What Really Matters To Women


Jul 8, 2014
Your most certainly welcome Jennifer! I appreciate your perspective & knowledge ☺️
My name is Chris by the way, so feel free to use that if you’d like in future discussions 🤟🏻

You are brilliant sister Jennifer- always such a joy to read your posts everywhere.

Aww, thank you very much, guys. Right back atcha. :)

And thank you, Chris. I always feel a little weird not addressing people by their real name, unless it’s a nickname.

I have always sought transcendent intimate connection with a man spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, physically, sensually, sexually in a nutshell. If any of these are missing, the connection is not whole. Chemistry I think is quite individual and not always solely about the way someone looks.

Me too, though, to be fair, I’ve never actually sought a man, which is why I’ll probably die alone. Just kidding. lol I figure I’ll meet my match when I’m meant to. And I agree that it’s not solely about looks and even then, what I tend to be drawn to physically I don’t often hear guys say they want to optimize to attract women. This is just one example, but the nape of a man’s neck. Whether he’s clean-cut or wears a top knot or “man bun,” the nape of a man’s neck just looks really kissable. Haha! Anyhow…


Dec 23, 2022
Gulfport, FL
This last piece has eliminated about 95 percent of the single male population I would estimate based upon the last few months of attempted "dating". Fine with me- quality for sure over quantity.
Hell yeah to your entire statement miss lady!
I think the percentage of people on earth that actually want to be free, and are actively fighting against the psychopaths, is more like one percent than five percent. There's a lot of people that huff and puff about freedom, but when push comes to shove, they capitulate, and lick the boot once more. But, that's not necessarily a bad thing. The "quality" is a smaller circle, that's much stronger than given credit for :muscle:


Dec 23, 2022
Gulfport, FL


Dec 11, 2020
Aww, thank you very much, guys. Right back atcha. :)

And thank you, Chris. I always feel a little weird not addressing people by their real name, unless it’s a nickname.

Me too, though, to be fair, I’ve never actually sought a man, which is why I’ll probably die alone. Just kidding. lol I figure I’ll meet my match when I’m meant to. And I agree that it’s not solely about looks and even then, what I tend to be drawn to physically I don’t often hear guys say they want to optimize to attract women. This is just one example, but the nape of a man’s neck. Whether he’s clean-cut or wears a top knot or “man bun,” the nape of a man’s neck just looks really kissable. Haha! Anyhow…
You know i value you dearly as a sister; but if i were a man or lesbian id definitely be hitting on you lol. i have no doubt your match is on his way to you.


Dec 11, 2020
Hell yeah to your entire statement miss lady!
I think the percentage of people on earth that actually want to be free, and are actively fighting against the psychopaths, is more like one percent than five percent. There's a lot of people that huff and puff about freedom, but when push comes to shove, they capitulate, and lick the boot once more. But, that's not necessarily a bad thing. The "quality" is a smaller circle, that's much stronger than given credit for :muscle:
Exactly- was just trying to be optimistic with the 95 percent lol. i think your figure is more accurate and probably most of the one percent are here on this forum so to all here, be fruitful and multiply!!!! We might be responsible for the survival of unadulterated humans on this very site.


Jul 8, 2014
Agreed! I use remnant because I feel like I'm the last of a dying breed...an undomesticated human being who wants to live wild and free 🤘

Ha! I like that! You feel like my tribe. Haha!

Well I’ll be. I guess you men are on to us women who have a thing for necks. lol I don’t know if I’ve ever noticed the strength or size of a man’s neck, but maybe that has something do with it.

You know i value you dearly as a sister; but if i were a man or lesbian id definitely be hitting on you lol. i have no doubt your match is on his way to you.

I think that’s one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. Haha! I’ll remember what you said the next time I’m feeling insecure so thank you for that. ❤️ Now that my Mémé is in heaven, she’s most likely conspiring with God to get a ring on my finger. lol Even before I was old enough to drive, she was trying to set me up. All she had to say was “Tweety, I met a nice young man today.” and I knew exactly where the conversation was headed. She read a lot of Danielle Steel novels and watched a lot of Hallmark movies. Hehe.


Jul 8, 2014
If you actually have this device I think @Jennifer is legally required to have court romance with you.

LOL I imagine having a strong neck is important for knights. Their helmets are heavy. I know this because I’ve seen one in real life. Hehe. Just after my spine collapsed, I saw a therapist…in a castle…

I pull up to the parking lot for my first therapy session and I see a castle in front of me, and not a breathtaking one like you would see in Europe, but one resembling the castle from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. I do a double take before noticing the sign confirming that I indeed have the right building, and brace myself. I walk inside and feel like I’ve just stepped onto the set of Robin Hood. After checking in with the receptionist, I take a seat next to the other patients and as I look up to my left, I see a knight standing beside me. At this point, I start to question if this is some kind of litmus test—“Is there really a knight standing beside me or is it all in my head?”—and then proceed to do what any rational person would do when sitting next to a knight—I give him a poke. Yep, that’s real armor. I look over at the other patients who are immersed in their phones, completely unbothered by our bizarre surroundings, and then the giggling starts. I can’t control it, and the more I try to, the more I giggle, which catches the attention of the other patients and garners looks of concern. Just then, the therapist comes to get me and I feel a sense of relief, that is, until we get to her office. I’ve now been transported to Sherwood Forest. The therapist sits me down and I’m immediately distracted by the walls before me that are covered in a mural depicting dense woods. She keeps asking me questions about my past, but what really needs discussing is the present situation and who her decorator is because they got some serious ‘splainin’ to do. What I learned that day is that when praying to God, be specific. When I prayed as a child for a trip to Disney World, that was not the castle I was referring to. You want to know what really matters to women when it comes to men? That they listen. :happy:


Dec 23, 2022
Gulfport, FL
i think your figure is more accurate and probably most of the one percent are here on this forum so to all here, be fruitful and multiply!!!!
Thy will be done! The world will be a much better place if the intelligent humans procreate with other intelligent humans. Unfortunately, the majority of this planet is filled with mentally challenged individuals.
Ha! I like that! You feel like my tribe. Haha!
It’s a vibe ma’am. There are no coincidences in life. When people are on the same wavelengths, frequencies, & vibrations, magic truly happens!
If you actually have this device I think @Jennifer is legally required to have court romance with you.
Haha! If you look closely at my profile picture, you’ll see the strongneck on the bench. It’s just a plastic “T” with a pad. Very simple in design, but extraordinarily effective.
You want to know what really matters to women when it comes to men? That they listen. :happy:
We have two ears, and one mouth for a reason. True communication only occurs when we send, & receive messages. Most of the mentally challenged humans are thinking about a response, rather than listening to what is being said to them. It’s not a coincidence that this society is completely batshxt crazy!


Jul 8, 2014
It’s a vibe ma’am. There are no coincidences in life. When people are on the same wavelengths, frequencies, & vibrations, magic truly happens!


We have two ears, and one mouth for a reason. True communication only occurs when we send, & receive messages. Most of the mentally challenged humans are thinking about a response, rather than listening to what is being said to them.

Very true. Sadly, beliefs born of insecurity can be deafening.


Dec 23, 2022
Gulfport, FL

Very true. Sadly, beliefs born of insecurity can be deafening.
Insecurities are what keep the "plebs" in their place. If everyone knew how powerful, and capable, they really are, we would be able to freely discuss issues, and create a beautiful reality. People hold on to worthless dogma, because they don't know any better, or don't want to know any better.
Thankfully, their ignorance is the catalyst that allows places like this forum to emerge and grow. I do appreciate the ability to communicate with other likeminded individuals and continue to learn something new each day. 🤓


Jul 8, 2014
Insecurities are what keep the "plebs" in their place. If everyone knew how powerful, and capable, they really are, we would be able to freely discuss issues, and create a beautiful reality. People hold on to worthless dogma, because they don't know any better, or don't want to know any better.
Thankfully, their ignorance is the catalyst that allows places like this forum to emerge and grow. I do appreciate the ability to communicate with other likeminded individuals and continue to learn something new each day. 🤓

Oh, not this pleb. I’m going places, despite my insecurities. I have a mountain calling my name. Haha!

I agree! What a beautiful reality it would be if we all knew how powerful and capable we are. I was thinking yesterday while training how it’s kind of intimidating knowing how powerful I actually am. I don’t have any excuses now to play small, and there are some days I don’t want to play at all.


Dec 23, 2022
Gulfport, FL
Oh, not this pleb. I’m going places, despite my insecurities. I have a mountain calling my name. Haha!

I agree! What a beautiful reality it would be if we all knew how powerful and capable we are. I was thinking yesterday while training how it’s kind of intimidating knowing how powerful I actually am. I don’t have any excuses now to play small, and there are some days I don’t want to play at all.
"Ain't no mountain high enough!" I'd like to climb it with you, and then jump off it (with a parachute, of course.)
There's no obligation to play along if you don't want to. That's the toughest part for me too. It would be easier to just disappear into the woods, or find a cave to huddle up in. But that's not helping us fulfill our purpose. The challenge lies in being able to live fully to your potential and be a part of this crazy world.
I figure once I'm able to harness, and understand my power, I'll be ready to play nicely with the rest of humanity. Finding balance is key, at least that's what I've been told.


Jul 8, 2014
"Ain't no mountain high enough!" I'd like to climb it with you, and then jump off it (with a parachute, of course.)
There's no obligation to play along if you don't want to. That's the toughest part for me too. It would be easier to just disappear into the woods, or find a cave to huddle up in. But that's not helping us fulfill our purpose. The challenge lies in being able to live fully to your potential and be a part of this crazy world.
I figure once I'm able to harness, and understand my power, I'll be ready to play nicely with the rest of humanity. Finding balance is key, at least that's what I've been told.

I love this, Chris! Awesome post! You read my mind. If I could, I would parachute off the mountain...and stick the landing. Haha!


Dec 23, 2022
Gulfport, FL
I love this, Chris! Awesome post! You read my mind. If I could, I would parachute off the mountain...and stick the landing. Haha!
LFG! I've been looking for a partner to skydive with. And, then base jump. Might become addicted at that point.
We can learn how to land, after we learn how to fly!


Jul 8, 2014
LFG! I've been looking for a partner to skydive with. And, then base jump. Might become addicted at that point.
We can learn how to land, after we learn how to fly!

If your gym is any indication, you’re in way better shape than I am. I would love to skydive with you—one of my dreams is to fly—but I’m still learning how to climb a mountain again. I’ve made a lot of progress but I know that realistically, climbing flights of stairs is not climbing in the White Mountains. I’m still only able to carry my daypack. I’m trying to build enough strength to carry my backpacking pack. I was already at a disadvantage due to my size but now with the back injury, it has been challenging.


Sep 21, 2014
You want to know what really matters to women when it comes to men? That they listen. :happy:
Can you repeat that, please? I wasn't listening...
Last edited:


Jul 8, 2014
Can you repeat that, please? I wasn't listening...

Don’t go there, Jennifer. Remember, we’ve talked about this. Use your filter. You can do it. You can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I’m doing it…Love and Light, Lumière. ✌🏻


Dec 23, 2022
Gulfport, FL
If your gym is any indication, you’re in way better shape than I am. I would love to skydive with you—one of my dreams is to fly—but I’m still learning how to climb a mountain again. I’ve made a lot of progress but I know that realistically, climbing flights of stairs is not climbing in the White Mountains. I’m still only able to carry my daypack. I’m trying to build enough strength to carry my backpacking pack. I was already at a disadvantage due to my size but now with the back injury, it has been challenging.
Nothing that comes easy is worth the trouble. The more difficult the challenge, the greater the reward. You're already stronger than the majority of humanity because you're actively trying to get stronger. You can only take one step at a time, one breath at a time, and live one moment at a time. Keep putting those moments to good use, and you'll be able to climb the White Mountains, backwards, with a baby calf on your back!
All of us have 86,400 seconds to use in a day. It's completely up to the individual whether or not they waste them or put them to the highest and best use. Go forth and dominate!


Jul 8, 2014
Nothing that comes easy is worth the trouble. The more difficult the challenge, the greater the reward. You're already stronger than the majority of humanity because you're actively trying to get stronger. You can only take one step at a time, one breath at a time, and live one moment at a time. Keep putting those moments to good use, and you'll be able to climb the White Mountains, backwards, with a baby calf on your back!
All of us have 86,400 seconds to use in a day. It's completely up to the individual whether or not they waste them or put them to the highest and best use. Go forth and dominate!

Thank you for your motivational words, Chris. What you said is beautiful and I appreciate the encouragement. If I may correct you on one point? There is something that comes easy that is worth the trouble—love. :) Hey, question for ya. Do you by chance play sports or coach? I’m sensing a coach in your words.
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