Why do they want us to take the vaccine? Who exactly is 'they' and why do they want a bunch of sick people?


Apr 14, 2013
Is it purely for power and influence?

Clearly it's dangerous and not helping to slow the thing the they call the pandemic.

At first I figured it was an effort to reduce population growth but with the information available now regarding ADE, spongiform encephalopathy, and autoimmune issues, it could potentially disable a large percentage of the population.
How will anyone benefit from a population of mostly disabled people? Sure, some will die but I think the large majority will just become fully or partially disabled.

If it's part of the technocracy agenda or the great reset; how would they benefit from a bunch of sick and disabled people?

The pharma companies will love it ... they'll have an endless flow of customers but they basically already do. They already dominate all the medical education organizations and insurance companies; how much more power and influence can they even achieve?

How will world leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats benefit when military personnel become too sick to work?

Whoever "they" are; they don't seem to be all on the same page. And I think part of this catastrophe sprung out of some major incompetency (and subsequent denial of) which has since been uncovered but it's too late; the momentum was already there and the ball kept rolling.

And don't most of us know it? Most of the people that I know that have gotten the vaccine are noticeably more stressed; like they know they gave in to the fear of being an outcast and now they have to live with it, in addition to the concern of long term effects.
... Or maybe I'm just picking up on the disturbance to the limbic system that the spike protein can cause?

There's probably no definitive answer.
Guess I'm just wondering what peoples' thoughts are.


Jul 9, 2017
Maine, US
Now that everything is moving towards automation, 'they' aren't going to need as many of 'us' to run the machines and do the manual labor.

Sick and dumb population easier to control....as if it wasnt easy enough already though. ?


Feb 13, 2016
Last edited:


Sep 22, 2020
Well the figures in the UK have drastically reduced with a decent proportion being vaccinated. To the extent that they are even talking about people no longer wearing masks in the coming summer months. However, when next winter arrives we can surely expect figures to rise again.

I think ‘they’ is a term coined by conspiracy theorists. Because apparently there is a global agenda (intricately linked between all governments in all countries). This whole thing was apparently planned.


Dec 9, 2015
@Zpol I was thinking the same thing too.

There is a critical mass of manpower and expertise still needed to maintain much of the existing infrastructure society depends on; many areas could be argued to already be stretched too thin. Indiscriminately killing or maiming much of the population via the vaccines would seem to be ill thought out, at best. Or a recipe for total society & environmental collapse at worst.

AI isn't going to fill the gaps either, at least not at the current state of the art.


Apr 5, 2016
Vaccines have been the answer from the beginning. At this point everyone is so heavily leveraged in this salvation storyline so it needs to be relied on for as long as possible.

Vaccine is a nice mental placebo ensuring everything's ok after the swindle.

They won't know true effectiveness for years to come. Things like changing test result sensitivity and prior or Covid induced immunity will be swept under the rug in favor of the vaccine storyline.

The more people who get vaxxed, the more the story becomes true/holds.

I'm really doubting hard core conspiracy AI, prion disease, nanobots, etc, hard to map the fallout of something like that.

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
Is it purely for power and influence?

Clearly it's dangerous and not helping to slow the thing the they call the pandemic.

At first I figured it was an effort to reduce population growth but with the information available now regarding ADE, spongiform encephalopathy, and autoimmune issues, it could potentially disable a large percentage of the population.
How will anyone benefit from a population of mostly disabled people? Sure, some will die but I think the large majority will just become fully or partially disabled.

If it's part of the technocracy agenda or the great reset; how would they benefit from a bunch of sick and disabled people?

The pharma companies will love it ... they'll have an endless flow of customers but they basically already do. They already dominate all the medical education organizations and insurance companies; how much more power and influence can they even achieve?

How will world leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats benefit when military personnel become too sick to work?

Whoever "they" are; they don't seem to be all on the same page. And I think part of this catastrophe sprung out of some major incompetency (and subsequent denial of) which has since been uncovered but it's too late; the momentum was already there and the ball kept rolling.

And don't most of us know it? Most of the people that I know that have gotten the vaccine are noticeably more stressed; like they know they gave in to the fear of being an outcast and now they have to live with it, in addition to the concern of long term effects.
... Or maybe I'm just picking up on the disturbance to the limbic system that the spike protein can cause?

There's probably no definitive answer.
Guess I'm just wondering what peoples' thoughts are.
What if the vaccines are overall fairly safe? Not saying they are harmless, but most people seem to have responded ok. Only reason I am not taking is because I am young and kind of scared of long term effects


Jul 1, 2020
Is it purely for power and influence?

Clearly it's dangerous and not helping to slow the thing the they call the pandemic.

At first I figured it was an effort to reduce population growth but with the information available now regarding ADE, spongiform encephalopathy, and autoimmune issues, it could potentially disable a large percentage of the population.
How will anyone benefit from a population of mostly disabled people? Sure, some will die but I think the large majority will just become fully or partially disabled.

If it's part of the technocracy agenda or the great reset; how would they benefit from a bunch of sick and disabled people?

The pharma companies will love it ... they'll have an endless flow of customers but they basically already do. They already dominate all the medical education organizations and insurance companies; how much more power and influence can they even achieve?

How will world leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats benefit when military personnel become too sick to work?

Whoever "they" are; they don't seem to be all on the same page. And I think part of this catastrophe sprung out of some major incompetency (and subsequent denial of) which has since been uncovered but it's too late; the momentum was already there and the ball kept rolling.

And don't most of us know it? Most of the people that I know that have gotten the vaccine are noticeably more stressed; like they know they gave in to the fear of being an outcast and now they have to live with it, in addition to the concern of long term effects.
... Or maybe I'm just picking up on the disturbance to the limbic system that the spike protein can cause?

There's probably no definitive answer.
Guess I'm just wondering what peoples' thoughts are.

Now that everything is moving towards automation, 'they' aren't going to need as many of 'us' to run the machines and do the manual labor.

Sick and dumb population easier to control....as if it wasnt easy enough already though. ?

The military has live drills b/c its recognized you can't necessarily predict everything that can go wrong. I imagine this covid thing serves a number purposes
1. clamp down on alternative news. Just look at how youtube was able to completely silence people. Youtubers are afraid to even mention the word covid.
2. get people pre-conditioned for accepting experimental vaccination
3. make a lot of money (all the money to pharma companies for the vaccines, all the money to the state governments by fed, all the money given out to corporations by stimulus)

Pre conditioning people to blindly accept experimental injections, along with getting rid of dissent, in a trial run (covid), makes sense.


Apr 14, 2013
Now that everything is moving towards automation, 'they' aren't going to need as many of 'us' to run the machines and do the manual labor.

Sick and dumb population easier to control....as if it wasnt easy enough already though. ?
Agreed, that is probably part of their thought process.
I don't know but I doubt it's only related to control, money, power. I think there are usually ideological/philosophical issues involved in massive things like this. One thing Dr. Peat has suggested was that it's being done to pave the way for artificial intelligence. If everyone is disabled then to function they will need the help of an intelligent AI brain.
Right. The idealogic/philosophical criminals are the most terrifying type.
Ironically though, it seems Elon Musk is now at the forefront of AI and he is anti-vaccine. Not trying to polarize the issue, it's just an observation; don't know what to make of it yet. His Neuralink is quite frightening. Like I said.. they (meaning the elite players) don't all seem to be on the same page.
Well the figures in the UK have drastically reduced with a decent proportion being vaccinated. To the extent that they are even talking about people no longer wearing masks in the coming summer months. However, when next winter arrives we can surely expect figures to rise again.

I think ‘they’ is a term coined by conspiracy theorists. Because apparently there is a global agenda (intricately linked between all governments in all countries). This whole thing was apparently planned.
Yes, the real test will be next flu season.
True, it's a conspiracy theorist term. But conspiracy or not, someone, or some entity is trying relentlessly to convince me and everyone I know to take it and for what reason exactly? There are other therapies available.

@Zpol I was thinking the same thing too.

There is a critical mass of manpower and expertise still needed to maintain much of the existing infrastructure society depends on; many areas could be argued to already be stretched too thin. Indiscriminately killing or maiming much of the population via the vaccines would seem to be ill thought out, at best. Or a recipe for total society & environmental collapse at worst.

AI isn't going to fill the gaps either, at least not at the current state of the art.
Exactly (and stated much more eloquently than I stated it).
Vaccine is a nice mental placebo ensuring everything's ok after the swindle.
Yes, I can see that happening.
What if the vaccines are overall fairly safe? Not saying they are harmless, but most people seem to have responded ok. Only reason I am not taking is because I am young and kind of scared of long term effects
It's the long term effects that I'm most worried about too. Degenerative disease is typically brought on by the accumulative effects of inflammation and stress, not just one whopping dose, although it could be the final trigger for some.
really doubting hard core conspiracy AI, prion disease, nanobots, etc, hard to map the fallout of something like that.
I doubt the the hardcore conspiracies and nanobots too (at least at this point, the tech is there though). But prion disease was observed in rhesus macaques who had been exposed to the spike protein, so despite the evidence to the contrary, I believe it's still a real possibility. We won't know for a couple years though. Animal results don't always translate to human results so I'm remaining hopeful.
1. clamp down on alternative news. Just look at how youtube was able to completely silence people. Youtubers are afraid to even mention the word covid.
Why does youtube even care (that's another thing I don't get)? What's their gain in the matter? Do they just want to avoid getting sued or hated or "fact checked" or are they just getting paid off?
2. get people pre-conditioned for accepting experimental vaccination
Yeah, that I can understand. Hope they have a plan B if this plan backfires and everyone just gets horribly sick. I guess that's probably not going to happen though. There's always people who survive and thrive even in the worst conditions. And they will be the ones that comprise the future generations.


Jan 25, 2014
What if the vaccines are overall fairly safe? Not saying they are harmless, but most people seem to have responded ok. Only reason I am not taking is because I am young and kind of scared of long term effects

You can play the "What if" game all day long. Why would you think the most rushed, poorly tested drugs in history are "safe?" Why would all these companies need complete immunity if they are so "safe?"

It's really a silly thought. Moderna couldn't bring a single mRNA treatment to market because of the horrid, long term effects. The reason they made the pivot to "vaccines" was in the hope that the does they selected wouldn't be too acutely toxic. Also, no Corona Virus vaccine has EVER made it to market, despite decades of trying, precisely because of the deadly long term side effects. You think they figured out all the problems with those two things in just the past 9 months?

The early returns show that they are insanely dangerous. Death reports, and other adverse affects, are exploding on the VAERS system, and compared to the flu shot, these new "vaccines" are at least 100x as deadly.


Jul 1, 2020
Why does youtube even care (that's another thing I don't get)? What's their gain in the matter? Do they just want to avoid getting sued or hated or "fact checked" or are they just getting paid off?

Most news is largely funded by pharma, whether that be apparent advertisements, or paid news coverage, or paid news lack of coverage. It's actually a similar thing for alternative news - it's just, alternative news is paid for by alternative health stuff (would you like a water purifier?). If you are just one of the multiple companies making billions from the vaccines, you would want to pay google, along with the news, to ensure only positive coverage. This, however, is just one facet of why youtube (google) cares.


Nov 18, 2019
@Zpol Fair warning long and brings in some Steiner but well researched as to what is going on. Every human needs to read this.



Apr 14, 2013
Most news is largely funded by pharma, whether that be apparent advertisements, or paid news coverage, or paid news lack of coverage. It's actually a similar thing for alternative news - it's just, alternative news is paid for by alternative health stuff (would you like a water purifier?). If you are just one of the multiple companies making billions from the vaccines, you would want to pay google, along with the news, to ensure only positive coverage. This, however, is just one facet of why youtube (google) cares.
Good points. Thanks.
@Zpol Fair warning long and brings in some Steiner but well researched as to what is going on. Every human needs to read this.

Wow this looks interesting. I'll be reading tonight for sure. Thank you!


May 30, 2018
Just the majority of elites in general. They have been talking about the need to do a controlled collapse since at least the 1960’s with global think tanks like the Club of Rome. They’re not exactly wrong that growth has limits, but I think their deception and methods are unnecessarily cruel. Although from their perspective they consider it necessary. I can think of much more humane and honest ways to govern sustainably. Considering they can’t or aren’t willing to I assume most are not healthy and making these decisions from a place of derangement.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Because the pharma corps make billions out of it politicians and doctors make thousands, sometimes millions, each, high level bureaucrats get well paid jobs in pharma, experts can be bought. And anyone that challenges the gravy train threatens this, so they are attacked. It's all built on "vaccines are safe and effective" propaganda, and the domination by allopathic medical doctors, and neither of those is based on results, but propaganda and political power. So why not continue that?

Our masters are not geniuses. These days the western elites are actually incompetent, only skilled on climbing up the social hierarchy. These are social climbers groomed by private schools and Ivy League to climb hierarchies, it's all they know and all they have ever known.


Sep 17, 2020
You can play the "What if" game all day long. Why would you think the most rushed, poorly tested drugs in history are "safe?" Why would all these companies need complete immunity if they are so "safe?"

It's really a silly thought. Moderna couldn't bring a single mRNA treatment to market because of the horrid, long term effects. The reason they made the pivot to "vaccines" was in the hope that the does they selected wouldn't be too acutely toxic. Also, no Corona Virus vaccine has EVER made it to market, despite decades of trying, precisely because of the deadly long term side effects. You think they figured out all the problems with those two things in just the past 9 months?

The early returns show that they are insanely dangerous. Death reports, and other adverse affects, are exploding on the VAERS system, and compared to the flu shot, these new "vaccines" are at least 100x as deadly.
If this whole pandemic was planned for a long time, maybe the've also been working on these vaccines for a long time, but they can't admit that.
Not saying they are safe by any means.

If they prove to be that bad long term, the world is really in trouble, as over 80% of the medical staff have been vaccinated. There will be chaos in the world!


Aug 11, 2020
To add another important question, why do they want us to get the mRna vaccines? Because they bashed every single vector vaccine on mass media.


Oct 22, 2019
Because the pharma corps make billions out of it politicians and doctors make thousands, sometimes millions, each, high level bureaucrats get well paid jobs in pharma, experts can be bought. And anyone that challenges the gravy train threatens this, so they are attacked. It's all built on "vaccines are safe and effective" propaganda, and the domination by allopathic medical doctors, and neither of those is based on results, but propaganda and political power. So why not continue that?

Our masters are not geniuses. These days the western elites are actually incompetent, only skilled on climbing up the social hierarchy. These are social climbers groomed by private schools and Ivy League to climb hierarchies, it's all they know and all they have ever known.
Leaning towards this. There may be some very intelligent people with nefarious motives working behind the scenes to benefit themselves/their business/their vision for humanity. But many in the general “elite” aren’t especially bright (but have a lot of confidence in their intellect), or are conformist and unwilling to question “mainstream” narratives.

Pharma has a profit motive to push push push these vaccines. But researchers and doctors don’t need to be initiated into some secret society that conspires to make humanity infertile and dumb in order to push the vaccine. They just need, over the course of their education and practice, a thousand little nudges in perspective to make their default position “Vaccines are safe and effective. Anyone who questions this is a dangerous anti-vax conspiracist.” Same for politicians. Same for anyone in a leadership position. The “safe” stance, the “intelligent” stance, the stance that anyone worried about keeping his reputation and power can most confidently take is: “Vaccines are safe and effective. They will end this pandemic.”

To say otherwise takes an enormous amount of energy to defend, and the risk of losing face and losing status is high. The entire medical industry (as well as all the propagandized masses) is against you. Doesn’t matter if you’re right.

I don’t think the goal is population reduction. For many, it’s about keeping their position secure. For some it’s about money and financial interest. For many others, they’re primed to believe the narrative already, and they genuinely believe these vaccines are a good thing. They’ll cite a dozen sources, make their case if they have to — but the position from which they are arguing is set, and almost immovable — “vaccines are safe, pharma does rigorous testing, and it’s on YOU the disbeliever to come up with ironclad proof that these drugs are harmful, because it’s so unlikely a dangerous vaccine would ever be released in this system.” They will trust their sources, and weigh them as more trustworthy and valid than yours. And they will be confident that their reasoning is rational, unbiased, and rigorous.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Agreed, that is probably part of their thought process.

Right. The idealogic/philosophical criminals are the most terrifying type.
Ironically though, it seems Elon Musk is now at the forefront of AI and he is anti-vaccine. Not trying to polarize the issue, it's just an observation; don't know what to make of it yet. His Neuralink is quite frightening. Like I said.. they (meaning the elite players) don't all seem to be on the same page.

Yes, the real test will be next flu season.
True, it's a conspiracy theorist term. But conspiracy or not, someone, or some entity is trying relentlessly to convince me and everyone I know to take it and for what reason exactly? There are other therapies available.

Exactly (and stated much more eloquently than I stated it).

Yes, I can see that happening.

It's the long term effects that I'm most worried about too. Degenerative disease is typically brought on by the accumulative effects of inflammation and stress, not just one whopping dose, although it could be the final trigger for some.

I doubt the the hardcore conspiracies and nanobots too (at least at this point, the tech is there though). But prion disease was observed in rhesus macaques who had been exposed to the spike protein, so despite the evidence to the contrary, I believe it's still a real possibility. We won't know for a couple years though. Animal results don't always translate to human results so I'm remaining hopeful.

Why does youtube even care (that's another thing I don't get)? What's their gain in the matter? Do they just want to avoid getting sued or hated or "fact checked" or are they just getting paid off?

Yeah, that I can understand. Hope they have a plan B if this plan backfires and everyone just gets horribly sick. I guess that's probably not going to happen though. There's always people who survive and thrive even in the worst conditions. And they will be the ones that comprise the future generations.
Why does youtube even care (that's another thing I don't get)? What's their gain in the matter? Do they just want to avoid getting sued or hated or "fact checked" or are they just getting paid off?

If you look at the table of discussion from Event 201 chaired by his majesty Gates you will see that control of the media and centralized control of the internet were planned to quell any backlash and interjection from the medical and scientific community that dared to speak up about this hoax. If you can't get a media platform to inform others of the real truth then the narrative of desire is all that you will encounter. Labelling anyone who dared challenge the concocted narrative as paranoid, delusional or a conspiracy nut tends to silence what little does get through. The tech giants are a critical part of the new fourth Reich.
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