Viagra vs Cialis for muscle growth, pumps & testosterone


Nov 13, 2020
No. Should I have to in order to write an article about the research on it?
The research is based on humans and their experience with it. So if it's mine or theirs, it doesn't matter. Even if I did use them, what would it matter if no one's experience is exactly the same? Hence, the experience compiled by studies are better than mine alone.

I've worked with many clients who've used one or both, so it's my job to know about these substances in order to help them effectively.
Then why don't you start your articles by saying "I have never taken these substances but here is my book-based research" or "I have never tried these but I know a guy who has" --- the trouble is that you write as if authoritatively (ex see your opening post above, "I prefer Cialis because..." --- implies you have personal experience using it). You can say whatever you want, but since you seem to be trying to build a consulting practice, your credibility is enhanced by being more transparent --- so consider my criticism to be constructive.


Feb 13, 2021
Aren't viagra and cialis more harmful than useful? Much better and safer ways to keep a good blood flow. Viagra at least has some serious side effects, it does not seem safe at all


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Then why don't you start your articles by saying "I have never taken these substances but here is my book-based research" or "I have never tried these but I know a guy who has" --- the trouble is that you write as if authoritatively (ex see your opening post above, "I prefer Cialis because..." --- implies you have personal experience using it). You can say whatever you want, but since you seem to be trying to build a consulting practice, your credibility is enhanced by being more transparent --- so consider my criticism to be constructive.
Like I said, it's irrelevant.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
There is also published research indicating that Cialis is anabolic for bone, which I didn't see reflected in your otherwise very informative review. (The review article Tadalafil and Steroid Hormones Interactions in Adipose, Bone and Prostate Tissues: Focus on Translational Perspectives covers some of it.)

I've been taking 10 mg tadalafil daily for just less than two weeks with excellent results. The first thing I noticed is that I felt better overall. Better mood, less frustration and irritability, and more energy. Wasn't expecting that. Probably related to aromatase inhibition. Whatever the cause, that alone is worth the price of admission. And my blood pressure dropped significantly. I was taking two blood pressure medications so I am in the process of recalibrating dosages, and probably eliminating at least one of them, maybe both. We'll see. So improvement in LUTS – the reason I began the experiment. Improvement in blood pressure. Improvement in mood. And then one real shocker. It completely rejuvenated my bowel function, which had become a real problem for the past couple of years. Never saw that coming, and haven't seen any indication of such an effect in the research. Simply outstanding results.

My biggest unanswered question is does tadalafil have similarly beneficial effects in women? My guess is that it probably does but obviously significant caution is warranted. I haven't seen any research but I haven't begun really searching yet either.
That's very interesting. What gut benefits have you noticed?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Aren't viagra and cialis more harmful than useful? Much better and safer ways to keep a good blood flow. Viagra at least has some serious side effects, it does not seem safe at all
Yes in high dose (100mg+ Viagra) used chronically, the risk of side effects become bigger for sure.
Low dose, 5-10mg Cialis is mostly safe with minimal sides.
However, I'd definitely focus on fixing the root problem so that these PDE5i aren't needed.


Feb 18, 2017
That's very interesting. What gut benefits have you noticed?
I have had alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea since undergoing surgery and being hospitalized for a week more than two years ago. Tried many corrective measures without achieving any significant or stable relief – laxatives, fiber, charcoal, antibiotics, etc. Then within just two or three days after starting tadalafil a couple weeks ago it all came right and it just started working the way it's supposed to again. If it starts to feel like sitting on the throne might be a good idea, then I do so and just relieve myself. No urgency, no discomfort, well-formed stools, minimal cleanup. I've overcome my share of health issues, but restoring proper bowel function is probably the greatest improvement in the quality of life that I've experienced. Absolutely wonderful, and a huge change over what day to day life was like just a few short weeks ago. Eat what I want, when I want, and feel confident that I will still be able to keep an appointment or do the shopping. Of course one can never be sure that it was actually the tadalafil that was the essential remedy, but it seems to me more likely by far than that it was just coincidence.


Apr 8, 2021
Based on your comment it's pretty clear that you've never actually read my content or have any idea of what I help men with.
I don't push anything on anyone. I merely educate/give guidance and advice on how to increase testosterone and live a more fulfilled, high-energy life, and have been doing so for the past decade.

In my articles, I only recommend a good supplemental brand that can help (most of which are brands that I'm not even affiliated with because I have standards that I stick to without a bias, and don't make my living from affiliations). But diet and lifestyle always come first.
You can ask any one of my clients (some of which know me from this forum), the first thing I help them with is creating a diet so that they don't have to be dependent on supps or drugs. Supplements can always help here and there and there is nothing wrong with using them correctly and in moderation as needed.

The reason I often write or talk about sex is because it's an essential part of any healthy relationship (as well as having high T); having a healthy sexual function is a must-have for any man, and optimizing libido and sexual function is a big part of what I help men with. If no one talks about it or does experiments, how will people ever get the right kind of advice? If you don't like my content (which is in anyways focused on men), then you can just ignore it.

I really enjoy all the nuanced sexual function topics and they have contributed to an increased bonding with my wife.

Again, keep going Hans. Nobody's going deep like you are on all these dynamics that are so important to relationships.


May 10, 2022
Based on your comment it's pretty clear that you've never actually read my content or have any idea of what I help men with.
I don't push anything on anyone. I merely educate/give guidance and advice on how to increase testosterone and live a more fulfilled, high-energy life, and have been doing so for the past decade.

In my articles, I only recommend a good supplemental brand that can help (most of which are brands that I'm not even affiliated with because I have standards that I stick to without a bias, and don't make my living from affiliations). But diet and lifestyle always come first.
You can ask any one of my clients (some of which know me from this forum), the first thing I help them with is creating a diet so that they don't have to be dependent on supps or drugs. Supplements can always help here and there and there is nothing wrong with using them correctly and in moderation as needed.

The reason I often write or talk about sex is because it's an essential part of any healthy relationship (as well as having high T); having a healthy sexual function is a must-have for any man, and optimizing libido and sexual function is a big part of what I help men with. If no one talks about it or does experiments, how will people ever get the right kind of advice? If you don't like my content (which is in anyways focused on men), then you can just ignore it.
Always appreciate your articles and research, keep it up!
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