed after taking one pill, I would became a lot better. So I think my body was and is getting used to not having Remotiv on my blood and somehow healing something to get those good feelings I had when I was taking Remotiv everyday. This is a good thing and I think my baseline will continue to improve after stopping remotiv and just heal on my own.

About the baseline, I'm feeling good, can cry normally, masturbation does feel good (and if I abstain some days it feels even better). Can't talk about sex as I was not having it since last time I posted here that I had. But I certainly have more drive to have a girl in my bed. My ambition and some dopamine reward feelings are getting better (with room to improve).

One thing that improved a lot was my sleeping. I am almost having my perfect sleeping habits from the time I did NoFap a few years back. I can now sleep 10 hours without waking up, and I feel my eyes really want to close up and sleep, and I can sleep a lost faster. I am so glad with this one, I think Remotiv somehow reseted my sleeping patterns as on the beginning of taking it I had more difficulty to sleep (it was manageable, though).

One important note: I got Covid on May 9th (headaches, fever 38º, lots of coughing and general weakness). I took a lot of Paracetamol the past few days, and somehow I think it has influenced my remotiv wean off, too, but for the better. I can't say for sure it somehow helped or that it was only the Remotiv getting out of my body that was giving all of this upgrades to my baseline and symptoms, but I feel it somehow did something.

I will not say when I will post again here, because now I have to wait and see what will happen. But I will not disappear from here just like other people do, rest assured. I am also getting more active on Reddit, with the same username, you can also encounter me there.

Next steps: start working out again (I stopped it, and with Covid I was not feeling working out, at all), continue cutting sugar and eating healthy, and in some days or weeks start some CBD oil to see if I can improve from my anxiety/ibs problem, that was what lead me into ssri in the first place.

Feel free to ask anything and report your experience with ZE 117 extract, too.


Sep 10, 2020
Out of interest what is your diet like? Have you found an increase in appetite with ZE 117?


Dec 2, 2021

@Jayvee My diet is normal, I eat everything. Just cut sugar (candy, cakes, sodas, everything with added sugar). And don't drink milk and yoghurts due to my IBS, I'm kinda sensitive to those. And no, I didn't find an increase in appetite with Remotiv.

I still feel like the Remotiv unlocked me, it unlocked what the SSRI locked a year ago. Now my NoFap streaks feel like before, I can enter flatline and be worse (it's normal) and then have some good libido and morning wood, and sex drive to chase the girls.

I'm currently doing a streak of NoFap that started May 27th and it is going very well, I feel that with longer streaks I will finally be cured. I'm not having sex in this streak (hard mode) because for me I lose progress with each ejaculation, and I want at least to do 14 days, when the prolactin gets reduced and the androgen receptors start to heal (this is what makes the difference, for me).

On May 27th I also started CBD oil. It's somehow speeding up my cognitive and thinking by a lot (I think it's due to its anti inflamatory properties), and kinda reduces the anxiety (still have IBS triggers like before), but I'm still at a low dose (15mg per day: 3 drops in the morning and 3 drops at night, each drop being 2.5mg of CBD). My appetite got bigger, too. But for libido I think it doesn't make nothing worth noting.

I restarted gym workout this month of June, too, to increase the dopamine. I read that it is better to do more cardio and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to cure PSSD faster, so I'm doing more training on my rowing machine.

So, I will try to do NoFap continually during this month of June. Also the workout and the CBD oil. For the future, I saw I still have some capsules of Berberine and Oregano Oil, so I will empty those bottles on a 2 week run, to do a gut bacteria reset, as I did in the past (it can and may help to finally get 100% cured of PSSD). And I saw some people with IBS took Black Cumin Oil capsules, and that it helped a lot their cases because it decreased their anxiety by a lot, and it also has anti inflamatory and anti microbial properties, so I'm very keen to try this, too.

So, about Remotiv, I don't have more to add up. It's very well worth the shot to anyone who has PSSD, for many reasons. It can give you some good windows if you are that bad, which can cheer you up and see that healing up is really a thing (and yes, I believe PSSD can have a cure for every case, just don't give up). It can unlock you as it did with me. It can heal you up as it did with OP (@Lokzo ). It can balance you up and reset your gut bacteria at the same time, with none or almost none side effects (didn't have any for me). The only con for me was its price, but hey, you only need to do a box of it, and I see people here and there spending hundreds or thousands on treatments, a box of 40$ is well worth the deal.

I can still be giving my updates, but with other things rather than Remotiv. If you think it's better to create a new thread, just say, or some mod here, I'm cool with either way.
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Sep 10, 2020
Thanks man! I am literally on the verge of maybe taking it so good to hear. Have you had any androgenic feelings on it? When I took regular SJW I had a weird phase where I felt super androgenic


Jan 24, 2022
Ray Peat says St. John's Wort itself can cause Serotonin Syndrome.

However, SJW (not Social Justice Warrior) supposedly induces the CYP450 enzymes and can "speed up" drug clearance from the system.
Many medication warning labels instruct users NOT to take the medication with St. John's Wort because it can reduce the amount of medication in the patient's system.
Ze 117 is low in hyperforin, its hyperforin that gives normal SJW the ability to cause serotonin syndrome by interacting with SSRIs


Jan 24, 2022

@Jayvee My diet is normal, I eat everything. Just cut sugar (candy, cakes, sodas, everything with added sugar). And don't drink milk and yoghurts due to my IBS, I'm kinda sensitive to those. And no, I didn't find an increase in appetite with Remotiv.

I still feel like the Remotiv unlocked me, it unlocked what the SSRI locked a year ago. Now my NoFap streaks feel like before, I can enter flatline and be worse (it's normal) and then have some good libido and morning wood, and sex drive to chase the girls.

I'm currently doing a streak of NoFap that started May 27th and it is going very well, I feel that with longer streaks I will finally be cured. I'm not having sex in this streak (hard mode) because for me I lose progress with each ejaculation, and I want at least to do 14 days, when the prolactin gets reduced and the androgen receptors start to heal (this is what makes the difference, for me).

On May 27th I also started CBD oil. It's somehow speeding up my cognitive and thinking by a lot (I think it's due to its anti inflamatory properties), and kinda reduces the anxiety (still have IBS triggers like before), but I'm still at a low dose (15mg per day: 3 drops in the morning and 3 drops at night, each drop being 2.5mg of CBD). My appetite got bigger, too. But for libido I think it doesn't make nothing worth noting.

I restarted gym workout this month of June, too, to increase the dopamine. I read that it is better to do more cardio and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to cure PSSD faster, so I'm doing more training on my rowing machine.

So, I will try to do NoFap continually during this month of June. Also the workout and the CBD oil. For the future, I saw I still have some capsules of Berberine and Oregano Oil, so I will empty those bottles on a 2 week run, to do a gut bacteria reset, as I did in the past (it can and may help to finally get 100% cured of PSSD). And I saw some people with IBS took Black Cumin Oil capsules, and that it helped a lot their cases because it decreased their anxiety by a lot, and it also has anti inflamatory and anti microbial properties, so I'm very keen to try this, too.

So, about Remotiv, I don't have more to add up. It's very well worth the shot to anyone who has PSSD, for many reasons. It can give you some good windows if you are that bad, which can cheer you up and see that healing up is really a thing (and yes, I believe PSSD can have a cure for every case, just don't give up). It can unlock you as it did with me. It can heal you up as it did with OP (@Lokzo ). It can balance you up and reset your gut bacteria at the same time, with none or almost none side effects (didn't have any for me). The only con for me was its price, but hey, you only need to do a box of it, and I see people here and there spending hundreds or thousands on treatments, a box of 40$ is well worth the deal.

I can still be giving my updates, but with other things rather than Remotiv. If you think it's better to create a new thread, just say, or some mod here, I'm cool with either way.
Your updates makes me excited for when my remotiv package comes, I hope I can return to my pre-PSSD self. Very good recovery you had bro


Jan 24, 2022
I'm 3 days in on ze117, here's an update:
I don't feel any improvements in emotions, though I am more clear-headed, but I haven't felt anything. Though given the fact its only been 3 days, i will give it more time.

The brand im using is from


Jan 18, 2020
ashwagandha does something to the brain alertness, me and my flat mate had insomnia from it... took me awhile to figure it out.


Jan 24, 2022
Update here,
No difference at all, taking 1 gram of remotiv and im still anhedonic. Either I've bought a fake product or y'all ******* with me, either way, I have wasted 50 dollars for nothing godammit


Mar 20, 2013
I used St. John's as external in olive oil for sciatica - good for nerve pain.
I always stop after 2 weeks. It interacts with many medications.

Available as homeopathic - a good augmentation to the herb.

View attachment 36187

Interesting. I have a spinal injury that's caused retrograde ejaculation. I still have premature ejaculation from psych med damage from years ago as well. It's quite an awful combination of problems to have.

I may have to give this a try. I also have bilateral sciatica and extreme difficulty sleeping at night due to the pain, and have to stand most of the day as if I sit or lie down for too long I experience significant pain.


Feb 24, 2019
Update here,
No difference at all, taking 1 gram of remotiv and im still anhedonic. Either I've bought a fake product or y'all ******* with me, either way, I have wasted 50 dollars for nothing godammit
hold your horses dear fella. Hypericin is a sigma-1 agonist it can take 2 weeks until good effects are felt


Feb 24, 2019
In the mean time here is some more info on the neurological effects of sigma-1 agonist. It has some nice effect on dopamine: G-protein coupled receptors/transporters
As mentioned above, sigma-1 receptors also interact with many GPCRs, including opioid receptor (Kim et al., 2010), corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptor (Navarro et al., 2015, 2019), orexin receptor (Navarro et al., 2015, 2019), growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) (Aguinaga et al., 2019), cannabinoid receptor 1 (Sánchez-Blázquez et al., 2014), muscarinic M2 receptor (Hellström et al., 2003), and dopaminergic D1 and D2 receptors (Beggiato et al., 2017; Feltmann et al., 2018; Navarro et al., 2010, 2013). Interestingly, sigma-1 receptors modulate opioid transduction without influencing opioid receptor binding (Kim et al., 2010). Additionally, sigma-1 receptor agonists modulated conformation of dopamine transporter and enhanced binding as well as stimulant-evoked dopamine efflux via dopamine transporter and calcium signals (Hong et al., 2017; Sambo et al., 2017). Revisiting the sigma-1 receptor as a biological target to treat affective and cognitive disorders
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