Estroban and Calcirol To The Temples Significantly Reduced My Hallucinations


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Jan 12, 2024
I was at Costco and couldn't believe how quiet it was while I was shopping with my father. So pleasant. It's like not eating or drinking for a while and then eating something which makes it taste even better. Normally by the time I'm in Costco roughly after 6pm the voices are brutally annoying and distracting. The last time I was at Costco I couldn't even talk much to my dad because the voices were constantly showing me visuals and talking. I was depressed, hopeless, and didn't want to leave the house after 5 again.

I still can't believe this worked. I'm still wondering how it's working. My levels of Vitamin D are 44 ng/dl. They were low many times before but at these levels I would think there would be adequate levels in the brain. I'm pretty sure it's vitamin D that's the reason behind the reduced hallucinations but maybe the other three fat soluble vitamins have something to do with it as well. 4 drops of estroban on each temple and 5 drops of calcirol on each temple. I did it three times yesterday and twice today. I had two days of peace and quiet with minor surges in hallucinations. I have hope again. This is what lowered my hallucinations the first time around but didn't know. I thought it was pyrucet and a combination of everything to the temples.

TMS and the right medication that doesn't raise prolactin levels could be what gives me full relief for now until I heal.

For anyone struggling with hallucinations give this a shot. I had all 5 hallucinations. Auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory hallucinations. I went through some brutal stuff that you wouldn't believe with the delusions I had and because of what I know about health from Ray Peat, I'm not traumatized just motivated to reach the point where it's quiet with no visuals. I recovered from tactile, olfactory, and gustatory in less than 1.5 years. I know there's a lot of young guys and girls just like me that have their whole world turned upside down. I will be posting in schizophrenia forums in the future. Just want more certainty that it works first.

I have more belief in the idea I can find a way to measure brain levels of vitamins/minerals in the future and possibly create a service that measures them to prevent diseases and optimize brain health


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Jan 12, 2024
I want to create B3, B9, B12, and vitamin C liquid drops to add to the temples. There could be another vitamin/mineral I respond strongly to that I haven't found. The B vitamins in energin don't seem to be doing much but I still do it just in case. It's not high dose like vitamin D so maybe it takes more time. Any threads or advice would be appreciated. Thanks


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Jan 12, 2024
Have some more ideas. May create and try a topical glucose solution, succinic acid, and ATP solution. You never know


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Jan 12, 2024
Unfortunately this protocol hasn't worked in the long run.

I still do it just in case but it didn't work like it once did. Could still be worth trying. Still looking for more ways to target this condition naturally. Hopefully I'll have answers later on. Once again to emphasize, my condition is purely environmental. My genes show I'm not at risk for this condition. If it's environment that caused it then it should hopefully be fixed by environmental factors. Time will tell.

Still using lyme disease protocols sublingually and to the temples dissolved in alcohol. Hopefully there is no brain Lyme. This should result in no inflammation in the brain contributing to this problem. That should allow my brain to start healing.

Btw started clozapine to reduce the hallucinations. Low dose and not much to say yet. Hoping for the best in time. Also hope that anyone who has this condition is staying strong and trying new things to improve their situation.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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