What works for premature ejaculation?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Raw meat organic is best. There are hundreds of compounds that have yet to be studied. It just feels better to eating it closer to raw. I'd you're not used to raw, remember your grandparents probably ate wild and different food than what is served nowadays.
apparently even organic meats are soaked in citric acid? do you eat all the organs and salt it or anything.


Apr 28, 2019
Thanks. Do you know a way to measure it? in terms of to know if its working with a number. The same way you can measure electricity with one of these devices, im not sure how it's called. I just want to know if it's properly installed.

When you say sitting directly on your **** on a chair you must be naked? and what about feet? if you are in winter, it's too cold to not wear socks. I am right now with no socks putting my feet on the ground. Is this grounding?

Also I live on an an appartment. So im not sure if technically it is the ground. The material is something like this:

I would really like to measure these things. I assume it can be done. I would really like a tutorial that you can verify that it is correct, in how to set it up etc. Do you know one in youtube? that is a full lenght movie. I will look into it when I have the time for info, but I would like a straight tutorial to buy the stuff and set it up. I will buy from the shop you recommended. I am trying to order less and less from Amazon. I really just can't trust the stuff in there, most of the time is dodgy made in china products.

Something I have noticed is that I am very prone to small electrocution when I touch the computer case, or the headphone pre amp case which is a metal case that sits on top of the computer case. Im not sure if it's related. I have to unplug the whole thing, not only shut it down but unplug everything otherwise i get these electricity shocks or whatever is named.

I am interested in setting this up correctly since it's something that only has to be set done once and everything helps. Similarly to the air purifier. I use an HEPA air purifier and since then I haven't had nasty cooking smell from the neighbours. I just have to change the filter every 6 months and vacuum clean it every 2 weeks or so.

As far as analytics, I think I already linked to my thread with my bloodwork the latest I got: Has anyone successfully lowered thyroid antibodies?

As you can see here, I also ask about my itchy white tongue:

Someone mentioned this test:

But I don't know how to buy it in my country, it only ships to US and I think only to businsess. I would really like to get tested for all possible viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, anything that could be causing it.

Can I order antibodies in a blood work or should I get one of these gut tests? or ideally both?

Which markers do I ask for specifically in the lab? because for candida for instance, I think there are many variables. Similarly also for herpes, there's many so im not sure.

I also want to test for covid because a year ago I had was coughing during lockdown (I was out 2 weeks before). What do I ask for in the lab? Is it still possible to know if I passed it? im not vaccined yet. I've heard that protection from the virus is permanent once you go throught it, so if this is true then there should be a way to measure it?

I also wonder about the high prolactin and what can be done to keep it low. In one lab it was on range, other it was above range. How do I know if the prolactin is normal? I need to get a prolactin curve somehow? how? Also someone mentione semen retention. Is this broscience or it makes sense? I don't remember where I heard this, I thought it was on this thread. Some dude mentioned how even during sex they wouldn't cum or would only cum once a week or something. I just wonder if this wrecks your hormones up since you expect a climax. I wonder if there was a way to measure prolacting in real time similar to glucose to see how it reacts along the day.

Btw, I would also like to discard any glucose/insulin related problems. What do I do? can I buy some device to monitor in real time glucose and see how it reacts along the day? For instance, during a cold shower, warm shower, after eating and after sexual stimulation, sleeping, reacting to different foods... we can't never know if we don't measure in real time these things, to see what is causing a reaction. Otherwise you only get a snapshoot from a single moment. Same goes for prolactin etc. How to know its permanently up or its fluctuating then.

And finally thyroid antibodies. I wish there was a way to know what the trigger is. Right now I would like to discard h pylori since it's an idea someone mentioned. But the thing is, I start researching, and end up stressed because I don't know what test to order and how to do things. I don't want to get tests that are innacurate.

As far as healthy sex life, well this thread is about premature ejaculation so it's assumed that's difficult since you cum too fast. I have practice edging and tried with VR porn since it's more realistic scenario than looking at a flat screen but it's not enough. There has to be extra things to fix beside practicing.
You can measure it with a regular voltmeter. put it on dc. black end on something connected to ground and hold the red. if its good your voltage should be below 0.2V. Its not grounded floors normally. check the videos and research it. lots of info out but you need basically either a cord to the actual ground or to a properly electrically grounded outlet. this is just a rough description. check "the grounding institute" of clint ober who developed the research for more!


Jan 4, 2021
You can measure it with a regular voltmeter. put it on dc. black end on something connected to ground and hold the red. if its good your voltage should be below 0.2V. Its not grounded floors normally. check the videos and research it. lots of info out but you need basically either a cord to the actual ground or to a properly electrically grounded outlet. this is just a rough description. check "the grounding institute" of clint ober who developed the research for more!
Not sure how I will go about this. Like I said the grounded socket is on the other end of the appartment. Also, im not gonna lie and im a bit paranoid that I get an electricity shock in the middle of the night or something since it's an appartment building and I have no idea of the state of the grounding trajectroy from my socket to the ground and if other people could interact with it. Ideally I should rent a house so I can easily have control on my grounding and just have it directly from a socket to the ground outside but for now im the appartment.


Apr 28, 2019
Not sure how I will go about this. Like I said the grounded socket is on the other end of the appartment. Also, im not gonna lie and im a bit paranoid that I get an electricity shock in the middle of the night or something since it's an appartment building and I have no idea of the state of the grounding trajectroy from my socket to the ground and if other people could interact with it. Ideally I should rent a house so I can easily have control on my grounding and just have it directly from a socket to the ground outside but for now im the appartment.
Use the cables from the store and not homemade cable. They have inbuildt resistors just in case so you dont get shocked if something should actually happen.


Nov 12, 2021
Back in college, alcohol was an easy quick fix for PE. It was easy to overdo unfortunately (all of a sudden you have the opposite problem) and the long-term effects are deleterious obviously.

These days, only grounding will do. I was back on Dr. Lawrence Wilson's page last week reading through his concept of "down" -- which is simply moving energy down and out of the body, a discharge of excess upward traveling energy, supposedly resulting in energetic harmony. I don't wholly endorse Dr. Wilson's work but there is value in the idea of "downward development" and it ties nicely into the Reichian tradition, including Lowen and Michel and some others I'm forgetting.

I think for PE you also need to practice cycling stimulation and recovery of the penis without ejaculating. Porn wouldn't be out of the question since it is guaranteed to stimulate.
Hi cjm,

I know this thread is a bit dated - but I wanted to personally thank you, and hopefully others that have read this and have benefited from your tip on grounding/earthing.

It definitely affects 'fight or flight' in a positive way, leading to an overall more relaxed mood - which is HUGE for addressing PE.

Most cost effective way would be to buy one of the universal pads and use it when working, etc.

Can't vouch for any of the ones on amazon or wherever, but these sites sell the official stuff:

Links for reputable devices:
US: earthing.com
Canada: goearthing.com

Also recommend watching the movie:

View: https://rumble.com/embed/vl2qb1/?pub=4


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
isnt the concept of premature ejaculation irrelevant if you can ejaculate multiple times then it doesnt matter how soon the initial one occurs
Yeah, but then you can’t really get into a good groove and you have to wait until you get hard again. **** that, I sometimes use lidocaine spray and **** like a champion


Jan 4, 2021
Yeah, but then you can’t really get into a good groove and you have to wait until you get hard again. **** that, I sometimes use lidocaine spray and **** like a champion
I can't use the spray on the glans, i have some sort of allergic reaction to it. I bought the EMLA cream to see if in cream format it will have no allergic reaction but haven't tried yet. Im not even sure how to open the tub, I saw to cream comming out and I thought "a **** this I dont want to see if im allergic or not" and left it there.


Jun 5, 2019
To the person who recommended TMG.

Bless your soul!

Basically a cure for PE.


Sep 12, 2015
I last longer with high dose biotin. With 100 milligrams, I have complete control. Erection was harder, as well.


Nov 12, 2021
To the person who recommended TMG.

Bless your soul!

Basically a cure for PE.

I think that was @youngsinatra .. who said
Trimethylglycine + glycine might work.

TMG promotes methylation, which should prolong intercourse, as undermethylated individuals tend to have fast orgasms due to high histamine and low serotonin (High arousal/low inhibition) whereas overmethylated individuals have inability to reach orgasm typically due to low histamine / higher serotonin. (Low arousal / high inhibition)
Glycine could buffer excess methylation, possibly leading to the right duration of intercourse.

I wonder if that also explains why Beef Gelatin seems to have a positive effect on PE.

In this thread he wrote more about methylation. Youngsinatra, pardon me for asking but are you 71 years old?:

Thank you @youngsinatra and all the others here contributing to the positive change in the lives of others.


Feb 3, 2020
I think that was @youngsinatra .. who said
Trimethylglycine + glycine might work.

TMG promotes methylation, which should prolong intercourse, as undermethylated individuals tend to have fast orgasms due to high histamine and low serotonin (High arousal/low inhibition) whereas overmethylated individuals have inability to reach orgasm typically due to low histamine / higher serotonin. (Low arousal / high inhibition)
Glycine could buffer excess methylation, possibly leading to the right duration of intercourse.

I wonder if that also explains why Beef Gelatin seems to have a positive effect on PE.

In this thread he wrote more about methylation. Youngsinatra, pardon me for asking but are you 71 years old?:

Thank you @youngsinatra and all the others here contributing to the positive change in the lives of others.
No I just turned 24 today. :)

Appreciate the positive feedback and the fact that the hypothesis seems to work.
Jan 25, 2020
About 1.5 grams 3 hours before intercourse.

a couple of questions:

* do you supplement TMG regularly, and if Yes, what daily dosage?
** the ‘official’ dosages are up to 6 grams/day and TMG is supposed to be pretty safe

* subjectively speaking, it is easy to tell the difference before-after, and how much time of supplementing takes to notice the signs that it’s working?

* do you supplement anything else (in addition to TMG) specifically to address PE?


Feb 3, 2020
About 1.5 grams 3 hours before intercourse.
I am interested in your case. Does TMG also improve other aspects of your wellbeing?

It should help with neurotransmitter synthesis and liver function by it‘s way it modulates methylation.
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