The Promiscuous, Career Focused Single Woman -- An Exaggerated Scapegoat?


Mar 15, 2023

family (n.)​

early 15c., "servants of a household," from Latin familia "family servants, domestics collectively, the servants in a household," thus also "members of a household, the estate, property; the household, including relatives and servants," abstract noun formed from famulus "servant, slave," which is of unknown origin.
where did you get that definition? could you provide the link?

I've never seen a reputable source use the word being defined in the actual definition of the word.

thank you!

Here is the definition of the word family from the Merriam Webster dictionary.


1 of 2


fam·i·ly ˈfam-lē

Synonyms of family
: the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children
also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family
a single-parent family

: spouse and children
want to spend more time with my family

: a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : HOUSEHOLD

: a group of persons of common ancestry : CLAN
: a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock

: a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation : FELLOWSHIP
: the staff of a high official (such as the President)

: a group of things related by common characteristics: such as
: a closely related series of elements or chemical compounds
: a group of soils with similar chemical and physical properties (such as texture, pH, and mineral content) that comprise a category ranking above the series and below the subgroup in soil classification
: a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language

: a group of related plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order and usually comprising several to many genera
b in livestock breeding
: the descendants or line of a particular individual especially of some outstanding female
: an identifiable strain within a breed

: a set of curves or surfaces whose equations differ only in parameters

: a unit of a crime syndicate (such as the Mafia) operating within a geographical area


LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
where did you get that definition? could you provide the link?

I've never seen a reputable source use the word being defined in the actual definition of the word.

thank you!

Here is the definition of the word family from the Merriam Webster dictionary.


1 of 2


fam·i·ly ˈfam-lē

Synonyms of family
: the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children
also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family
a single-parent family

: spouse and children
want to spend more time with my family

: a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : HOUSEHOLD

: a group of persons of common ancestry : CLAN
: a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock

: a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation : FELLOWSHIP
: the staff of a high official (such as the President)

: a group of things related by common characteristics: such as
: a closely related series of elements or chemical compounds
: a group of soils with similar chemical and physical properties (such as texture, pH, and mineral content) that comprise a category ranking above the series and below the subgroup in soil classification
: a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language

: a group of related plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order and usually comprising several to many genera
b in livestock breeding
: the descendants or line of a particular individual especially of some outstanding female
: an identifiable strain within a breed

: a set of curves or surfaces whose equations differ only in parameters

: a unit of a crime syndicate (such as the Mafia) operating within a geographical area

You have to look up the etymology of a word, not the dictionary definition.


Mar 15, 2023
What a power play. It’s like asking the NIH to produce vaccine and autism studies. That’s the entire point, power functions subliminally, secretly, and in a way that isn’t explicitly. There are plenty of sources on being gay in Greece, if you’re interested you can look it up. Same goes for middle eastern men being gay, make some friends with rich people on dubai.
You made the claims but you were not there, obviously, as the things you are stating as facts occurred in other nations and sometimes two thousand years ago or more.

You were not there so cite your sources of proof.

It's part of making a credible argument.

Cite the source(s) of the information after making the claim.

Anything else is just gossip.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
You made the claims but you were not there, obviously, as the things you are stating as face occurred in other nations and sometimes two thousand years ago or more.

You were not there so cite your sources of proof.

It's part of making a credible argument.

Cite the source(s) of the information after making the claim.

Anything else is just gossip.
I’m a woman, I love gossip


Aug 17, 2018
Let's keep this objective and factual so we can come up with solutions.
It's a good read going back and forth between you and LUH3417.

Anyways, I am interested to hear the solutions....


Mar 15, 2023
I love empiricism and experiential knowledge
You can't provide proof of the claims you make, therefore you have formed an opinion without sufficient knowledge.

If you wanted to actually make a credible argument that one could sincerely consider and agree with, you would not rail with emotion and opinions as the foundation of your argument.

In fact what you've provided here is not an argument at all because you do not back your claims with evidence.

You just say "look it up."

It's not my job to "look it up" because I did not make the claims.

It's your responsibility to provide the evidence for your claims.

I guess that's just another male power play, huh?

Actually expecting someone to verify their claims with evidence.

Oh, that's right....the world is just supposed to just "believe women" because they say so.

That's not rule of law.

It's prejudice.



Mar 15, 2023
It's a good read going back and forth between you and LUH3417.

Anyways, I am interested to hear the solutions....

The solution can only be arrived at if the problem is first identified.

I am attempting to use facts, logic, evidence, and reason to identify the problem.

Others in this discussion thread make personal attacks, provide opinions, refuse to provide proof for their claims, and do not make credible fact-based arguments.

Emotions don't solve problems.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
You can't provide proof of the claims you make, therefore you have formed an opinion without sufficient knowledge.

If you wanted to actually make a credible argument that one could sincerely consider and agree with, you would not rail with emotion and opinions as the foundation of your argument.

In fact what you've provided here is not an argument at all because you do not back your claims with evidence.

You just say "look it up."

It's not my job to "look it up" because I did not make the claims.

It's your responsibility to provide the evidence for your claims.

I guess that's just another male power play, huh?

Actually expecting someone to verify their claims with evidence.

Oh, that's right....the world is just supposed to just "believe women" because they say so.

That's not rule of law.

It's prejudice.
You’re asking me for evidence of secretive sexual practices among elite groups in society. Here let me pull out my Epstein video log while I am at it.



Mar 15, 2023
It's a good read going back and forth between you and LUH3417.

Anyways, I am interested to hear the solutions....
Here is a story that will HOPEFULLY help people to objectively understand the problem:

A very pretty woman of 26 yrs old meets a man her age at their place of work.

She has a slightly lower position in the company, so he makes slightly more money than she does.

They begin dating shortly after they meet at work and the relationship soon becomes serious.

Because they travel a lot for work, they stay together in the same hotel room.

He pays for everything for the both of them (hotel, meals, entertainment, etc.) with his per diem, while she saves her per diem and puts it in the bank.

He has saved his money throughout his career and purchases a home in Florida.

The home is on the water, has a boat dock, a boat, and is in a beautiful location.

He completely renovates the home with his brother and Dad assisting, and he puts everything she wants in the home.

Quartz counters, custom kitchen, top of the line appliances, flooring, everything.

The renovated house is immaculate.

He also does all the cooking, all the laundry, all the grocery shopping, and all of the maintenance outside of the home.

In other words, he does everything around the home and pays for everything.

The only thing she does is spend all of her money on, nails, tanning, clothes, massages, etc.

In fact, she does not even know HOW to do anything around the house.

She cannot cook, does not even know how to sort the laundry and put it in the machine and press the correct buttons.

She does nothing whatsoever to either pay for or run the home.

But then comes home with a chocolate Labrador Retriever puppy without even talking to him about it first!!!!

One day after they have been living in his completely renovated home on the water for over a year, he asks her "hey, love of my you think you could select some flowers that you like and plant them in the bed on the front walk?"

Her response?

"Ewwww, I do not do manual labor and I am not going to wreck my nails doing that kind of work. Can't you pay a landscaper to do that?"

Yet, she has the nerve to say to this man a short time later "So after 6 years of being together, are you still thinking about getting married and having kids?"

His response......"Yes, but not with you."

A week later they decided the best thing was for them to go their separate ways.

She rented a truck and her sister and mother helped her move all of her things out of his house and she moved across the country to Utah.

Yes, that is a very sad story because to this day that woman can NOT figure out why a very good man decided that she was not good material to be a wife and mother.

That is the true story of my daughter, Caitlin, and her boyfriend, Brad.


This is a problem in America.

Good men cannot find women who are prepared to be wives and mothers because they believe what they see on TV and in the movies.

They believe that they have to do nothing more than "look good" and then everything will be handed to them.

Now, how do we solve this?
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016

The solution can only be arrived at if the problem is first identified.

I am attempting to use facts, logic, evidence, and reason to identify the problem.

Others in this discussion thread make personal attacks, provide opinions, refuse to provide proof for their claims, and do not make credible fact-based arguments.

Emotions don't solve problems.
How can people draw new conclusions without first having opinions? Surely the geneticists and indoctrinated biologists first had to be met with opinions. I don’t have the advantage of being able to apply my ideas to society, or even a lab rat experiment, so what you’re asking for doesn’t really make sense. “Prove to me the family is dangerous for daughters without having emotional input or opinions on it!!!!” Come on, if you really want to engage in dialogue than at least be open to the context of what we are talking about and whatever burden of proof you are trying to dump on me being meaningless if not impossible.


Mar 15, 2023
You’re asking me for evidence of secretive sexual practices among elite groups in society. Here let me pull out my Epstein video log while I am at it.

LOL! Don't the quality of sources matter anymore? Geez!

The author of that book is a "Knight" (talk about secret societies and homosexuals) and actually considered and wrote in his memoirs about MURDERING the librarian at the college where he worked. Talk about psychopaths!!!

Look at his own words below!

"My problem was one which I feel compelled to define with brutal candour: How to kill him without getting into trouble ... I had no qualms about causing the death of a fellow from whose nonexistence the college would benefit, but I balked at the prospect of misleading a coroner's jury ... consulting a lawyer to see if would be legally at risk."

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
LOL! Don't the quality of sources matter anymore? Geez!

The author of that book is a "Knight" (talk about secret societies and homosexuals) and actually considered and wrote in his memoirs about MURDERING the librarian at the college where he worked. Talk about psychopaths!!!

Look at his own words below!

"My problem was one which I feel compelled to define with brutal candour: How to kill him without getting into trouble ... I had no qualms about causing the death of a fellow from whose nonexistence the college would benefit, but I balked at the prospect of misleading a coroner's jury ... consulting a lawyer to see if would be legally at risk."
I honestly didn’t even look beyond googling homosexuality in Greece and picking the first link that came up because I’m not the one interested in learning more on the subject. If you’re driven by curiosity and the desire for knowledge and understanding, you will find sources that suit you. It’s common knowledge Greeks were gay, they slept with their boy students bc they thought it would transmit philosophical power and knowledge. And yes a lot of this stuff is “hidden”.


Mar 15, 2023
How can people draw new conclusions without first having opinions? Surely the geneticists and indoctrinated biologists first had to be met with opinions. I don’t have the advantage of being able to apply my ideas to society, or even a lab rat experiment, so what you’re asking for doesn’t really make sense. “Prove to me the family is dangerous for daughters without having emotional input or opinions on it!!!!” Come on, if you really want to engage in dialogue than at least be open to the context of what we are talking about and whatever burden of proof you are trying to dump on me being meaningless if not impossible.
The fist step is to have an opinion....a hypothesis.

The next step is to prove it.

Not through confirmation bias, but by actual study and discovering all of the evidence....sometimes contrary evidence.

Many of the opinions I hold today were PROVEN to me by people who provided evidence.

In other words, they changed my mind about important topics because they didn't attack and rail and emote.

They proved their point with facts.

You're a smart woman.

Do that and people will listen to you.


Mar 15, 2023
I honestly didn’t even look beyond googling homosexuality in Greece and picking the first link that came up because I’m not the one interested in learning more on the subject. If you’re driven by curiosity and the desire for knowledge and understanding, you will find sources that suit you. It’s common knowledge Greeks were gay, they slept with their boy students bc they thought it would transmit philosophical power and knowledge. And yes a lot of this stuff is “hidden”.
but YOU ARE interested in the topic because YOU USE it as proof of your claims.

I merely asked for the proof.

What you call "common knowledge" is not academic proof of activities over 2 thousand years ago.

Bruno was burned at the stake because he refuted the "common knowledge" that said the earth is the center of the universe.

He died a "heretic" because he didn't believe what "everyone knows."

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Here is a story that will HOPEFULLY help people to objectively understand the problem:

A very pretty woman of 26 yrs old meets a man her age at their place of work.

She has a slightly lower position in the company, so he makes slightly more money than she does.

They begin dating shortly after they meet at work and the relationship soon becomes serious.

Because they travel a lot for work, they stay together in the same hotel room.

He pays for everything for the both of them (hotel, meals, entertainment, etc.) with his per diem, while she saves her per diem and puts it in the bank.

He has saved his money throughout his career and purchases a home in Florida.

The home is on the water, has a boat dock, a boat, and is in a beautiful location.

He completely renovates the home with his brother and Dad assisting, and he puts everything she wants in the home.

Quartz counters, custom kitchen, top of the line appliances, flooring, everything.

The renovated house is immaculate.

He also does all the cooking, all the laundry, all the grocery shopping, and all of the maintenance outside of the home.

In other words, he does everything around the home and pays for everything.

The only thing she does is spend all of her money on, nails, tanning, clothes, massages, etc.

In fact, she does not even know HOW to do anything around the house.

She cannot cook, does not even know how to sort the laundry and put it in the machine and press the correct buttons.

She does nothing whatsoever to either pay for or run the home.

But then comes home with a chocolate Labrador Retriever puppy without even talking to him about it first!!!!

One day after they have been living in his completely renovated home on the water for over a year, he asks her "hey, love of my you think you could select some flowers that you like and plant them in the bed on the front walk?"

Her response?

"Ewwww, I do not do manual labor and I am not going to wreck my nails doing that kind of work. Can't you pay a landscaper to do that?"

Yet, she has the nerve to say to this man a short time later "So after 6 years of being together, are you still thinking about getting married and having kids?"

His response......"Yes, but not with you."

A week later they decided the best thing was for them to go their separate ways.

She rented a truck and her sister and mother helped her move all of her things out of his house and she moved across the country to Utah.

Yes, that is a very sad story because to this day that woman can NOT figure out why a very good man decided that she was not good material to be a wife and mother.

That is the true story of my daughter, Caitlin, and her boyfriend, Brad.


This is a problem in America.

Good men cannot find women who are prepared to be wives and mothers because they believe what they see on TV and in the movies.

They believe that they have to do nothing more than "look good" and then everything will be handed to them.

Now, how do we solve this?
How is your story objective? We are taking your word for it that all your daughter knows how to do is tan, massage, and get her nails done but her boyfriend scrubbed the toilets. Apparently. This sounds completely bogus and exaggerated. Citations? Videos? I need references. Brads number. Photos of their dirty laundry. Prooooof?????


Aug 17, 2018
This thread was created as a response to the original thread created by young Canadian who put herself out there that she is looking for a partner. Read the original thread and you will find 14 pages of toxic, misogyny posts (there are some exceptions).

There are both good and bad women...same goes for men. But if you want to know the origin of gender bias, read the book by John Lash - Not in his image.

The Elite has been manipulating the society going back to Egyptian times if not sooner. Thinking, that the gender issue came up in 20th century comes a bit shortsighted. It has been around for a while.


Mar 15, 2023
How is your story objective? We are taking your word for it that all your daughter knows how to do is tan, massage, and get her nails done but her boyfriend scrubbed the toilets. Apparently. This sounds completely bogus and exaggerated. Citations? Videos? I need references. Brads number. Photos of their dirty laundry. Prooooof?????

So I just invented that story?

As soon as the Harvard Law Review or British Medical Journal perform a double-blind placebo-controlled study and produce a peer-reviewed White paper on my daughter's failed relationship, I'll be sure to forward you the links.


Mar 15, 2023
This thread was created as a response to the original thread created by young Canadian who put herself out there that she is looking for a partner. Read the original thread and you will find 14 pages of toxic, misogyny posts (there are some exceptions).

There are both good and bad women...same goes for men. But if you want to know the origin of gender bias, read the book by John Lash - Not in his image.

The Elite has been manipulating the society going back to Egyptian times if not sooner. Thinking, that the gender issue came up in 20th century comes a bit shortsighted. It has been around for a while.
So I provided an example of that manipulation and you disregard it because you refuse to admit that someone, somewhere, with the same kind of genitals that you have could have possibly been at fault.

It MUST be someone else's fault that my daughter was too stupid and selfish and short-sighted to make herself a better mate for a good man.

It MUST be a man's fault somewhere, some secret society of Elite scheming men, who made my daughter only choose to do for herself and nobody else.

It MUST be the Patriarchy's fault that my daughter was too god damned selfish and lazy to ever do a load of laundry or cook a meal or buy Brad even a cup of coffee?

No, it hurts me to say it because she is my daughter, but Caitlin is a selfish brat who thinks that she is too pretty and her vagina is made of platinum and Brad could never find another like it.

Well, he already has found a better candidate for wife and mother.

And it's nobody's fault but Caitlin's.

The ironic thing is if I told you that my son Chris did all of these horrible things to a woman, I KNOW FOR A FACT that you would be piling on for him being a scumbag.
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