Get Better Log - King - Libido/hair Lets Go



This is probably a dumb question but you are still chewing the lengthwise carrot peels, correct? So, if One is chewing the lengthwise peels thoroughly, is it really much different than grating the carrot and eating it?

Just curious.


I guess now that you mention it, I am pretty much just swallowing the strips of carrot. It makes it easier and quicker to eat this way, especially since there is some olive or coconut oil on them. They slide right down. I don't know if it makes a difference or not. I started grating the carrots with a peeler mostly for convenience sake. Hope this helps a little.
Aug 18, 2015
What do you do for carbs or other missing nutrients? Oj shouldn't be had with beef apparently because it increases absorption of of iron.

I think you could be right about calcium. :-( what did you dio for gelatin just lamb shanjs and oxtail or land o lakes?


Mar 29, 2014
I was out at the bars the other day and some girl gave me the finger after I was talking to her, I honestly felt nothing because of so much **** I've been through, like it literally felt like nothing, I was just like okay cool, anyway moving on. There's another thing that is messed up, I keep going to the bars trying to talk to girls with feeling no libido and not feeling normal.. I feel like I am going ****ing nuts. I been doing this like every weekend.
Doesn't sound like hanging out at bars is serving you all that well at the moment. How about picking some other activity that you can do with other people instead?

that means I can go all out on thyroid
Good that your cholesterol isn't too low. I'd say it means you can consider cautious experimentation with thyroid if you are covering all your nutritional bases well. If not, more thyroid might just cause more stress.

I'll get labs again on the 29th because I ran out of money. I've been getting lab work done every single week, but it's been draining my bank account because I was trying to watch my vitamin D go up and make sure it was increasing each week and didn't go too high because I made that mistake before.
My guess is you probably don't need to get the labs so frequently. You can still monitor your temps and heart rate at not cost, and UpH at minimal cost if you want.

Can I get something to force it out of me or something???? I don't know what else to do about it. :(
Foods that irritate your gut can cause inflammation and this can slow things down. Can't remember if you tried aged cascara sagrada?
The body tends to respond to undereating with grastroparesis. If this is part of the problem, then it may well resolve within a small number of weeks once eating adequately.
Getting adequate magnesium seems to be relevant for some people.
Some people find milk constipating (and some not at all).
Hyperventilation reduces blood flow to digestive tract. Meditation and/or reduced breathing exercises in some form can help restore it.
Someone recently (sunmountain?) just reported benefit from red light on the belly helped digestion.

maybe I should start eating lamb shanks like 3x a week or something.
If you can get gelatinous joints they may give you more gelatin than the shanks.

You sound a bit stressed. Is that correct? I would focus on things that bring stress hormones down.
And meditation/relaxed breathing can help with that too.

I don't know if it's a realistic guideline, but some people say that it takes about a month of healing for every year one has been unwell. And that starts when you are actually healing. You cannot recover metabolism and health while severely undereating. So the healing only starts when you are meeting enough of your bodies needs, including protein, carbs, minerals, vitamins, carbs, calories. If you're managing that now, that's great, but if so it has only been for a fairly short time. How are your average daily calories now?

Try to quiet your mind.
You are not 50. You have plenty of time. And you don't need a girlfriend (you can approach that later) to be happy or feel normal.
You don't need a full head of hair to be confortable and confident.

Relax, build a foundation with a good diet and maybe a bit of thyroid supplement.
Start from there and keep moving forward steadily.

I reckon Brian's ideas are worth considering too.


Jun 8, 2014
What do you do for carbs or other missing nutrients? Oj shouldn't be had with beef apparently because it increases absorption of of iron.

I think you could be right about calcium. :-( what did you dio for gelatin just lamb shanjs and oxtail or land o lakes?

I would consider replacing a lot of your fruit juice with refined starch/white rice/potato. Eating this way you must strength train several times per week at a reasonable intensity and walk at least a couple miles daily as you need to maintain insulin sensitivity, but the advantage is your liver won't be as burdened and will directly supply glucose. Eventually you could go back to more fruit/juice/sugar as your main carbs, but my experience was that fructose didn't destress me as completely as starch did at first. Maybe because it's easier to add a lot of salt to starch?

Cooked green vegetables provide a significant amount of minerals. But smaller amounts of cheese or greek yogurt could be eaten without getting too carried away with the calcium.

This is just the way I went about and it worked for me. It's basically the standard bodybuilding diet, but with taking care to eat extra gelatin (I just used gelatin powder). But I wonder if one of the root issues is improving protein digestion, no matter the source, maybe I'm wrong and high calcium isn't really the problem? I have my doubts about how big an issue it is.

Undigested animal protein whether it is from milk, meat or eggs probably makes much nastier endotoxin than undigested carbs. So if you can take a large amount of HCl pills, taurine, and/or a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a meal that might be worth trying, because it sounds like you are getting clogged up with undigested animal/dairy protein. I would definitely stop liquid milk consumption though and replace it with something more condensed, such as cheese or greek yogurt, until you are sure you are producing sufficient amounts of your own stomach acid and protein enzymes.
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2013
I find it strange no one suggests monitoring your body temps and pulse.

Ray's main concept is to eat to increase the metabolic rate. Measure this with body temps and pulse first thing in the morning and after meals.

Your diet looks too heavy on fluids, not enough protein and probably not enough calories. You need to be eating enough (and the right macros for you) to consistently raise your metabolic rate.


Mar 29, 2014
I find it strange no one suggests monitoring your body temps and pulse.
My guess is you probably don't need to get the labs so frequently. You can still monitor your temps and heart rate at not cost, and UpH at minimal cost if you want.
Aug 18, 2015
sorry i didnt reply to all you guys before, my PC was broken and i was using my phone.

i'm pretty sure pufa isn't my issue. when i say i've been peating for 6 months, i've been peating since august, and i literally only eat peat style in this entire time. like i don't eat out on weekends or get drive through once a week, i literally go all out. only socially a few times i've done it, maybe 1x a month i will cheat it if i'm with friends or something.

what symptoms did you get from Methylene Blue?

raw carrots gave me gastrointestinal problems

well when i first start taking MB, i feel really good, almost too good. like a drug, like over confident. then i start coming down.. like feeling emotionless and stuff. i just feel out of it. it's really weird. i can't like guage social interactions. maybe i would do better on it with more thyroid.

@mayweatherking You sound a bit stressed. Is that correct? I would focus on things that bring stress hormones down. Like glycine, theanine and taurine.

Pretty stressed... I got the glycine covered now, I got the lamb shanks and I just bought some oxtails and they are cooked and ready, I will have them for the next 3 days as a meal. :D

have you tried P5P to lower prolactin and boost dopamine?

Yes.. I feel like ***t on P5P.. but I feel good on regular b6... it's weird......

Don't give up.
The fact that you keep trying despite all the misfortune that happened to you, already puts you above the average population at the moment.
Ive seen many old friends just "resign and accept" their particular "fate".

But I have to tell you, that you are probably contributing to your own stress a big deal.
Stressors from the diet, pollution etc can effect your mood and consciousness but it also goes the other way arround.
Try to quiet your mind.
You are not 50. You have plenty of time. And you don't need a girlfriend (you can approach that later) to be happy or feel normal.
You don't need a full head of hair to be confortable and confident.

Relax, build a foundation with a good diet and maybe a bit of thyroid supplement.
Start from there and keep moving forward steadily.


Doesn't sound like hanging out at bars is serving you all that well at the moment. How about picking some other activity that you can do with other people instead?

Good that your cholesterol isn't too low. I'd say it means you can consider cautious experimentation with thyroid if you are covering all your nutritional bases well. If not, more thyroid might just cause more stress.

My guess is you probably don't need to get the labs so frequently. You can still monitor your temps and heart rate at not cost, and UpH at minimal cost if you want.

Foods that irritate your gut can cause inflammation and this can slow things down. Can't remember if you tried aged cascara sagrada?
The body tends to respond to undereating with grastroparesis. If this is part of the problem, then it may well resolve within a small number of weeks once eating adequately.
Getting adequate magnesium seems to be relevant for some people.
Some people find milk constipating (and some not at all).
Hyperventilation reduces blood flow to digestive tract. Meditation and/or reduced breathing exercises in some form can help restore it.
Someone recently (sunmountain?) just reported benefit from red light on the belly helped digestion.

If you can get gelatinous joints they may give you more gelatin than the shanks.

And meditation/relaxed breathing can help with that too.

I don't know if it's a realistic guideline, but some people say that it takes about a month of healing for every year one has been unwell. And that starts when you are actually healing. You cannot recover metabolism and health while severely undereating. So the healing only starts when you are meeting enough of your bodies needs, including protein, carbs, minerals, vitamins, carbs, calories. If you're managing that now, that's great, but if so it has only been for a fairly short time. How are your average daily calories now?


I reckon Brian's ideas are worth considering too.

yeah magnesium seems to be huge.. i'm doig the epsum salt baths now.. hopefully they will help. average calories should be pretty high, i'll start keeping track again.

I would consider replacing a lot of your fruit juice with refined starch/white rice/potato. Eating this way you must strength train several times per week at a reasonable intensity and walk at least a couple miles daily as you need to maintain insulin sensitivity, but the advantage is your liver won't be as burdened and will directly supply glucose. Eventually you could go back to more fruit/juice/sugar as your main carbs, but my experience was that fructose didn't destress me as completely as starch did at first. Maybe because it's easier to add a lot of salt to starch?

Cooked green vegetables provide a significant amount of minerals. But smaller amounts of cheese or greek yogurt could be eaten without getting too carried away with the calcium.

This is just the way I went about and it worked for me. It's basically the standard bodybuilding diet, but with taking care to eat extra gelatin (I just used gelatin powder). But I wonder if one of the root issues is improving protein digestion, no matter the source, maybe I'm wrong and high calcium isn't really the problem? I have my doubts about how big an issue it is.

Undigested animal protein whether it is from milk, meat or eggs probably makes much nastier endotoxin than undigested carbs. So if you can take a large amount of HCl pills, taurine, and/or a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a meal that might be worth trying, because it sounds like you are getting clogged up with undigested animal/dairy protein. I would definitely stop liquid milk consumption though and replace it with something more condensed, such as cheese or greek yogurt, until you are sure you are producing sufficient amounts of your own stomach acid and protein enzymes.

i really thought i did have protein digestion problems dating back to a few years ago because i remember eating chicken and i would get very sharp pains in my testicles after doing it.. or any protein for that matter. i could only eat fish and no carbohydrates at all, or else i would get very, very sharp pains in my testicles.. that was torture, i forgot about that until you brought it up. it was so long ago too. yeah i went like 5 or 6 months no carbs.. not really out of choice, but because the pain was so bad!!

but yeah, protein i remember just made me feel spacey. i seeem to be able to digest it better now though.. albiet the hair problem.

I find it strange no one suggests monitoring your body temps and pulse.

Ray's main concept is to eat to increase the metabolic rate. Measure this with body temps and pulse first thing in the morning and after meals.

Your diet looks too heavy on fluids, not enough protein and probably not enough calories. You need to be eating enough (and the right macros for you) to consistently raise your metabolic rate.

i definetely monitor pulse and temperature and my temp is usually always about 98.6.. in fact, i felt good today, actualy really good, and my temp was around 99.4. but usually it is always at least at 98.5.

although, you know, maybe it does go lower. the thing with me is i never feel hungry really, so maybe i should monitor my temp as opposed my hunger, sometimes i will just feel weak then i will eat, but i do notice i'm not as "warm" as before.


Feb 4, 2016
Glad your feeling better.
To keep stress low finding fruits and cheese to snack on can be comforting for me.
Coconut oil or MCT can help with the common blood sugar swings and the gut regularity.
Also I've heard Peat mention bamboo shoots cooked can be great for a mild cleansing effect.
They can be great in a stir fry and they come allready cut in the can. The Danny Roddy carrot salad
Is pretty good too. Yea magnesium is magic for a lot of us.
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Aug 18, 2015
Glad your feeling better.
To keep stress low finding fruits and cheese to snack on can be comforting for me.
Coconut oil or MCT can help with the common blood sugar swings and the gut regularity.
Also I've heard Peat mention bamboo shoots cooked can be great for a mild cleansing effect.
They can be great in a stir fry and they come allready cut in the can. The Danny Roddy carrot salad
Is pretty good too. Yea magnesium is magic for a lot of us.

Cool.. yeah i did epsum salt last night food soak.. slept amazing. Except I had a dream I had cancer?? Lol wtf!! I usually don't dream so that's good.

Mr Rossi

Dec 20, 2015
Cool.. yeah i did epsum salt last night food soak.. slept amazing. Except I had a dream I had cancer?? Lol wtf!! I usually don't dream so that's good.

Great! How long and how many Epsom salt do you take?
I take Magnesium Glycinate (capsule) at night. That helps me sleep better


Feb 4, 2016
How often do you guys eat? Like every 2 or 3 hrs?
I try to get some oj and a little salt first thing when I get up to set my metabolism. Then it's at least every two hours or so.
I'm still recovering from peleo so the metabolism is still a little slugish. But it did get me off grains. But the phosphate load is way too high. Calcium and mag and potassium are crucial.
Aug 18, 2015
Great! How long and how many Epsom salt do you take?
I take Magnesium Glycinate (capsule) at night. That helps me sleep better

About 20 or 30 min.. I just dumped a bunch in and swished it around.

Altbo today im still ****88. Everyday I feel yhe itch I dk why.. mu temp is 98.5 rn. Sooo wack dude.. I want to like scream at the top of my lungs at someone I dk what else to do.

Ea tg more solid food I keep hearing.... ok...... but I can't eat vit c.......... and exercise is bad for me............

I only feel good or any kind of libido after taking wp throid.. I think that is my only hope lol.. **** dude
Aug 18, 2015
I try to get some oj and a little salt first thing when I get up to set my metabolism. Then it's at least every two hours or so.
I'm still recovering from peleo so the metabolism is still a little slugish. But it did get me off grains. But the phosphate load is way too high. Calcium and mag and potassium are crucial.

Was ur hair falling out before or now?
Aug 18, 2015
This is basically what happens.. I take wp throid.. I feel amazing and I can eat.. that lasts about an hr or two.. then it wears off then I feel shitty again. This is so ******* wack.. seriously no one take finasterise im so fucing ****88 this is so fu cv king stupid

Im about to move to mexico I think if this doesnt start workijg soon lol.. I might have to just make a ***t load of money okce my hair goes for any chance of a normal girl lol fml all this stuff just for a normal life.. this isnt normal

Anyone have ideas hmu.. im getting 4k in a week so time to buy a capnograph and blood work lol


Sep 11, 2013

First of all, please, don't take me too serious. I'm no expert, and I'm just trying to get better like you do. What I will say, is mostly what I would recommend myself if I were in your situation. I'm not sure if it will work for you, I think it would work for me.

I think whatever you do, as long as you have the stress hormones gearing through your veins like you seem to have, I think nothing is going to work. Don't expect any quick fixes, really, I strongly believe, that if you go from depressed to euphoric in a heart beat, you are probably just increasing some stress hormones. Stress hormones can make you feel good. They decrease inflammation like nothing else, they increase metabolism, they increase blood flow to your brain. But in the long run, and especially if you try to keep your stress hormones high for long periods, they will destroy your hair, your mood, your creativity, your hair and what more.

I would stop using your hair as a measurement. Because you are not going to see improvements in a day or in a week, and if you see, you are probably fooling yourself, or maybe even, I think that stress hormones can make your hair look better (temporarily). Probably because it can make the skin around the hairs look less inflamed. I'm not sure exactly, but I think I have seen this with myself (or maybe I was just fooling myself, I'm not sure).

If I were you I would especially add a whole lot of taurine (2g to 6g or maybe even more). I think this stuff is super effective, in lowering stress hormones. I would also add gelatine, theanine and aspirin. And I would use as measurement, for the coming weeks (let's make a long term plan here), your stress levels. If you are going to get sleepy from those supplements, that is a good sign! Even if your metabolism will get slower, if your heart rate decreases, I think that is a good sign as well. Because from the x amount of beats you are having every minute, at this moment, probably a good percentage is just from stress hormones.

So measure your stress levels, if you notice you are stressing, try increase maybe taurine + theanine + aspirin. Also, I think euphoric state, being super excited, hyper focused, stuff like that, also indicates stress hormones. Do things that are not stressfull, go walk outside, (or sit somewhere in nature), and enjoy sunshine, fresh air, and the beauty of nature. Notice how you are breathing, try to meditate. Do some yoga. With taurine and theanine in your veins, it is much easier to meditate and do yoga in my experience, and also must more joyful.

I would only, if you have reduced your stress hormones to the minimum, look for things like thyroid and caffeine, I think some people will disagree with that though, and maybe right fully so, but that is what my intuition tells me. Try to see what works for you.

Good luck with it, and keep posting your progress :)


Feb 4, 2016
Was ur hair falling out before or now?

Oh it was gone a long time ago. However there is new growth happening now. Now the stress is
"under control." Asprin and glycine and a good steady diet helped me. Remember to breathe deep.
I would however advise the abstaining from drinking alcohol to excess, if at all.
Alcohol causes an excess of carbon monoxide to build up. That blocks Testosterone and many other important hormones and the stress metabolism kicks in to counter it. I know its maybe more advise than you
Like. The ladies love a man who's confident and comfortable in his own skin. Even if the skin on his head doesn't presently grow much hair. Mine prefers it that way. She won't even let me grow it out.
I feel for you bro. Your in the right place now this is a great community of people who care because we've been there. The good news is you've got here before too much damage was done. All can be recovered.:happy:
Aug 18, 2015

First of all, please, don't take me too serious. I'm no expert, and I'm just trying to get better like you do. What I will say, is mostly what I would recommend myself if I were in your situation. I'm not sure if it will work for you, I think it would work for me.

I think whatever you do, as long as you have the stress hormones gearing through your veins like you seem to have, I think nothing is going to work. Don't expect any quick fixes, really, I strongly believe, that if you go from depressed to euphoric in a heart beat, you are probably just increasing some stress hormones. Stress hormones can make you feel good. They decrease inflammation like nothing else, they increase metabolism, they increase blood flow to your brain. But in the long run, and especially if you try to keep your stress hormones high for long periods, they will destroy your hair, your mood, your creativity, your hair and what more.

I would stop using your hair as a measurement. Because you are not going to see improvements in a day or in a week, and if you see, you are probably fooling yourself, or maybe even, I think that stress hormones can make your hair look better (temporarily). Probably because it can make the skin around the hairs look less inflamed. I'm not sure exactly, but I think I have seen this with myself (or maybe I was just fooling myself, I'm not sure).

If I were you I would especially add a whole lot of taurine (2g to 6g or maybe even more). I think this stuff is super effective, in lowering stress hormones. I would also add gelatine, theanine and aspirin. And I would use as measurement, for the coming weeks (let's make a long term plan here), your stress levels. If you are going to get sleepy from those supplements, that is a good sign! Even if your metabolism will get slower, if your heart rate decreases, I think that is a good sign as well. Because from the x amount of beats you are having every minute, at this moment, probably a good percentage is just from stress hormones.

So measure your stress levels, if you notice you are stressing, try increase maybe taurine + theanine + aspirin. Also, I think euphoric state, being super excited, hyper focused, stuff like that, also indicates stress hormones. Do things that are not stressfull, go walk outside, (or sit somewhere in nature), and enjoy sunshine, fresh air, and the beauty of nature. Notice how you are breathing, try to meditate. Do some yoga. With taurine and theanine in your veins, it is much easier to meditate and do yoga in my experience, and also must more joyful.

I would only, if you have reduced your stress hormones to the minimum, look for things like thyroid and caffeine, I think some people will disagree with that though, and maybe right fully so, but that is what my intuition tells me. Try to see what works for you.

Good luck with it, and keep posting your progress :)

Stress hormones can go up from thyroid? How do you know that? I feel like it is not increasing from taking thyroid, I feel it is helping. Thyroid lowers estrogen, both aspirin and thyroid lower it. It increased my temperature after taking it.

You think caffeeine will cause damage when I'm all ready damaged?

I'm doing a lot of "gelatinous" (i find this word hilarlious) cuts of meat now. I notice immediate feeling better after eating them.. I really think my 5AR is broken lol.

Maybe I should do cortisol test.. what do you think? Just to prove one way or another.

Oh it was gone a long time ago. However there is new growth happening now. Now the stress is
"under control." Asprin and glycine and a good steady diet helped me. Remember to breathe deep.
I would however advise the abstaining from drinking alcohol to excess, if at all.
Alcohol causes an excess of carbon monoxide to build up. That blocks Testosterone and many other important hormones and the stress metabolism kicks in to counter it. I know its maybe more advise than you
Like. The ladies love a man who's confident and comfortable in his own skin. Even if the skin on his head doesn't presently grow much hair. Mine prefers it that way. She won't even let me grow it out.
I feel for you bro. Your in the right place now this is a great community of people who care because we've been there. The good news is you've got here before too much damage was done. All can be recovered.:happy:

Yeah I am not drinking any alcohol right now.. that is a good one. Yeah, I hope so lol
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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