I accepted GOD


Feb 16, 2021
dont take this as any preaching, I am super lost myself in life and in no position to lead anyone. This is my first ever spiritual experience so i thought i would share. Every thing i say is just how i interpret god for myself, but the concept is different for everyone

I have been led by great men. My father, My brother, My friends, and my idols have always kept me level headed, humble, disciplined and pushed me into the right direction. Now that I have been away from home and isolated for almost a year I have a deeper understanding of this.

I think it is impossible for men to become great without proper guidance. Modern society is making us weak. young guys (like myself) are being guided by social media, propaganda, and most importantly we have no purpose. Why does it seem like there are less great men? Society doesnt create them, according to society they are useless In previous generations men needed to fight, provide, and compete; they needed to be strong. We built and raised people to be strong in the past, but now we are building them to be weak. We are so afraid of suffering that many people find it easier to change the world than to change themselves.

I see many guys who get stepped on. manipulated by females, and so lost in life. It makes perfect sense; we are guided my social media and influenced by false prophets.

I never been religious but recently I was thinking about spirituality. God is the embodiement of purpose and guidance. I never needed a god so i rejected him, since I never lacked purpose and always had people to guide me. God is hope and love, assurance that you can succeed and will be loved no matter how many times you fail. Its why people find god when they need him the most. Its also why atheism is climbing, we feel like we dont need purpose and guidance anymore.

After rock bottom, I too have accepted the concept of god. To worship the embodiement of the values I want myself to have, and to believe and have hope in myself. I accept that I am weak and need guidance, the world is dangerous and full of sin. I accept that I need to devote myself to a higher power, and submit to that to guide me.

The god I have chosen to represent my virtues is helios. Not because I believe he exists in the traditional sense, but he is the closest interpretation of the god i want to lead me. As a man without much knowledge, its easiest for me to approach it like this. By chosing to worship helios I chose to follow the great men of rhodes and be led in the same way, and to be part of something bigger. I feel we created the traditional concept of GOD to form communities, spread our message and to love each other, and help other people realise it aswell.

In the end there is no "god". God is an abstract concept, and accepting that you will be guided and given purpose by something bigger. By worshipping helios I am not worshipping helios, I am worshipping myself. Worshipping the part of me which I visualize as a god (since I accepted that part of me to lead me). God is in each and every one of us. God loves us and keeps us safe, he builds us up and gives us purpose.

I think each and every god is real. did jesus really die on the cross for us? did helios ride in a golden chariot? Does it matter? The love, community, belonging and hope they have given is testimony to the fact that they exist. I love you and respect all your religions :)


Jan 6, 2019
You are embarking on the greatest and longest journey life has to offer. To seek God, to align yourself with truth, to struggle for righteousness... there is no goal more worthy than these. I wish you the best in your pursuit, may it bring you the most ultimate good.

By worshipping helios I am not worshipping helios, I am worshipping myself.
This is a semantically tricky expression with potentially hazardous connotations, so apologies if I'm misinterpreting you, but consider this: either you worship 'who you are', or you put an end to 'who you are' in order to worship something 'who is you (and more)'. i.e. God. There is a difference between the tree being the leaves and the leaves being the tree, and likewise, there is a difference between you being God, and God being you. At all times be mindful of this distinction. It will be immensely crucial, lest you fall for the God delusion: "I am the ocean", declares the droplet of water.

I think each and every god is real. did jesus really die on the cross for us? did helios ride in a golden chariot? Does it matter?
If they're real, then surely it matters? Is there anything that is real that doesn't matter? In the end, only untrue things don't matter! Isn't it so? So rather than letting yourself off so easily, demand a more precise answer to the question: what is true and what is not? For the answer to this will also answer what matters and what does not.


Feb 16, 2021
This is a semantically tricky expression with potentially hazardous connotations, so apologies if I'm misinterpreting you, but consider this: either you worship 'who you are', or you put an end to 'who you are' in order to worship something 'who is you (and more)'. i.e. God. There is a difference between the tree being the leaves and the leaves being the tree, and likewise, there is a difference between you being God, and God being you. At all times be mindful of this distinction. It will be immensely crucial, lest you fall for the God delusion: "I am the ocean", declares the droplet of water.
You speak eloquently, I wish I was as capable in expressing myself as you are. Honestly its an extremely hard topic for me to talk about, since I have never been spiritual before at all. It feels like my brain cant make connections. I chose to worship the part of me who is more than just me. As you said I am a droplet in the ocean.

I wanted to express that I disagree with the traditional thinking that God is an external entity. I think god is in each of us. Since I believe god is in each of us, I think it doesnt matter what description/personification/religion we use to describe our submission and worship to this entity or thing. The act of accepting that anything is bigger than us itself, but that we are part of it and connects us all together is ultimatly accepting god. So basically the god you worship is the medium you worship yourself? if that makes any sense. Ultimately if god is within us, it doesnt matter which deity you chose to represent god.

Going by that thinking, it doesnt matter which god I worship. So I chose helios to represent my discipline and submission to a greater being since his values resonate with me. This is what I wanted to express. I put these values above myself, and worship and am submissive to them. There is god inside of me, just as there is in everyone else.

If they're real, then surely it matters? Is there anything that is real that doesn't matter? In the end, only untrue things don't matter! Isn't it so? So rather than letting yourself off so easily, demand a more precise answer to the question: what is true and what is not? For the answer to this will also answer what matters and what does not.
Which brings me to my other belief, or why I chose helios. If we are being completely honest and rational, isnt it pretty much confirmed that none of it actually happened? but If someone in poverty finds hope and safety believing in god and heaven, does it matter if the stories and prayers they are told actually happened? the purpose of the stories was to give hope, which It did. the emotion is real, does it matter if the story which made you feel that real emotion is also real? Its a very hard question for me to even begin to comprehend.


Your approach seems well-considered and very similar to what I’m approaching for myself. So long as you continue to give as much thought and reflection to your choices life... you’ll be fine.

Just a thought that I’ve been considering for myself... watch out for the literalists. Listening to and patterning after stories of old that have been passed down is one thing - taking them literally, without proof is another. It is my belief that our lives are struggling too much to adapt to a rudderless existence (atheism), but that doesn’t mean we need anything more than just remaining grounded by the stories and lessons of human existence. If we can find a balance between truth requiring proof (science) and the contemplation of existential questions (spirituality)... our future will be limitless.

That’s not to say that individuals cannot hope for aspects of their beliefs to be literally true. We just can’t get caught up in the “us vs them” that is brings. Different cultures and beliefs are fine, but bridging gaps between likeminded people is crucial.

Have you read or watched any of Dr Jordan Peterson? He is very much up your alley.


Sep 12, 2015
dont take this as any preaching, I am super lost myself in life and in no position to lead anyone. This is my first ever spiritual experience so i thought i would share. Every thing i say is just how i interpret god for myself, but the concept is different for everyone

I have been led by great men. My father, My brother, My friends, and my idols have always kept me level headed, humble, disciplined and pushed me into the right direction. Now that I have been away from home and isolated for almost a year I have a deeper understanding of this.

I think it is impossible for men to become great without proper guidance. Modern society is making us weak. young guys (like myself) are being guided by social media, propaganda, and most importantly we have no purpose. Why does it seem like there are less great men? Society doesnt create them, according to society they are useless In previous generations men needed to fight, provide, and compete; they needed to be strong. We built and raised people to be strong in the past, but now we are building them to be weak. We are so afraid of suffering that many people find it easier to change the world than to change themselves.

I see many guys who get stepped on. manipulated by females, and so lost in life. It makes perfect sense; we are guided my social media and influenced by false prophets.

I never been religious but recently I was thinking about spirituality. God is the embodiement of purpose and guidance. I never needed a god so i rejected him, since I never lacked purpose and always had people to guide me. God is hope and love, assurance that you can succeed and will be loved no matter how many times you fail. Its why people find god when they need him the most. Its also why atheism is climbing, we feel like we dont need purpose and guidance anymore.

After rock bottom, I too have accepted the concept of god. To worship the embodiement of the values I want myself to have, and to believe and have hope in myself. I accept that I am weak and need guidance, the world is dangerous and full of sin. I accept that I need to devote myself to a higher power, and submit to that to guide me.

The god I have chosen to represent my virtues is helios. Not because I believe he exists in the traditional sense, but he is the closest interpretation of the god i want to lead me. As a man without much knowledge, its easiest for me to approach it like this. By chosing to worship helios I chose to follow the great men of rhodes and be led in the same way, and to be part of something bigger. I feel we created the traditional concept of GOD to form communities, spread our message and to love each other, and help other people realise it aswell.

In the end there is no "god". God is an abstract concept, and accepting that you will be guided and given purpose by something bigger. By worshipping helios I am not worshipping helios, I am worshipping myself. Worshipping the part of me which I visualize as a god (since I accepted that part of me to lead me). God is in each and every one of us. God loves us and keeps us safe, he builds us up and gives us purpose.

I think each and every god is real. did jesus really die on the cross for us? did helios ride in a golden chariot? Does it matter? The love, community, belonging and hope they have given is testimony to the fact that they exist. I love you and respect all your religions :)
I hope no one will be misled by your lies and follow you into hell. God is real, and his name is Jesus Christ: believe on him, or perish.


Sep 10, 2020
I hope no one will be misled by your lies and follow you into hell. God is real, and his name is Jesus Christ: believe on him, or perish.

There are gonna be a lot of Eskimos (or other cultures unaware of the Christian god) perishing in hell with that logic. Does that seem fair?


There are gonna be a lot of Eskimos (or other cultures unaware of the Christian god) perishing in hell with that logic. Does that seem fair?
Exactly. I’ve never understood this. I was raised Mormon and at least they had a reasonable explanation for this... those who missed were given a chance in the after life to learn and accept it all. At least they don’t condemn people to hell.

But Ras has given a perfect example of the literalist I mentioned above. The irony being that if we were to follow people like this we will also be following them to hell... just a hell here on earth instead.
Jun 16, 2017
Someone know Ray peat is a religious man or a atheist?
As I see Ray, he doesn't believe in an entity separated from the universe and which controls it in a metaphysical way. He seems to be more favorable to a materialistic view of the world, but emphasizing how the universe( matter) itself has coherence as an essential property, and how we are part a whole. I didn't hear him saying it, but I think it would be akin to believing that the entire universe is god. A self- organizing system/ entity, always moving forward and always changing and improving, with every life form playing a role in this improvement.


Jun 23, 2017
dont take this as any preaching, I am super lost myself in life and in no position to lead anyone. This is my first ever spiritual experience so i thought i would share. Every thing i say is just how i interpret god for myself, but the concept is different for everyone

I have been led by great men. My father, My brother, My friends, and my idols have always kept me level headed, humble, disciplined and pushed me into the right direction. Now that I have been away from home and isolated for almost a year I have a deeper understanding of this.

I think it is impossible for men to become great without proper guidance. Modern society is making us weak. young guys (like myself) are being guided by social media, propaganda, and most importantly we have no purpose. Why does it seem like there are less great men? Society doesnt create them, according to society they are useless In previous generations men needed to fight, provide, and compete; they needed to be strong. We built and raised people to be strong in the past, but now we are building them to be weak. We are so afraid of suffering that many people find it easier to change the world than to change themselves.

I see many guys who get stepped on. manipulated by females, and so lost in life. It makes perfect sense; we are guided my social media and influenced by false prophets.

I never been religious but recently I was thinking about spirituality. God is the embodiement of purpose and guidance. I never needed a god so i rejected him, since I never lacked purpose and always had people to guide me. God is hope and love, assurance that you can succeed and will be loved no matter how many times you fail. Its why people find god when they need him the most. Its also why atheism is climbing, we feel like we dont need purpose and guidance anymore.

After rock bottom, I too have accepted the concept of god. To worship the embodiement of the values I want myself to have, and to believe and have hope in myself. I accept that I am weak and need guidance, the world is dangerous and full of sin. I accept that I need to devote myself to a higher power, and submit to that to guide me.

The god I have chosen to represent my virtues is helios. Not because I believe he exists in the traditional sense, but he is the closest interpretation of the god i want to lead me. As a man without much knowledge, its easiest for me to approach it like this. By chosing to worship helios I chose to follow the great men of rhodes and be led in the same way, and to be part of something bigger. I feel we created the traditional concept of GOD to form communities, spread our message and to love each other, and help other people realise it aswell.

In the end there is no "god". God is an abstract concept, and accepting that you will be guided and given purpose by something bigger. By worshipping helios I am not worshipping helios, I am worshipping myself. Worshipping the part of me which I visualize as a god (since I accepted that part of me to lead me). God is in each and every one of us. God loves us and keeps us safe, he builds us up and gives us purpose.

I think each and every god is real. did jesus really die on the cross for us? did helios ride in a golden chariot? Does it matter? The love, community, belonging and hope they have given is testimony to the fact that they exist. I love you and respect all your religions :)
"Not because I believe he exists"

Seems like a contradiction.

"did jesus really die on the cross for us?"

Wouldn't it be better to just investigate the evidence for yourself?


Aug 6, 2017
What you wrote resonates with me greatly. What made me switch from aagnosism to a spiritual way of seeing things was that i was exposed to a philosophy that can be justified (instead of religious dogma that is based on blind belief). Even when there are similarities in the methods, belief is just not something for me. As i saw dr. kastrup's doctoral dissertation on idealism i realized that my previous slight agnostic leaning was actually the justifiable outlook in life, and the rest came naturally as i started studying the philosophy of advaita.

I still do not believe in a deity as religions ahve it, so i guess i'm still agnostic. But if you take the philosophical perspective on things then i can say i believe in god. Or know god.


Jun 23, 2017
Exactly. I’ve never understood this. I was raised Mormon and at least they had a reasonable explanation for this... those who missed were given a chance in the after life to learn and accept it all. At least they don’t condemn people to hell.

But Ras has given a perfect example of the literalist I mentioned above. The irony being that if we were to follow people like this we will also be following them to hell... just a hell here on earth instead.
That's because that's not given from a premise that God exists. The Bible operates from the premise that God exists and has appeared to men and can appear to men and is just. The truth regardless of the fact is that men hardly want anything to do with God because that exposes exactly what they tend to do when left to themselves. If God does exist then necessarily that God is inexpressibly Holy by means of mans will alone and so it is therefor necessary for that God to express Himself as so. The inevitable clash that plays out is the New Testament and as well the Old Testament. Can God appear to people? He does all the time who are in completely opposite religions but does He do that more than the spread of the Gospel probably not and do most people want anything to do with Jesus even if He does appear? Not likely. Probably thw reason for the rarity as God doesn't venture to do the pointless things because that would completely contradict the premise that a God exists.


Dec 8, 2016
dont take this as any preaching, I am super lost myself in life and in no position to lead anyone. This is my first ever spiritual experience so i thought i would share. Every thing i say is just how i interpret god for myself, but the concept is different for everyone

I have been led by great men. My father, My brother, My friends, and my idols have always kept me level headed, humble, disciplined and pushed me into the right direction. Now that I have been away from home and isolated for almost a year I have a deeper understanding of this.

I think it is impossible for men to become great without proper guidance. Modern society is making us weak. young guys (like myself) are being guided by social media, propaganda, and most importantly we have no purpose. Why does it seem like there are less great men? Society doesnt create them, according to society they are useless In previous generations men needed to fight, provide, and compete; they needed to be strong. We built and raised people to be strong in the past, but now we are building them to be weak. We are so afraid of suffering that many people find it easier to change the world than to change themselves.

I see many guys who get stepped on. manipulated by females, and so lost in life. It makes perfect sense; we are guided my social media and influenced by false prophets.

I never been religious but recently I was thinking about spirituality. God is the embodiement of purpose and guidance. I never needed a god so i rejected him, since I never lacked purpose and always had people to guide me. God is hope and love, assurance that you can succeed and will be loved no matter how many times you fail. Its why people find god when they need him the most. Its also why atheism is climbing, we feel like we dont need purpose and guidance anymore.

After rock bottom, I too have accepted the concept of god. To worship the embodiement of the values I want myself to have, and to believe and have hope in myself. I accept that I am weak and need guidance, the world is dangerous and full of sin. I accept that I need to devote myself to a higher power, and submit to that to guide me.

The god I have chosen to represent my virtues is helios. Not because I believe he exists in the traditional sense, but he is the closest interpretation of the god i want to lead me. As a man without much knowledge, its easiest for me to approach it like this. By chosing to worship helios I chose to follow the great men of rhodes and be led in the same way, and to be part of something bigger. I feel we created the traditional concept of GOD to form communities, spread our message and to love each other, and help other people realise it aswell.

In the end there is no "god". God is an abstract concept, and accepting that you will be guided and given purpose by something bigger. By worshipping helios I am not worshipping helios, I am worshipping myself. Worshipping the part of me which I visualize as a god (since I accepted that part of me to lead me). God is in each and every one of us. God loves us and keeps us safe, he builds us up and gives us purpose.

I think each and every god is real. did jesus really die on the cross for us? did helios ride in a golden chariot? Does it matter? The love, community, belonging and hope they have given is testimony to the fact that they exist. I love you and respect all your religions :)
Good for you.
We are all on a journey of getting closer to or further away from God aren’t we?

Have you asked Him?
Meaning asked God.

Have you asked Him for help to believe? To have faith like a child?
(You are His child you know; He’d love to hear from you)

Its not about understanding as much as it is about accepting- as you said.

As for me- God is more real to me than 99% of my earthly relationships.
I talk to Him. He talks to me. He keeps me.
I know Him. He knows me.

It hasn’t always been this way.
I remember the days of seeking as you are.
They were hard days.
And nothing made sense until I asked Him to save me.
And that He did.


Jan 6, 2019
You speak eloquently, I wish I was as capable in expressing myself as you are. Honestly its an extremely hard topic for me to talk about, since I have never been spiritual before at all. It feels like my brain cant make connections. I chose to worship the part of me who is more than just me. As you said I am a droplet in the ocean.

I wanted to express that I disagree with the traditional thinking that God is an external entity. I think god is in each of us. Since I believe god is in each of us, I think it doesnt matter what description/personification/religion we use to describe our submission and worship to this entity or thing. The act of accepting that anything is bigger than us itself, but that we are part of it and connects us all together is ultimatly accepting god. So basically the god you worship is the medium you worship yourself? if that makes any sense. Ultimately if god is within us, it doesnt matter which deity you chose to represent god.

Going by that thinking, it doesnt matter which god I worship. So I chose helios to represent my discipline and submission to a greater being since his values resonate with me. This is what I wanted to express. I put these values above myself, and worship and am submissive to them. There is god inside of me, just as there is in everyone else.

Which brings me to my other belief, or why I chose helios. If we are being completely honest and rational, isnt it pretty much confirmed that none of it actually happened? but If someone in poverty finds hope and safety believing in god and heaven, does it matter if the stories and prayers they are told actually happened? the purpose of the stories was to give hope, which It did. the emotion is real, does it matter if the story which made you feel that real emotion is also real? Its a very hard question for me to even begin to comprehend.
Thank you. There are many things I'd like to be good at, yet have never become so in spite of trying. Writing I never cared to excel at, yet for some reason I do.

Though you admit to being new to spiritual matters, you demonstrate intuitive understanding of mysticism. The link to something greater than ourselves does indeed reside within us, even if this greater-than-us itself as a whole does not. Eventually we may become so fully absorbed in this greatness which exists beyond us that we no longer exist as individual beings. Instead, this greater-than-us would then live through us.

Due to the experiential nature of this aforementioned link, faith is something that we have to live true in each moment, rather than merely think or talk about. Thus it could be said that the Truth of God is an experience more so than an abstraction. There are many who talk about God, spiritual matters, what you should and should not do, but seek no personal relationship with God. The one who seeks such relationship is immensely better off than the former kind of people, even if the one knew absolutely nothing about spiritual matters. Ignorance of mind is not a sin, it's ignorance of heart that is.

Feel no pressure to be able to answer everything straight away. The best you can do is to pray for guidance and be patient and earnest. Ask not only for answers, but the ability to form the correct questions too, for the quality of a question will influence the quality of the answer.

I hope no one will be misled by your lies and follow you into hell. God is real, and his name is Jesus Christ: believe on him, or perish.
The path to Christ is rarely linear, Ras. Jesus himself came to those who were lost, rather than those who had already found their way home. Are you the one to condemn an honest seeker who may, by the grace of the Spirit, be unwittingly following the very path God has designed for them so that they could, by trial and error, eventually come to understand Truth in all its glory? You have all the reason to be delighted that OP is embarking on this journey, because it reveals that there is a burning hunger for truth in OP. And should anyone seek the truth, they would find it! This is the promise of Jesus! Is it not so?


Sep 12, 2015
The path to Christ is rarely linear, Ras. Jesus himself came to those who were lost, rather than those who had already found their way home. Are you the one to condemn an honest seeker who may, by the grace of the Spirit, be unwittingly following the very path God has designed for them so that they could, by trial and error, eventually come to understand Truth in all its glory? You have all the reason to be delighted that OP is embarking on this journey, because it reveals that there is a burning hunger for truth in OP. And should anyone seek the truth, they would find it! This is the promise of Jesus! Is it not so?
John 3:18-19
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

I don't know if vetbusd will ever have eternal life, but I know he doesn't have it right now.


Sep 10, 2020
Good for you.
We are all on a journey of getting closer to or further away from God aren’t we?

Have you asked Him?
Meaning asked God.

Have you asked Him for help to believe? To have faith like a child?
(You are His child you know; He’d love to hear from you)

Its not about understanding as much as it is about accepting- as you said.

As for me- God is more real to me than 99% of my earthly relationships.
I talk to Him. He talks to me. He keeps me.
I know Him. He knows me.

It hasn’t always been this way.
I remember the days of seeking as you are.
They were hard days.
And nothing made sense until I asked Him to save me.
And that He did.

How would you explain this communication with god? Do you mean the Christian god specifically? I’m always intrigued when people say this.


Feb 13, 2016
Men are "stepped on" by women because they are lazier than women in current times. Laziness = lack of heat production, that's why pre-menopausal female body temperature is higher by .5 degrees than male currently, when it used to be more equal in the past.

Female body temp tends in be steady in all environments, whereas Male rises in good environments and falls in bad ones.


Dec 8, 2016
How would you explain this communication with god? Do you mean the Christian god specifically? I’m always intrigued when people say this.
Yes. I mean the Christian God.

ive never been asked this before; or to try to explain it. So bear with me.
im never good with words.

The obvious way to hear Him is of course through the Bible. But I know many a believer that its just words vs being alive.
its alive to me.

But how I hear Him primarily is through relationship.

Are you close to your mom? Like really close?
Can you know her support, her affection, her unconditional love of you from afar?
Can you just text her and shes there? Call her and she picks up? Hear her voice in your heart and head because of how she has poured into you and has loved you as a parent?

So my communication with God, because of his Holy Spirit, is constant and within me. Because as a believer- Jesus is within me now due to salvation.

(intimacy... into me you see...)

ill add that suffering has strengthened our relationship. My intimacy with him is deep because of suffering and trusting.

it sounds confusing and woo-woo.
its simply a relationship.
very rarely an audible voice (maybe twice); simply an assurance.
A part of me.
A knowing.

It’s great.


Apr 15, 2020
dont take this as any preaching, I am super lost myself in life and in no position to lead anyone. This is my first ever spiritual experience so i thought i would share. Every thing i say is just how i interpret god for myself, but the concept is different for everyone

I have been led by great men. My father, My brother, My friends, and my idols have always kept me level headed, humble, disciplined and pushed me into the right direction. Now that I have been away from home and isolated for almost a year I have a deeper understanding of this.

I think it is impossible for men to become great without proper guidance. Modern society is making us weak. young guys (like myself) are being guided by social media, propaganda, and most importantly we have no purpose. Why does it seem like there are less great men? Society doesnt create them, according to society they are useless In previous generations men needed to fight, provide, and compete; they needed to be strong. We built and raised people to be strong in the past, but now we are building them to be weak. We are so afraid of suffering that many people find it easier to change the world than to change themselves.

I see many guys who get stepped on. manipulated by females, and so lost in life. It makes perfect sense; we are guided my social media and influenced by false prophets.

I never been religious but recently I was thinking about spirituality. God is the embodiement of purpose and guidance. I never needed a god so i rejected him, since I never lacked purpose and always had people to guide me. God is hope and love, assurance that you can succeed and will be loved no matter how many times you fail. Its why people find god when they need him the most. Its also why atheism is climbing, we feel like we dont need purpose and guidance anymore.

After rock bottom, I too have accepted the concept of god. To worship the embodiement of the values I want myself to have, and to believe and have hope in myself. I accept that I am weak and need guidance, the world is dangerous and full of sin. I accept that I need to devote myself to a higher power, and submit to that to guide me.

The god I have chosen to represent my virtues is helios. Not because I believe he exists in the traditional sense, but he is the closest interpretation of the god i want to lead me. As a man without much knowledge, its easiest for me to approach it like this. By chosing to worship helios I chose to follow the great men of rhodes and be led in the same way, and to be part of something bigger. I feel we created the traditional concept of GOD to form communities, spread our message and to love each other, and help other people realise it aswell.

In the end there is no "god". God is an abstract concept, and accepting that you will be guided and given purpose by something bigger. By worshipping helios I am not worshipping helios, I am worshipping myself. Worshipping the part of me which I visualize as a god (since I accepted that part of me to lead me). God is in each and every one of us. God loves us and keeps us safe, he builds us up and gives us purpose.

I think each and every god is real. did jesus really die on the cross for us? did helios ride in a golden chariot? Does it matter? The love, community, belonging and hope they have given is testimony to the fact that they exist. I love you and respect all your religions :)
Hey you don't worship yourself... you are not worshiping any God.
I recommend checking out John Butler on YouTube (not the musician)
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