Watch the Water - MUST see!


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Ardis' giddy boyish demeanor gives this a Quixotic feel.
Like the kid who got the answer correct first in school - jumping up and peeing in his pants.
Instead of being presented as a revelation - this really should have been framed as research inquiry and shared in a less sensationalized venue.

He does present a good correspondence between Remdesivir and snake venom mode of action.
He also presents a case that the c-19 spike protein may have snake origins; and that is very possible.


Nov 22, 2015
I assumed regulars in the forum know of Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufmann and how they differ from Ray Peat and mainstream medicine on that subject.

You're a regular here though, so you may mean something different with your question. If so, I'd like to understand further your question.
I have no idea about those two gentlemen and what their beliefs are.. I'm just asking the question as it stands, never heard the idea that viruses were something to believe or not believe in... Unless it's a question of semantics and what you mean by "virus"..


Mar 29, 2016
I have no idea about those two gentlemen and what their beliefs are.. I'm just asking the question as it stands, never heard the idea that viruses were something to believe or not believe in... Unless it's a question of semantics and what you mean by "virus"..
You haven't been listening to Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufmann. Not being there doesn't mean a place doesn't exist.


Jan 25, 2014
I have no idea about those two gentlemen and what their beliefs are.. I'm just asking the question as it stands, never heard the idea that viruses were something to believe or not believe in... Unless it's a question of semantics and what you mean by "virus"..
You only have to "believe" or "have faith" in something that doesn't have objective proof. And when it comes to this "Novel Corona Virus," the "proof" pretty much as weak as it gets.

You don't have to "believe" in fungi, for example, as you can see mold or mushrooms with your naked eye, easily. Bacterial cultures, same thing. You may need a microscope to see an individual bacterium, for example, but it's pretty clear they exist.

But SARS-Cov-2? Have you ever read the "Materials and Methods" section of the a study that claims "isolation?" After all, anyone who hasn't is taking the existence of this "Novel Corona Virus" on faith, based on third hand reports.

If you do read the above, you will realize nothing remotely close to the word "isolation" ever took place. Which means, there is no good proof any "Novel Corona Virus" exists. And anything downstream of that, where they "genetically sequenced" this hot mess of stuff than includes Human DNA, Monkey DNA, Cow DNA, and potentially other bacterial and fungal DNA in addition to any so called "Viral DNA," well, you can start to see the problem. Especially when they add antibiotics and digestive enzymes to the mix, things that can clearly damage cells. It's clear from looking at picture D that there is lots of other random cellular debris in the slide. They claim the small circles with black dots are this virus. But right next to them are larger ovals with no black dots. So, is that another "virus?" Or, are they both parts of the cell that were ripped apart from the main cell by something like the added trypsin? Or, maybe some of added contaminates from the monkey cells or Fetal Bovine Serum?

And since the PCR test is based on the "genetic sequence" taken from that soup, you can start to see how the entire "pandemic" is fraudulent on many levels. And it started with the lie that a "Novel Corona Virus" was discovered in the first place. The initial claim was a lie, and nothing but lies have been stacked up on top of that to maintain the initial lie for the past two years.

In this thread, Andrew Kaufman goes over the claimed "isolation," both in video and text form, if you need help navigating through the "Materials and Methods" section. He goes on to state that all claims of "viruses" are based on similar problematic experiments, calling all "viruses" and the entire field of virology, into question.



May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Contrary to what some say, venom is poison. It just has to be injected to be harmful. I'm sure there are poisons we can put on our skin that won't harm us, but would if we consumed them.
I have a neighbour who uses 'snake venom' on her skin to prevent wrinkles. She has not a single hint of a line on her face.


Nov 14, 2013
From what I can understand of all this, although it’s not quite how they explained it, is this:

It’s possible they added something (not necessarily venom or venom derivative, it could have been all sorts of poisonous substances) to the water early on in specific places (Wuhan, Milan etc) to create the initial panic. Once they’d got people's attention large amounts of the population were apt to believe that there was some deadly virus. Of course this was timed to coincide with the northern hemisphere’s flu season so anyone who then got the flu freaked out. People then went to hospital where they were killed by the treatment (midazolam, remdesivir, intubation) so the media could report ‘deaths’. This all set the stage for people accepting the vaccine which is the real bioweapon, and what Dr Ardis appears to have uncovered with regards to snake mRNA is interesting and worthy of further investigation. The nicotine thing is also interesting because I remember the French study early on and then couldn’t find anything about it afterwards (I’m sure it got quickly shut down).

So really I think there is a lot of truth here but they’ve missed the point by focusing so heavily on the ‘it’s in the water’ thing.

Does this mean they are yet more controlled opposition who are essentially telling the truth whilst adding something unbelievable (all the water is filled with venom) to discredit anyone who is on the right track? Hard to know. But I have to say I wouldn’t be surprised if when people come to analyse the death jabs there might well be a venom connection.


May 3, 2015


Nice find by @Jam

Jul 17, 2021
I think he's surfing a wave of enthusiasm, not facts. There is possibly some connection with snake venom enzymes put into flu vaccines or something similar to kick off the panic followed by the mRNA shots coding for an internally produced venom enzyme, but the water vector is definitely a stretch.


Nov 22, 2015
You only have to "believe" or "have faith" in something that doesn't have objective proof. And when it comes to this "Novel Corona Virus," the "proof" pretty much as weak as it gets.

You don't have to "believe" in fungi, for example, as you can see mold or mushrooms with your naked eye, easily. Bacterial cultures, same thing. You may need a microscope to see an individual bacterium, for example, but it's pretty clear they exist.

But SARS-Cov-2? Have you ever read the "Materials and Methods" section of the a study that claims "isolation?" After all, anyone who hasn't is taking the existence of this "Novel Corona Virus" on faith, based on third hand reports.

If you do read the above, you will realize nothing remotely close to the word "isolation" ever took place. Which means, there is no good proof any "Novel Corona Virus" exists. And anything downstream of that, where they "genetically sequenced" this hot mess of stuff than includes Human DNA, Monkey DNA, Cow DNA, and potentially other bacterial and fungal DNA in addition to any so called "Viral DNA," well, you can start to see the problem. Especially when they add antibiotics and digestive enzymes to the mix, things that can clearly damage cells. It's clear from looking at picture D that there is lots of other random cellular debris in the slide. They claim the small circles with black dots are this virus. But right next to them are larger ovals with no black dots. So, is that another "virus?" Or, are they both parts of the cell that were ripped apart from the main cell by something like the added trypsin? Or, maybe some of added contaminates from the monkey cells or Fetal Bovine Serum?

And since the PCR test is based on the "genetic sequence" taken from that soup, you can start to see how the entire "pandemic" is fraudulent on many levels. And it started with the lie that a "Novel Corona Virus" was discovered in the first place. The initial claim was a lie, and nothing but lies have been stacked up on top of that to maintain the initial lie for the past two years.

In this thread, Andrew Kaufman goes over the claimed "isolation," both in video and text form, if you need help navigating through the "Materials and Methods" section. He goes on to state that all claims of "viruses" are based on similar problematic experiments, calling all "viruses" and the entire field of virology, into question.

I see what you are saying.. The thing is, i've had what is labelled as covid. I got sick, and it lasted about 6-7 days. I am very in tune with my body, and when I get sick I stay aware of whats happening, eat well etc to get myself back to normal. This sickness was 100% something I haven't experienced before. It wasn't like the typical cold that I am used to, it was way more body fatigue (and a different type of fatigue than I had past experienced when sick), thumping headache and a weird and very prominent light headed vibe going on that never normally happens to me. After the first couple of days I already was sure it wasn't the typical cold, did a rapid antigen test at home and it came up positive. So.. I had a new and different type of sickness that I 'd never experienced before, contracted from someone else that had it, and the test picked up on it. Lots of my friends and family have had it as well and report back similar things, my brother just had it and experienced similar.

So, I get what you're saying in that the virology of the isolation is amiss, however there is some type of contagious thing going around that makes you sick, and it is experientially distinct from the usual contagious sickness thing.. How do you explain that?
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020

I'm going to wait for the Steve Kirsch interview with Ardis before I pay any more attention to this. He won't let him get away with his sloppy conclusions like the other interviewers did. I had to stop watching part 2, and won't watch part 3 because he is so annoying.


I'm going to wait for the Steve Kirsch interview with Ardis before I pay any more attention to this. He won't let him get away with his sloppy conclusions like the other interviewers did. I had to stop watching part 2, and won't watch part 3 because he is so annoying.
Ardis is endearing once but irritating thereafter. I've stopped listening to him.

Pet Peeve

Nov 9, 2015
I see what you are saying.. The thing is, i've had what is labelled as covid. I got sick, and it lasted about 6-7 days. I am very in tune with my body, and when I get sick I stay aware of whats happening, eat well etc to get myself back to normal. This sickness was 100% something I haven't experienced before. It wasn't like the typical cold that I am used to, it was way more body fatigue (and a different type of fatigue than I had past experienced when sick), thumping headache and a weird light headed vibe going on that never normally happens to me. After the first couple of days I already was sure it wasn't the typical cold, did a rapid antigen test at home and it came up positive. So.. I had a new and different type of sickness that I 'd never experienced before, contracted from someone else that had it, and the test picked up on it. Lots of my friends and family have had it as well and report back similar things, my brother just had it and experienced similar.

So, I get what you're saying in that the virology of the isolation is off, however there is some type of contagious thing going around that makes you sick, and it is experimentally distinct from the usual contagious sickness thing.. How do you explain that?
Same for me.


Jan 25, 2014
I see what you are saying.. The thing is, i've had what is labelled as covid. I got sick, and it lasted about 6-7 days. I am very in tune with my body, and when I get sick I stay aware of whats happening, eat well etc to get myself back to normal. This sickness was 100% something I haven't experienced before. It wasn't like the typical cold that I am used to, it was way more body fatigue (and a different type of fatigue than I had past experienced when sick), thumping headache and a weird light headed vibe going on that never normally happens to me. After the first couple of days I already was sure it wasn't the typical cold, did a rapid antigen test at home and it came up positive. So.. I had a new and different type of sickness that I 'd never experienced before, contracted from someone else that had it, and the test picked up on it. Lots of my friends and family have had it as well and report back similar things, my brother just had it and experienced similar.

So, I get what you're saying in that the virology of the isolation is off, however there is some type of contagious thing going around that makes you sick, and it is experimentally distinct from the usual contagious sickness thing.. How do you explain that?

Well, first off, getting sick and the existence of a "virus" are two different things. I never denied that people get sick. Nor does Cowan or Kaufman, for that matter.

Many sicknesses were once thought to be caused by some sort of germ, only to later be thought to be caused by something else. Survey, Pellagra, and Beri Beri are examples. "Symptoms" or a "disease" don't prove the existence of a virus or any germ.

And people do get sick in ways they never have before, even previous to the whole "Covid Narrative." There was a show called "Mystery Diagnosis" that was all about people coming down with diseases that they had never had before, and it aired from 2005-2011.

So, in your condition, you are ascribing symptoms you haven't had previously to a virus that has been spoken about in the media, with the assistance of a consumer level product that is nothing more than a surrogate test, at best.

Plus, while you may not have experienced those symptoms before, they are in no way unique. Plenty of people get fatigue during a cold or flu, and at other times. Plenty of people get headaches with colds and without, again, for a variety of reasons. Plenty of people can get light headed with or without a cold, again, for a variety of reasons.

I have gotten colds in the past that were different from the typical cold I experience, too. About 5 years ago (when there was no Pandemic Propaganda around), I got a cold that hit me much harder than colds usually do. I was really achy and had to take a day off work, and slept for about 16 hours, something that I don't remember ever happening to me in my adult life. Was it a different sort of germ? Or, maybe it was due to me working excessively? Or, by maybe eating the wrong thing and drinking a bit too much? Or a combination of these and other elements? Don't know. But at the same time, I could certainly find people with similar such colds, either that year, or in previous years. It was unique to me, but I think a fairly common experience.

So, what's the "explanation" for your "different cold?" There could potentially be millions. Maybe you caught a cold the same way you normally do (by whatever mechanism), and it hit you harder because you are older now. Or, because you were overworked. Or, because you heard the non-stop propaganda for the past two years about a "Novel Corona Virus." Or, because you had a higher bacterial load in your GI tract from wearing masks more frequently over the past two years. Or, maybe you had higher levels of stress hormones and serotonin from things like lockdown and isolation over the last two years. Or, maybe the cold and the fatigue and the headache were caused by 3 different things that all happened to bunch up in the same week. Or, maybe your health has suffered over the past two years because you haven't made as much money, due to covid restrictions. Or, maybe you inhaled more toxic cleaning products than normal in stores and your place of work. Or, maybe your health suffered because you haven't taken as many vacations over the past two years, due to covid restrictions. Or, maybe you haven't gotten as much sunlight, and your vitamin D levels are lower. Or, maybe you have spent more time indoors over the past two years, due to covid restrictions. Or, maybe you are depressed because your favorite restaurant closed down, and it hit you harder. Or.........

I think you can see you can potentially go on forever.


Nov 22, 2015
Well, first off, getting sick and the existence of a "virus" are two different things. I never denied that people get sick. Nor does Cowan or Kaufman, for that matter.
Never said you denied that people get sick.. I was questioning what you think sickness is, particularly when it is undeniable that these sicknesses are contagious. Whether it's a germ that is being passed on or a virus.. I'm not sure if that comes down to semantics.. Definition of virus : "A virus is an infectious agent that can only replicate within a host organism. Viruses can infect a variety of living organisms, including bacteria, plants, and animals. Viruses are so small that a microscope is necessary to visualize them, and they have a very simple structure." That could just as easily be a germ.
Many sicknesses were once thought to be caused by some sort of germ, only to later be thought to be caused by something else. Survey, Pellagra, and Beri Beri are examples. "Symptoms" or a "disease" don't prove the existence of a virus or any germ.
So what is your theory of getting sick with symptoms that are consistent with other peoples symptoms when infected under a similar circumstance?
If my girlfriend gets sick, and then I follow suit, what happens there?
Plus, while you may not have experienced those symptoms before, they are in no way unique. Plenty of people get fatigue during a cold or flu, and at other times. Plenty of people get headaches with colds and without, again, for a variety of reasons. Plenty of people can get light headed with or without a cold, again, for a variety of reasons.
I have been fatigued from colds before, and had headaches, and sore muscles and so forth.. What I'm saying is that the quality of the symptoms I had when I was sick recently with what tested positive for covid, was experientially and observantly different. And the same experience is being reported from others I know that have had it, and also tested positive. I mean, the coincidences that would need to be in play for your theory to work would be extreme - I caught it from a girl that lives in my street that also tested positive, she had the same symptoms. My brother and his family got sick with a cold thing about a month before they got covid. They tested themselves and came back negative, multiple times. Then a month later they were in contact with another family, whom had covid, and they got sick (this time distinctly different type of sickness in terms of the symptoms) and tested positive. This is happening all over the place, it's not imagined. There is a clear and obvious chain of causation of symptoms, positive tests and contagion links.. and it would be a stretch to ignore it.
So, what's the "explanation" for your "different cold?" There could potentially be millions.
No. You're making it way more complicated than it needs to be. There is a consistent and clear repetitive occurrence happening in my city, and other cities in my country, of contagion of a unique and particular type of symptomatic sickness that is resulting in a positive test of the people that have it.

Now, by no means am I saying the lockdowns etc were/are justified. Or vaccines and mandates. Or any of the other bull****. Just saying that there is quite obviously a consistent contagious sickness making its way around.. Where do you live? Is it in the city?
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