New Journal: Treatment Recommendations For Those With Muscle Trigger Points? Please Input If You Kno

Aug 18, 2015
So I recently discovered my body is incredibly locked up... and incredibly filled with trigger points all over. To the point where it is causing all kinds of havoc.. no wonder I have been unable to treat my body simply with diet recommendations. I get incredibely constipated and it is related to locked up muscles. F

My first thought and maybe yours is magnesium. That is huge, but I think my body might be wasting magnesium. I think the large carb demands of the peat diet uses it up a lot or something, I'm not sure.

I don't know if it's lack of magnesium causing it or a trigger point causing it. It seems to be the trigger point causing problems from my perspective now considering how I feel when one is released.

I can tell for a fact right now that locked up muscles are stopping the production of progesterone or blocking it's effects. I know because I've supplemented progesterone and I know how it feels when it goes up. I know how it feels when I don't have it in my body and that is basically how I felt for the greater part of 8 years. Progesterone dumping into your body feels like you are in love with someone.... no progesterone feels like you are depressed and no feelings are there

I know how I feel after some trigger points are opened in my body and I could feel the effects of progesterone coming back into contact with my body. However, it doesn't last, I need more therapy.

Right now, I am going to acupuncture once a week, but I'm bumping it to twice a week now. My acupuncturist is a pimp.. he does a form of trigger point release called dry needling as I researched what he does... he basically sticks a needle into your muscle and it releases the trigger point... it definitely works... really well.. but it does't last... or I'm re establishing the trigger point.

I think I have a trigger point inside my penis or inside my gluteus muscle or inside my pelvic floor muscles. I'm not sure. But whenever I have an orgasm the problems come back again. (thanks propecia)

I have a massage therapist that I'm going to start going to at least 3x a week as it's in my building at work. I want to try to do everyday since they are only 30 mins and right there so it's pretty convenient. I did deep tissue today for the first time and he was like, wow your entire body is locked up.

I tried emailing ray to no avail. Anyone know anything about this from a diet perspective or other stuff that works? Things I am thinking are posture, absolutely no orgasms or masturbation right now because I think it's my pelvic floor that is messed up, massages everyday, accupuncture 2x a week.

I am thinking of getting another dry needling therapist, but my accupuncturist seemed to be insulted when I brought up going to someone else. In a perfect world I almost want to do some kind of dry needling every day just to clear the trigger points as soon as possible. I really DGAF if he is insulted by it lol.. I don't have time to waste brah.

Anyone know any other therapy options? Positive thinking and clearing cortisol are huge.

My symptoms are mostly constipation that is basically holding back everything on the peat diet...... everything. IT is the final frontier of my health. It is a little crazy, but it is what it is.

I also wonder if I can get some massage therapist to do like 6 hours a day of massaging on the weekend or something lol
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Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Sodium is important. I noticed a lot less trouble with my trigger points when I increased sodium/salt intake. Being careful not to over work muscles and being careful with staying in bad postures for too long also helps. I suspect faulty breathing patterns and increasing CO2 makes a big difference as well.


Jun 9, 2016
Very quickly--something I just came across recently is the MELT method--google it for the website. It is similar to "fascial release" (which is a bit of a misnomer if you listen to any interviews with the author of the book on Youtube). Fascia is extremely important, underlooked, and underappreciated. My current theory is that it is what's responsible for many of the organism-wide effects of diets, emotions, and trauma, and is the primary "organ" in our body that allows us to stay coherent, vibrant, and whole. I'm about to start using MELT myself for some body-wide tension and low back/hip pain.

Dry needling every day seems excessive and wasteful--based on my own experience. I think that trigger points have more to do with the nervous system than the muscle itself (hence why they tend to come back). However the short-term relief sounds much needed in your case as you seek a more long term solution.

I don't know if any of these things are right for you, but it is at least good starting info from a person who's spent much time researching and experimenting with ways to relieve body pain.
Aug 18, 2015
Sodium is important. I noticed a lot less trouble with my trigger points when I increased sodium/salt intake. Being careful not to over work muscles and being careful with staying in bad postures for too long also helps. I suspect faulty breathing patterns and increasing CO2 makes a big difference as well.

it's really interesting you bring up sodium because it plays a part for sure. it's something actually i can't figure out. so get this... when i take sodium, i notice a magnesium deficient state. it's all ready happened enough but i'll take sodium, then i'll notice a trigger point start aching after doing it. then, i can take magnesium like topically and the said trigger point ache will disappear. you have any idea what is happening with that? i'm not sure if sodium is causing the magnesium to go into the cell, or the magnesium is wasted, or what is happening, or if it's turning on metabolism to feel something.
Aug 18, 2015
Very quickly--something I just came across recently is the MELT method--google it for the website. It is similar to "fascial release" (which is a bit of a misnomer if you listen to any interviews with the author of the book on Youtube). Fascia is extremely important, underlooked, and underappreciated. My current theory is that it is what's responsible for many of the organism-wide effects of diets, emotions, and trauma, and is the primary "organ" in our body that allows us to stay coherent, vibrant, and whole. I'm about to start using MELT myself for some body-wide tension and low back/hip pain.

Dry needling every day seems excessive and wasteful--based on my own experience. I think that trigger points have more to do with the nervous system than the muscle itself (hence why they tend to come back). However the short-term relief sounds much needed in your case as you seek a more long term solution.

I don't know if any of these things are right for you, but it is at least good starting info from a person who's spent much time researching and experimenting with ways to relieve body pain.

thanks... i found a class near me that starts in like 10 days for $150 and it lasts a month.. i guess i will sign up lol.. looks like the other classes are all at senior citizen centers that start sooner...........................


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
it's really interesting you bring up sodium because it plays a part for sure. it's something actually i can't figure out. so get this... when i take sodium, i notice a magnesium deficient state. it's all ready happened enough but i'll take sodium, then i'll notice a trigger point start aching after doing it. then, i can take magnesium like topically and the said trigger point ache will disappear. you have any idea what is happening with that? i'm not sure if sodium is causing the magnesium to go into the cell, or the magnesium is wasted, or what is happening, or if it's turning on metabolism to feel something.
Not sure. I haven't had to bother with supplementing magnesium when I make an effort to increase my salt intake. I also think Thyroid health and a strong oxidative metabolism is important. My Trigger points were the worst when I was low carbing.
Aug 18, 2015
Not sure. I haven't had to bother with supplementing magnesium when I make an effort to increase my salt intake. I also think Thyroid health and a strong oxidative metabolism is important. My Trigger points were the worst when I was low carbing.

yeah those are important for sure... ray sent me this email on mag and thyroid... nice guy lol... however i can't find a balance... my constipation will always get worse... i agree with low carb.... succcckkkkssssss

Yes, Jerry Aikawa, who spent a long time studying magnesium, observed that thyroid hormone is required for cells to absorb and retain it. (It binds to ATP, so it’s lost when ATP isn’t replaced quickly.) An allergist found that his patients’ symptoms disappeared when he gave them intravenous magnesium, but returned soon. He found that all the magnesium he had infused appeared in their urine in a few hours. Then he started giving them thyroid with the magnesium, and found that their urine later contained very little magnesium, and their symptoms didn’t return. I have known people who had heart pains when they started taking a little thyroid, but when they took amagnesium supplement they could use thyroid without heart symptoms.
When mast cells lack magnesium, they release inflammatory materials; when muscle cells lack magnesium, they cramp.


Jun 1, 2016
I think I have a trigger point inside my penis or inside my gluteus muscle or inside my pelvic floor muscles. I'm not sure. But whenever I have an orgasm the problems come back again. (thanks propecia)l

I highly doubt you have a trigger point inside your penis, there is very little muscle in there though your glutes will almost be a certainty.

Check out Dr Eric Cobbs work from Z-Health Performance. Your issue may not be dietary but a coordination issue. He has a neurological-based approach to human movement and how it relates to performance and pain.
Aug 18, 2015
I highly doubt you have a trigger point inside your penis, there is very little muscle in there though your glutes will almost be a certainty.

Check out Dr Eric Cobbs work from Z-Health Performance. Your issue may not be dietary but a coordination issue. He has a neurological-based approach to human movement and how it relates to performance and pain.

I experience "hard flaccid" penis.... it is basically like blood is trapped in my penis... like it is a strained muscle or something inside of it... like it doesn't fully relax all the time... can you tell me how that helped you? thanks dude.
Nov 21, 2015
I have done a tremendous amount of experimentation in this area, primarily due to cervicicogenic headaches.

I used to get muscles pain during orgasm also.

What I learned is that you need to stretch. There's absolutely no point in just treating triggerpoints. The real magic is stretching, but the trigger point release can be done first, which makes the stretching safer and more effective.

It's the repetition of fixing the trigger point and stretching that works.

Trigger points can easily be dissolved away by simply massaging them. The best resource on this is the late Claire Davies the trigger point therapy workbook, although most of Davies work is available free online in various places from people that have taken his work.

The muscle that I believe was causing my pain during orgasm was and abductor, adductor or perhaps the piriformis. Gluteus medius also.

Pretty common causes of this problem.

Also there is a trigger point that you could reach inside your anus, described by Davies. I never tried to figure out that one. But the problem is not a problem for me anymore

When I get headaches, I get extreme sensitivity in the triggerpoints, and then when the headache goes away, the triggerpoints go away. The trigger point therapy never really helped the headaches. Stretching is key though.


Mar 29, 2014
That is huge, but I think my body might be wasting magnesium. I think the large carb demands of the peat diet uses it up a lot or something,
Could be, on both points.
Thyroid hormone is necessary to retain Mg well. Salt (NaCl) can help in the short term.

I also think Thyroid health and a strong oxidative metabolism is important.
One of the symptoms of low thyroid is tight muscles - it takes energy for a muscle to relax fully. That's why the achilles tendon test was relevant.

I'd go with ecstatic's take on it - combining treatment of trigger points with stretching.
IIRC, Tyw had a post on acupuncture, if you search. If it were me, I'd probably favour massage/acupressure over acupuncture if it were effective for you.

There may be some optimal interval between vigorous trigger point release - not necessarily the more frequent the better.

And again, I wouldn't treat it as the magic bullet - multiple factors including nutrition and body work work together.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
I suspect faulty breathing patterns and increasing CO2 makes a big difference as well.
I'll second this. As far as I can tell after a few years of experimenting with different techniques, increasing CO2 is the only thing that makes a big difference for me (other than physical techniques). I've had good luck with both tons of bag breathing and with supplemental CO2 from a tank.

On the physical front I've found the articles and ebooks from PainScience to be incredibly helpful. I think they're along similar lines to the MELT stuff.

Check out Dr Eric Cobbs work from Z-Health Performance
Interesting, I've been meaning to look further into Z-Health. A lot of what I've seen so far makes me think they're working on a smarter level than what you usually get from the field.


Jun 1, 2016
I experience "hard flaccid" penis.... it is basically like blood is trapped in my penis... like it is a strained muscle or something inside of it... like it doesn't fully relax all the time... can you tell me how that helped you? thanks dude.

Basically the brain controls the body's muscle tone. The system works by the brain receiving information from your sensory organs (ie. eyes, vestibular system, Golgi tendon organ, etc.), processing that information and then sending out signals to achieve the required outcome. A fault anywhere within that can cause a faulty outcome (ie, pain, trigger points, etc.). I've had great success increasing my mobility with their drills. They can be a bit specific so it would be hard to assess via a forum.

A good starting point is just to try and teach yourself to juggle.

Sidenote: Do you have any balance issues or wear glasses?
Aug 18, 2015
I have done a tremendous amount of experimentation in this area, primarily due to cervicicogenic headaches.

I used to get muscles pain during orgasm also.

What I learned is that you need to stretch. There's absolutely no point in just treating triggerpoints. The real magic is stretching, but the trigger point release can be done first, which makes the stretching safer and more effective.

It's the repetition of fixing the trigger point and stretching that works.

Trigger points can easily be dissolved away by simply massaging them. The best resource on this is the late Claire Davies the trigger point therapy workbook, although most of Davies work is available free online in various places from people that have taken his work.

The muscle that I believe was causing my pain during orgasm was and abductor, adductor or perhaps the piriformis. Gluteus medius also.

Pretty common causes of this problem.

Also there is a trigger point that you could reach inside your anus, described by Davies. I never tried to figure out that one. But the problem is not a problem for me anymore

When I get headaches, I get extreme sensitivity in the triggerpoints, and then when the headache goes away, the triggerpoints go away. The trigger point therapy never really helped the headaches. Stretching is key though.

thanks for that. that's what my massage therapist said too.. he's like you need to stretch a lot more. maybe i'll do yoga.. what do you think?

I'll second this. As far as I can tell after a few years of experimenting with different techniques, increasing CO2 is the only thing that makes a big difference for me (other than physical techniques). I've had good luck with both tons of bag breathing and with supplemental CO2 from a tank.

On the physical front I've found the articles and ebooks from PainScience to be incredibly helpful. I think they're along similar lines to the MELT stuff.

Interesting, I've been meaning to look further into Z-Health. A lot of what I've seen so far makes me think they're working on a smarter level than what you usually get from the field.

thanks... i'm going to sign up for a melt class near me... we'll see how it goes

Basically the brain controls the body's muscle tone. The system works by the brain receiving information from your sensory organs (ie. eyes, vestibular system, Golgi tendon organ, etc.), processing that information and then sending out signals to achieve the required outcome. A fault anywhere within that can cause a faulty outcome (ie, pain, trigger points, etc.). I've had great success increasing my mobility with their drills. They can be a bit specific so it would be hard to assess via a forum.

A good starting point is just to try and teach yourself to juggle.

Sidenote: Do you have any balance issues or wear glasses?

no balance issues and no glasses.. although doc said i could get glasses if i want them for better vision..

update.. went to accupuncture again on thurs... doctor knocked out this insane tirgger point in my butt... it was like towards the top.. he said it was really deep... but after that... i could handle food way better... i mean way better. it took the pressure off my head, this crazy sinus pressure. i went to massage also today... my shoulders are locked AF.. feeling really good though after that pressure point in my butt... that thing was insane when he got it out, then he got my shoulder unlocked again. gonna be back to him on sunday... my constipation improved 10 fold since he got that piece of trigger point out... thank god something is happening here.


Jan 8, 2016
Interesting, I've been meaning to look further into Z-Health. A lot of what I've seen so far makes me think they're working on a smarter level than what you usually get from the field.
Z Health does help, altough I prefer Feldenkrais. Seems like it works on a deeper, more integrated level. Altough Z-Health in many aspects resembles Feldenkrais.
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Aug 18, 2015
ive been doing accupuncture and dry needling therapy once a week each... i just got done doing close to a 3 or 5 week i forget exactly how long, i think it was 4 of diflucan run.. i did so much that my doctor eventually stopped prescribing it to me lol, he says i need to check liver enzymes so i got that tested before he gives me more... but i think it helped me a lot. my chest fungus cleared up all the way, but i still feel good when i take it. i either feel amazing, or i feel bad, but i had an amazing BM today and one the other day, it really turned my body on.. i feel good right now. i have nystatin on the way, i also did 6 cloves of garlic last night.. i'm about to do around 10 tonight to clear endotoxin or fungus, i think it is clearing my colon because it goes through my body completely. i also ordered talked to the co2 bed guy and i will be ordering one, but i wont get it for another month.... bring it on, i will fix this.

i discovered cold milk is abolsteuly horrible for me... when i warm it in the microwave i can handle it way better, i think the coldness of it was shocking my system or something? i'm not sure what the deal is, wish i realized that like 10 months ago. i actually knew about it, i thought the cold ness had to do with it, but i never thought to do that..... i failed for close to 10 years solving this and been thinking about it everyday, doing stuff everyday for it, remembering the other side of life... i will become a billionaire once i solve this, if i can figure this out, i can do anything lol..

this is going to sound weird, but i think i can smell girls pheromones now or something? i havent been able to do this before, or maybe i have but i havent been normal since i was 19 and i'm late 20s now. it has happened a few times now, and it like completely puts me into this weird zone, i think it increases my progesterone? lol
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Aug 18, 2015
My insanity... I drink milk coffee and sugar and salt... satisifies me and I feel hungry again and my libido surges... 20 min later im hungry again... do the same thing..' this time me scalp itch and my nipples get very puffy. Welcome to my insantiy and my hair slowly progresses to nothing...' wish I could find some other sign or know why.
Nov 21, 2015
I've done a huge amount of work with trigger points. I find that working trigger points is a bit helpful, but only as a prelude to stretching. Gentle careful stretching AFTER the TP massage is the key to fixing muscle problems, in my experience.

When your CO2 is high you don't have a lot of muscle issues, and when you do, they clear up quickly and easily. But the "work the TP and stretch" is still helpful.

I also want to tell you how much red light has helped me. IMMENSELY. If I had only one "Peaty" thing I could do, it would be red light.
Aug 18, 2015
Is it because not enough mag? No I had coffee with it.. is it not enough vitamin a? Mqybe. Is it something aspirin and k will stop? No not so much. Maybe because my d is low or my cholesterol is low... or maybe it is endotozin in my gut... but I.have been doing garlic, so maybe it is not that and im fighting it.. maybe.its because I don't get enough calcium.. because calcium should regulate blood sugar and lower prolactin right... maybe... or ray would say its because im hypo.. but when I take thyroid my cholesterol shoots down.. so maybe i'm not eating enough right. .... but I should only eat when im hungry right? Well maybe but probably not because.if you.are high cortisol you need extra energy... and it is blocking hungry... maybe because im constipated... oh but.that means you are hypo and not eating enough magnesium. ... rip my soul. My.thoughts all day in a nutshell for 12months straigt... can u tell my from how I talk here.. my nipples are puffy right now. .. my.peronsality just did a 180.. please stop and.please heal.
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