Stew Peters World Premier: Died Suddenly

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I appreciate this bit about Breggins, followed his tiff now lawsuit with Malone, to see your description here fits well. What do you think of Malone---I cannot get past a nagging and completely intuitive red flag flapping in my face over anything I read of his.

I think he's very intelligent and capable at what he has done for a living, which unfortunately has produced nothing of worth IMO. That may be an over exaggeration, dunno. Hopefully the wake up call he has received by being vexxine damaged will one day wake him up fully to the harm he's inadvertently and unintentionally done. I think his character is stellar and the work he is doing now to oppose the vexxine is exemplary. Imagine being in his shoes and having to confront the fact that the paradigm you've been following all your life is wrong. You can't do that all at once or you'd simply keel over and die. Takes time. Let's be gracious and give it to him. If he's a fraud time will reveal that


Nov 18, 2019
If he's the same guy I'm thinking of he seems to be very good at data analysis and was able to tease out things with the data that others didn't. That's well and good, but it's a niche skill.
That is all I cared about in these critiques of the film. As for the rest - have not read him and do not care. The info he has though is what we should be using in court cases and in Congress not flawed data @Perry Staltic you have a good sense of character and trust you in the rest because I will not be digging in - lol.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
That is all I cared about in these critiques of the film. As for the rest - have not read him and do not care. The info he has though is what we should be using in court cases and in Congress not flawed data @Perry Staltic you have a good sense of character and trust you in the rest because I will not be digging in - lol.

I just think, for all its flaws, Stew Peters' film was good. Data accuracy obviously wasn't the point. Stew's not that kind of guy; he's a sensationalist, and that has its place. I think he means well. The sight of those clots and the embalmers testimonies are what will have a lasting impact on normal people. Accurate data analytics won't.
Jan 4, 2016
Escondido, 92026
Two sources pointing to the amyloid formation in COVID, the point of the S protein being distributed body wide with the help of PEG.

Please comment if you can clarify this process of fibril formation and the co-incubation in vivo.

It is known that proteolysis of precursor proteins initiates amyloid formation in several diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, British and Danish dementia, and Finnish amyloidosis. The S protein of SARS-CoV-2 is also reported to be proteolyzed in hosts as an immune response and therefore, to understand the plausible mechanism of fibril formation, the full-length S protein was cleaved in vitro by using the enzyme, neutrophil elastase (NE). NE, secreted by neutrophils, was selected after positive results of in silico proteolysis of S protein were obtained. The analysis revealed that full-length S protein can not form fibrils and neither could NE alone; however, co-incubation of the two proteins formed fibrils indicative of proteolytic cleavage by NE that resulted in a Spike191-like peptide.

Recently, Jessica Rose published a very long, but very important Substack article, “Is the spike protein acting as a prion with regard to hemoglobin molecules? And is porphyria being induced?

The short answer is yes, it appears so, according to everything we know.

Here’s a key paragraph from that article:

So the bottom line of all of this information is this: the virus infects the RBCs using spike protein via the CD147 receptor on red blood cells which causes hemolysis (rupture of the red blood cell). This causes the release of massive amounts of hemoglobin. Then the spike protein, due to its amyloidogenic peptides, triggers mis-folding of the hemoglobin into amyloid fibrils causing subsequent blood clots. The blood clots would be enhanced due to antibodies (Ag:Ab complexes).

What is remarkable is the medical examiner is completely missing this in their determination of the cause of death (which they leave unexplained). The embalmers find these clots.


Most of them say nothing because they don’t want to lose business.

The “clots” featured in these videos are not blood at all; they are primarily amyloid proteins (thanks to analysis done by Mike Adams of clots supplied by Richard Hirschman).

The virus itself can cause this to happen, but to a much much smaller extent than the vaccine (think miniscule). The vaccine has an advantage over the virus because, unlike the virus, it deposits the spike protein all over your body very quickly after injection thanks to the polyethylene glycol which coats the lipid nanoparticles.


Sep 9, 2019
I think he's very intelligent and capable at what he has done for a living, which unfortunately has produced nothing of worth IMO. That may be an over exaggeration, dunno. Hopefully the wake up call he has received by being vexxine damaged will one day wake him up fully to the harm he's inadvertently and unintentionally done. I think his character is stellar and the work he is doing now to oppose the vexxine is exemplary. Imagine being in his shoes and having to confront the fact that the paradigm you've been following all your life is wrong. You can't do that all at once or you'd simply keel over and die. Takes time. Let's be gracious and give it to him. If he's a fraud time will reveal that
Time has already revealed him a fraud. Considering the subject matter and consequence, a particularly evil one. All except the gullible and stubborn can see that.

It's no wonder someone cheerleading him would also cheerlead a sensationalist crank film. The only lasting impact this is likely to have on "normal people" outside the alternative echo chamber is to peak their bull**** detector and put them off. Accurate data is what they need.
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
not flawed data

btw what exactly are the flawed data in the Peters' film? I had to wade through so much other stuff in the first part (went to it because the 4th part you linked to didn't make any sense) I didn't see what data are being referred to


Nov 18, 2019
btw what exactly are the flawed data in the Peters' film? I had to wade through so much other stuff in the first part (went to it because the 4th part you linked to didn't make any sense) I didn't see what data are being referred to
The “Reminders” section, the “Renz DMED Numbers Were Plainly Invalid” section, and the “Pushing A Plainly Incorrect View of the DMED Issue” section, together provide a pretty comprehensive explanation of the problem.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
The “Reminders” section, the “Renz DMED Numbers Were Plainly Invalid” section, and the “Pushing A Plainly Incorrect View of the DMED Issue” section, together provide a pretty comprehensive explanation of the problem.

OK thx I'll look at those

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
The “Reminders” section, the “Renz DMED Numbers Were Plainly Invalid” section, and the “Pushing A Plainly Incorrect View of the DMED Issue” section, together provide a pretty comprehensive explanation of the problem.

OK that's why I rolled my eyes at part 4 and moved on to part one to try to get a better understanding of what the deal is. From what I can tell, and correct me if I'm wrong, this whole issue is being stirred up by people who take offense at a few supposed errors and sensationalism in the video on the grounds that those things will be used to discredit the entire medical freedom movement (whatever that is). Yes they will try, but IMO it's irrelevant and much ado about nothing. The images of the clots and embalmers' testimonies are far more persuasive and powerful than anything the media can muster to discredit the film. In fact the more they try, the more people will watch and be appalled at the space alien creatures growing inside peoples' bodies. So the more exposure and controversy, the better. Bring it on.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I don't know if it has already been posted, but the article in the twitter post above is very good. I particularly like this part:

Eric Burnett, MD is an internist, not a pathologist, nor mortician. The arrogance of inferring that a mortician, a professional, beyond his experience, cannot make a valid observation beyond his own naïveté, is the epitome of hubris. He has likely seen one or two autopsies in his entire career. He has not seen, observed, nor described countless post mortem clots. A gelatinous saddle embolus is “apples to oranges” compared to these post “clot shot” death clots. He has never embalmed a body. He is entirely and exceedingly out of his lane. Post mortem, rubbery clots are as rare as hen’s teeth. He is likely covering his “gene injection” pushing ****. Morticians did not have trouble cannulating and embalming bodies prior to the jabs. He is acting as a bloviating, pharma, financial and hospital administrator defending shill, having zero experience, nor idea of what he speaks.



Sep 9, 2019
If Staltic could see this I'd thank him for the links. But if this film wanted to be taken seriously it should be pointing out these thrombotic anomalies are extremely rare generally and/or geographically common depending on batch number.

A lot more people here would have direct experience if this wasn't the case. I just spent Christmas with a bunch of nitwits who took 4 of these bloody things. They were jovial as always and a joy to be around in spite of their preexisting cognitive deficits (I'm saying this with a grin).


Aug 9, 2015
I had to unsubscribe from the obvious controlled op Kirsch. He was bombarding my inbox three to five times a day. The reason for this excessive amount of content is to tire folks of hearing about the covid shots being dangerous.

The goal of these criminals is not to keep everything hush hush, but rather to talk it to death. It causes a certain impotence so that those in the know feel as if nothing can be done. "If they're talking about it this much, and my family is still getting these devil shots, then there is no use in trying to do good."

Mercola and Kirsch are controlled opposition.
Excellent point


Apr 28, 2018
and Malone. Doth protest too much about how everyone maligns him (1-800-WAAAAAH) and bombards the inbox, whilst traveling internationally for conferences and panels, performs scores of podcasts, wrires many articles per week.
Just not possible for one old man with a wife and farm at home who claims never made money off his lifes work patented mrna technology for which there has been no use...until now.
Excellent point
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