Thoughts Of Nofap?


Feb 18, 2018
It very well may be worth a shot. I'll keep that in mind. I've heard you can get this overseas as well without a prescription? Or perhaps online doctors that could prescribe it? I'm not in a situation where I would use it yet, but it may be worth experimenting with if I ever find another girl I would feel comfortable having intercourse with. I do have a small supply of Tramadol, which I've heard is good for PE, but don't want to squander it.
It's definitely worth a shot, yh might be online doctor who could prescribe it could even just go to your normal doctor and say you have been having erection problems and would like to try it and don't want the hassle of having to take Viagra before sex.


Sep 4, 2020
I'll do my best. I hooked up with my ex tonight, made her orgasm, but did not ejaculate. She didn't stimulate me or touch me at all. I just used my hands. It was actually a relief not to have sex and for her not to touch me. However there is a lot of trauma from that relationship. One thing retention is teaching me is the value of my seed, and the emotional trauma that can result from carelessly throwing it around. There is so much trauma with her I don't think it's reconcilable at all. But I was horny and getting her off was a rush, and maintaining my clear headedness the whole time (and after) was interesting.

For the time being, I'm okay with the idea of giving women orgasms, even as casual partners, but have no interest in being stimulated myself, and certainly not ejaculating or intercourse. This is a personal issue though and has nothing to do with retention. I went through a lot of trauma with my ex that I won't get into (I mean actual trauma related to legitimate fear of finding her dead, but I won't get into that)...

...anyway. Tangent. But the premature ejaculation issue has been so traumatizing to me I've seriously felt I've had to accept the idea that at 30 years old I will never have sex again for the rest of my life. I've already mostly come to terms with that, but I certainly don't want to live like that. It's tempting to give up.

The only hope I have is perhaps finding a girl I can feel connected to. I feel extremely damaged at this point and completely averse to connection, but I could imagine if I could find any girl in the world I could feel remotely comfortable with, I might consider intercourse again. I used to really enjoy intercourse and a part of me would like to believe I don't have to go the rest of my entire life without it.

But the confidence that comes with retention? If that was the case, I can survive. I can live with that. Even if I don't like it. So to the OP -- I absolutely recommend semen retention for the mental and emotional control it can give you. The stability. Despite going through very difficult things. I seriously feel like even in one month, this journey has been turning me into a psychological titan. Things are just not bothering me like they used to.

It very well may be worth a shot. I'll keep that in mind. I've heard you can get this overseas as well without a prescription? Or perhaps online doctors that could prescribe it? I'm not in a situation where I would use it yet, but it may be worth experimenting with if I ever find another girl I would feel comfortable having intercourse with. I do have a small supply of Tramadol, which I've heard is good for PE, but don't want to squander it.


In what way do you feel dopamine deprived? Being a month in, I've consistently felt extremely "horny" and have used that energy to work out and focus on projects in my workshop, and more.

I've had a couple days where I felt absolutely miserable, but the norm has been feeling horny and redirecting that energy. If anything, I've been feeling like I've been taking a dopamine booster this whole time, like just powerful surges of energy I don't remember having since I was 18 or 19 years old 12 years ago.

What has been your experience feeling dopamine deprived? Has it varied at all, or since day 1 have you been feeling this way consistently? I want you to be successful on this journey.
hey thanks for the response
I just feel very miserable and just, dead inside
I couldn't sleep last night due to how badly I was craving to fap
first week was OK
but after day 10 I just started feeling very horrible
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Sep 4, 2020
I'm only a month into semen retention. I don't consider it "NoFap" as I masturbate occasionally. I simply keep my stimulation lower than normal, only very, very rarely even come close to 'edging' or actually edge, and do not ejaculate.

The benefits so far have been profound. I've been working out daily with only a couple days off, whereas before I was working out twice a week at the absolute most. I'm working on reprocessing sexual stimuli. It started because Rexulti caused severe premature ejaculation, so severe that I fear I may never actually be able to have sex again for the rest of my life and the damage may be permanent.

It started with that, and trying to psychologically reprogram my ejaculation response, but now it's taken on a whole life of its own.

Do not listen to the naysayers. You need to experience it for yourself. 16 days is great. Keep going and see how you feel. In my short experience so far, I've been through a couple miserable days, but it cleared up fairly soon. Those negative suicidal states used to linger much longer. Don't let them throw you off.

I would say not to be militant about masturbating. Stimulating yourself is not going to do any harm IMO as long as you're not edging constantly. I have been keeping it at about a 5 or 6 out of 10, let's say edging is an 8 and a 9.

Taoism is big on not sexually repressing yourself, but focusing on semen retention. And even then people are mixed, with some advocates saying you need to find an ejaculation schedule that works for you. For me right now I feel better just not ejaculating at all but am not in a relationship. And I have the demon of premature ejaculation on my back that is a pressing issue. I'm not sure if I'll ever be capable of non-orgasmic sex again (as I used to be) because of this medication, and the last 10 times I tried resulted in ejaculation immediately upon insertion, literally could not last even one thrust. It's just what it is, these medications can be absolutely evil. I've come to terms with it. But I mention that because my reasons for this journey are likely very different from yours. So keep that in mind.

I used to think it was BS until I started doing it. For me now, it's unequivocal that ejaculation is draining and should not be done recklessly. I did it recklessly until I was 30 years old and it got me nowhere. If just one month of retention has resulted in me having the energy to work out daily when I thought I was basically bedridden before, that basically tells me all I need to know. Placebo effect be damned.
thanks for the detailed response
I will do my best to keep it going


Mar 20, 2013
hey thanks for the response
I just feel very miserable and just, dead inside
I couldn't sleep last night due to how badly I was craving to fap
first week was OK
but after day 10 I just started feeling very horrible

How did the craving feel? For me, it gives me an energy rush. It's intense, and uncomfortable, but I see this as an energy source.

How is the craving for you? How do you know you're craving it? Focus on the physical sensations in your body. "Craving to fap" is merely an explanation we give to sensations in our bodies that inherently have no names or labels.

I've been having a harder time the past couple days after 1 month of this. My cravings to ejaculate and/or use porn are associated with the issues I was using porn/ejaculation to cope with. Does that make sense? Don't let that go over your head. One thing you have to remember with semen retention is that you are going to face your demons head on.

You need to have a purpose beyond simply doing NoFap/retention for the hell of it. Why did you start this journey in the first place? For me, it's because I feel my energy reserves are exhausted, my life has gone absolutely nowhere, and I'm tired of giving my energy away to other people, as well as wasting it on porn and masturbation and feeling like a zombie with no ambition or drive to do anything.

What is it for you? You have to value what you get from semen retention more than you value the (extremely) brief pleasure/relief you get from ejaculating. Ask yourself, then what? You use porn, you masturbate, you ejaculate. Then what? Then what? Then what??

If you're like most other people, porn/ejaculation has been an escape from your issues. The temptation is to numb yourself with those same old habits. I highly recommend that you focus on the physical sensations of cravings, and interpret them as an energy source that you can use. However, this is assuming it feels energizing. I know how the craving to ejaculate feels for me, and it's very energizing; for you it may be different, though in general, I associate "want" with dopamine, and have a hard time imagining how a craving would not feel energizing. Only you understand the feeling for yourself, though. I would be curious how you would explain it, and how exactly it's tormenting you?

RE: not sleeping, I find isometrics very helpful. Intense ones. Horse stance from martial arts is a great one:

I've had this issue a few times since retaining, and intense exercise helps to burn that energy off and allow me to rest. Isometric contractions such as the horse stance seem to be particularly good for dispelling this pent up energy. I'm also a huge fan of gymnastics rings/pullup bars but I understand most people don't have access to these in their home, though if you can set one up in your doorway I highly recommend it.

Plenty of floor exercises as well, pushups, pseudo planche holds, hollowbody holds, 'supermans,' etc. Working out has been essential to my progress, and if you're not doing any kind of training routine at the moment I'd highly recommend implementing one. Without working out, that energy keeps me awake at night and is quite tormenting.
Mar 24, 2018
I reached 4 months only to find that post orgasm selegiline solved everything ...


Aug 6, 2017
Use your common sense and the answer should be obvious. If you are addicted to wanking, you have a problem. If you take on religious belief of nofap you will have a problem. Use it or lose it is a fundamental and universal fact of biology. If you have wet dreams or even numerous daily erections past puberty you are on the edge of switching over to losing it. Release once or twice per week is needed until you hit 50. Then maybe twice a month, again depending on your health and hormonal balance.

I have a good friend past his 70:s that had pretty much stopped masturbating more than a decade ago. All the other supplements i urged him to try were weak at best in effect and he did not want to continue paying for something that has no effect. But tribulus after a decade resurrected his third leg. And just like the third leg awakening, his whole body followed. Of all things, including testosterone injections (not my idea), tribulus was what made a remarkable shift in general health over a long time. And it started with sexual function returning, resuming his wanker status.

Don't fall for nofap brainwashing. If you feel addicted to porn, seek help.
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Jan 6, 2019
Use it or lose it is a fundamental and universal fact of biology.
There is no biochemical basis for this. You are conflating a cultural meme with a biological fact. "Use it or lose it" is as nonsensical as "masturbation leads to blindness". Your physiological ability to respond to stimuli with sexual arousal does not just spontaneously disappear. In case that happens to you, you have more fundamental problems at your hand than not masturbating often enough.

If you have wet dreams or even numerous daily erections past puberty you are on the edge of switching over to losing it.
If you have erections and wet dreams your penor is about to stop working? Ha, how does this make any sense?

And just like the third leg awakening, his whole body followed
It's almost like the same hormones improve sexual health and overall health alike.


Aug 6, 2017
your ignorance is astounding and your will suffer the result. Any process that is prevented will cause it to cease existing. You can start with something as simple as physical inactivity, magnified by putting a cast on your leg. The muscles will be atrophied and even worse the fascia will have adhesions and turned into fibrotic tissue. Simply from not using it. If you think you retain sexual function when the environment signals such is and won't be happening you are delusional.

This same principle reaches as far as mental aging, you can see clear difference in old people that passively watch tv compared to ones that actively use computer and watch youtube. That small difference in passivity/activity is all it takes.

You don't need to have sex daily to keep your system online, but you also better not stretch the cycle to months when physiology forces it through wet dream.

Of course some people might like to have their sexual organs atrophy. Especially if you fear hair loss then castration is effective "treatment".


Feb 18, 2018
your ignorance is astounding and your will suffer the result. Any process that is prevented will cause it to cease existing. You can start with something as simple as physical inactivity, magnified by putting a cast on your leg. The muscles will be atrophied and even worse the fascia will have adhesions and turned into fibrotic tissue. Simply from not using it. If you think you retain sexual function when the environment signals such is and won't be happening you are delusional.

This same principle reaches as far as mental aging, you can see clear difference in old people that passively watch tv compared to ones that actively use computer and watch youtube. That small difference in passivity/activity is all it takes.

You don't need to have sex daily to keep your system online, but you also better not stretch the cycle to months when physiology forces it through wet dream.

Of course some people might like to have their sexual organs atrophy. Especially if you fear hair loss then castration is effective "treatment".
Tbh if someone is doing no fap and they still get night or morning erections then they won't experience any atrophy


Aug 6, 2017
what i wrote is that wet dreams/frequent daily erections is a sign of use it or lose it kicking into action. Morning erection happens to all healthy people.


Feb 18, 2018
what i wrote is that wet dreams/frequent daily erections is a sign of use it or lose it kicking into action. Morning erection happens to all healthy people.
Yh so if people get morning and night erections they won't have any atrophy.


Jan 6, 2019
Any process that is prevented will cause it to cease existing. You can start with something as simple as physical inactivity, magnified by putting a cast on your leg. The muscles will be atrophied and even worse the fascia will have adhesions and turned into fibrotic tissue. This same principle reaches as far as mental aging

Let's accept this principle as the premise. Now:

1) explain, in biochemical terms, how this principle relates to sexual functioning.
2) are you aware that sexual health is dependent mostly on hormonal status? As such, does good hormonal health not equate good sexual health, irrespective of the frequency with which one indulges in sexual activity?
3) are you aware that the penis is not a muscle, and that the erection is caused by bloodflow?

but you also better not stretch the cycle to months when physiology forces it through wet dream.
Wet dreams are the consequence of experiencing arousal to the extent where sperm gets loaded to vas deferens, the ejaculatory tube from which the only way out is by expulsion. Beyond this occurrance, there is no physiological need for the body to have a wet dream (or "clean the pipes", so to speak): the prostrate is able to cycle its fluids through the lymphatic system, and the testes are able to break down old sperm and recirculate the byproducts. Therefore, avoiding arousal prevents wet dreams by eliminating the physiological need for such.

what i wrote is that wet dreams/frequent daily erections is a sign of use it or lose it kicking into action.
Applying this logic to the principle you shared above, does a muscle tensing up also mean that it's about to atrophy?
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Khaled MK

Sep 1, 2020
Excessive masturbation causes protein malabsorbtion(and a deficiency down the road) cause it lowers zinc. Low zinc leads to low stomach acid production and without that juice you wont be able to digest protein. Over time this'll lead to chronically elevated estrogen, serotonin and cortisol.
Nofap is definitely beneficial(and a MUST) for someone who jerks off a lot, but depending on one's diet, it might not be enough for a full recovery.


Sep 4, 2020
your ignorance is astounding and your will suffer the result. Any process that is prevented will cause it to cease existing. You can start with something as simple as physical inactivity, magnified by putting a cast on your leg. The muscles will be atrophied and even worse the fascia will have adhesions and turned into fibrotic tissue. Simply from not using it. If you think you retain sexual function when the environment signals such is and won't be happening you are delusional.

This same principle reaches as far as mental aging, you can see clear difference in old people that passively watch tv compared to ones that actively use computer and watch youtube. That small difference in passivity/activity is all it takes.

You don't need to have sex daily to keep your system online, but you also better not stretch the cycle to months when physiology forces it through wet dream.

Of course some people might like to have their sexual organs atrophy. Especially if you fear hair loss then castration is effective "treatment".
I broke my nofap
and rn I am limiting it to 1 time every14 days with no pornography(which I already dont watch


Aug 6, 2017
Limiting is the wrong mindset. You should do what you using your best intellect deem reasonable. Previously i needed to release every other day. Now as my health has improved it is no more than twice weekly. Lately even once. You should be able to differentiate between addiction lust and just physiologically driven "need"
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Jan 6, 2019
You should be able to differentiate between addiction lust and just physiologically driven "need"
There is no physiological need beyond that which lust generates. As such, putting it as "need" is quite apt.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Yep, as I feel healthier the fapping becomes, a background noise, and totally controllable, whereas previously it was more of a claxon, and urgent lol :D


Aug 6, 2017
The need is there, and "controlling" it will signal the body that system is unnecessary and can be atrophied. Like anything else that does not get used. Stress metabolism encourages it's use to reproduce before dying, and unless used accelerates it's atrophy to save resources to hopefully stay alive.
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