Potatoes are in the same family as ashwaganda


Jun 15, 2022
United States
I think it’s the soluble fiber. Sweet potatoes are the absolute worst. Crushing fatigue and feel borderline autistic. Milk only usually alleviates the mental fog probably due to lack of fermentation but also causes other problems for me.
I have some issues with Potatoes now a days too. And beans if I ever eat them. But I never used to have these issues even 3 years ago. I attribute a lot of the issues going on to what they are constantly poisoning us with in the skies. If you do your research, sulfur dioxide and aluminum we are constantly being bombarded with. That's why I started incorporating some molybdenum (helps remove sulfites and other acetalydehyde from the body) and orthosilici acid. If you live in a western country you are inhaling this EVERY time you go outside. A lot of people I know have health issues they didn't have before Covid, and they think it is something they are eating. The food might be more toxic now too.


Mar 27, 2021
I have some issues with Potatoes now a days too. And beans if I ever eat them. But I never used to have these issues even 3 years ago. I attribute a lot of the issues going on to what they are constantly poisoning us with in the skies. If you do your research, sulfur dioxide and aluminum we are constantly being bombarded with. That's why I started incorporating some molybdenum (helps remove sulfites and other acetalydehyde from the body) and orthosilici acid. If you live in a western country you are inhaling this EVERY time you go outside. A lot of people I know have health issues they didn't have before Covid, and they think it is something they are eating. The food might be more toxic now too.
That could definitely be possible. Personally my digestion has been very problematic ever since my appendix was removed when I turned 16. Can no longer tolerate lots of foods, including beef.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I've seen many people on this forum say that potatoes kill their libido, some others have said that potatoes give them suicidal thoughts and all sorts of weird things like this.
But think about this:

Ginger is a root (serotonergic)
Ashwaganda is a root (serotonergic)

You know what else is a root? Potatoes.

Most, if not all root vegetables have androgenic/serotonergic compounds that tend to mess with hormones and the brain, I never understood why this forum promotes "root vegetables" as the secondary carb source after fruit and milk, like it's way superior to grains. It's not, and root vegetables are probably even worse for you because of their tendency to contain serotonergic compounds,

Falcarinol is a serotonergic compound found inside parsnip, which is another root vegetable. Who would've known?

But there's more, potatoes contain solanine, and I found this mini article going through the symptoms of solanine poisioning/sensitivity Solanine - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

It lists drowsiness and apathy as a symptom of solanine poisoning, solanine is also a steroid, and from my understanding the effect it has on humans is very serotonergic.
There was another hidden article link that talked about "Loss of libido" also being a symptom of solanine toxicity, which will of course occur in people who are sensitive to it.

There was also another story of a boy who became really aggressive and violent after consuming potatoes Potatoes can make you miserable and destroy your quality of life

They said "He was transformed into a hyperactive little horror" after being given a bag of chips, and he returned to normal after the potato was avoided.
"Awkwardness, misbehaviour, and refusal to go to bed" are also massive symptoms of high serotonin.

I also remember, when I was eating potatoes as my primary carb source, I would have major outbursts with my parents and get into lots of arguments during that time, I observed the effect potatoes have on people's behaviour in real life because I was very interested:

What I found was that 2 other people in my family reacted in a negative way to potatoes. My brother was calm, sitting down once, he opened a bag of chips, finished it in front of me. Right after he gets his beard shaver and starts annoying me with it, pretending he was trying to shave my face off, keep in mind he was sitting down all calm and straight-faced prior to this. His behaviour transformed instantly right after eating it.

Then I observed this in my mom, she was all calm and happy and ready to eat, she finished a meal with potatoes and right after she was so angry for no reason, and she is usually calm and controls her anger easily, this time she felt like she had no control, her outlook changed fully after the meal, she was talking about she was doing housework all the time and she's gonna die if this keeps going on.

I never would've thought that a simple food like potatoes could change behaviour in humans, especially people who don't have a known allergy to the food. I want you guys to observe your thought patterns and behaviour after a meal with potatoes and tell me how you feel after, I'm basically on some kind of mini observation. I'm diving into root vegetables and the disgusting compounds they contain.
Potatoes and ashwaganda and other notables like tobacco, tomatoe, eggplant, peppers, etc., belong to nightshade family. Acetylcholine is the implicated neurotransmitter

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Not sure about ginger and serotonin:
Many say that ginger increases serotonin, but does it, and where? Apparently, it is an antagonist in the gut, re: serotonin.


Apr 26, 2018
I can feel the depression increasing in my mouth as I chew the potatoes, even when I don't swallow them, it feels like anger is going inside me. So hard to describe the feeling.

It's like this superpower that I randomly developed after a while, I can feel the exact feeling a food is going to make me feel when I finish eating it, before I even swallow it. I know for a fact potatoes cause depression, just with enzymes in my saliva turning the starch into sugar, that process alone sends signals to my body to make me angry and apathetic now. Sounds crazy but yea
It must be your genes.... you aren't Irish are ya? I, personally, Irish-Scottish, do very well on potatoes. Have to have some once a week or so. They don't make me mad, sad, or anxious.... they just give a warm comforting feeling that I love. I wish I had the bravery to go on an all potato diet (cold cooked potatoes, so resistant starch) that the man did from Penn and Teller who lost like a hundred pounds. he said it was quite easy to do to eat nothing but potatoes every day, skip the butter and fat. That must sound like hell to you guys!
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