Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“As honey is an emollient, it likewise enhances the strength of the hair follicles, which are in charge of hair development. Analysts say that appropriate utilization of nectar of treatment of hair can wake up the resting hair follicles which support the development of hair.”

Here is my hair tonight after my 5 hour honey treatment 4 days ago. I still don’t bleach or dye my hair.


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Jun 2, 2017
Consistency is not only key with what you are adding in like the liver and oysters, but for me it was also what I took out, like the excess tryptophan from meat and phosphorus from the grains.
Good point.


Dec 11, 2020
Here is my hair tonight after my 5 hour honey treatment 4 days ago. I still don’t bleach or dye my hair.
Your beautiful pictures always put a smile on my face-thank you for sharing so generously. You are blessed with incredible hair and a beautiful color- some things just are not epigenetic- I wish i could switch out my hair color chromosomes for yours. But i am definitely going to do the honey treatment - maybe it will make my fireplace ash color more of a honey ash? ill try and report results. i have raw local honey on hand but its not manuka- wondering if that would work.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Your beautiful pictures always put a smile on my face-thank you for sharing so generously. You are blessed with incredible hair and a beautiful color- some things just are not epigenetic- I wish i could switch out my hair color chromosomes for yours. But i am definitely going to do the honey treatment - maybe it will make my fireplace ash color more of a honey ash? ill try and report results. i have raw local honey on hand but its not manuka- wondering if that would work.
Thank you girl I was not always blessed with good skin color. My skin always ver ruddy, but now I love the even healthy tone.

Manuka honey I use in my face because it doesn’t have hydrogen peroxide, and I use a regular raw honey on my hair.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“At the same time, zinc helps keep hormone levels balanced, which is one of the essential reasons why it is considered so effective for preventing hair loss and grey hairs from appearing. Some studies have demonstrated that grey and ageing hair can recover its original colour when nourished by diets rich in zinc and supplements formulated with this element. As an additional benefit, zinc also helps eliminate the dandruff present on the scalp.

In a study carried out in 2013 in Kandong University in Seoul (South Korea), the researchers assessed the role of zinc in each of the four types of hair loss (alopecia areata, female- and male-pattern androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium). In all patients with hair loss, the average zinc level was significantly lower compared to the control group. The analysis of each group revealed that all of the groups that suffered from hair loss had a statistically lower concentration of zinc, especially the group that suffered from alopecia areata. The data led to the hypothesis that alterations in the metabolism of zinc play a key role in hair loss.

Similarly, a study published in the Annals of Dermatology in 2009 evaluated the therapeutic effects of oral zinc supplementation for twelve weeks in alopecia areata patients who had low serum zinc levels. An oral supplement of zinc gluconate was administered to patients with alopecia areata without any other treatment.

After therapy, the zinc levels increased significantly and positive therapeutic effects were observed in 9 out of 15 patients (around 67%). The researchers concluded that zinc supplements should be administered to patients with alopecia areata who have a low zinc level, and it could even become adjuvant therapy for patients for whom the traditional therapeutic methods have been unsuccessful, which is why this mineral is one of the most important nutrients for hair growth.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Elevated homocysteine levels in the body generate hydrogen peroxide that bleaches the hair, turning it gray. Taking vitamin B12 supplements reduces homocysteine levels and prevents premature hair graying. Intake of foods rich in vitamin B12 like meat, eggs, milk, and fish can help in gray hair reversal.”



Sep 26, 2022
This article might be as to why Ray Peat is gray. Apparently the ascorbic acid in orange juice blocks the absorption of copper
Ascorbic acids effect of copper depletion is due to the fact that it does not contain the tyrosinase enzyme (copper) that whole food vitamin c has. The author of this article misconstrues whole food vitamin c with acsorbic acid. Orange juice would not cause copper depletion/ block copper, in fact whole food vitamin c is a good way to get more copper.

Perhaps the fact that oysters are so high in zinc (1:1 zinc to copper) can lead to gray hair. Also, iron from liver and oysters can cause issues with copper (not sure how effective an iron chelator coffee is but that was peats strategy for offsetting this)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Ascorbic acids effect of copper depletion is due to the fact that it does not contain the tyrosinase enzyme (copper) that whole food vitamin c has. The author of this article misconstrues whole food vitamin c with acsorbic acid. Orange juice would not cause copper depletion/ block copper, in fact whole food vitamin c is a good way to get more copper.

Perhaps the fact that oysters are so high in zinc (1:1 zinc to copper) can lead to gray hair. Also, iron from liver and oysters can cause issues with copper (not sure how effective an iron chelator coffee is but that was peats strategy for offsetting this)
I think when we put our minds to reversing gray hair, like we are in this thread, we find ways to do it. I don’t think Ray Peat ever made it a big science experiment to reverse his so it stayed gray. I bet had he wanted to reverse it he would have. Thanks for the extra insight about the ascorbic acid. I did read today that low zinc can cause graying of the hair, but interestingly I read high zinc can too, which seems to your point.


Sep 26, 2022
I don’t think Ray Peat ever made it a big science experiment to reverse his so it stayed gray.
The way I think about these things (hair loss, gray hair, wrinklesetc) is they are a symptom of something not 100% right. Sure, you may not care about it aesthetically, but to me it is a sign something in the body not optimal. I think keeping a youthful look is important, not for vanity’s sake, but as a sign your body is healthy :)

While he had gray hair, the fact dr peat kept a good full head of hair so late in life is a testament to his vitality!
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Sep 26, 2022
I love fun facts! I read that the peel of the orange has more vitamin C than the juice! How about that fun fact?!!
Didn’t know that! More beneficial flavonoids too. Wish I could find a good marmalade without HFCS, pectin, etc :(. I would make my own but have no good (sweet) oranges where I live so buying them would be expensive just for the peels
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
The way I think about these things (hair loss, gray hair, wrinklesetc) is they are a symptom of something not 100% right. Sure, you may not care about it aesthetically, but to me it is a sign something in the body not optimal. I think keeping a youthful look is important, not for vanity’s sake, but as a sign your body is youthful :)

While he had gray hair, the fact dr peat kept a good head of hair so late in life is a testament to his vitality!
I agree, your outside is a mirror of what is going on inside.


Sep 26, 2022
I agree your outside is a mirror of what is going on inside.
Yes! I used to have rosacea, eczema etc before starting a more peaty diet. Not sure what exactly cured it, perhaps a more sterile gut as endotoxin-> estrogen-> skin problems.

I would see doctors/ dermatologists and they would jump to TREATING the issue w prescription creams etc, and not seeking to find the ROOT CAUSE CURE. Diet was never discussed!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Yes! I used to have rosacea, eczema etc before starting a more peaty diet. Not sure what exactly cured it, perhaps a more sterile gut as endotoxin-> estrogen-> skin problems.

I would see doctors/ dermatologists and they would jump to TREATING the issue w prescription creams etc, and not seeking to find the ROOT CAUSE CURE. Diet was never discussed!
Duet should be the first thing discussed by doctors. The medical system is a joke. I love hearing success stories like yours, on this forum!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I remember asking a dermatologist if there was anything dietary that could cause/exacerbate symptoms and he literally laughed at me!
What a clown! That aggravated me hearing that. No wonder everybody is sick. I know a couple of nurses and a doctor and they say that the medical system is a joke and nobody is getting healed. They go to school to learn about medicine, not healing.
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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
My hair gets dark and heavy when I haven’t washed it, but here is me this morning before washing it and putting on make-up. You can see the gray I have better. I am starting back up on nettle, maybe a half dose of the leaf, and see if I can get more of it gone. I have been relying on the liver to get the gray gone and reduction of meat and grains.,


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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Some types of injury or irritation can activate regenerative processes. A dermatology journal described the case of an old man who had been bald for many years who fell head-first into his fireplace. As his burned scalp healed, new hair grew. In the U.S., experimenters (Ito, et al., 2007) have found that injuring the skin of mice stimulates the formation of stem cells that are able to become hair follicle cells, supporting the regeneration of cells that had been absent.”
-Ray Peat
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