Get Better Log - King - Libido/hair Lets Go

Aug 18, 2015
I just read in another thread today that it can raise prolactin. That was news to me.

Yeah it definely could have done that to me too if that us true. I got a similar effect to it as doing very high phosphate to calcium ratio... Thats crazy. Thanks for telling me... I thought i was going crazy with my dull bone ache.

It makes sense then.. The bone ache is probably my body trying to get more calcium out of my bones or something.

I wonder if taurine just makes the body utilize calcium like k2. Maybe the calcium was too low im not sure... Ive been using eggshell but chilling out on it since my hands started getting crazy dry...

Does gelatin uptake calcium at all or does it make Sugar get utilized or anything?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Does gelatin uptake calcium at all or does it ma
I think it's primarily the the amino acid profile that's beneficial but you could search the forum for glycine since gelatin is rich in glycine and probably find more specific and helpful information.


Dec 8, 2014
I would personally not take taurine if I was dealing with serious health problems, it isn't going to be a magic bullet and may just add to the chaos. Do you take many supplements? I would look to cut them back as much as possible.
Aug 18, 2015
I would personally not take taurine if I was dealing with serious health problems, it isn't going to be a magic bullet and may just add to the chaos. Do you take many supplements? I would look to cut them back as much as possible.

Well not many.. I. Been taking magnesium chloride a lot externally... Vit d carlson... That is abt it... Maybe i will stop everything


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Vit d carlson... That is abt it... Maybe i will stop everything
If you stop the D be sure to keep checking your levels periodically. I inadvertently made myself deficient by stopping vitamin D and not monitoring it close enough last year.:arghh:


Dec 8, 2014
The vitamin D is probably fine especially if you are taking it topically. I would consider stopping the magnesium 'oil' though. It is extremely irritating for many people internally, so it wouldn't be a stretch to say that external use is also a problem.
Aug 18, 2015
If you stop the D be sure to keep checking your levels periodically. I inadvertently made myself deficient by stopping vitamin D and not monitoring it close enough last year.:arghh:

Ive done that too lol... I am going to be getting a lot if sun next week so i should be good anyway....

So thats wby my bones are aching and im losing hair like rocket fire... Prolactin ia through the roof.. Smh i thought i had diabetes


Feb 4, 2016
Ive done that too lol... I am going to be getting a lot if sun next week so i should be good anyway....

So thats wby my bones are aching and im losing hair like rocket fire... Prolactin ia through the roof.. Smh i thought i had diabetes
Sunlight Is incredible. Combined with sulfur it makes vit.D active. That's only the beginning.
Aug 18, 2015
Sunlight Is incredible. Combined with sulfur it makes vit.D active. That's only the beginning.

well i work in an office job and dont get a lot of sun... im taking next week off and hitting up some beaches and basically going to be outside all day everyday.... probably what i need right now lol

maybe i can cure my hypothyroidism if i slam down food while i am outside all day........................................................... just drink like 5L of OJ and eat like 200 grams of protein while being on the beach just eat all day


Feb 4, 2016
If you're not used to exposure its easy to overdo it so caution is always in order especially when heading closer to the equator.
I did find Idealabs Solban product to be quite usefull when on my last sunny vacation.
I try to get some sun every day but only truely succeed once a week.
It's red light the rest of the year.


Apr 27, 2015
I buy triyotex. It's a lot weaker than Cynomel mcg for mcg. Probably as much as 3 times as weak. So I nibble on the little balls all throughout the day that come in the capsules.

I'm running out of Cynomel. I think I'll give Triyotex a try, if I manage to import it, since it seems to be working well for you.

I hope it's at least somewhat as good as Cynomel for reducing anxiety. Of the peaty supplements I have found it to be the most effective in this regard.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I'm not convinced that a milk and sugar staple (Danny Roddy style) is an effective way to jumpstart your metabolism in many cases. It can be an optimal staple once metabolic rate and digestion are good, but I think if it's not working within a couple of months it's not going to ever work.

I'm not exactly sure what the reason is, but I suspect it has to do with liver function, low stomach acid, protein enzymes, and possibly intracellular magnesium, and zinc being too low.

My experience was that a diet more centered on beef + gelatin, cooked green vegetables, eggs, starch, and supplemental magnesium quickly rebooted my steroid production. Something that milk + sucrose/fructose/juice as a staple was not capable of doing for me.

I think the issue may mostly be just liquid milk. As greek yogurt seems to digest much better, but still my best results were clearly with beef + gelatin as my main protein.

Now that my metabolism has improved I can tolerate milk/greek yogurt as a staple and now eat very little beef.

I think we who have observed this community for a year plus have seen clearly that milk as a staple does not bring results for many people no matter what else they try with adding thyroid or other supplements.

To help nudge your body in the right direction I think that weightlifting, being outdoors and lots of sunlight are crucial. So make sure not to neglect those either.

Another possible solution is taking lots of HCl with meals, but I also suspect that magnesium and zinc are more thyroid stimulating than calcium at first anyways. The way I see it magnesium and zinc are like kindling and calcium like a log. The log isn't going to feed the fire until you have a solid flame going created from the kindling.

Well I moved from low-moderate carb paleo (rice yams and various gluten free starches) to a high carb peat diet with, what initially felt like, crazy amounts of juice and sugar. I adapted really quickly and within days was feeling better. Of course I was only 20 at the time, and perhaps eith youth comes easy diet adaptation, but I did have terrible health woes from finasteride ehich I am certain had a determental affect on my metabolism.
Aug 18, 2015
Well I moved from low-moderate carb paleo (rice yams and various gluten free starches) to a high carb peat diet with, what initially felt like, crazy amounts of juice and sugar. I adapted really quickly and within days was feeling better. Of course I was only 20 at the time, and perhaps eith youth comes easy diet adaptation, but I did have terrible health woes from finasteride ehich I am certain had a determental affect on my metabolism.

Ans u got better? I am completely and utterly falling apart trying to solve this. I.thought i was getting better but.I was wrong. my liver started hurting me yesterday and I.think it night have been from taking a lot of magnesium handle milk and have a bowel movement.

Can.u tell me more of what u did?


Oct 27, 2016
Remember I mention "sulfur" to you on another thread of yours? It will heal your liver. Really. It heals all kinds of things. And you will "go" while using it. Just make sure it's organic sulfur crystals. Here, read this article:
The Importance of Organic Sulfur | Mountain Well-Being Hope I'm allowed to post this.

I feel the sulfur crystals healed my SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and is in the process of healing my liver as well. I think it is pro-Peaty too as I've read several mentioning those "flowers of sulfur" on here. (Maybe it's similar?)I think it's better than magnesium, altho that's good too. Before I couldn't eat anything without having a reaction to it. I would get very sick..But just taking this every day (starting small) really helped my digestion and over all well being. Anyway, hope that helps since you seem to be struggling so much. Give it a try....(and no, I am affiliated with that particularly company in any way- I just use their products)
Aug 18, 2015
Remember I mention "sulfur" to you on another thread of yours? It will heal your liver. Really. It heals all kinds of things. And you will "go" while using it. Just make sure it's organic sulfur crystals. Here, read this article:
The Importance of Organic Sulfur | Mountain Well-Being Hope I'm allowed to post this.

I feel the sulfur crystals healed my SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and is in the process of healing my liver as well. I think it is pro-Peaty too as I've read several mentioning those "flowers of sulfur" on here. (Maybe it's similar?)I think it's better than magnesium, altho that's good too. Before I couldn't eat anything without having a reaction to it. I would get very sick..But just taking this every day (starting small) really helped my digestion and over all well being. Anyway, hope that helps since you seem to be struggling so much. Give it a try....(and no, I am affiliated with that particularly company in any way- I just use their products)

i took flowers of sulphur and it did not do a god damn thing. i just need my constipation TO GO THE **** ******* AWAY, this ***t is driving me out of my ******* mind. i swear to god today i thought about killing myself because i had so much ******* hair fall out of my head, i have no libido, i have girls ******* ignoring me when i talk to them, i'm like literally losing it dude. i feel like i'm in the ******* twilight zone. people just straight disrespect me because my hormones are off wack or something, i have no testosterone, i cant think straight, this ***t is like a curse. you see people killing themselves from finasterdie side effects, this is why, this is the hell of finasteride or whatever is wrong with me i dont know. i don't go out anymore, my stomach looks like it has a ******* baby inside of it due to the back up of poop inside of me that wont get out.

sorry, im really in a bad place. my liver was actually aching yesterday. literally aching. i had carotenemia all over my hands as well. ive been drinking milk and white sugar and i guess i can't handle it. i could at first, guess not. i started taking magnesium carbonate, i think that had to do with the problem with my liver possibly? i have no idea at this point.

im taking magnesium glycinate again to try to get something moving. considering thyroid again, but burn out on;kjdfl;aksdf;kajdf;lkasf
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