Peat Girl's Logger


Jul 8, 2014
Tara had me at "have my house ship-shape in no time." I need therapy, don't I? :cry:

So now you have a bad*ss boyfriend who has your back. Good guy and smart woman! ;)


Sep 17, 2014
Binged a bit yesterday. Maybe I needed the calories? But I did experience a horrible stomach ache in the morning.

I also sleep wayyyyyyyyy too much.
Should I be happy about this? Before I couldn't fall asleep for days, now good luck waking me up!

I keep having vivid dreams (all my dreams are lucid, which people tell me is unusual) about being really thin and eating tons of desserts. I'm serious. I've never had a dream like that before (falling off buildings and fighting mutants, yes, but nothing that was close to reality). And this one has been recurring three days in a row.

Last night I ate an entire cheesecake, a box of macarons and I had one of those Harry Potter table covered feasts with magazine-cover-worthy sweets! I wonder what it means...

I was really impressed with Peat's coconut oil article. I've started giving my cat a teaspoon (he loves it), my bf (he's annoyed) and myself. Obviously we cook most of our food in it, but I thought I'd try eating one TBSP. every day and see what happens.

I also put it all over my body after a shower because the water here is so dry. Hope it doesn't break me out ;s


Sep 17, 2014
Jennifer said:
Tara had me at "have my house ship-shape in no time." I need therapy, don't I? :cry:

So now you have a bad*ss boyfriend who has your back. Good guy and smart woman! ;)

I keep describing our relationship as "two shys don't make a right" ;D


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
I was really impressed with Peat's coconut oil article. I've started giving my cat a teaspoon (he loves it), my bf (he's annoyed) and myself. Obviously we cook most of our food in it, but I thought I'd try eating one TBSP. every day and see what happens.

I also put it all over my body after a shower because the water here is so dry. Hope it doesn't break me out ;s
I use virgin coconut oil all over my body after my shower or bath also. My dog sits outside the bathroom door the entire time I'm washing up and getting ready because I always give him some coconut oil. I sleep with one eye open at night just in case he gets hungry and decides my coconutty skin smells like a tasty morsel. :P


Jan 3, 2014
Weren't you struggling with bad insomnia before? In which case you need the sleep and it's great that you can! some of us take years so I am envious!


Sep 17, 2014
Jennifer said:
Peat's_Girl said:
I was really impressed with Peat's coconut oil article. I've started giving my cat a teaspoon (he loves it), my bf (he's annoyed) and myself. Obviously we cook most of our food in it, but I thought I'd try eating one TBSP. every day and see what happens.

I also put it all over my body after a shower because the water here is so dry. Hope it doesn't break me out ;s
I use virgin coconut oil all over my body after my shower or bath also. My dog sits outside the bathroom door the entire time I'm washing up and getting ready because I always give him some coconut oil. I sleep with one eye open at night just in case he gets hungry and decides my coconutty skin smells like a tasty morsel. :P

I wish my cat was as predictable. He ate one teaspoon and since then he won't touch the stuff...
I left a teaspoon of it by his bowl and he just came and buried it.


Sep 17, 2014
sueq said:
Weren't you struggling with bad insomnia before? In which case you need the sleep and it's great that you can! some of us take years so I am envious!

Yes, I did. For a long time. This must be what it's like to feel normal, falling asleep when your head hits the pillow. The strange dreams are incessant though and I have a difficult time waking up.

Hang in there! If my diet is any indication of success then you need ridiculous amounts of sugar to sleep ;D
(I know, counterintuitive by CW).


Sep 17, 2014
Well, ladies, the goat milk was a bust.

Too goaty for me, and my cat.
It was 7$ so you bet your **** I'll be drinking it...

If you were wondering, I'm still chronicling my food on Crono.
I've been eating a raw carrot every day, drinking 2-3 glasses of milk and 1 glass of orange juice.
Since I have to force the OJ in I decided to change it up and got pineapple and apple juices to try.

By the way, are juices from concentrate inferior to "fresh" ones?
And also is it cheaper to buy a juicer and juice your own? My bf says no because fruits here
are pricey and it would take A LOT of fruits to make one carton of 2L. Anyone here with personal juicing experience?

Also, what can I do with dry curd cottage cheese?
I was thinking of making this a Russian cheesecake.
But don't want to use flour and semolina...

I stopped taking my Cal-Mag-Zinc supplements but I think I should resume.


Sep 17, 2014

I found that the cheap **** cheese I bought at Costco is actually imported swiss with unpasteurized milk!
HURRAH! Finally something unpasteurized will go into my mouth.*

*Don't take this as an opportunity to make lewd jokes here ;D


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
HURRAH! Finally something unpasteurized will go into my mouth.*

*Don't take this as an opportunity to make lewd jokes here ;D
Oh, man! I'm slipping! My mind never went there.

I just got my powdered goat's milk order in yesterday and officially cut out all cow's milk to experiment. The goat's milk tastes musky, bleh! However, I did notice a few good things after drinking it. I didn't get any mucous, my nasal passages cleared right up and my digestion has picked up.

In regards to the juice, sometimes flavor packs are used as well as enzymes to break down pulp and that can cause reactions to those who are sensitive, but if you don't notice any negative effects, I think concentrates are fine. Orange juice has some very good qualities such as anti-estrogenic properties, but I still prefer apple juice so I'll be curious to see what you think.

As for juicing, I guess it depends on if you plan to juice long term or suffer reactions from bottled juices. The price and quality of fruits in our region, along with the cost of the juicer and the time involved to juice are negatives, but overall, I find the taste of fresh juice to be superior to bottled. I've been debating on getting a juicer, but I'm still on the fence because I'd rather eat my fruit.

For Russian cheesecake, I think Lindsay posted her recipe for ricotta pie in the recipe section so you could try using the cottage cheese in that. I want to say it's based off of a Russian recipe, but I'm not positive.


Mar 29, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
Since I have to force the OJ in I decided to change it up and got pineapple and apple juices to try.

By the way, are juices from concentrate inferior to "fresh" ones?
And also is it cheaper to buy a juicer and juice your own? My bf says no because fruits here
are pricey and it would take A LOT of fruits to make one carton of 2L. Anyone here with personal juicing experience?

Also, what can I do with dry curd cottage cheese?
Look in the recipe section - there are variations on cheesecake.
My basic is cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, a little milk, salt, lemon juice.

Juicer might be good if you had access to lots of cheap ripe fruit, or you are wanting to experiment with potato juice protein. Otherwise maybe not so much.

I like the idea of you drinking juice you like. Be aware that some people have trouble if they eat/drink large quantities of pineapple juice - I think it's highish in serotonin. I eat and drink it sometimes, but not lots everday.


Sep 17, 2014
tara said:
Peat's_Girl said:
Be aware that some people have trouble if they eat/drink large quantities of pineapple juice - I think it's highish in serotonin. I eat and drink it sometimes, but not lots everday.

All these little nuances I can't keep track of...

Yeah, the potato juice. I heard Ray talk about it. Not looking forward to it, but curious about it.


Sep 17, 2014

I got the worst belly ache today in the morning. I also had trouble sleeping the last few nights.
There are so many things that could be causing it, I don't know where to start.
The only time I was able to eat pain free was on Primal... But if I deviated I would feel horrible.
Why must eating be a constant source of stress?
I feel like I can't even eat like a normal person: eat, digest, evacuate and go on with my life.

What could it be?
Congee? But I soaked the rice for a night, cooked it in chicken broth until it disintegrated and added a TBSP of coconut oil.
Strawberry icecream? Usually the coffee and chocolate don't cause me any ill affects. Why would the strawberry one cause problems? But I've noticed after eating it I feel cold in the belly and a bit uncomfortable.
Not eating anything?
Eating too much?
Pineapple juice?

Christ! I'm trying so hard here, but if I eliminate the little food I have left to eat, what's left?
I'm afraid to even entertain the thought of a milk allergy... Speaking of, this week I had organic, whole goat milk so no cow's milk. I had the unpasteurised cheese but just an oz. a day I don't *think* it's dairy related. (But what do I know?)

Maybe it's the combination of foods?

I'm going crazy here!

I'm going to switch from raw sugar to white and stick to orange juice. I saw one that includes mango pulp, so I might get that one since I'm sick to death of plain OJ.
Trying 2% lactose free milk this week and cutting out the cheese (he he he). Maybe it's lactose, maybe it's casein? I'll have to tread lightly.

Hmm... Underwear are falling off which is a good sign. Pores are still clogged but my face is less bloated. I'm still breaking out and the breakouts aren't healing. And I'm bloated every time I eat!!!
Good and bad, take it or leave it.
I'm glued to my Crono so I can pinpoint the offenders.

I've only had one BM a day for... As long as I can remember. Sometimes none! Before Peating, I would alternate from diarrhea to constipation and had blood in my stool almost every single time... I know I shouldn't have ignored it for this long but at least it's stopped.
BMs are still quite difficult for me, but I'm also (still) not eating enough sometimes.
Possibly not drinking enough either.

Average macros: 50g-80g (FAT). 80-100g (PROTEIN). 100-180g (CARBS).

What else do I have to complain about today? ;D

Oh, I had a question about taking my temperature and pulse. Is it pulse I should be checking or my heart beat per minute? And how do I do that without those expensive heart monitor watch thingamajigs (creative writing at its best, ladies and gentlemen)?

What's a normal range? How many times per day? What should I be looking for?

I ask too many questions...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Pulse=heart beats per minute= heart rate, it's all the same thing just different ways of saying it. Medically 60-100 is considered normal but Peat has mentioned 85 as a good pulse rate/heart rate.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Maybe your body is just adapting to eating more consistently with a greater variety of foods?


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
Christ! I'm trying so hard here, but if I eliminate the little food I have left to eat, what's left?
My diet! :lol: :cry: (This means it's so bad I don't know if I should laugh or cry)

I'm sorry you're dealing with the intestinal pain, Ally. It really is awful to live with! Food's a basic necessity and yet a nightmare all at the same time. It stinks to be hungry and need to eat, but suffer when we do. :( Hmm...I wonder if they use those freakishly big man hand GMO strawberries in your ice cream. Probably not! LOL

A few thoughts...

Does your ice cream contain any gums and stabilizers?

Do your juices contain any ascorbic or citric acid?

Have the consistency of your evacuations (good word by the way) changed at all?

The natural molasses in raw sugar can be allergenic to those who are sensitive due to the high heating of it so it's good you're testing out white sugar just to rule it out.

And you definitely tolerate starches fine, right? I sometimes wonder if the mix of starches and dairy pose digestive problems initially for those who stopped eating them while doing diets like Primal or in my case, 80/10/10.


Sep 17, 2014
Blossom said:
Pulse=heart beats per minute= heart rate, it's all the same thing just different ways of saying it. Medically 60-100 is considered normal but Peat has mentioned 85 as a good pulse rate/heart rate.

How do I accurately measure that? And what times are best to measure?

I heard morning and after breakfast.
What about temp?


Sep 17, 2014
Jennifer said:


Jennifer said:
Does your ice cream contain any gums and stabilizers?

No. It's Haagen Dazs. The holy grail of Peaty icecream!

Jennifer said:
Do your juices contain any ascorbic or citric acid?


Jennifer said:
Have the consistency of your evacuations (good word by the way) changed at all?

It's not liquid. But I used to have a theory about wiping... (Haha, bear with me here) See, if it was an easy "evacuation" and you wipe your bum and the paper is clean. Then it's very good!
If it takes you several times to wipe that means you're not done evacuating and might be constipated (but we can't just sit there waiting, we have stuff to do...!).

Jennifer said:
The natural molasses in raw sugar can be allergenic to those who are sensitive due to the high heating of it so it's good you're testing out white sugar just to rule it out.


Jennifer said:
And you definitely tolerate starches fine, right?

How should I know? ;D
Probably not. Maybe. I don't know. Potatoes probably much better than rice given my ancestry and rearing.
(Which is why I can eat buckwheat just fine.)
I thought by soaking and cooking the rice to death the starch would be digestible... But maybe I was wrong.
I'll try to remove starch for a while.


Sep 17, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
Jennifer said:


Jennifer said:
Does your ice cream contain any gums and stabilizers?

No. It's Haagen Dazs. The holy grail of Peaty icecream!

Jennifer said:
Do your juices contain any ascorbic or citric acid?


Jennifer said:
Have the consistency of your evacuations (good word by the way) changed at all?

It's not liquid. But I used to have a theory about wiping... (Haha, bear with me here) See, if it was an easy "evacuation" and you wipe your bum and the paper is clean. Then it's very good!
If it takes you several times to wipe that means you're not done evacuating and might be constipated (but we can't just sit there waiting, we have stuff to do...!).

Jennifer said:
The natural molasses in raw sugar can be allergenic to those who are sensitive due to the high heating of it so it's good you're testing out white sugar just to rule it out.


Jennifer said:
And you definitely tolerate starches fine, right?

How should I know? ;D
Probably not. Maybe. I don't know. Potatoes probably much better than rice given my ancestry and rearing.
(Which is why I can eat buckwheat just fine.)
I thought by soaking and cooking the rice to death the starch would be digestible... But maybe I was wrong.
I'll try to remove starch for a while.


Sep 17, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
Peat's_Girl said:
Jennifer said:


Jennifer said:
Does your ice cream contain any gums and stabilizers?

No. It's Haagen Dazs. The holy grail of Peaty icecream!

Jennifer said:
Do your juices contain any ascorbic or citric acid?


Jennifer said:
Have the consistency of your evacuations (good word by the way) changed at all?

It's not liquid. But I used to have a theory about wiping... (Haha, bear with me here) See, if it was an easy "evacuation" and you wipe your bum and the paper is clean. Then it's very good!
If it takes you several times to wipe that means you're not done evacuating and might be constipated (but we can't just sit there waiting, we have stuff to do...!).

Jennifer said:
The natural molasses in raw sugar can be allergenic to those who are sensitive due to the high heating of it so it's good you're testing out white sugar just to rule it out.


Jennifer said:
And you definitely tolerate starches fine, right?

How should I know? ;D
Probably not. Maybe. I don't know. Potatoes probably much better than rice given my ancestry and rearing.
(Which is why I can eat buckwheat just fine.)
I thought by soaking and cooking the rice to death the starch would be digestible... But maybe I was wrong.
I'll try to remove starch for a while.
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