Wow-what A Difference!



Oct 27, 2013
My goal now, in addition to everything else is to have a NORMAL response to stress. Not have my mind start whirring, etc. I am hoping the nutrition will fix this as it seems to have done everything else. I don't feel satisfied with my overall response to stress; today, I am experiencing a variety of disasters and it (the stress response) is definitely more controlled, but still out of proportion. After all, if I am not dying immediately, being chased by something big and scarey, the other issues are really not that critical, and being stressed about anything does not help one with solutions; irrationality breeds poor thought process. So on this, I give myself about a 6 out of 10, and that is generous grading. However, it is an improvement over my level of coping in the past.


Oct 27, 2013
Sleep has been great for two days now.

I am doing instant coffee right now. Nescafe. It does taste a bit bitter. Not in the nice way that regular coffee does, but it is so easy. Maybe there is another brand that doesn't. It's not terrible; it is passable.

Also experimenting with cane sugar versus honey. Back to honey today.

Fruit: doesn't seem to work all that great for me. Probably will just stick with the orange juice.

Coffee seems to work great. Still doing lots of milk no problem.

Protein is another question. I need to find for myself what works. I have been doing less of it in the form of meat, and am not sure about that. Have to experiment some more. PILES of salt, which don't seem to be causing any problem at all.

I just am not into eating fruit. I don't like it that much, although I had a mango the other day and that is probably the one fruit I really enjoy eating. Oranges? enh.

I am finding that eating lots of gelatin, milk, and coffee sweetened immediately upon waking seems to work well. The protein amount is still a big question for me. I need to find the right amount, and I don't know whether that is over 100 grams, 80 grams, or less. The only way to know is to monitor my energy.

So far, starch is not optimal for me. When I eat it, I wake up not feeling good.

The overall progress seems to be good. I did probably 250 verbal problems yesterday, and another 120 at night and did fairly well although those ones about f****ing quarks and nutrions, etc. make me want to gnash my teeth.

Even better sleep last night. What I am doing: NOT taking piles of supplements. Just magnesium, and quite a bit of it close to bed-time. Also, adding back in more coconut oil. I used to do a ton of it and had backed off to almost none since starting this. However, I already did 3 spoonfuls this morning, and will do it throughout the day when I have another snack.

Will see how everything goes. Tried grapes yesterday. NOT. Felt weird and shakey after eating them. Like I said, not impressed with fruit. And don't like the crappy pasteurized OJ. Going to stick with unpasteurized and just drink less of it.


Oct 27, 2013
Hmm, I forgot I had 6 tests at night, and did each (though my brain was really not motivated at the end by test 5/6) and that was 40 problems for each test (skipped the maths),so 240 problems at night and 250 or so during the day. Not too bad. Finished 750 from the one program, and then all the others from another last night within like 3 hours. Hmmm, guess my math still needs work. hahahah.


Oct 27, 2013
So thrilled my sleep is normal! This is the first time in AGES that I did not wake up at times from midnight or so on. And I fell asleep right away! I did find that though I would love to go to bed at 9:30, my natural rhythm seems to be to either go to bed at like 8pm (haven't done this but I notice this is when I first feel tired) or close to 10. The sleeping is a huge improvement.

Also, have not done weights in a while. I will have to monitor if when I do this, I notice I don't sleep properly. If that is the case, I will go back to just doing body-weight exercises instead. I am THRILLED I am sleeping normally. I wake up around 5am, or at least I have for the past two days when I slept perfectly. I think taking the magnesium close to bed-time seems to work the best. It is 250 for 2 pills. I think I took three or four total before bed. THRILLED with the sleeping. Also, I am not forcing myself to eat right before bed. I did that and it didn't seem to do anything. I have my milky drink right after having my protein.


Oct 27, 2013
Well, this should be my mantra, only I would ignore it: MORE is not always better. I took 4 magnesium again (250) and was feeling good and sleepy and my husband said, why don't you take a little more? This did not bode well for easy sleep as I had GAS. The type we take (glycinate) does not give you diarrhea but at that amount, it could. I DID fall asleep and slept quite soundly but was uncomfortable at first. Also, had a tiny bit of meat later, and think that didn't help b/c I was already nice and full from a milk drink--my own dulce de leche! Well, couldn't find an exact recipe for it so I did milk, honey, (I know it's supposed to be sugar, but I didn't feel like it) and then baking soda.

It was sort of gross when I tasted it while it was foaming, but then I added more honey and it was DELICIOUS! I LOVE IT! This is something I can have instead of coffee later in the day. I still am curious to see if coffee at night actually inhibits my sleep. I have it in the afternoon sometimes but haven't been doing it at night.

Also the latest: I definitely feel better eating less solids. I have read quite a bit and wondered how helpful it is to eat lots of solids. I wondered about the benefit; obviously it is more enjoyable for people, but whether it is beneficial for me appears not to be the case. I do find it is a challenge then, to get enough protein unless one uses gelatin. Eating more meat makes it quite easy to add in the protein. Cheese is not particularly efficient for me unless I ignore the whole "rennet" issue and just buy something with lots of protein like skim mozzarella.

I need to deal with my orange juice situation today. Also, am still liking mangos. I am highly reactive to food that doesn't work so if they are "allergic" I will know. However, I do have to make sure to not touch the fruit to my lips b/c it is so strong it burns them if I do it enough; at least, it has in the past but I liked the mango green. Grapes sent me into sugar overload so I probably will not be doing those again. Also, the skin grosses me out and seems filthy and moldy. I don't like them. I might make applesauce again. That is super easy but I am a bit lazy so it probably won't happen.

Milk drinks are like the greatest thing ever b/c long before eating like this, like for years, I have loved getting meals through drinks. Soups, smoothies before that, and even intermittent fasting, which was for me, eating piles and piles of fat with coconut milk. I noticed that if I ate too much at one time, I didn't feel good and I regularly had stomach pains. It was the best with all meat; however, I had horrible breath, which is NOT a good sign, nor is it doable. It would get normal if I ate carbs, but then I felt like I was doing something bad b/c I believed carbs were EVIL.

Now, I find that regardless of whether potatoes are supposed to be the cat's meow or not, or the other starches, that I don't feel good eating them. I am going to continue trying, but so far, the liquids are the best. All I ever feel in terms of bad, is too full when I have to much at once, but that passes. Also, eggs still do not seem to be optimal. Even the fancy soy-free ones. I feel tired after eating them, so why bother? And they give me funky breath, although it is not bad if I just have yolks raw.

Well, the good thing I can say about my sleep last night, is that it was DEEP DEEP DEEP. Just took a little bit; not too long, and more b/c I was uncomfortable from the magnesium.


Oct 27, 2013
Gonna go make my drink!!! You would think I would be annoyed with it. Nope.

Still not super psyched about my instant coffee's taste, but it is SOOOO easy. Also, I am going to use WAY less coffee (use about two teaspoons (small wooden teaspoon, not normal size) but the instant is like a million times stronger than stuff I grind. I can fill my aeropress beyond the number 2 with ground coffee beans and do it again, and even that is not even close to as strong as the instant. However, yesterday it made me racey internally in a way that was not nice, so I will do way less this a.m. DRINK TIME!!!!


Oct 27, 2013
Ughh One more thing re: weight loss/gain.

When I first started investigating this way of eating, I noticed a vast amount of people mentioning weight gain. Obviously for MOST people, this would stop them from doing any kind of eating plan. However, my concern was to feel better. People mention the great feelings they have from doing low-carb but weight always seems to be the main impetus. I really liked this forum b/c I noticed people's main goal was to feel better. Makes sense to me. Being a skinny dried-out stick does not seem better than feeling better and possibly being a bit pudgy.

At this point, here is what I have noticed with me as my n=1. Since I have been doing more liquid, less nasty OJ, coconut oil, more and more milk, I seem to be getting more slim. I will not be buying the cheap OJ any more. I don't like it, it doesn't taste good, and I am not going to buy cheap stuff just so I can freely drink tons of it.

When I ate PUFA etc., I noticed I would be much more prone to getting puffy along with concomitant stomach issues. I was not overweight nor have I ever been, but I did seem to get more bloat except when I ate all meat. However, I did not feel as good as I do now, and felt exhausted over the long haul.

My skin looks a million times better even though I have coffee, which in the past, minus the milk and sugar, made my skin look like a dried-up blotchy mess.

I think eating this way, without the starches, seems to allow my body the most healing. I was okay with the weight gain being something that would happen. It has not. However, I am not eating piles of ice cream. It didn't feel good when I had half a carton one night. I did NOT wake up bloated at all, but it didn't feel good. I have no idea why it is any different than drinking milk and sugar, but I am guessing it has to do with it being haagen daaz. If I didn't mind paying like 7 dollars for organic, that might be better. Also, the store stuff is so sweet, I find it gross. I made some myself, but it didn't turn into nice ice cream. It is like a rock on top, and the coconut oil went to the bottom. Maybe b/c I didn't add powdered milk, but I need a chisel to even break it and I made the mistake of putting OJ in it too, along with sugar, vanilla, etc. so it makes drinks curdle. (I figured I could just use it in hot drinks.)


Oct 27, 2013
My drink was DELICIOUS! I used one spoonful of that instant stuff (Nescafe) and I still feel a bit jacked but not too bad. I will say that the instant is WAYYYYYYY cheaper. Even though by price it is more expensive than beans, etc. I use the smallest bit and get plenty mileage from it.

With the coffee beans, like the cheapest one I could find at Trader Joe's (and I did go to every cheap store looking for a "deal" on coffee) I was almost through the whole can in like 4 days. So while the instant does NOT taste as good, like not even close to as good, it is good enough. Whereas the orange juice, is now unpleasant for me to drink since I tried the unpasteurized. I also squeezed some myself, but oranges here often look funky, and I am probably too lazy to bother. I'd rather just buy it. However, I will NOT be buying the organic stuff for 10 bucks. That is overhaul. I will stick with regular unpasteurized.

I basically have to figure out what I am willing to be thrifty with, in terms of how much I am consuming. Supplements are part of this list. I have done the B1, do one B complex pill (haLF the dosage so it is a small amount), and did like one niacinamide. But I do not want to get into the habit of thinking I need it, nor do I want to be stuck having to buy it that often. So I am not really into the supplements with the exception of magnesium.

Same with gelatin: We got Azure Standard. It was fine. Not as nice as Great Lakes. Not even close. But it's fine. I will probably try NOW gelatin next. There is no point getting anything less than 5 pounds at once and Great Lakes is the most expensive. I like it, but cannot spend that much for how quickly we are going through it. Milk-same thing. Yes, I can go get Strauss milk without added vitamins for like 2 dollars more for like 64 ounces. But then I will need to watch my milk intake. It would be preferable. Of course it would be better to have organic everything, no vitamins added in milk, etc. But then I will be resentful b/c I won't be able to drink the quantity I need. So unless I find some magical milk somewhere that is 6 dollars a gallon (the cheapest I can find for organic milk) and that does not have added vitamins, I will be doing that. Cocoa powder, I tried the cheapest stuff I could find. Immediately got this weird itchy cough that I get when I eat something that I am allergic to, like peanut butter for instance. That is the second time this has happened doing cocoa powder, so I may try organic cocoa powder next. Well, this is pretty boring stuff but hey, felt good to ramble! And I do not feel like I am going to lift off like a rocket, so the decrease in the coffee amount worked; more bang for less buck! Yay!


Oct 27, 2013
Well, last night I felt like complete junk starting in the afternoon. It is hard to know what caused it b/c as usual I overdid things. Since SOME baking soda was good, MORE is BETTER. That was what happened with me. Also, I added WAY more coconut oil. Whatever it was, I felt nauseous and bad and once I finally felt better and had a swig of orange juice, then my stomach started to burn. Baking soda could have been it, but also, I had yucky breath, and the coconut oil made me feel strangely full. Today I have not had either. I did have tons of OJ this morning and felt like a million times better. I am coming around to OJ. I have not been wild about it, but after I had it, it really did feel like it cleared things up.

Also, am on a mango kick. And I am not eating ripe ones, either. I am eating sort of green ones b/c I find the mushy quality of ripe ones disgusting. It seems to be working okay for me. It is the only fruit I like and it is very tactile so I enjoy peeling it and then taking little slices of it. However, I have to wash my hands immediately, wash my mouth out and do baking soda right after or my teeth get weird and sensitive.

Very unmotivated to eat meat lately. Not sure why. This has not happened in like 7 years. Also like way more quiet. Like just quiet. And the INSIDE of my head is substantially more quiet. That is a HUGE nice change. Everything feels a bit slower, which is somewhat suspicion-arousing, as I am used to being speedy internally. But what I notice, is that I can focus more on what is in front of me.

Sleep is still "challenged." I thought about it today and I have always been erratic in my sleeping schedule. Always. So I am not sure how much of this can be blamed on any sort of health issue. I don't really like going to bed early and that is the truth. I know it is "better" b/c I wake up early anyway, but I am just going to have to work with it. Tonight I may experiment and do coffee and see what happens.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
caroline said:
Since SOME baking soda was good, MORE is BETTER.
I don't know anyone like that, it must only be you. :hiding

Very unmotivated to eat meat lately.
I use to be a huge meat eater, not anymore. I am gravitating towards seafood now.

Everything feels a bit slower, which is somewhat suspicion-arousing, as I am used to being speedy internally. But what I notice, is that I can focus more on what is in front of me.
What I take from that is stress hormones are abating.

Sleep is still "challenged."
I still do not hit the sleep every night, but its more and more as it goes. And wow what a feeling when you hit it a few days in a row. :)


Oct 27, 2013
Thanks for the comments, Charlie. Very helpful.

Yes, with me, "MORE" is usually better until it is obviously not.

I would love to know if others have experienced this disinterest in meat and also, if people have had success with less protein. Like doing maybe 70 or 80 grams, not 100.

I had a lot of negativity yesterday, feeling angry and frustrated with the work I was doing. However, it didn't turn into panic--the bad feeling was with me and then morphed into negative projections and comparison. However, it didn't accelerate from that point and panic was nowhere in sight. It would be much better to not care--to do with the attitude of doing but not expecting, grading, hoping. I need to work on that. Just doing without assessing beyond the mechanical sense of the situation. Not psychologically assessing and attaching meaning to outcome, which causes dis-ease. Improvement is present in that I held it together beyond accelerating the bad feeling.

As for my sleep, I went to bed much later, at 12, and slept like a baby. I wake up like an hour or so later when I go to bed later. 12 is a bit late, but I was re-doing the problems I did yesterday. 120 of them. That is what tipped me into the scale of crabbiness. I stuck with it. Overdid it like the baking soda, hahah, but there is no time to waste on this. I REALLY hope I can manage to stay sane while doing this; we will see.

AS for diet, it is funny b/c I am committed NOT to doing everything Ray Peat says simply because he says it. How does he know if grapes will be good for me, or mango will be allergic, or cheese with microbial rennet will be problematic? And is funny b/c I am not sure I can manage the mango, the coconut oil is still under suspicion, and the cheese I bought b/c it was easier to find (emmenthaler) all acted poorly in my system. The mango is not horrible, but not really optimal. His experience in these regards and mine have been well-matched.

I really am finding, that more liquid, less starch, seems to be the best. I also tried coffee haagen daaz last night. My ice cream tastes terrible, and I don't think I want to use coconut oil in that amount anyway. I also had gummy bears. Was curious. I had a hard time thinking they were not poison b/c of the coloring etc. They seem VERY junky. But I woke up feeling much better, laughably enough, than when I had mango before bed the other night. And then when I had cheese.

I am curious if my mood did seem to worsen due in part to the things I ate (cheese, mango) that seem not to agree with me. That would be nice if that were the case, bc it would make maintaining calm easier.

Also with the meat, I am really curious if anyone out there has had success eating LESS protein than the 100+ grams Peat mentions. I easily do 70 or 80 just in gelatin, along with the milk, now ice cream, OJ, etc. However, I notice that meat seems to make me feel sleepy especially when I eat more of it. We are not talking pounds either. Maybe 3/4 of a pound or more seems to cause sleepiness. Seafood goes down much better. I want to try liver with a hard boiled egg again, even though eggs are also suspect. Anyway, I just do not feel that good from meat anymore, and really, it doesn't make sense to me.


Oct 27, 2013
Oh, other things: the breath started up again after I did these things: coconut oil, cheese, mango. It goes away when I have juice, milk, etc. Everything else seems obvious to me due to my reactions to it Solids not great. Liquid, milk, OJ, good. Coffee small amount fine.

Chocolate, not really interested anymore. Cocoa powder is also questionable. Cannot find chocolate without soy lecithin that I actually like. Also tried a carrot. Not convinced on that one either. However, in all fairness, I just bit a hunk and chewed it VERY VERY well.

I am aware I could make gummies, ice cream, etc. They turned out funny and I didn't like them, like the ice cream. It just ends up wasting money so I will buy the above or not bother. Probably am not going to be downing lots of gummies. The health food version has weird oils in it, so the only one I found sort of acceptable (if one ignores all the strange colorings, wax, etc. which seems relatively hard to ignore) is Haribo.

It IS funny that though I ate gummy bears and ice cream, I woke up un-bloated, unstuffed, and slept nicely. While midnight is late, I may just allow myself to sleep around 10ish and see if that works better. When I go to bed later, there is no tossing and turning, no waking up in the middle of the night to pee, etc. However, there is no way I will get like 9 hours of sleep. It won't happen. At most, I wake up by 7 instead of around 5ish. But maybe trying to force myself to be tired at 9:30 is counter-productive.


Oct 27, 2013
I like the Haagen Daaz coffee WAY better than the vanilla. I really did not like the vanilla and feel much better after having the coffee. I probably had like 9 spoonfuls. Couldn't find any other brands that did not have crap in them and I am not into buying the 7 dollar organic brand.

Also, re-thinking my view on OJ. I think the pasteurized, along with the fancy unpasteurized still is much better for me than everything else. So I will go back to using both the more expensive, AND the economical one b/c then I CAN drink more. Fruit is not really a good option for me at this point.


Oct 27, 2013
Oh, I KNEW there was something else. I have stopped doing magnesium supplements. I don't feel worse off without them. We are not going to get the oil bc it is too expensive, but I am going to look into it. Maybe I can use just a small bit and have it be effective. I am doing b supplements but minimal. One niacinamid, one or more b1 (100 mg each) and 1/2 of a b complex. I even stopped doing the d3. I am not convinced it does anything. We'll see how that goes.


Aug 9, 2012
caroline said:
Also with the meat, I am really curious if anyone out there has had success eating LESS protein than the 100+ grams Peat mentions. I easily do 70 or 80 just in gelatin, along with the milk, now ice cream, OJ, etc.

Well, I think he said 80-100g of protein. Plus potatoes probably count for more protein than the value given by say nutritiondata.


Oct 27, 2013
Great to know, Kiran. I still have yet to see, and of course, needs change, but it appears I feel better (as in lighter, not weighed down or sleepy) with less, like around that amount.


Oct 27, 2013
Oh, as for potatoes, would love to do them, but I can't yet. I get bad effects, some soreness and lethargy, after eating them. They are so easy and cheap and yummy I would love to be able to have them.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
caroline said:
I had a lot of negativity yesterday, feeling angry and frustrated with the work I was doing. However, it didn't turn into panic--the bad feeling was with me and then morphed into negative projections and comparison. However, it didn't accelerate from that point and panic was nowhere in sight. It would be much better to not care--to do with the attitude of doing but not expecting, grading, hoping. I need to work on that. Just doing without assessing beyond the mechanical sense of the situation. Not psychologically assessing and attaching meaning to outcome, which causes dis-ease. Improvement is present in that I held it together beyond accelerating the bad feeling.
I have been trying to watch my mood and see if I can figure out what is effecting it. And from what I am seeing, estrogen(this is my hypothesis at this time) is causing me really bad emotional feelings. When my estrogen is in check, I am so much more peaceful and calmer, more able to tolerate things, etc. A trigger would go something like this:
I need to do some coding on the website, this always stresses me out majorly. So I do the coding, I can feel my adrenaline/cortisol rising, I get much hotter, and its just an all around crappy feeling because it should not be like this and I know it. So then the liver gets stressed out, and stops processing estrogen like it should, and probably more estrogen is getting released from the tissues even, so its starts this big ball of stress and darkness. Ugggggh. It takes up to 24 hours to turn this process back around, sometimes even longer. As my estrogen symptoms(which I promise to list in the future I just want to watch this longer to get a better grasp on it) subside, the peace starts slipping back in, the irritated feelings start to leave.
I also had gummy bears. Was curious. I had a hard time thinking they were not poison b/c of the coloring etc. They seem VERY junky. But I woke up feeling much better, laughably enough, than when I had mango before bed the other night.
Store bought gummies are definitely not optimal. Make your own if you can without coloring.
Maybe 3/4 of a pound or more seems to cause sleepiness.
Jenn mentioned a while back that anything over 3 ounces and she would not completely digest it. I was doing 4-6 ounces at the time and then noticed that I was not also digesting it all and it was staying in stomach way too long. I dropped down to 3 ounces and low and behold, that solved a piece of the puzzle for me.


Oct 27, 2013
That's interesting about the meat. I am going to stick to smaller amounts from now on. It was more out of laziness that I wanted to just "get my protein in" (b/c it's so easy with meat) that I ate more at once. I think it may be much better with seafood. Of course, I don't eat that much at one time anyway.

Yeah, gummy bears will not be a regular thing--it is unlikely I will have them again. I was just curious. My one attempt came out weird and unlike Jenn, I don't have the cute molds to put them in. Maybe I will try again but it feels like a waste of gelatin to me when I can just put it directly in my drinks, etc.

I realize now that what I liked about fasting with fat in hot drinks was the not eating part. But it didn't feel good for the adrenal stuff you mention; long term, it made me feel worse.

I really appreciate the details re: what it feels like when you get stuck with emotions. That does sound very similar to what I experience. It would be great to see that there is much more of a connection (via correcting the estrogen issue by this way of eating) to the emotions than simply having to "try harder". That is not super efficient and as you said, when you are feeling better internally, you just remain more at peace in various situations.

What typically used to happen with me was: hot streak of heat across my face (I can feel it), icky feeling in my heart, obsessive thinking at rapid speed and eventually panic. Yesterday, it was just at an unpleasant feeling, which unfortunately, I didn't really "check" until much later. And maybe or maybe not it was related to the things I consumed that didn't work. Hopefully that is the case; that means there is hope other than "trying".


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
caroline said:
It would be great to see that there is much more of a connection (via correcting the estrogen issue by this way of eating) to the emotions than simply having to "try harder". That is not super efficient and as you said, when you are feeling better internally, you just remain more at peace in various situations.
Yes, thats exactly it. Instead of having to "try harder" the calm and peace just happens. I find when I am in that situation, I don't even really want to talk much. I just want to be quiet and enjoy that feeling. And I am able to handle social situations soooo much better, it's a feeling I have trouble getting into words. People wonder why Ray Peat never gets into confrontations with unruly people when they call in, or is just always so peaceful and helpful. It's because here is "there". When you are "there" you have nothing to prove, nothing to argue about, a state of bliss if you will.
What typically used to happen with me was: hot streak of heat across my face (I can feel it), icky feeling in my heart, obsessive thinking at rapid speed and eventually panic. Yesterday, it was just at an unpleasant feeling, which unfortunately, I didn't really "check" until much later. And maybe or maybe not it was related to the things I consumed that didn't work. Hopefully that is the case; that means there is hope other than "trying".
Same thing I was trying to describe above. I think the hot streak is possibly estrogen, like women having hot flashes. You do not even have to try when you are there. It just naturally happens, its so awesome. :-D
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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