Peat Girl's Logger



Sep 17, 2014
So, I got some sleep without waking up last night, which is unheard of...!
But it was still really hard to wake up and I don't feel rested (I feel muscle/ bone aches all over, even though I didn't do much).

My face feels thinner and less puffy and my underwear are loose (;D) but I've become terrified of the scale and even the measuring tape-- they never bring good news... I think I'll wait a few months before I even consider it.

Sticking to my regiment of coffee, OJ and whole milk (cup of each before 4pm) and 4TBSPs of gelatin.
Still figuring out what to eat as solid foods...

I know I ask a lot of dumb questions... I should read Peat and listen to all the interviews before I ask more ;D
It's just so easy to come on here and have people baby you ;D Maybe I'm just needy.

No, srsly though, I'm in the process, just busy with the moving and everything... But I still wanna be doing Peat while reading it...

Should I be worrying about fat? (I mean saturated) Cause eating cheese has been bumping my fat significantly and I'm not sure if you should seek my protein elsewhere.


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
And now for something completely different...

I'm pretty sure our bathtub is haunted. We moved in last week and it was fine for a week until I cleaned some hair out of the drain and THEN it became clogged...

Let''s rewind.
It wasn't clogged.
I removed hair from the drain.
It instantly became clogged.
Does that make sense?
Good. Not to me either...
Oh, no! You removed the gerbil from your drain!? Never remove the gerbil from your drain!

Peat's_Girl said:
Oh and letters keep coming for 3 different people... Some are in Swedish... Another is for some Greek guy and one is for a French girl...
Oops...sorry! That last letter is mine.

Seriously, you sound like you have the coolest apartment. I really should hire some ghost to make things more entertaining around here.

Peat's_Girl said:
My 16 year old self would be so disappointed... That b**** was so shallow! She was hoping I would be f***ing head-turningly hot, independant and settled.
Boo hoo hoo, etc. ;)
Ah, Mine too!! Well, except for the whole head-turningly hot thing. Mine was trying to go unnoticed. She almost succeeded indefinitely till my twenty something me took over.

Peat's_Girl said:
Hey, I should make that my signature!
Boo hoo hoo!
Oh my fears!
My fears!
Listen to my feaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars
And give up that gem of a Ray quote you currently have!? No way!

Let's've got a lot to say. Check! You've got a great sense of humor. Check! You've got good tunes. Check! Impressive log, P_G! I should spend more time over here instead of that Jennifer's Recovery Log. She's now talking about doing crafts. What a weirdo! ;)

Glad you slept last night, but sorry you ache and don't feel well rested. And good idea to ignore the scale. I threw mine out back when I was refeeding. If you like cheese, eat cheese. I understand wanting something solid. That's why I've been filling up on ice cream. It's the closest thing to solid that I tolerate at this point.


Sep 17, 2014
Jennifer said:
Oops...sorry! That last letter is mine.

I wish ;) You're the only Quebecker I met that I like... And OF COURSE you're too far away for us to actually hang out... ;c
*Le sigh*

Jennifer said:
Seriously, you sound like you have the coolest apartment. I really should hire some ghost to make things more entertaining around here.

Yep, ghosts, drunken neighbours who play loud dubstep music, barking dogs, appliances that don't work and pigeons who crap on the balcony and just stare at you when you bang on the windows to scare them, like "Why the **** are you banging on the windows of my balcony?"...
Frankly, I have no idea why you left Montreal because by that definition it's the coolest city in the world.

I actually live under the superintendant and you'd think it would be quiet, but she's like the worst one!
Hammering things from 8am until 9pm(?!). Shouldn't she be fixing OTHER PEOPLE's apartments?...
Every time I call her up she sounds like she's sleeping and she gives some excuse about why she's can't help... But I have it on pretty good authority SHE'S HOME and watching TV!

Jennifer said:
Ah, Mine too!! Well, except for the whole head-turningly hot thing. Mine was trying to go unnoticed. She almost succeeded indefinitely till my twenty something me took over.
Wow, so you're already hot..?! Damn gurl. You just lost like 10,000 points with me.
Give me back that imaginary rubber friendship bracelet we've made at your craft's corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer said:
Let's've got a lot to say. Check! You've got a great sense of humor. Check! You've got good tunes. Check!

Then how come I have no friends? ;D

Jennifer said:
I should spend more time over here instead of that Jennifer's Recovery Log. She's now talking about doing crafts. What a weirdo! ;)

Nope. I like that chick, and you can't make me!

Jennifer said:
If you like cheese, eat cheese. I understand wanting something solid. That's why I've been filling up on ice cream. It's the closest thing to solid that I tolerate at this point.

Refeeding?... That word scares me... I'm too fat to have that part of my vocabulary. More like, un-feeding ;D
*running around screaming*
Another word that scares me. I bought it a week ago and it's been untouched. Still having a hard time getting used to the idea that icecream is okay to eat...

Did you hear my Keith Sweat songs!? And the brilliant lyrics?!
"shoo bee doo be doo be dooo,
that means I love you"
"we'll be like two lovers in a tree
The man is an undiscovered poet, I tell you!

I'm stuck on R&B because I like to dance to it and pretend I'm sexy ;D
You should dance to it since you don't have to pretend!

This is for you, Jen! :dancenanner :carrot ... QQOc50#t=2


Nov 7, 2012
I'm not inclined to believe that someone is going to get better
by eating <900kCal a day. If you asked me, I would expand your
food choices beyond the "drinks and snacks" that tend to be
prescribed. What sorts of foods do you enjoy and tolerate well?

Cheers and best of luck!



Sep 17, 2014
sctb said:
I'm not inclined to believe that someone is going to get better
by eating <900kCal a day. If you asked me, I would expand your
food choices beyond the "drinks and snacks" that tend to be
prescribed. What sorts of foods do you enjoy and tolerate well?

Cheers and best of luck!


Hey Scott! :smokingweed

(Not related to anything.)

Foods I enjoy... Is that a trick question? ;D
Hmm... I don't know anymore... Sometimes feel like I'm scared to like foods, because for so long they were off-limits. I'm not sure if loving those food so much was what brought me to the sorry state I'm in now or trying to avoid them...

I should be clear so you guys don't worry about me. Some days I undereat and other days Cronometer says I overate (so, 900kcals, 1,700kcals, 800kcals, etc.). The overeating days send me into a panic so the next day I'm more careful so maybe I undereat again.

I guess I used to like prime-rib steaks, creamy desserts, potatoes, fatty fish but mostly everything because I like eating different cuisines so I was never really caught up with what the different dishes contain (my favourites are Korean and French).
But on Paleo desserts and potatoes off limits and I'm pretty sure none of these are on the Peat diet ;D

I guess I like a lot of meat and creamy things... I do like rice too but I can live without it.

What do YOU like?


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
and pigeons who crap on the balcony and just stare at you when you bang on the windows to scare them, like "Why the f*** are you banging on the windows of my balcony?"... cute! Grumpy Montreal pigeons who give attitude. You seriously crack me up, P_G!

Peat's_Girl said:
Frankly, I have no idea why you left Montreal because by that definition it's the coolest city in the world.
Oh no! Sorry about that! I never lived there. I meant my family a.k.a. grandparents, great-grandparents ect. all come from there.

Peat's_Girl said:
Jennifer said:
Ah, Mine too!! Well, except for the whole head-turningly hot thing. Mine was trying to go unnoticed. She almost succeeded indefinitely till my twenty something me took over.
Wow, so you're already hot..?! Damn gurl. You just lost like 10,000 points with me.
Give me back that imaginary rubber friendship bracelet we've made at your craft's corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me hot!? Gosh no! I was trying to go unnoticed because I was insecure and shy, not because I was so hot it was hard to go unnoticed. LOL Can I still keep the bracelet? :pray

Peat's_Girl said:
Then how come I have no friends? ;D
Because people in your neck of the woods are grumpy and you're not!? You're fun! Luckily, you have online buddies to talk to and I assume your boyfriend isn't grumpy. A guy who drags you to get Indian food is undoubtedly fun!

Peat's_Girl said:
Refeeding?... That word scares me... I'm too fat to have that part of my vocabulary. More like, un-feeding ;D
Trust me, I needed to refeed. If you hit page 13 of my log, you'll see. It was bad!

Refeeding is a tough word to swallow. It's probably better to call it renourishing. You deserve to be nourished just as much as anyone else walking this planet.

Peat's_Girl said:
*running around screaming*
Another word that scares me. I bought it a week ago and it's been untouched. Still having a hard time getting used to the idea that icecream is okay to eat...
You have ice cream in the house and it's untouched!? Now I'm the one running around screaming!

Keith Sweat=Genius!

Peat's_Girl said:
I'm stuck on R&B because I like to dance to it and pretend I'm sexy ;D
Don't lie! I know you don't have to pretend.

Peat's_Girl said:
You should dance to it since you don't have to pretend!
LOL What I lack in sex appeal, I make up for in mysteriousness. My dancing leaves people wondering what the heck they just saw. Yeah, that's right! Keep them guessing! :lol:

Thanks for the song, P_G! Nice choice!

Here's a song for you. Sing it to that gremlin in your head that's been telling you false things about yourself, Pretty_Girl! :)


Sep 17, 2014
OMG I love this song! ;D Soul sista!

How did you know I had a Goblin?!
My Facebook is a shrine to him...

(Explanation... I'm talking about my cat, Pocket, my bf calls him an ****-goblin ;D)

My bf is actually a huge grump so my loud Keith Sweat serenades go unappreciated ;<
My elaborate noodle dances don't impress him either. ... 4xtlpx.png
See if your ancestors didn't flee QC (can't blame'em) then we could join forces!


Mar 29, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
I should be clear so you guys don't worry about me. Some days I undereat and other days Cronometer says I overate (so, 900kcals, 1,700kcals, 800kcals, etc.). The overeating days send me into a panic so the next day I'm more careful so maybe I undereat again.

You know 1700 is still undereating compared with what it takes to run a healthy metabolism? Average weight-stable non-dieting adult woman 25yrs - menopause eats about 2500 cals. Under 25 need more like 3000 (whatever the unscientific standard public calorie recommendations are).

Jennifer said:
You deserve to be nourished just as much as anyone else walking this planet.

Peat's_Girl said:
I guess I used to like prime-rib steaks, creamy desserts, potatoes, fatty fish but mostly everything because I like eating different cuisines so I was never really caught up with what the different dishes contain (my favourites are Korean and French).
But on Paleo desserts and potatoes off limits and I'm pretty sure none of these are on the Peat diet ;D

I guess I like a lot of meat and creamy things... I do like rice too but I can live without it.
Peat rates potatoes as one of the better starch sources, if you are going to eat starch. It has some high quality protein and minerals in it. White rice doesn't have much other than calories going for it, but it doesn't have a lot of poisons going against it either. Quite a few people here eat potatoes, and some eat white rice. If you are trying to lose fat, Peat would recommend suagrs (esp fruit, milk) over starch. But if you are struggling to get in enough calories, potatoes might not be a bad thing.
I'm counting cheesecake, fruit salad, stewed fruit, fruit jelly, custard made with eggs, milk puddings made with gelatine, low/no starch chocolate brownies etc as all reasonable desserts in a Peat-inspired diet, unless any of them particularly bother you. With cream and/or icecream if that make them more appetising - maybe in smaller quantities if you are aiming to keep fat lowish in favour of sugars.

Since you are supplementing Ca and Mg, these may be fine, but I wonder if your low fruit consumption is running you low on potassium, which you also need to metabolise carbs? And maybe other minerals?

I know you can add pics to your posts, but I haven't figured out how yet. Some uninformed moderator, huh. If no one else fills in the is info soon for you, I'll find out.


Sep 17, 2014
tara said:
Peat's_Girl said:
Since you are supplementing Ca and Mg, these may be fine, but I wonder if your low fruit consumption is running you low on potassium, which you also need to metabolise carbs? And maybe other minerals?

I know you can add pics to your posts, but I haven't figured out how yet. Some uninformed moderator, huh. If no one else fills in the is info soon for you, I'll find out.

i average 2,000mg of potassium. IS that good? What should be the ratios for the others?

I don't know how to save my Crono days though... Snipping tool? But then I'll have to take a bunch of snapshots, so I don't know.

So, are you saying that to lose weight according to Peat you gotta keep the fats low?

Cheesecake!? Sign me up ;D


Mar 29, 2014
Are you getting outside everyday and getting some sunshine? Don't know if spring has sprung where you are, so maybe it's not that warm yet?


Sep 17, 2014
tara said:
Are you getting outside everyday and getting some sunshine? Don't know if spring has sprung where you are, so maybe it's not that warm yet?

Canada... so, no ;{

I'm kinda agoraphobic by nature... ;D
I guess I can go to the balcony or something, but I don't have much to do outside except for when I need to go do groceries.


Mar 29, 2014
Getting enough light is important. UV helps generate vit-D, and red (orange through inear-infrared) is cruxial for restring the cytochrome oxidase enzyme, which gets run down in darkness. Cytochome oxidase is a key enzyme in mitochondrial respiration - ie turning sugar into energy in your cells. Helping your cells to produce energy efficiently is what Peat is all about. I'd recommend getting outside for a bit everyday if you can, get some sunshine everyday when htere is some, and also see if you can add in some extra strong incandescent lighting to shine on as much of you as possible for at least some part of each day. There's a massive long thread on supplemental red lighting in here somewhere.


Sep 17, 2014
Whoah there, too much to obsess over right now... I got to get my basic diet dialed in.
I'm 100% positive I'm D deficient (who isn't...?) due to chronic SPFing (yep I turned it into a verb) and sun avoidance. Some good it did to my skin! It made me look older, and I swear I've developed wrinkles instead of preventing them!

Speaking of...
My skin is a thousand percent better!
Softer, less gray. Maybe cause I'm finally sleeping better but today I was surprised to see
I actually look like I'm in my 20s...

(Maybe I shouldn't rejoice just yet since it could be short lived...)

For solid food I had a vegetable saute and itty bitty lamb chops yesterday. Today I had the same for leftovers and (finally) some ice cream.

I don't know what I'm doing... All I can do is try my best and take my Cal-Mag-Zinc, vitamin D3 and Thyrodine...

I had a solid night of sleep, finally! *fingers crossed* that it continues!

And now for our daily "belly trouble segment" (I think we all should have one!)
-> Heartburn is gone from drinking OJ, maybe I needed to get used to it.
-> I haven't been regular for a looooooooooong time (what is regular btw?... 2-3 BMs? seems excessive! I don't have time to be pooping that much! Geez!) but I sometimes experience bleeding... (more often than not actually). Lately some "D" too and a belly grumble after coffee and milk (I have it together). Perhaps I need to isolate the two to find the culprit.
-> Non-belly related... I'm detecting some nasal mucous formation... According to them Paleo gurus that is a byproduct of milk consumption... Please god, don't make this mean I have to give it up... It's the majority of my sustenance!
-> Other than that my belly has been surprisingly good. No gas, no pain (usually a constant).
I'm gonna have potatoes today to see how I do on starch. Rice, though I love it, sounds like a reallyyyy bad idea right now.


Nov 7, 2012
Tara has some good suggestions. In general, I can offer more
encouragement than concrete advice: be patient with it all,
try foods you enjoy and pay attention to how they make you
feel, and don't feel bad for overeating (which 1700kCal is
certainly not!)

I look to Peat and certain others for hypotheses which I can
put into practice myself and observe the outcome. What I
try to observe and optimize are primarily:

  • Enjoyment
  • Sleep
  • Warmth
  • Focus and creativity
  • Strength

The foods that I eat range from moderately "Peaty": cheese,
dried fruit, shellfish, to others such as muscle meats, greek
yoghurt, berries, honey, and sometimes starch (even wheat!)
I work on being flexible and less obsessive about everything,
which is my inclination. I feel like I'm doing fairly well at
this point!




Jul 8, 2014
Great advice from tara and Scott!

Peat's_Girl, it's a shame your noodle moves and serenades aren't appreciated. Tough crowd!

But :woo to you finally digging in to that ice cream. Good for you for getting over that hurdle. How'd it taste?

By the way, love the name Pocket. Very cute! :)


Sep 17, 2014
Thanks Scott and Jen ;D

This weekend I was bad... And suffered greatly for my choices. We were so busy assembling furniture that the grocery nearby ended up closing. We ordered in the only thing that was available and cheap --pasta...

YUCK! How could I have ever liked the stuff...? Swimming in cream and tastes like shredded wallpaper.
I had 1/4 of it and then gave it to my bf, but I still ended up with crippling pain for the next day or two.
Never again.

Next day we barely made it to the store again... The cleaning dude was grumpily wading with his mop-truck-thingy and giving us the stink-eye because it took me 5 minutes just to choose milk...
Carrots -check
Milk- check
OJ- check
Chicken- check
Cane sugar- check
Eggs- check

Forgot oysters and liver...
Btw, what's a good source of sugar? Is turbinado its own thing?... There's so many types and I haven't had sugar in so long I don't even know what they are!
They sell coconut, maple, cane, turbinado (I think it's spelled), raw brown sugar, etc.
Honey just doesn't work in coffee...

I got a cheesecake too... It was a compromise because my bf loves carrot cake and I hate it. So we got a cheesecake carrot cake. I guess it was made with wheat so that wasn't an ideal cheesecake.
Maybe one day I'll learn to make one with crust...

I'm doing well. Sleeping well even though the neighbours are impossible and rude...
But I guess how well you sleep depends on your body not external factors so YAY!
Skin is improving as well... I'm rosy cheeked! I just wish it wasn't so clogged and dry (but that's the kind of weather and water we have here).


Sep 17, 2014
Why, why do I keep doing it to myself?!

Eating wheat that is... The aftermath is horrific.
(The runs, mostly.)
It seems that the entire time I thought my lactose-intolerance was milk related it was a result of mixing the two! I'm not 100% I'm 100% able to digest it, but I used to think dairy would break me out but my skin has actually improved. And now that I've learned the mucous formation correlated to dairy is a myth I can rest easy...

I'm upping my milk consumption, slowly, to 2-3 a day.

I have a hard time staying away from pork and chicken as these are such cheap meats.
My bf is exasperated... All my crazy diet adventures basically guarantee we can never eat together or the same things.

Technically if I had that it would be both cheap and nutritious! But I can't find any... It's frustrating.
I'm also out of my Great Lakes gelatin... I take at least 4TBSP a day but no idea how much I'd need in Knox form,any ideas?

In other news, I'm reading some Peat interviews. What a fascinating man.
So far I understand his rationale just fine, but this one has me wondering:

"The number of calories burned is a good indicator of the metabolic rate. The amount of water lost by evaporation is another rough indicator: For each liter of water evaporated, about 1000 calories are burned. "
I guess I'm not familiar with the water evaporation process and how it's tied to calorie burning...

In other news (good news),
my skin is healing so nicely.
I used to get oily so fast and my pores were huge and they would usually clog up hours after I washed my face or did a peel. But last weekend I extracted some blackheads from my nose and my nose has remained clear. Yay vitamin A! And to think I wanted to buy A supplements in the form of cod liver oil... Yuck.

I still get the occasional breakout on my shoulders, of all places. And they're the worst kind! Under the skin...! Hopefully it'll be a thing of the past with some more hormonal help from Progest-E.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
You might be able to find oxtail through a local farmers market. I've also asked the butcher at my local grocery to save me some knuckle (joint) bones that make a good gelatinous broth when I can't get oxtail. Since in my area they usually don't routinely sell these but throw them out I can get them for cheap. Just ask around. Whole chicken makes a nice gelatinous broth too. I remove as much skin as possible before simmering and refrigerate the broth once done so the fat accumulates at the top where it is easily removed.


Jul 8, 2014
Glad to hear you're doing so well, Peat's_Girl! That's awesome! :D

It's funny how when removing certain foods, you realize the true culprit. Wheat is a common trouble maker that often gets dairy all the blame.

Peat's_Girl said:
I have a hard time staying away from pork and chicken as these are such cheap meats.
My bf is exasperated... All my crazy diet adventures basically guarantee we can never eat together or the same things.
Funny, I've thought to myself how it's a good thing I'm single because it'd be a nightmare to date me, what with my bizarre eating habits. Unless my guy doesn't mind Willy Wonka smorgasbords. :P

Anyhow, if chicken breast or pork is what you can afford, in my opinion, there are worse things you could be eating. You could always make up sauces and gravies and add in the Great Lakes gelatin to balance out the amino acids. You could make stews, chili or perhaps something tropical like sweet ginger glazed chicken/pork skewers with pineapple, red onion ect. on a bed of your favorite white rice (I love jasmine) or chicken skewers with plums, pears and red onions, dressed with a balsamic glaze.

If you like fish, there's also the option of white fish like cod baked in a lemon garlic butter sauce or chowder recipes using cream and potatoes. You could also make baked potato wedges covered with chives and topped with a dollop of sour cream or make traditional poutine with curds and gravy. If your boyfriend is at work all day, you could eat your diet during the day and when he comes home, have a meal that you both can enjoy together.

Peat's_Girl said:
Technically if I had that it would be both cheap and nutritious! But I can't find any... It's frustrating.
I'm also out of my Great Lakes gelatin... I take at least 4TBSP a day but no idea how much I'd need in Knox form,any ideas?
They substitute 1 for 1. So 1 TBSP of Knox equals 1 TBSP of Great Lakes.


Sep 17, 2014
Blossom said:
You might be able to find oxtail through a local farmers market. I've also asked the butcher at my local grocery to save me some knuckle (joint) bones that make a good gelatinous broth when I can't get oxtail. Since in my area they usually don't routinely sell these but throw them out I can get them for cheap. Just ask around. Whole chicken makes a nice gelatinous broth too. I remove as much skin as possible before simmering and refrigerate the broth once done so the fat accumulates at the top where it is easily removed.

Great idea! I was worried about using chicken, but last night we butchered a whole chicken. We removed the skin and made tandoori sauce (fat yogurt and paprika, yeah baby!) and the chicken wings and breast bone will go for soup.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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