Warren Buffett’s Secret To Staying Young: “I Eat Like A Six-year-old.”


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Amazing. I think WB is one of the best examples of what someone will look like in his 80s after following a long-term Peat lifestyle (even if he doesn't know that it's Peaty). He looks even better than Ray Peat. This makes sense since Peat turned to a metabolism supporting diet to fix health issues, while Buffett seemed to grasp the concept earlier.

He doesnt look better than PEat at all. Why would you think that?


Aug 17, 2016
Very rich people always have great well-being, and Warren Buffet is the richest.
I don't know. I think they get just as shitty information as everybody else but more abundant access to the best wrong procedures.

I know many very wealthy people. Numerous ones are currently dying or recently died of horrible cancers. All the king's horses and all the king's men aren't helping them one bit.
My sister is married to a wealthy man who sits on a famous hospital board. He prides having access to the "best" of everything. He's on statins, SSRI, low salt, fish oil, type A personality, goes running or does hard workout before work and doesn't eat till lunch. Access to the VIP chef prepared "heart-healthy" meals. He's bald and has hair all over his neck and upper back.

But of course, he would not ever stoop to consider anything someone as inferior as me would have to suggest. He deserves only the finest of things.
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May 3, 2015
I'd say "eat the rich," since they're nothing but parasitic drags on society, but they probably have too high PUFA content.

You may be referring to rent seekers - people living off their inherited wealth or investment income.

However some of these may use their spare time for charity work or creative pursuits like art, music, writing, study and invention that benefit the world.

Other rich people may have gotten rich from popularising or providing things that have improved people's lives. Eg. musicians, film makers, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs etc.

The people you should condemn are those who deliberately work to make other people's lives miserable. Arsonists, murderers, fraudulent researchers...


Oct 15, 2016
When he told me this in a phone call yesterday (we were talking about the death of his friend, former Coca-Cola president Don Keough), I assumed he was talking about his stock portfolio.

Thank you goodbye.

Also, talk about lobby:
Soda Companies Fund 96 Health Groups In the U.S.
In a new study published Monday in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at Boston University School of Medicine report that between 2011 to 2015, 96 national health organizations accepted money from Coca-Cola, PepsiCo or both companies. The groups accepting sponsorships included the American Diabetes Association, the National Institutes of Health, the American Red Cross, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and many more (a full list is printed here).

The researchers also looked at lobbying efforts by the two soda companies and found that both actively oppose legislation that targets soda and is designed to prevent obesity. Between 2011 and 2015, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo publicly opposed 28 bills and supported one. Among the opposed bills, 12 were soda taxes, four were Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) regulations and one was a limit on soda portion sizes in New York. The one piece of legislation supported by both companies aimed to limit the marketing of soda in schools. However, the bill allowed that drinks like Diet Coke could still be marketed.
Aaron and Siegel write that in 2010, Save the Children, a group that advocated for soda taxes, dropped the cause after they received more than $5 million from Coca-Cola and PepsiCo in 2009. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which also received soda industry funding, issued a statement declining support for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposed limit on soda portions, arguing nutrition education should be emphasized.


Mar 1, 2017
Aaron and Siegel write that in 2010, Save the Children, a group that advocated for soda taxes, dropped the cause after they received more than $5 million from Coca-Cola and PepsiCo in 2009. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which also received soda industry funding, issued a statement declining support for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposed limit on soda portions, arguing nutrition education should be emphasized.
Damn, I'm going to have to start lobbying visibly against soda. Looks like a good way to an early retirement.


Mar 24, 2014
By eating like a six year old I was hoping he meant that he regularly had tantrums about broccoli (who here doesn't?) , threw his unwanted food on the floor, ate everything with a blunt plastic spork and had to have his face and hands wiped clean by a nanny armed with a moist flannel and disapproving tuts afterwards. "No more stock market for you Mr Buffet. Time for bed!"


Nov 2, 2016
What's wrong with him as a human being?

Buffet is a kinda sleazy backroom operator. He cultivates this avuncular stock picking grandpa image for public consumption, but the reality is rather different. Look at his GS and Fannie investments where he leveraged political contacts to line up taxpayer funded bailouts behind the scenes beforehand, for just one example. He is very politically active and is always lobbying for rules that make it harder for smaller investors to compete.

By a lot of accounts he's been a really weird prick in his personal life.


Apr 26, 2015
By eating like a six year old I was hoping he meant that he regularly had tantrums about broccoli (who here doesn't?) , threw his unwanted food on the floor, ate everything with a blunt plastic spork and had to have his face and hands wiped clean by a nanny armed with a moist flannel and disapproving tuts afterwards. "No more stock market for you Mr Buffet. Time for bed!"

I like it


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Buffet is a kinda sleazy backroom operator. He cultivates this avuncular stock picking grandpa image for public consumption, but the reality is rather different. Look at his GS and Fannie investments where he leveraged political contacts to line up taxpayer funded bailouts behind the scenes beforehand, for just one example. He is very politically active and is always lobbying for rules that make it harder for smaller investors to compete.

By a lot of accounts he's been a really weird prick in his personal life.
I see you have an opinion on him but I was really after OPs reasoning. I find a lot of people have these "impressions and opinions" on people without as much actual reasoning for it as you have presented. I want people to question their negative biases to make sure its valid and not indoctrinated from talking heads and bad information.


Feb 18, 2016
He is capable and highly likely of changing legislation,heavily influencing legislation we will say.
This allows him to influence his broader environment,whether you agree with how he influences it,is it to cash in etc ,the bottom line is this hugely impowering for the organism even if you fool yourself with believing what you have done is right,in fact this part essential!


Mar 10, 2016
Do you think there is a reason for that being lowest among 10-11 year olds?

I think nine years old is the youngest you start to see age pigment in a human's cells. So, you get much older than that and any of the disease caused by stress can occur more. But younger than that and a kid can't even protect himself. No way to know what is good or safe.

Who knows, that's just my guess.
Aug 18, 2015
Amazing. I think WB is one of the best examples of what someone will look like in his 80s after following a long-term Peat lifestyle (even if he doesn't know that it's Peaty). He looks even better than Ray Peat. This makes sense since Peat turned to a metabolism supporting diet to fix health issues, while Buffett seemed to grasp the concept earlier.

he looks overweight to me...


Sep 16, 2017
Eating like a six year old and 'babies know best' is just a flawed concept.

If you put a pipe of pringles (which only nuts or drinking oils can rival for its PUFA content) in front of a child, and they will munch their way through the entire pipe.

Sure, they'll wash it down with some coke if you give them that as well.

If you put party food out in front of kids (PUFA soaked sausage rolls, pastries, crisps, cheap pizzas & commercially made disgusting cakes) and watch the feeding frenzy before you. Happens every day of the year in homes everywhere.

There's nothing instinctive about 'eating like a six year old' being 'healthy'. But there is an instinct of a 'need' for sugars. That's about it IMO.


Mar 1, 2017
Eating like a six year old and 'babies know best' is just a flawed concept.
Note that intuitive eating is not the same as instinctive eating. Intuition is organized instinct. Instinct by itself is chaotic. Since an efficient metabolism desires whichever foods allowed it to be efficient in the first place, and since the maintenance of a certain level of metabolic efficiency has higher priority than the balance of most variables within the metabolism, no child will feel an intuitive pull towards Pringles AS LONG AS his metabolic needs truly are being met. On the other hand, a malnourished child WILL revert to instinctive eating and crave whatever translates to a good amount of fat, salt and glucose/energy.


Sep 16, 2017
Note that intuitive eating is not the same as instinctive eating. Intuition is organized instinct. Instinct by itself is chaotic. Since an efficient metabolism desires whichever foods allowed it to be efficient in the first place, and since the maintenance of a certain level of metabolic efficiency has higher priority than the balance of most variables within the metabolism, no child will feel an intuitive pull towards Pringles AS LONG AS his metabolic needs truly are being met. On the other hand, a malnourished child WILL revert to instinctive eating and crave whatever translates to a good amount of fat, salt and glucose/energy.

That's a good point. And I think you're right. You've fine tuned my original comment there. And I didn't mention the fats/salts alongside the sugars which hungry kids would be searching out for.


Oct 4, 2017
Rich people have always been fatter therefore less healthy than the working class. Their longer lifespan (if encountered) is artificial, or explained by excessively hard living conditions in the working class. An indicator of good health shouldn't be absolute length but lifespan without chronic disease / without the need for taking drugs.

Also, because someone is wealthy, doesn't mean they know anything about biology. Finance, yes. Draw the line.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The body is supposed to be healthiest, at its peak and most sound in many respects, just pre-puberty. Don't know where I read that.

Probably actuarial tables. Lowest death rate is in the 10-12 year old group, which I think also happens to be when body iron stores are also lowest. That does not mean we should strive for iron deficiency though, as that can bring its own share of problems.
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