Candida Overgrowth. What To Do Now?


Mar 29, 2014
And I'd also hear repeatedly what you noted, tara:
that if one has systemic candida, one is probably on death's door.
There's that kind of either/or perception of yeast/fungal infection in mainstream medicine.
I've come to question it.

Hi Narouz,
It looks to me as though all the things you describe about your own case could, maybe, be related to a gut overgrowth of candida (or possibly something else). Candida (or something) could well be having systemic effects, even if it is based in the gut. That doesn't make it a systemic candida infection, as I understand it.

Take this one fact under consideration:
I believe it was haidut who, a few months back here on the forum,
posted about discoveries recently made about fungi being found in the brains of Alzheimers' patients.
They were able to detect the fungi with some sophisticated technology--
can't recall the name of it now.
And in that same article--it was a solid, scientific study--the authors noted that they had also found fungi in the bloodstreams of people: not dying people but people in a condition of some degree of health.
I'm quite willing to believe that there are fungii (and bacteria and viruses) surfing around our vascular systems. But I don't think this adds up to evidence that severe systemic candida infection is a common source of major trouble for many people in general, or for you in particular. But an occasional one, and serious when it happens.

But to come back to your point, tara:
I heard from many quarters exactly what you say:
that if fungus escaped the gut into the bloodstream you'd be dead.
I suspect that may not be true now.
At least if it escaped and the immune system allowed it to proliferate, you'd be dead? As long as the numbers are few, and the immune system is keeping them largely under control, that doesn't count as a systemic infection, does it?
The evidence you point to still seems to be explainable by gut overgrowth.

But there is much still to learn, so it could still turn out with further evidence that low-level candida or other fungus in the system is important and something to address, even if it is only when numbers get out of hand that it is more quickly deadly.

Doesn't the nystatin effect add weight to it being a gut-based issue?


Feb 12, 2015
Don't you think if you continued the red light therapy indefinitely you wouldn't go back to being hypothyroid?

What's your plan of attack to deal with the candida?

I think now that hypothyroid is the result of candida overgrowth, at least in my case. The thyroid can't get all the nutrient/hormones it needs if liver and kidney are suppressed by candida.

I can't permanently fix thyroid if that uninvited organism lives in my gut wrecking havoc to intestinal wall, liver and kidney. The candida needs to be flushed out to near zero then get my liver and kidney back in the game again. Then it'll be a lot easier to heal hypothyroidism from that point on.

Right now I'm kinda low carb again, eating only brown rice for carbs in order to not feed candida. I've also been flushing them out with 300mg niacin + vitamin B complex + hydrogen ionized water + MSM. The die off was insane within the first week, but it lessens now. The stool also shows lots of dying candida. So I'm on the right track so far.


Jan 5, 2016
I think now that hypothyroid is the result of candida overgrowth, at least in my case. The thyroid can't get all the nutrient/hormones it needs if liver and kidney are suppressed by candida.

I can't permanently fix thyroid if that uninvited organism lives in my gut wrecking havoc to intestinal wall, liver and kidney. The candida needs to be flushed out to near zero then get my liver and kidney back in the game again. Then it'll be a lot easier to heal hypothyroidism from that point on.

Right now I'm kinda low carb again, eating only brown rice for carbs in order to not feed candida. I've also been flushing them out with 300mg niacin + vitamin B complex + hydrogen ionized water + MSM. The die off was insane within the first week, but it lessens now. The stool also shows lots of dying candida. So I'm on the right track so far.
Hi strongbad,

I thought about you when I read this, have you seen it yet? Haidut posted about niacinamide, aspirin and MB for candida in a single dose!
Niacinamide is a potent antifingal effective against Candida | Ray Peat Forum


Oct 27, 2013
It never occurred to me but my tongue coating weird (don't have it now) was noticeably improved by niacinamide. I discovered this by accident when I was taking a lot of it, ate things I shouldn't that normally made tongue coating worse and saw huge reduction and clear tongue the next morning (when it was worst) after taking niacinamide. Just occurred to me that may have a lot to do with my improvements and if one considers tongue coating related to candida, maybe there's something there to this finding.


Jun 12, 2013
It never occurred to me but my tongue coating weird (don't have it now) was noticeably improved by niacinamide. I discovered this by accident when I was taking a lot of it, ate things I shouldn't that normally made tongue coating worse and saw huge reduction and clear tongue the next morning (when it was worst) after taking niacinamide. Just occurred to me that may have a lot to do with my improvements and if one considers tongue coating related to candida, maybe there's something there to this finding.

My tongue was coated a while back, especially when I had the bronchitis. It started to go away when I took pau d'arco for several days and then went on a 5 day course of azithromycin (zpac). I got better from the brochitis. The coated tongue went away too.


Feb 12, 2015
Well, I haven't tested for any blood glucose level. But since I've been low carbing while flushing candida out for 2 weeks then I'm pretty sure it's low lolol.
Jan 24, 2014
Well, I haven't tested for any blood glucose level. But since I've been low carbing while flushing candida out for 2 weeks then I'm pretty sure it's low lolol.

It's been a couple of months since your original post, do you think that you still have insulin resistance? If so, how can you tell if it's reversed without getting tested?

How's the lower gut pain, better?


Feb 12, 2015
It's been a couple of months since your original post, do you think that you still have insulin resistance? If so, how can you tell if it's reversed without getting tested?

How's the lower gut pain, better?

Still sore and occasional pain but a lot better than the ones happening on pre-February. When candida was out of control, the flareups felt like I was being stabbed by kitchen knives over and over. Not anymore.

I just don't have the symptoms of insulin resistance anymore. I used to crave for sugary food every 3 hours. I used to feel constant hunger even after meal. I used to pee very frequently. My skin also look a lot better now, noticeably less wrinkles. I haven't drunk any alcoholic beverages since January so I haven't experienced hypoglycemia ever since.

And my hair used to shed like crazy. I was on my way on being completely bald by the end of January. That's how much hair I have lost since started Peating on February. It fed candida like crazy.

But now I still have some hair left. As a matter of fact, I shed little hair nowadays. So it seems that whatever I'm doing now puts a halt on hairloss.

I also went back to my ideal weight: 165lbs. I was 192lbs when Peating, then went down to 182lbs-ish by going fat-free diet. But once I started low carbing, the weight plummeted down to 165lbs.
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Feb 12, 2015
do you plan to stick with low carb? Are you low carb and low fat?
Most likely I'll get back to carb, but I won't be as extreme as I used to. It'll be very balanced 33% meat 33% potatoes/rice 33% green vegetables like normal people's diet lol . I'll only eat sugar/fruits during snack time but not much. I also avoid/minimize milk to avoid organ calcification since I undermethylate so much.

I'm currently on low carb, high fat high protein. Most of my meals are meat and green vegetables. No more sugar and fruits in order to starve candida.


Mar 29, 2014
But since I've been low carbing while flushing candida out for 2 weeks then I'm pretty sure it's low lolol.
You know quite a few people get hyperglycemic after low carbing for a while?
It'll be very balanced 33% meat 33% potatoes/rice 33% green vegetables like normal people's diet lol .
That doesn't sound so bad. :)


Feb 12, 2015
I can agree with this...but I don't think I ever heard an answer to my earlier questions. Of course they were posted right during the forum changeover and it took me a while to find things and I still have got caught any rate, per your undermethylation thread, is that the protocol where you take hemp oil/b6/magnesium, er something? Why not just eat some walnuts?

But really my question is this: You say the brain is filled with PUFA and we know those fats oxidize very easily, couldn't that contribute to brain problems and therefore the rest of the cascade of events? Can poor glucose regulation be due to brain inflammation from oxidized PUFA?

I actually started taking hemp oil before sleep 2 weeks ago. I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised. It works very well. Brainfog disappeared, I've been more focused and clear-minded. Mood have been pretty good, too

All the issues I encountered while low-carbing (tiredness, brainfog, brainfart, out-of-focus and moodiness) went away. It's amazing. It's similar to high-metabolism sensation from high-carbing but without the side-effects such as insulin spikes, weight gain and constant craving for sugary food.


Feb 12, 2015
I just wanted to point out that Strongbad is following my protocol, as per my undermethylation thread.
Yes, since end of January, I believe.

Kineticz has been instrumental in getting my health to full recovery. I can't thank him enough :)

The fact that the hair stops falling out like crazy is a huge improvement for me lolol


Oct 11, 2015
I had the same thing but with cod liver oil rather than hemp, it may have just been the A & D but I doubt it. It also helped with gut inflammation. I received blood tests back today and definitely have low estrogen so will probably be taking DHEA/Preg in a bit.

I'm still puzzled by the hemp oil recommendation.

1. Omega 6:3 ratios in health animals is closer to 2:1 than 4:1
2. Hemp oil has a lot of linoleic acid which has incredibly harmful metabolites. Maybe hemp oil has enough vitamin E to be ok? If it does the job great but I'm still a skeptic.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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