Get Better Log - King - Libido/hair Lets Go

Aug 18, 2015
So I'm 6 months into Peating and this stuff still isn't solved yet. Yes, I am completely serious, this is so ridiculous, sometimes I think I will not get better and get depressed about it. Especially since my hair is getting worse and worse, I will be bald soon and I'm covering it up now. Oh and I still have no libido thanks finasteride you piece of ******* ***t drug, basically peating is the only hope I have at survival here of living a normal life, I'm 27 now, been dealing with this since I am 19, basically never could fall in love, but I went out and did pickup every night with no libido and no feeling and basically failed because I feel like a zombie at that. So I failed at business, I failed at my health, been doing it for 6 months straight, failed at love because I can't feel anything, lol guys... if I solve this I'm pretty sure I will become a billionaire or something because I don't think anyone has dealt with this type of bull**** before. I am like so numb to everything, I just don't feel anything, I just keep trying and failing like constantly.. it is sooo ridiculous. I feel like this isn't real life. MY PENIS HASNT WORKED in 8 YEARS.. I AM 27... WHAT THE HELL LOL SERIOUSLY WTF?? i think sometimes I am going crazy then I remember.. holy ***t look at this, i think other people would have killed themselves right now, at one point my **** was completely numb and went inside my body, it was like half a in long and it was having hard flaccid, like crazy high cortisol caused it or something i'm not sure. i have come so far.. yet nothing lol.. omggg this is seriously the worst thing, or mabe it's not, i have no idea.. my grip on reality is like so messed up, i can't even think of ***t rationally because of this.

I was out at the bars the other day and some girl gave me the finger after I was talking to her, I honestly felt nothing because of so much ***t I've been through, like it literally felt like nothing, I was just like okay cool, anyway moving on. There's another thing that is messed up, I keep going to the bars trying to talk to girls with feeling no libido and not feeling normal.. I feel like I am going ******* nuts. I been doing this like every weekend.

Now that I got my whining out of the way...

Here's my lastest labs from 2 weeks ago:

PROLACTIN PROLACTIN 14.4 2.0-18.0 ng/mL 01

My prolactin is so ******* annoying, it won't go the **** down. My cholesterol is high, I was soo happy to see that.. that means I can go all out on thyroid.

Honestly, the only time I feel good is after taking thyroid, wp-throid, but I've only been doing .25 grain. I started yesterday taking t3 in microdoses with meals, I think it helped. Honestly, I'm a point now where it is like **** it dude, I'm going to start upping my thyroid dose to .5 grain and maybe .75 grain a day. I don't know what else to do. I feel like ***t dude.

I took preg and DHEA, it made me feel wayyy better. I tried progesterone too, but it made me feel spacey AS ****. I couldn't even think, but girls were like looking at me and ***t, so I think it was helping me, but I still felt horrible becuase girls never really look at me, so I think it was boosting T or something, but I didn't feel a god damn thing. Maybe I needed more THYROID, but anyway, I should make progesterone and preg if my thyroid is functional so I'm going to go harder on thyroid now and not go down that route. Me and danny roddy both took finasteride, he had a bad reaction to methylene blue like me and progesterone as well. I think finasteride ****88 us somehow, made us unable to properly convert it or something.

I'll get labs again on the 29th because I ran out of money. I've been getting lab work done every single week, but it's been draining my bank account because I was trying to watch my vitamin D go up and make sure it was increasing each week and didn't go too high because I made that mistake before.

Now I'm doing...

t3 microdoses each meal (small nibble of t3)
wp-throid (bumping it to .50 tomorrow)
estroban (9 drops - 20 drops, maintaining that D level and don't want it to go too crazy, plus i'm almost out of it and almost out of money so i can't buy more right now, need to wait a week until i can buy more)
magnesium oil (makes my hair itch tho, the ****?)

my diet:
morning: beef and coke otw to work
mid morning to afternoon: 2 eggs, OJ, coffee, milk w/ sugar
when i get hungry again: cheese, milk w/ sugar, coffee, oj
home: same meal as when i get hungry again, or i will do another 2 eggs or have some beef or something with coke, just another repeat of one of the first 2 or 3 meals
then i'll do 5 mins or so of red light

1 - 2x a week: beef liver, lamb shanks, and oysters

ANYONE see something I'm missing? I swear to god I'm at work today feeling like a ******* piece of ***t thinking like.. jesus christ, I can't beleieve this is still going on, my hair is falling out a lot and I feel like so crappy that my life is like this. I NEED TO GET A GIRLFRINED AND FEEL NORMAL BEFORE I ******* BECOME 50 YEARS OLD, I CAN'T DO ANOTHER 8 YEARS LIKE THIS PLEASE WHILE I STILL HAVE A CHANCE, thanks.

I'll do a full hormone panel and redo the prolactin, D, and cholosterol on March 1st.
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Aug 18, 2015
MY biggest problem is that I need to go have more bowel movements. I always feel constipated constantly. Even when I go to the bathroom, sometimes I will have a bowel movement, but I will feel like there is more that is stuck just at the bottom and won't come out. I'll even feel it like there and it is stuck and I can't push it out all the way. :(

My stomach is always too big, looks like I'm pregnant or something, I think it's because there is too much poop stuck inside me, I swear. Even when I went home my mom was laughing when I showed here because it is so ridiculous, it made me feel bad because I don't know what to do to get it out.

Yes, I eat carrots everyday too I didn't put it in there. And thyroid helped me at first to have bowel movements, but not as much anymore. I wish I could have bowel movements, I feel so much more relaxed and normal after having them.

Can I get something to force it out of me or something???? I don't know what else to do about it. :(
Aug 18, 2015
May be worthwhile to try supplementing glycine

Since finasteride works by inhibiting 5-AR, glycine could work to restore some of that function over time.

Glycine Strongly Upregulates 5-alpha Reductase (5-ar) Activity | Ray Peat Forum

thank you. thank you. Yes, you are so right man. I had a very, very, very positive reaction to the first time I had lamb shanks. I mean, I felt like normal emotions almost. You might be on to something there... maybe I should start eating lamb shanks like 3x a week or something. I only had them once like a week and a half ago, but I remember I felt really good after. I even emailed danny roddy and I asked him why I felt so good from it.

I had land o lakes in the past, but it made me very tired, not the same reaction.

Is it okay to have them like 3x a week or maybe even more? maybe I should eat them everyday??? I think I will try that.. but they are a b**** to cook, I was cooking some tonight, but it was in teh slow cooker for around 4 hours and not done.

god man.. maybe my 5ar is permanently ****88 up... ****. :(
Aug 18, 2015
May be worthwhile to try supplementing glycine

Since finasteride works by inhibiting 5-AR, glycine could work to restore some of that function over time.

Glycine Strongly Upregulates 5-alpha Reductase (5-ar) Activity | Ray Peat Forum

You might be onto something. I just looked at foods highest in glycine, I see CHICKEN BREAST is on there. You know what, eveyrtime I'm at work, sometimes I go eat with some co workers and I've always gone to this place to get chicken and OJ as the most "peat" thing possible, but I always feel good after eating it and I never knew why, I thought it was bad for me, maybe it is the glycine in it?????


Dec 17, 2015
For the bloating, bowel movements - daily grated carrot salad with vinegar and MCT oil?
Aug 18, 2015
For the bloating, bowel movements - daily grated carrot salad with vinegar and MCT oil?

I can try MCT oil again..... I got really bad brain fog from coconut oil. I do eat baby carrots everyday like 10-15 of them. Vinegar I haven't tried, I will give it a go and report back.


Hi. You might want to up the cholesterol even more if you can (more OJ if that's possible). Also, have you tried getting your magnesium by soaking in Epsom salts? The stuff is pretty cheap and you would be amazed at how well your body takes the magnesium in. Just two cups in a warm bath (or just soak your feet) for 20 to 30 minutes. It feels great, and your constipation will go away the next day. Carrot salad does work, but it takes longer to get results. And you can do both. Good Luck.


Dec 17, 2015
Peat suggested that long longitudinal carrot fibres (like you would get from peeling a carrot lengthwise) were ideal for stimulating/brushing/cleaning the intestines.

I posted about vinegar having some anti-inflammatory effects in the gut here:

Ulcerative Colitis May Be Treatable With Vinegar | Ray Peat Forum

...and the short and medium chain chain fats in MCT oil or coconut oil may have some anti-inflammatory effects as well - a teaspoon is enough. Do what works for you though.


May 27, 2015
For the bloating, bowel movements - daily grated carrot salad with vinegar and MCT oil?

The carrot salad is surprisingly confusing, i've been doing it grated and haven't noticed much benefit, but recently began shaving it with a peeler lengthwise down the carrot, a la danny roddy, and i've noticed immediate bowel stimulation.


The carrot salad is surprisingly confusing, i've been doing it grated and haven't noticed much benefit, but recently began shaving it with a peeler lengthwise down the carrot, a la danny roddy, and i've noticed immediate bowel stimulation.

That's how I do it. It works well, and it's easier to clean up than a grater/shredder.

Mr Rossi

Dec 20, 2015
Me and danny roddy both took finasteride, he had a bad reaction to methylene blue like me and progesterone as well. I think finasteride ****ed us somehow, made us unable to properly convert it or something.

what symptoms did you get from Methylene Blue?

raw carrots gave me gastrointestinal problems
Oct 3, 2015
Don't forget the body is designed to win so don't despair. With all the good help you get here are still young....things will get better.


Sep 11, 2013
@mayweatherking You sound a bit stressed. Is that correct? I would focus on things that bring stress hormones down. Like glycine, theanine and taurine.


New Member
Nov 3, 2015
That's how I do it. It works well, and it's easier to clean up than a grater/shredder.

This is probably a dumb question but you are still chewing the lengthwise carrot peels, correct? So, if One is chewing the lengthwise peels thoroughly, is it really much different than grating the carrot and eating it?

Just curious.



Don't give up.
The fact that you keep trying despite all the misfortune that happened to you, already puts you above the average population at the moment.
Ive seen many old friends just "resign and accept" their particular "fate".

But I have to tell you, that you are probably contributing to your own stress a big deal.
Stressors from the diet, pollution etc can effect your mood and consciousness but it also goes the other way arround.
Try to quiet your mind.
You are not 50. You have plenty of time. And you don't need a girlfriend (you can approach that later) to be happy or feel normal.
You don't need a full head of hair to be confortable and confident.

Relax, build a foundation with a good diet and maybe a bit of thyroid supplement.
Start from there and keep moving forward steadily.


Jun 8, 2014
I'm not convinced that a milk and sugar staple (Danny Roddy style) is an effective way to jumpstart your metabolism in many cases. It can be an optimal staple once metabolic rate and digestion are good, but I think if it's not working within a couple of months it's not going to ever work.

I'm not exactly sure what the reason is, but I suspect it has to do with liver function, low stomach acid, protein enzymes, and possibly intracellular magnesium, and zinc being too low.

My experience was that a diet more centered on beef + gelatin, cooked green vegetables, eggs, starch, and supplemental magnesium quickly rebooted my steroid production. Something that milk + sucrose/fructose/juice as a staple was not capable of doing for me.

I think the issue may mostly be just liquid milk. As greek yogurt seems to digest much better, but still my best results were clearly with beef + gelatin as my main protein.

Now that my metabolism has improved I can tolerate milk/greek yogurt as a staple and now eat very little beef.

I think we who have observed this community for a year plus have seen clearly that milk as a staple does not bring results for many people no matter what else they try with adding thyroid or other supplements.

To help nudge your body in the right direction I think that weightlifting, being outdoors and lots of sunlight are crucial. So make sure not to neglect those either.

Another possible solution is taking lots of HCl with meals, but I also suspect that magnesium and zinc are more thyroid stimulating than calcium at first anyways. The way I see it magnesium and zinc are like kindling and calcium like a log. The log isn't going to feed the fire until you have a solid flame going created from the kindling.
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