Why do B vitamins, regardless of form, make me feel horrible?


Mar 22, 2022
I have been trying to find the answer to this over the duration of many months, but have found nothing other than a few people who say they have the same thing. Maybe you savants can help. When I take a B complex I feel terrible. I have huge increases in OCD plus I feel overall nasty. The same thing happens whether it's standard or methylated.

When I take "active" forms of B12 separately, I feel terrible.

When I take the normal version of B12, I feel ok... but after a few days I feel terrible.

Even taking TINY amounts of B combinations, such as entering a capsule and pouring a small amount out.. literally < 1/10 of the full dose, has the same effect. This spans multiple manufacturers, furthermore.

I have one of the methylation mutations. So according to online wisdom, I should be taking those active versions.

At my last blood test, my b12 levels were 600 (200-1,000) and folate was 17 (no range given).


Jan 30, 2021
I would guess that you have methylation pathway issues, and wonk back and forth between undermethylation and overmethylation; if I take too much methyl B12, I throw myself into overmethylation, and yes that feels quite awful, and if I stop taking that B12, it takes several days to feel better.

Look up symptoms of under- and over-methylation and perhaps you will find yourself in there.

I'm not sure what you mean by "regular" B12, but I'm guessing cyano B12.

You might benefit from finding out about your methylation pathway SNPs, of which MTHFR is the best known but there are others.

Possibly the B12 you should be taking is the adenosine form, but you can still overdo on that one if you have severe methylation pathway problems.

That's my best guess.


May 15, 2020
I have been trying to find the answer to this over the duration of many months, but have found nothing other than a few people who say they have the same thing. Maybe you savants can help. When I take a B complex I feel terrible. I have huge increases in OCD plus I feel overall nasty. The same thing happens whether it's standard or methylated.

When I take "active" forms of B12 separately, I feel terrible.

When I take the normal version of B12, I feel ok... but after a few days I feel terrible.

Even taking TINY amounts of B combinations, such as entering a capsule and pouring a small amount out.. literally < 1/10 of the full dose, has the same effect. This spans multiple manufacturers, furthermore.

I have one of the methylation mutations. So according to online wisdom, I should be taking those active versions.

At my last blood test, my b12 levels were 600 (200-1,000) and folate was 17 (no range given).
I have similar symptoms (anxiety, depression, OCD, fatigue) after all B vitamins and yolks. Im undermethylator with MTHFR gene mutation. What methylatation mutation do you have?
Jul 11, 2020
Try microdosing an enzymated form. I had a similar issue, but after doing this for about 9 months and combining it with DMG, i think i've solved my issue with B vitamins. Dunno if it's permanent as i am not likely to stop taking them.


Sep 13, 2012
I do think it has something to do with methylation. Just one dose of methyl b12 and I feel extremely depressed. Using haidut's energin which is b1,b2,b3,b5,b6 and biotin I can barely handle even one drop which is just a couple milligrams or less of them. It makes me have energy for a bit then wired and anxious. I handle niacinamide just fine though so I assume methylation issues.

Why is it you want to take them?

For me it's for the energy, I've also seen increase in appetite which mine is pretty low right now.


Mar 22, 2022
Try microdosing an enzymated form. I had a similar issue, but after doing this for about 9 months and combining it with DMG, i think i've solved my issue with B vitamins. Dunno if it's permanent as i am not likely to stop taking them.
This is interesting. I was spending a lot of time on hormonesmatter.com recently and being low in thaimine (beriberi) can cause issues when you start taking it again.

This may explain some of the post vaccine problems I'm having (POTS, edema, chest pain, etc.).


May 31, 2015
You might just not need b12. B12 does nothing for me, but B2 (20mg) has the effect for me that a lot of people describe b12 having for them. For some people this seems to be B1. Chris Masterjohn has written on how B2 can activate the other Bs and increase methylation. B2 is the only thing that has really taken care of my histamine problems.

Also, if you really wanna learn about B vitamin stuff I would check out the phoenixrising forum. People there are way more into methylation stuff that on here.


Oct 2, 2018
It might be a methylation issue or it may be related to your status in other nutrients, particularly minerals. B vitamins are co-enzymes for many of the metabolic enzymes and can really activate metabolism. This puts pressure on the requirement for all those other nutrients that are needed for a higher metabolism like potassium, magnesium and calcium.

I remember reading that B vitamins even when taken in the morning can give you insomnia after several days as they use up more magnesium and calcium. B1 on its own can make you feel toxic due to increased demand for potassium.

So it may be that your taking the Bs is kicking up your metabolism and highlighting that you have other nutrients which are limiting how fast your metabolism can work.


Oct 5, 2014
It happens to me as well with B complexes. The only time where they kind of do me well is when recovering from a hangover. It wasn't the case before Peating. I think it is the b12, folic acid PABA and other added things. Using a product like energin works better for me.


Mar 22, 2022
I've been feeling pretty great taking high dose B1 recently.

Could be the caffeine, too.

I located on a website where I entered my information from 23andme and it provided me with MTHFR and COMT and other specifics and then it told me I should try adenosylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin.
Oct 15, 2015
I have methylation problems too and I feel great when I take B vitamins. I told my husband recently that when I take B vitamins it feels like someone turned the lights on. And if you don't feel that maybe you don't need them. I think that is one of the ways you know if you are deficient in B12, if when you take it you feel great.

One caveat I have is that they rev up my energy and so I do feel like I need calories with them. They do not feel good on an empty stomach. And second caveat would be I do use a lot of magnesium(on my skin). Have you tried using with Magnesium? I try to mimic a banana bag which is B vitamins plus magnesium.
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