Wow-what A Difference!



Oct 27, 2013
See when my energy is back, I am infinitely more immature. Jejune. A GRE word. Didn't really bother learning them. Spent all my time doing hundreds and hundreds of math problems that were not replicated on the exam. hahahah


Oct 27, 2013
Not tired. Also, it appears I can use less of niacinamide. 1500 may be too much now. I used tons of coffee this morning. I am doing fine with it. Had slightly gross tongue. Suspects: banana (likely, in my estimation), raw meat (possible), apple juice (I like it MUCH better than OJ, although OJ is clearly more nutritious). So today I will do all of this BUT banana. I think the fiber is probably an issue. Raw meat may not be such a great idea either although the meat I have been eating is pretty rare anyway. I have that kind of semi-bloat in my abdomen which tells me something isn't really working. It is VERY minor, but definitely still there.

Very happy caffeine seems to work fine. Also, it appears that I may actually see benefits of B1. I must have been at such a level of misery due to my approaching test that everything was submerged. So I will probably be switching up the ratio of B1 to niacinamide. MOre B1. Also, it's funny after talking about eating more meat, b/c I am totally not in the mood for any. I only had some b/c I need to do my elimination process to see what is causing the funk on the tongue. As soon as I had my coffee, juice, etc., it got much better. But maybe I don't need that much protein b/c yesterday and today, I wanted very little. Oh, I totally forgot. Maybe the white tongue was due to eggs. I had THREE cooked eggs last night. That is a lot for me--the fact that they were cooked, that I ate the egg whites. I don't have joint pain so this is good. Hmmm, totally forgot about the eggs. Seems like my digestion is getting much better b/c three cooked eggs is a lot for me.

My brain is working really well. Probably got 8 or 9 hours of study in. Raring to go this morning and I am understanding things that made no sense to me before. Specificially, I am more able to categorize and prioritize what happens when they are describing processes like transcription, translation, etc. of DNA, RNA, etc. This was VERY confusing to me before. Like I could stare at the same sentence for 25 minutes without it making sense. That is why studying was so exhausting. I would spend however long I needed to have perfect knowledge of things (obsessive much? haha) and it would take a good deal of time for the information to actually sink in. All this is coming faster now. So that is nice.


Oct 27, 2013
My favorite thing to do when I really get into studying is to pick a portion of music, like last night it was Martha Argerich playing Bach, and I find one section and listen to it on repeat for hours at a time so it doesn't distract me. My husband thinks this is totally insane and says it would make him crazy to do this. But I like it. Glenn Gould is fun, too. Especially when you can hear him singing in the background, but for boring reading, I try to pick something that has flow and is basically all piano.


Oct 27, 2013
So far WHAT IS MAKING MY TONGUE FUNNY experiment is going well. :)
I think the banana is suspect. I did my Feingold-type esque test. Often used with children to determine allergies. Fancy name for eliminate one thing at a time and watch what happens.

My tongue is normal this morning. This is despite my eating ice cream last night, which think is not great for me. It was the rest of my chocolate. Also, energy is great. And caffeine is working. It at lest, does not appear to make me sleepy. Liking my apple juice. Going to need more, soon. I prefer this as my "shot of sugar" over sugar. Now I just drink my coffee as thoiugh I am taking it medicinally, by doing strong small amount of instant with small amount of milk without sweetening it. Then I drink apple juice after. Seems to work fine.

Also, my protein consumption is way up. I did two small burgers last night. Maybe it ended up being a 1/2 pound total. And had liver yesterday. And oysters. We had all these things waiting for us, but i delayed eating the liver and oysters earlier due to my test. Couldnt be bothered to prepare them. And this morning, I had more raw meat. Not really wanting it raw but did it to test. I have been making this "sauce" for it that i put in the pan with the meat when it is cooked. It is molasses, a bit of vinegar, and coconut oil. Just enough so it browns the outside.

I did just remember that I did not have eggs so it could have been the eggs that gave me funky tongue as I ate so many of them with whites, cooked. But to be honest, I am not in the mood for them, and I have to get more. When I do, I want just the yoke. Banana was a nice idea b/c I thought, like apple juice, it could be an easier way to get sweet and some starch. But I am thinking ixnay on it. Runny-ish nose symptoms that I had a day or so ago appear to be gone.

Also, I have shifted my B amounts. This a.m. I took 1500 of B1 and 500 of niacinamide. I think I might start taking the rest at night or maybe try times where I take the dose just at night. ONly thing is, when I stake it at night. Will see. I read my book last night that is the most difficult. It wasn't too bad, but it started to make me very sleepy. Have been sleeping with cold air pouring on me while I am under warm blanket. I sleep MUCH better with cold coming on me. It feels good. Energy is pretty good, esp. considering I went to bed at 11:30, but I did sleep for an hour or two prior to 10 when my brain said, "enough with redox reactions!" haha.


Oct 27, 2013
OH, insane sentence "when I stake" I was starting to hypothesize about how my strategy might shift when I take the niacinamide at night. I think then I like to go for what I call the mummy dose (would make a normal person a bit over-sedated) as sort of a therapeutic tool, some times. Not all the time. It is fun to play around with it.

Can I say I LOVE ASPIRIN? Can't definitively say WHY I like it. With the niacinamide, it was easy to see, b/c when I was horribly anxious, which indeed does seem to have improved the most on this diet, it worked visibly. (yes, I am calling it a diet--drinking lots of juice and milk, coffee, and aspirin seems like a diet to me. It is not just eating whatever whenever. So to me, that's a diet. But whatever. semantics.) But aspirin, it is not obvious to me what it's doing, but I feel good taking it. I don't feel worse. Don't have bad effects, despite that it is made with starch. Maybe I just like the idea of it. Anyway, I like having it as part of my regimen. I am not taking vitamin k. No more supplements but my B's. However, I don't have stomach problems, no bleeding, etc., and no visible discomfort so I am not too concerned about it.


Oct 27, 2013
Here's the improvement in my learning: one of the things that taking math has really helped me with is my spatial-reasoning. This has always been an issue. Up, down, left, right. It's like directional dyslexia. So studying anatomy for example, or chemistry--science where it is not concepts about humans that don't involve spatial reasoning--has been very challenging b/c when I read about the cell, for instance, and need to understand, that one thing is contained within another which is contained in another (like sub-units of units, of a larger unit, etc. etc. inside an organism, inside the environment, etc. etc.,) this has been very challenging. I see the words but do not really "see" how one fits inside another. Even looking at pictures, which was always necessary, my mind couldn't translate what fit in what. Now this is coming much easier. So I think this is what has made science somewhat horrible for me, is not being able to translate these directions, which makes it very hard at best, to understand concepts without a lot of struggle. This is A LOT better now. If I had endless amounts of months to blow off, I would take probably 5 math classes. I really don't like it, but it has been the best thing to make my brain work differently. Anyway, I am finding the reading is going much better b/c in a sense, I am FINALLY able to see Venn Circles in my head when I read. This is why I wanted to study for the GRE first. I knew it would help me filter unnecessary things, learn to file through minutia, etc. So it is not really fair to pick on it in terms of how it has helped me accelerate my learning process. After all, I am very ambitious about how I want to learn material, which is why it is vital my brain functions properly. I demand a lot of it; and regardless of people saying things like, Age doesn't matter, it does. It is not easier for me than it was when I was in my 20's. But that is just fine with me. Work with what you've got.


Oct 27, 2013
Bach Keyboard Partita in C minor by Martha Argerich. English Suite #2. Going on 2 hours now listening to it over and over. Love it.


Jul 9, 2013
Hey caroline!

Just a perception here, but you seem like you have a lot of anxiety and maybe some loneliness? Have you considered adding some additional social activity or outdoor time to your healing plan? I also highly recommend getting involved in volunteer activities - helping others is a great way to distract your brain from the day-to-day "stuff" what we all get stuck in and start obsessing on from time to time. For example, when I'm feeling especially agitated by details, I know I can walk up the street and invite my elderly neighbor to give me their dog for some dog walking. It benefits me, the neighbor and the dog all at once!

I don't read your posts in detail (I'm on the forum looking for different types of info) but I see you journaling a lot, so just wanted to drop a thought into the thread.

With very best regards,



Oct 27, 2013
Thanks Mariange for your observations! Anxiety is the main issue so what you are pointing out has been the theme of my improvement. Feeling happy wasn't the issue; feeling bad in my body was, alongside an abundance of all the things you mention which have been always available to me: love, volunteering, work, all of which remain in my life. I don't write about those things b/c they involve other people and it's confidential. So my writing is not a synopsis of "everything" but what I am trying to work out, which is my health issues and the way I learn best. My goal is education, so I am doing whatever I can to further that, which for me means better health and low anxiety.

Again, finding things, people, work, interests that appeal to me has never been one of my issues. However, I feel free to write about my own feelings: The anxiety has massively improved. What changed was my diet.

I have to admit that your reponse is the first one I have gotten from someone that made me question the person's intention. All the rest I have found very helpful. I didn't get a good feeling from you or one of kindness and desire to help when I read your comment despite you ending it with a nice sentiment. You mention you haven't read much but then comment on wha you perceive to be my emotional state. You also note that your whole reason for being on here is to read "facts" and clearly, my writing has very little of "facts" to it. I am not sure how much I believe in "facts" at all, as the "facts" are always changing.

Perhaps, you are trying to be helpful, but to me, at sounds as if you read my writing and it feels very different to what you would do. However, writing like I do does not make me lonely--it is one of my favorite forms of expression and helps me solve problems and notice patterns. My feeling is that One cannot be alone in the world when we are all part of something. That would be a feeling--not attributed to a "thing" but my state of being.

I don't write to interest people. I write because it feels necessary to me and helps me solve problems. Something about it being in a public space feels like singing at the dinner table or standing in line. I like it.


Oct 27, 2013
Today raises a very interesting point to me. What if people feel bad not b/c they need more love, not because A didn't happen, not because they need more of such and such, but b/c something has gone awry in their body. Can it be that simply putting certain substances in our body or removing them can bring us to nirvana?

I don't think so if we feel a sense of emptiness or sadness.

What about filling our lives with everything that is "good." Is that service to others? Really cool stuff? Education? Will that allow us to find "perfection?"

I also don't think so. I think worrying about if what we are doing is what is able to bring us to the "best," the biggest superlative, becomes silly after a point when the internal feeling of gratitude or satisfaction or just being okay with the moment is missing.

What if one operates on every level that they can---the "soul" by filling it with whatever one finds satisfying--might be wood whittling, or maybe it's mountain climbing AND fills the body with what feels most nourishing. Can there be total fulfillment? Maybe thinking about it like this creates dissatisfaction and instead, doing what we need to do to go from one moment to the next in each "category" serves a purpose. Is there a better or a worse? If I go pick up someone's umbrella for them, do I feel better? Well, of course, when there is a human exchange of kindness, of contact, it feels nice. But can one do all those things and still feel empty? Also, of course. Is it because one hasn't picked up enough umbrellas? Maybe. Or maybe because one feels a lack. Then they can be in the midst of a pile of gold and feel lack.

Or they can look at another and see lack, where that same person sees gold. That's the point of "the eye of the beholder," if you ask me. I don't see a definitive line between what makes for "happiness". Happiness is what happens now.


Oct 27, 2013
p.s. I volunteer because I feel a sense of curiosity, enjoyment, and interest. I do not volunteer to deflect empty feelings; that would mean I am bringing that intention to the person I am interacting with; That would be knowingly using the moment to consciously escape bad feelings as a motivator. I wouldn't feel so good about that.

I prefer to volunteer in the spirit of joy and caring, not to pass the time distracting myself or to escape some sort of drearyness. Plus, it's just more fun! If I want to distract myself from bad feelings, I can count bumps in the wall, but I think humans deserve more than being used as a stop-gap.

I would say that those on the other end of the interaction do benefit from interacting with a person who comes to them in a spirit of fun, friendship and interest, not as a bookmark to thwart obsessive thinking. People are more than bookmarks to erase a moment. If one wants to do this, (erase their own moments, deflect their own sadness), perhaps tv is a less susceptible medium and elixir for one's attempted escapism of their own thoughts than other humans, who deserve to be more than a plug for one's own feeling they wish to avoid. Great book about there being no escape by Trumpa.


Oct 27, 2013
Energy is best yet. Not taking supplements other than aspirin, which I am taking religiously. No problem with stomach aches, etc. Drinking kale broth for extra K and b/c I feel like it.

Greatly reduced protein. That's what changed. It's been over a week, and as I continued to moderate my protein intake INCLUDING gelatin (does not have any different effect than muscle meat--too much, regardless of whether in conjunction with meat or not, makes me sleepy.

Niacinamide I don't bother with now. Maybe if I feel like it, I can take one at night, but during the day, it makes me sleepy now.

Starch: rice. Working very well. Oats-working well.

No eggs. Feel much better since not bothering at all with them. Limiting my fat to coconut oil and whatever is in the meat I am eating.

The ratio of protein recommended typically for Peat eating did not work for me. It actually was counter-productive. I am doing plenty of coffee, even some green tea lately. The only thing I have changed is the protein and it has made a huge difference.

I don't need the starch, but if I didn't eat it, it seems like I drop too much weight and that's not a positive goal for me. Study is going super well as well as work. Sleep too. And I have tons of energy to exercise.


Oct 27, 2013
Energy is still excellent. Popcorn is questionable. I just ate some last night. Have some inner low back ache that feels like the type I get that is food-related, so it (popcorn) may or may not work for me. It seemed fine before; however, I burnt it a bit and ate it anyway so maybe that is why.

The protein reduction has really been key. And no, it was not that I wasn't eating enough sugar with things, etc. It was protein in general, with the exception of milk alone, which does not seem to have an exhausting effect; other than this, any type of protein, including gelatin, that is "too much" makes me feel exhausted.

This was the one thing that actually made a difference in my energy after keeping and removing every other factor. Everything changed for the better when I reduced my protein. This was very much contrary to what I thought should be as the whole idea on here is to maintain sufficient levels of protein. It reminded me that you need to try things and not assume even if there are all sorts of studies for them, that they will or will not work for you. I'm not trying to be antagonistic but if I was convinced that I needed to eat the amount I read I am supposed to eat for thyroid functioning, I would still be feeling exhausted. That is why I am happy to try everything that is recommended, but open to the thought that while it may be great for someone else, does not mean it is good for me. It doesn't mean I am thumbing my nose at the diet or ideas; just that certain aspects need to be adjusted.

Everything else is working great. Coffee, gelatin, milk, aspirin, orange juice, green tea (which I enjoy), coconut sugar (like this), ground beef, liver, oysters (all in limited amounts), apple juice, gelatin, white rice (works fabulously), oats. No b vitamins. No e. No d. I take magnesium glycinate. That's it. I don't miss eggs at all. Life is easier without them. No need to bother and have to take all sorts of defensive measures when eating them. While I would prefer that I could do them with ease, that is not the case, and I am fine with avoiding them altogether.

I do not feel exhausted anymore. Not at all. I could not feel better in terms of my energy level. It is pretty amazing. The exhaustion subsided immediately with protein reduction. The only thing that kept me from doing it sooner was that everyone I spoke with as well as everything I read kept hammering home to me that I needed plenty of it to function properly. However, that does not seem to have been a good idea for me. Less is more.

Exercising again. Also, have a lot more energy. Feeling a lot more motivated. Got my writing score for the standardized test today, (this doesn't come until a few weeks after the test) and did very well. So this is a relief b/c now I don't have to worry about this, am done having to worry about the standardized testing, and it will actually be a positive when I apply which is not what I was expecting. I still don't think, Oh I am so smart, I got a good score; I don't think it is a good measure of intelligence--just a measure of an ability to reach the desired answers. I think that it is a relief that I have jumped one of the hurdles, and that it will actually help me.

Anxiety is vastly different. While I feel a bit of the stress response coming on sometimes, like yesterday, I do not take niacinamide for it now. I focus my mind, shift what I need to, and accept that some things are not as I would like. I get crabby or irritable, and then force myself to move forward. I feel stronger and more vital. I could tell I was improving b/c I have become less passive and calm, which is how I appeared when feeling so exhausted.

That was the ultimate goal; working with my system without popping a pill to keep it from going out of whack. I think the overall diet has shifted things so much that it made this possible. That, and my determination to feel better. This feels better to me b/c then I see I can manage the stress and that in itself, becomes less stressful. The niacinamide was very helpful at the beginning; however, my level of anxiety is just nowhere near where it was at this time, so it is pretty minor and I enjoy working with it. Also, I have a lot more vitality now, so I am not so easily swayed by things now. It feels much better for me this way.

Also drinking broth from kale. Not a lot. A small glass. Like this as well.


Oct 27, 2013
Oh, on the niacinamide: now, I would never take 1500 mg. It does, in fact, make me too tired. So my system has clearly changed. I can't see how anything other than Peating could be responsible as my desire for improvement was always there. The only thing that changed was doing Peat-eating. Otherwise I would probably still be laying around exhausted AND anxious.

Reducing the anxiety was huge; don't get me wrong. But then, being human and somewhat greedy, I wanted more. Which I have now in fact, got. Feeling better, stronger, clearer, AND more energetic. So I am very grateful for all this!!


caroline said:
But then, being human and somewhat greedy, I wanted more.

More! More! is the cry of a mistaken soul, less than All cannot satisfy Man. ~ William Blake


Aug 9, 2013
caroline said:
No eggs. Feel much better since not bothering at all with them. Limiting my fat to coconut oil and whatever is in the meat I am eating.

What effect did eggs have? I love them but often get mucous and nausea after eating them.

ps, loving your log here, it's VERY useful!


Oct 27, 2013
Eggs make me:
fat (for me, that is--stomach starts to look all weird and bloated)
constipated (although just raw yolks sort of make me run to the toilet)
bad breath

So in short, why bother? Of course, I know why they are great. But not great for me. Will try again at some point, but don't feel like it. I don't want to be bothered with it unless I can eat them whole--hard boiled. So I get all the protein. It is completely wasteful b/c then I am spending 7 dollars for a carton of soy-free eggs and only eating half an egg. Not willing to do this.

Currently, reducing fat and upping carbs. Doing rice, oats, thinking about trying potatoes again.

I cannot imagine how skinny I would be if I was one of the people just drinking things with minimal liver, meats, etc., minus the starch from oats, rice. I could try this b/c it may be better for my energy, but I find it fairly boring to be chugging liquids all day without anything solid.

Still not seeing the point of pounding all that protein. I have added and removed everything I was doing, and the ONLY, the ONLY thing that made a noticeable impact in feeling tired or NOT feeling tired, was reducing protein. I still find it interesting tha tnot one person ever said, the amount that is recommended on a Peat diet for protein may not be optimal for everyone. It may be problematic for people. Why isn't this mentioned? Because no one has found this? Or because it is not part of the protocol, which means something may not work for everyone? To me, it's not different than how some people can eat potatoes, while others can't. This really cause me a lot of issues (the mainlining protein) and I stuck with it b/c it seems to be the core of Peat eating--more protein, more protein. I DID all the supposed things one is supposed to do when eating protein--eating with meal, with plenty of sugar, etc. Didn't work. The only thing that worked, was eating less of it.

And if one is enamored with the idea that you MUST have x grams of protein for the thyroid to function, etc, my improvements AFTER reducing protein amounts, were: energy, cognition, mood, better sleep, immediate leanness and reduced bloating, and feeling alert and energized throughout the day.

I am experimenting with eating way more sugar and more starch and not as much fat. It is actually not on purpose. When eating more sugar, I am repulsed by lots of fat. Used to be I would always put tons of fat in my rice, oats, etc, as well as on any meats, proteins, and don't like it now.

For fat loss, I definitely find less protein also makes a huge difference in how lean I get. I am exercising so it's not like I am looking scrawny as I have a naturally athletic swimmer's frame (though I don't swim). I have to see how it goes b/c I am still playing around with drinking more milk, eating more starch, eating different starch, etc.

Also, thought about way more fruit eating but the moment I start figuring out the price of ONE ORANGE (and I am not willing to buy pesticide-ridden oranges-only organic), or half a pound of dates, it seems absurd to me to do this instead of buying juice. I can get the best quality one for under 6 dollars at 64 ounces. Just doesn't make sense to bother with fruit. Rice is way cheaper. Also, experimenting with skim milk now. Seems okay, but can't tell yet. And now drinking a lot more water. Another recommendation that didn't seem apparent, but seems to be much better.

No anxiety at all. Get excited, focused, happy, etc. Just feel like things are as they should be. And I have been exercising regularly b/c I am not tired anymore. NOw obviously, sometimes I stay up late, etc., may feel tired, but I do not feel as I did prior to reducing my protein, which was totally and completely exhausted. All in all, everything is great.


Nov 1, 2012
Glad you are feeling good, Caroline. How much protein were you consuming? I don't consume large amounts of muscle meats but get most of my protein from dairy.

This is the recommendation I go by-
"Daily protein should be at least 80 grams, preferably 100 if you are working or otherwise active. An egg has about 6 grams, a quart of milk about 32 grams, meat, cheese, and fish are usually about 20% protein, so a pound would be enough for a day. It's important to have fruit or other carbohydrate with the protein for efficient metabolism. Milk, cheese, eggs, shellfish are good protein sources, and potato protein is high in quality, if the potato is very well cooked and eaten with butter or cream. Although potatoes contain only about 2% protein, a kilogram of potato has roughly the protein value of a liter of milk (which is 3% protein), because of its high quality. Unless you are buying eggs from a verified grass-fed, free range source he recommends limiting them to one or two a day, and making sure to have plenty of carbohydrate around the same time to prevent sugar crash."

I felt great on a paleo diet until my legs went numb. I have also felt great on a raw, vegan diet consuming large amounts of nuts and seeds. I think that one might not realize damage being done by not paying attention to nutrients. I very easily undereat which ultimately is not healthy. I find using something like cronometer helpful.

These quotes are from various articles-

"Protein deficiency is an important cause of deranged calcium metabolism. Vitamins K, E, and A are important in regulating calcium metabolism, and preventing osteoporosis. Aspirin (with antiestrogenic and vitamin E-like actions) is protective against bone resorption and hypercalcemia."

"Malnutrition, and specifically protein deficiency, produces an inflammatory state that involves extreme serotonin dominance. Stress or malnutrition prenatally or in infancy leads to extreme serotonin dominance in adulthood. Other functions of tryptophan are reduced, as more of it is turned into serotonin."

"Besides fasting, or chronic protein deficiency, the common causes of hypothyroidism are excessive stress or “aerobic” (i.e., anaerobic) exercise, and diets containing beans, lentils, nuts, unsaturated fats (including carotene), and undercooked broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, or mustard greens. Many health conscious people become hypothyroid with a synergistic program of undercooked vegetables, legumes instead of animal protein, oils instead of butter, carotene instead of vitamin A, and breathless exercise instead of a stimulating life."

"Women often have above-average thyroxin with symptoms of hypothyroidism. This is apparently because it isn’t being converted to the active form (T3). Before using a Cytomel (T3) supplement, it might be possible to solve the problem with diet alone. A piece of fruit or a glass of juice or milk between meals, and adequate animal protein (or potato protein) in the diet is sometimes enough to allow the liver to produce the hormone. If Cytomel is used, it is efficient to approximate the physiological rate T3 formation, by nibbling one (10 or 15 mcg.) tablet during the day. When a large amount is taken at one time, the liver is likely to convert much of it to the inactive reverse-T3 form, in a normal defense response."

"In pregnancy, estrogen excess or progesterone deficiency is an important factor in the harmful effects of sodium restriction and protein deficiency. A deficiency of protein contributes to hypothyroidism, which is responsible for the relative estrogen excess."

"Protein, salt, thyroid, and progesterone happen to be thermogenic, increasing heat production and stabilizing body temperature at a higher level. Prolactin and estrogen lower the temperature set-point."

Other women are told to reduce their protein consumption, or to take fluoride or whatever drug has been most recently promoted. A protein deficiency is a clear cause of osteoporosis, and bone density corresponds to the amount of protein consumed. Milk protein, especially, protects against osteoporosis, independently of milk’s other important nutrients. Too much fluoride clearly increases the risk of bone fractures,[26] and the side effects of other drugs haven’t been properly studied in humans, while they often have dangerous effects in animals.

bold mine

I am not trying to argue but to point out the reason for the emphasis on protein per Ray Peat.

This quote from Peatarian came to mind after I posted.

"As for your thin skin: If the diet is deficient of protein the necessary protein is taken out of the skin. It makes the skin thin and nearly transparent. A bad diet will always show first under your eyes since the skin is thinnest there. It will show around your mouth and neck next if you don't change that. Eat regularly. Don't got through the day without eating. Don't spend more than an hour without at least drinking milk or orange juice. I have a friend who lives off salad. Her skin looks like japanese paper. The recycled kind. Especially under her eyes."


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Caroline, how many grams of protein are you eating to feel good? And how many were you eating when it made you feel bad?

It has been discussed that too much protein is a stressor.


Oct 27, 2013
Thanks very much for the thoughts! I really began to feel very bad after writing what I did, b/c I needed to question: am I really interested solely in improvement, or is there a part of me that is trying to antagonize or be argumentative on a site devoted to cultivating a way of eating that is not accepted most other places?

I felt it was important to really think about. No need to poke at other people or just be troublesome. I don't like the idea of causing people harm-psychologically or otherwise. Of course, I am doing this just by breathing and killing little microscopic things around me. But I thought about if I just should not post anything and read. But really, I DO like what this diet has done for me. It is just semantics re: the protein. And it would be optimal if I COULD eat more, comfortably.

I did try to eat way more last night and yesterday in general. Just as I did with the coffee when I felt it was causing me problems. I think part of the issue is that I prefer eating liver, oysters, etc. over the red meat b/c of the issues Peat mentions with it. But red meat, i.e. ground beef seems to be the absolute easiest thing for me to eat in terms of digestion and overall energy I feel from it. So yesterday I ate a bit of it, like I don't know maybe 1/8 of a pound in the afternoon. Tried that. Fell asleep for a while. hahahaha.

Then later last night, had craving fore more of it. This time, I ate a lot more, like 1/2 a pound, and ate like 4 pieces of ginger candy with it. This may have worked better. I am not bloated this morning (always a bad sign) and DO feel more energy. I feel that MORE protein is optimal, but being able to digest it properly is best. I tried more milk, in greater volume, feeling that i needed to try and get more protein this way if meat wasn't really working (and eggs don't work well b/c they cause me joint pain, inflammatory issues), and more milk at this level gave me SUPER bad gas. Now it could have been the instant coffee I used. I got some other kind, canned but already ground at the store, cheap brand, and it didn't cause this problem.

So MAYBE it's WAY MORE SUGAR I need when eating protein. I have been doing juice, and coffee with sugar when I eat the meat, but perhaps I need MUCH more. It just isn't feasible to try and make up for it with milk and I don't feel good eating lots of cheese. Has similar effect to eggs.

Anyway, just as I did not give up with the coffee, I am still working on the protein. I need to be more flexible and willing to have it be red meat if that works better than other sources, like shrimp, etc. All those other sources are not problematic, but my energy is BEST from the ground meat. And I can and do take it with gelatin.

I just wanted to express and make sure that my thoughts were not construed merely as wanting to pick at the diet and simply be contrary. I can be that way, b/c I notice things that don't work, but my ultimate goal is to feel better and contribute if possible to others experiences--not simply say that I don't like this or that particular thing. I like to come up with solutions that lead to improvement. I do tend to expend a lot of energy even without "exercising" so it does seem important to get the right amount of macromolecules that will support it.

As for amounts, I really am not up to weighing things so I have no idea about the amount but I think the issue started when I felt pooped and kept seeing the requirements for protein and found that as I tried to increase it, I felt worse. Anyway, I am going to keep working on it. I think it is optimal to have more protein, but have it not feeling like it causes exhaustion so it is supportive. Then I don't have to do things like drink unreasonably large quantities of milk that cause me to feel uncomfortable.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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