This may be the most important piece of information after the Gospel

Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
This goes for the males.

We've got a problem, see? Societies are crumbling, a lot have crumbled already. Men are not masculine anymore in general. A lot of men transmit creepy auras and they just simply struggle through life. They have a lot of difficulty in keeping a stable relationship, getting a job and not quitting it, or just simply enjoying life.

I'll tell you why.

Firstly tell you that these things didn't happen one hundred years ago.

Now that's because of the damn promiscuity being pushed on us.

Promiscuity I'll name it: Pornography, masturbation, and sex outside of marriage.

You could argue it if you are perverse, but these things are straight to the ones that are not crooked.

I am going now to give some information that can save the lives of men if they apply it.

Stop masturbating, and stop watching pornography.

These things are true viruses. They are destroying the world. They together work like a drug like cocaine or methamphetamine. These things destroy the brain, and they even kickstart a syndrome of abstinence when the user tries to go without them. Just check it and you will be amazed if you have had the vice for years.

And not only that, but if you endure it and you beat it, you will see how you are taken to a next level in terms of understanding, conscience, and energy.

Just check it. And research it.

I am not talking "No Fap", nofap is stupidity, the sole name transmits that. It is never about "not doing something", it's about living properly. The correct term would be semen retention. This is what we us males should be aiming for. This makes us bold, strong, straightforward, confident, and above all, ready to take action and stop being NPC's that let the damn satanists destroy the world unopposed.

Now it's the time I preach the Gospel, because I have to say that this is what really makes the difference. Then all the previous is just a tool needed to polarize. In other times there wouldn't have been so much necessity to speak the aforementioned, but now there is. But always, in all ages regardless of technology or any other thing, people have always had the need of salvation. And they need to know about the Savior, which is Jesus Christ, God Himself; which made salvation possible through the death he died for us who repent of our sins, and at his cue acknowledge the veracity of his words and power.

Who doesn't know about the mercy of God? How he overlooks the faults and gives space for repentance? Well, now the Kingdom of God is at hand, and everyone has access to it if they believe in the name of Jesus.

Who has not a Bible? Grab a King James Version and read it for yourself! In these times don't outsource reasoning, this is among the best I can tell you.

Become Evangelical, research sound-doctrine, and benefit from it. You will have eternal life if you do, and no fear of death and such things, which I can tell, paralyze people all over the world.

So, try to stay low serotonin and all the things you want according to this forum, but don't mess it all up destroying and frying your brains with PMO.

And this, keeping all this, is how you will really become able to change the world for the better, and not end up becoming part of the problem.

God bless you.
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Sep 13, 2012
Love what you have said! Appreciate you being here.


Jul 5, 2019
I bet that you are still not masculine in the way you gave exemples from the past if you practice semen retention,that means,its not semen retention the problem,are you going to ignore the main problems(drugs,nutrition,quality of food,ssri,stupid chemicals, pufa,technology ecc..)?
This is what made men low hormones,they now seek for authority and they will accept any stupidy proposed to them by authority and of course if you add masturbation daily with pornography it's like adding the cherry on the top of the cake.

Nowadays average men get intimidated by the 1% percent of the truly masculine man that still exists,it's like speaking with a teenage girl with them,especially in the western world(west europe and Usa).


Dec 8, 2016


May 4, 2022
The solution to fornication is not to just try harder, it is marriage. See 1 Corinthians 7:2.
Evangelicals often insinuate that folks should pray for more strength in being celibate. But that is not what the apostle said,
"Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband" 1 Cor 7:2


This goes for the males.

We've got a problem, see? Societies are crumbling, a lot have crumbled already. Men are not masculine anymore in general. A lot of men transmit creepy auras and they just simply struggle through life. They have a lot of difficulty in keeping a stable relationship, getting a job and not quitting it, or just simply enjoying life.

I'll tell you why.

Firstly tell you that these things didn't happen one hundred years ago.

Now that's because of the damn promiscuity being pushed on us.

Promiscuity I'll name it: Pornography, masturbation, and sex outside of marriage.

You could argue it if you are perverse, but these things are straight to the ones that are not crooked.

I am going now to give some information that can save the lives of men if they apply it.

Stop masturbating, and stop watching pornography.

These things are true viruses. They are destroying the world. They together work like a drug like cocaine or methamphetamine. These things destroy the brain, and they even kickstart a syndrome of abstinence when the user tries to go without them. Just check it and you will be amazed if you have had the vice for years.

And not only that, but if you endure it and you beat it, you will see how you are taken to a next level in terms of understanding, conscience, and energy.

Just check it. And research it.

I am not talking "No Fap", nofap is stupidity, the sole name transmits that. It is never about "not doing something", it's about living properly. The correct term would be semen retention. This is what we us males should be aiming for. This makes us bold, strong, straightforward, confident, and above all, ready to take action and stop being NPC's that let the damn satanists destroy the world unopposed.

Now it's the time I preach the Gospel, because I have to say that this is what really makes the difference. Then all the previous is just a tool needed to polarize. In other times there wouldn't have been so much necessity to speak the aforementioned, but now there is. But always, in all ages regardless of technology or any other thing, people have always had the need of salvation. And they need to know about the Savior, which is Jesus Christ, God Himself; which made salvation possible through the death he died for us who repent of our sins, and at his cue acknowledge the veracity of his words and power.

Who doesn't know about the mercy of God? How he overlooks the faults and gives space for repentance? Well, now the Kingdom of God is at hand, and everyone has access to it if they believe in the name of Jesus.

Who has not a Bible? Grab a King James Version and read it for yourself! In these times don't outsource reasoning, this is among the best I can tell you.

Become Evangelical, research sound-doctrine, and benefit from it. You will have eternal life if you do, and no fear of death and such things, which I can tell, paralyze people all over the world.

So, try to stay low serotonin and all the things you want according to this forum, but don't mess it all up destroying and frying your brains with PMO.

And this, keeping all this, is how you will really become able to change the world for the better, and not end up becoming part of the problem.

God bless you.
Great advice, and forming new beneficial habits and breaking old counterproductive habits is no small task, but will bear much fruit.

John mcclain

Dec 1, 2017
So the gospel is informative...well aren't we the lucky ones to born into christianity and its views of GOD written by a man...other than that I agree with most of what you said


So the gospel is informative...well aren't we the lucky ones to born into christianity and its views of GOD written by a man...other than that I agree with most of what you said
A little on the Agnostic or Atheist side then, lol. I have no issue with that......... but I'll inject a bit of light humor:

Atheism: The belief that there was nothing and then nothing happened to nothing, and then that nothing magically exploded for no reason creating everything which then rearranged itself into a totally incomprehensible level of order and complexity for no reason whatsoever, but you can somehow have a certainty it was not intelligent design.

Agnosticism: We just can't ever know these metaphysical things for certain one way or the other, since the tools available to us in this physical universe are inadequate to measure non physical spiritual things that have no extension in space time.
So, since we cannot know these things for sure: Religion is like a penis, It's fine to have one, it's fine to be proud of it, just don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.

Christianity: Reaching out to a non physical invisible being and praying for his blessing and aide for me and for all others and believing in a reality and a goodness beyond what my meager senses can perceive.. (The option that I have chosen, seeing the seemingly obvious design and ergo believing in a designer, though I grant that it might seem like total lunacy to some, who reduce it and mock it as just being like Santa Claus for adults looking for the gift of eternal life)

I guess if I had to pick a non religious philosophical paradigm for myself , maybe none of the above or maybe Agnosticism might be what makes sense to me if I found religion to be contrary to logic and reason. I, just by some deep inner instinct alone, do believe in God. Hard to go against one's own instincts.
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Feb 26, 2016
This goes for the males.

We've got a problem, see? Societies are crumbling, a lot have crumbled already. Men are not masculine anymore in general. A lot of men transmit creepy auras and they just simply struggle through life. They have a lot of difficulty in keeping a stable relationship, getting a job and not quitting it, or just simply enjoying life.

I'll tell you why.

Firstly tell you that these things didn't happen one hundred years ago.

Now that's because of the damn promiscuity being pushed on us.

Promiscuity I'll name it: Pornography, masturbation, and sex outside of marriage.

You could argue it if you are perverse, but these things are straight to the ones that are not crooked.

I am going now to give some information that can save the lives of men if they apply it.

Stop masturbating, and stop watching pornography.

These things are true viruses. They are destroying the world. They together work like a drug like cocaine or methamphetamine. These things destroy the brain, and they even kickstart a syndrome of abstinence when the user tries to go without them. Just check it and you will be amazed if you have had the vice for years.

And not only that, but if you endure it and you beat it, you will see how you are taken to a next level in terms of understanding, conscience, and energy.

Just check it. And research it.

I am not talking "No Fap", nofap is stupidity, the sole name transmits that. It is never about "not doing something", it's about living properly. The correct term would be semen retention. This is what we us males should be aiming for. This makes us bold, strong, straightforward, confident, and above all, ready to take action and stop being NPC's that let the damn satanists destroy the world unopposed.

Now it's the time I preach the Gospel, because I have to say that this is what really makes the difference. Then all the previous is just a tool needed to polarize. In other times there wouldn't have been so much necessity to speak the aforementioned, but now there is. But always, in all ages regardless of technology or any other thing, people have always had the need of salvation. And they need to know about the Savior, which is Jesus Christ, God Himself; which made salvation possible through the death he died for us who repent of our sins, and at his cue acknowledge the veracity of his words and power.

Who doesn't know about the mercy of God? How he overlooks the faults and gives space for repentance? Well, now the Kingdom of God is at hand, and everyone has access to it if they believe in the name of Jesus.

Who has not a Bible? Grab a King James Version and read it for yourself! In these times don't outsource reasoning, this is among the best I can tell you.

Become Evangelical, research sound-doctrine, and benefit from it. You will have eternal life if you do, and no fear of death and such things, which I can tell, paralyze people all over the world.

So, try to stay low serotonin and all the things you want according to this forum, but don't mess it all up destroying and frying your brains with PMO.

And this, keeping all this, is how you will really become able to change the world for the better, and not end up becoming part of the problem.

God bless you.
Amazing 🙏Amen


Jan 24, 2014
Texas USA
This goes for the males.

We've got a problem, see? Societies are crumbling, a lot have crumbled already. Men are not masculine anymore in general. A lot of men transmit creepy auras and they just simply struggle through life. They have a lot of difficulty in keeping a stable relationship, getting a job and not quitting it, or just simply enjoying life.

I'll tell you why.

Firstly tell you that these things didn't happen one hundred years ago.

Now that's because of the damn promiscuity being pushed on us.

Promiscuity I'll name it: Pornography, masturbation, and sex outside of marriage.

You could argue it if you are perverse, but these things are straight to the ones that are not crooked.

I am going now to give some information that can save the lives of men if they apply it.

Stop masturbating, and stop watching pornography.

These things are true viruses. They are destroying the world. They together work like a drug like cocaine or methamphetamine. These things destroy the brain, and they even kickstart a syndrome of abstinence when the user tries to go without them. Just check it and you will be amazed if you have had the vice for years.

And not only that, but if you endure it and you beat it, you will see how you are taken to a next level in terms of understanding, conscience, and energy.

Just check it. And research it.

I am not talking "No Fap", nofap is stupidity, the sole name transmits that. It is never about "not doing something", it's about living properly. The correct term would be semen retention. This is what we us males should be aiming for. This makes us bold, strong, straightforward, confident, and above all, ready to take action and stop being NPC's that let the damn satanists destroy the world unopposed.

Now it's the time I preach the Gospel, because I have to say that this is what really makes the difference. Then all the previous is just a tool needed to polarize. In other times there wouldn't have been so much necessity to speak the aforementioned, but now there is. But always, in all ages regardless of technology or any other thing, people have always had the need of salvation. And they need to know about the Savior, which is Jesus Christ, God Himself; which made salvation possible through the death he died for us who repent of our sins, and at his cue acknowledge the veracity of his words and power.

Who doesn't know about the mercy of God? How he overlooks the faults and gives space for repentance? Well, now the Kingdom of God is at hand, and everyone has access to it if they believe in the name of Jesus.

Who has not a Bible? Grab a King James Version and read it for yourself! In these times don't outsource reasoning, this is among the best I can tell you.

Become Evangelical, research sound-doctrine, and benefit from it. You will have eternal life if you do, and no fear of death and such things, which I can tell, paralyze people all over the world.

So, try to stay low serotonin and all the things you want according to this forum, but don't mess it all up destroying and frying your brains with PMO.

And this, keeping all this, is how you will really become able to change the world for the better, and not end up becoming part of the problem.

God bless you.
God bless you, too. Thanks.

Why should think of our lives in a change-the-world versus part-of-the-problem kind of way? Jesus didn't put his children in the driver seat - his 'sermon on the mount' illustrates this clearly.

Why is PMO going to destroy and fry our brains? Jesus didn't warn us to avoid masturbation lest we fry our brains, and God gave us sex as a gift to enjoy and to follow the first command.

In what way do you think a fear of death is paralyzing people? I mean, what action are the failing to take?

Why should I prefer a King James Version? Can't I read the Tewahedo, and supplement my reading with the NASB and some interlinear new testaments? I've been learning more about the Dead Sea Scrolls recently, which are quite interesting.

Do you think Jesus' ressurection salient to the equation?

Why should I care what we call abstinence? And why is biblical study associated with bashing masturbation? The bible doesn't worry about masturbation.

I have looked into this, and I don't think PMO acts like cocain at all. I have friends whos lives were destroyed by meth addiction, but I can't find anybody who hasn't ever tried PMO, and none of them ever entered a downward spiral like some drug addicts do. Besides, the biochemsitry of orgasm really doesn't resemble cocain use, the only websites I have seen that claim an association seem to be blogs or pharisaical fear-mongering.

If promiscuity is really that new, why does the bible encourage us to avoid it? Promiscuity is a tale as old as time.

I think promiscuity has a wider and more nuanced set of meanings than you ascribe.
But anyway, thanks again!

P.s., why only males? Is it okay for females to masturbate to porn?
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
God bless you, too. Thanks.

Why should think of our lives in a change-the-world versus part-of-the-problem kind of way? Jesus didn't put his children in the driver seat - his 'sermon on the mount' illustrates this clearly.

Why is PMO going to destroy and fry our brains? Jesus didn't warn us to avoid masturbation lest we fry our brains, and God gave us sex as a gift to enjoy and to follow the first command.

In what way do you think a fear of death is paralyzing people? I mean, what action are the failing to take?

Why should I prefer a King James Version? Can't I read the Tewahedo, and supplement my reading with the NASB and some interlinear new testaments? I've been learning more about the Dead Sea Scrolls recently, which are quite interesting.

Do you think Jesus' ressurection salient to the equation?

Why should I care what we call abstinence? And why is biblical study associated with bashing masturbation? The bible doesn't worry about masturbation.

I have looked into this, and I don't think PMO acts like cocain at all. I have friends whos lives were destroyed by meth addiction, but I can't find anybody who hasn't ever tried PMO, and none of them ever entered a downward spiral like some drug addicts do. Besides, the biochemsitry of orgasm really doesn't resemble cocain use, the only websites I have seen that claim an association seem to be blogs or pharisaical fear-mongering.

If promiscuity is really that new, why does the bible encourage us to avoid it? Promiscuity is a tale as old as time.

I think promiscuity has a wider and more nuanced set of meanings than you ascribe.
But anyway, thanks again!

P.s., why only males? Is it okay for females to masturbate to porn?

You are clearly a false brother as of today, no doubt.

Your words are not "words", they are power, and they communicate blindness.

You clearly don't get the message of the Bible, and you see problems where they are not.

Normally, I wouldn't have replied to your kind of comment, but as you pretending Christianity, are worth scourging.


Sep 12, 2015
You are clearly a false brother as of today, no doubt.

Your words are not "words", they are power, and they communicate blindness.

You clearly don't get the message of the Bible, and you see problems where they are not.

Normally, I wouldn't have replied to your kind of comment, but as you pretending Christianity, are worth scourging.
Why don't you just answer his questions? People could benefit.


God bless you, too. Thanks.

Why should think of our lives in a change-the-world versus part-of-the-problem kind of way? Jesus didn't put his children in the driver seat - his 'sermon on the mount' illustrates this clearly.

Why is PMO going to destroy and fry our brains? Jesus didn't warn us to avoid masturbation lest we fry our brains, and God gave us sex as a gift to enjoy and to follow the first command.

In what way do you think a fear of death is paralyzing people? I mean, what action are the failing to take?

Why should I prefer a King James Version? Can't I read the Tewahedo, and supplement my reading with the NASB and some interlinear new testaments? I've been learning more about the Dead Sea Scrolls recently, which are quite interesting.

Do you think Jesus' ressurection salient to the equation?

Why should I care what we call abstinence? And why is biblical study associated with bashing masturbation? The bible doesn't worry about masturbation.

I have looked into this, and I don't think PMO acts like cocain at all. I have friends whos lives were destroyed by meth addiction, but I can't find anybody who hasn't ever tried PMO, and none of them ever entered a downward spiral like some drug addicts do. Besides, the biochemsitry of orgasm really doesn't resemble cocain use, the only websites I have seen that claim an association seem to be blogs or pharisaical fear-mongering.

If promiscuity is really that new, why does the bible encourage us to avoid it? Promiscuity is a tale as old as time.

I think promiscuity has a wider and more nuanced set of meanings than you ascribe.
But anyway, thanks again!

P.s., why only males? Is it okay for females to masturbate to porn?
Guille Yacante simply pointed out that certain behaviors can be very bad for us and for society, a majority of things I have read by both religious and non religious scholars seem to find much common ground in agreeing with him on that, so his post does not seem very nuanced or controversial to me.

If you have a view that promiscuity and porn and masturbation are nuanced or beneficial in some way or prefer another version of the bible or don't think fear is a big factor in determining most human behavior, that's certainly your right to try and determine those things and arrive at conclusions for yourself.

As for myself, I would express genuine surprise at some but not all of your conclusions and cannot see the benefit for society or individuals in the aforementioned mentioned behaviors which just seem detrimental and impulse based to me.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
If you want to be science oriented about it, all fluids in the body are designed to move. If you are a man and not moving semen, you are creating problems, there are studies showing that. And, if you do not have another person to move that semen for you, then it behooves you to do it yourself, for the health of your prostate, etc. Any other notion is superimposed religious fear. If there was a way to get the semen out without 'sinning', that would be a good thing to help the Christians., maybe science will figure that one out.


If you want to be science oriented about it, all fluids in the body are designed to move. If you are a man and not moving semen, you are creating problems, there are studies showing that. And, if you do not have another person to move that semen for you, then it behooves you to do it yourself, for the health of your prostate, etc. Any other notion is superimposed religious fear. If there was a way to get the semen out without 'sinning', that would be a good thing to help the Christians., maybe science will figure that one out.
The human body is beyond adept at maintaining it's structural function and movement of fluids - nocturnal emissions and morning hard-ons are just a few examples of that, and semen can also be reabsorbed and the avoidance of masturbation is known to dramatically improve testosterone levels, . No-way do you need to masturbate to avoid creating serious problems...... so in that respect, that "science" you referred to is suspect in my opinion.

On the other hand, if you recommend occasional masturbation for the fun of it and for the mental benefits of dopamine and oxytocin release and the lowering of cortisol levels, I can see your point and the science would easily fully support you on that.

Anything done to excess can be harmful. If you get psychologically stuck in impulse behavior, masturbation could easily become one of the most terrible behaviors ever and also reduce or destroy your capacity for true intimacy.
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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
The human body is beyond adept at maintaining it's structural function and movement of fluids - nocturnal emissions and morning hard-ons are just a few examples of that, and semen can also be reabsorbed and the avoidance of masturbation is known to dramatically improve testosterone levels, . No-way do you need to masturbate to avoid creating serious problems...... so in that respect, that "science" you referred to is suspect in my opinion.

On the other hand, if you recommend occasional masturbation for the fun of it and for the mental benefits of dopamine and oxytocin release and the lowering of cortisol levels, I can see your point and the science would easily fully support you on that.

Anything done to excess can be harmful. If you get psychologically stuck in impulse behavior, masturbation could easily become one of the most terrible behaviors ever and also reduce or destroy your capacity for true intimacy.
Well, in my opinion, blood, tears, mucous, saliva, urine, stool {which is about only 25% solids}, is meant to be moved and/or eliminated. A study showing elimination of semen for 20 days/month reduced the incidence of prostate cancer. If someone wants to treat their semen like wine and age it in a vessel, that is up to them, but as we get older nocturnal emissions are rare, and not sufficient enough to eliminate that fluid. You wouldn't keep any other fluid in your body that long, and semen is no exception. When that happens, you risk anaerobic conditions, in my opinion. This is my take on it, validated by studies, and if someone wants to stop ejaculating because they don't have a partner, or religious reasons, or lack self control, so be it, but I am not in favor of that methodology. The notion that masturbation changes your ability to be intimate or perform with a partner is subjective, sounds like shrink talk to me, though. I, for one, think that the no-fap stuff is BS. I am not saying you have to do it like a rabbit everyday, but painting masturbation with that broad brush is just nonsense to me.


Jan 24, 2014
Texas USA
You are clearly a false brother as of today, no doubt.

Your words are not "words", they are power, and they communicate blindness.

You clearly don't get the message of the Bible, and you see problems where they are not.

Normally, I wouldn't have replied to your kind of comment, but as you pretending Christianity, are worth scourging.
I understand that several of the opinions I shared are controversial since indeed this is a conversation about promiscuity, but I also mean my questions sincerely. I did not claim to be your brother, so how could I have been a false brother? I did not claim Christianity, so how could I have been pretending?
I am grateful that you are not the appointed gatekeeper.


Jan 24, 2014
Texas USA
Guille Yacante simply pointed out that certain behaviors can be very bad for us and for society, a majority of things I have read by both religious and non religious scholars seem to find much common ground in agreeing with him on that, so his post does not seem very nuanced or controversial to me.

If you have a view that promiscuity and porn and masturbation are nuanced or beneficial in some way or prefer another version of the bible or don't think fear is a big factor in determining most human behavior, that's certainly your right to try and determine those things and arrive at conclusions for yourself.

As for myself, I would express genuine surprise at some but not all of your conclusions and cannot see the benefit for society or individuals in the aforementioned mentioned behaviors which just seem detrimental and impulse based to me.
I primarily disagree with the claims that personal promiscuity is the cause of our societal problems and will result in our collapse, and that personal abstinance will alone empower us to change the world. Can PMO be suboptimal without being literally global destruction vs superman? It is my position that self control and abstinance start with learning moderation, and mature to self mastery. Drug addiction relapses often occur in the context of exactly that kind of binary catastrophizing where the weight of the world is put on the shoulders of the struggling addict. You will find in my post that I do not anywhere claim that PMO is good and should be encouranged; I questioned whether it should be considered so bad, and said I don't think it resembles cocaine addiction.


Jan 15, 2016
This goes for the males.

We've got a problem, see? Societies are crumbling, a lot have crumbled already. Men are not masculine anymore in general. A lot of men transmit creepy auras and they just simply struggle through life. They have a lot of difficulty in keeping a stable relationship, getting a job and not quitting it, or just simply enjoying life.

I'll tell you why.

Firstly tell you that these things didn't happen one hundred years ago.

Now that's because of the damn promiscuity being pushed on us.

Promiscuity I'll name it: Pornography, masturbation, and sex outside of marriage.

You could argue it if you are perverse, but these things are straight to the ones that are not crooked.

I am going now to give some information that can save the lives of men if they apply it.

Stop masturbating, and stop watching pornography.

These things are true viruses. They are destroying the world. They together work like a drug like cocaine or methamphetamine. These things destroy the brain, and they even kickstart a syndrome of abstinence when the user tries to go without them. Just check it and you will be amazed if you have had the vice for years.

And not only that, but if you endure it and you beat it, you will see how you are taken to a next level in terms of understanding, conscience, and energy.

Just check it. And research it.

I am not talking "No Fap", nofap is stupidity, the sole name transmits that. It is never about "not doing something", it's about living properly. The correct term would be semen retention. This is what we us males should be aiming for. This makes us bold, strong, straightforward, confident, and above all, ready to take action and stop being NPC's that let the damn satanists destroy the world unopposed.

Now it's the time I preach the Gospel, because I have to say that this is what really makes the difference. Then all the previous is just a tool needed to polarize. In other times there wouldn't have been so much necessity to speak the aforementioned, but now there is. But always, in all ages regardless of technology or any other thing, people have always had the need of salvation. And they need to know about the Savior, which is Jesus Christ, God Himself; which made salvation possible through the death he died for us who repent of our sins, and at his cue acknowledge the veracity of his words and power.

Who doesn't know about the mercy of God? How he overlooks the faults and gives space for repentance? Well, now the Kingdom of God is at hand, and everyone has access to it if they believe in the name of Jesus.

Who has not a Bible? Grab a King James Version and read it for yourself! In these times don't outsource reasoning, this is among the best I can tell you.

Become Evangelical, research sound-doctrine, and benefit from it. You will have eternal life if you do, and no fear of death and such things, which I can tell, paralyze people all over the world.

So, try to stay low serotonin and all the things you want according to this forum, but don't mess it all up destroying and frying your brains with PMO.

And this, keeping all this, is how you will really become able to change the world for the better, and not end up becoming part of the problem.

God bless you.
Normally, I wouldn't have replied to your kind of comment, but as you pretending Christianity, are worth scourging.
If you wish to be like Jesus, you would go to those that are crooked, and would never say anyone is worth "scourging". The ideal is to work tirelessly towards "saving souls", to preach to the prostitutes, to love and walk amongst sinners.

"one hundred years ago" Ah yes, world war one was surely a great time, men killing each other over nothing is so much better than enjoying sexuality.
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