Get Better Log - King - Libido/hair Lets Go

Aug 18, 2015
Here's a new predicament guys.. my hands are DRY AS HELL.

Like my left hand look super ashy.. as if there is white all over it from being so dry. What could it be from?


Mar 29, 2014
Stress hormones can go up from thyroid? How do you know that? I feel like it is not increasing from taking thyroid, I feel it is helping. Thyroid lowers estrogen, both aspirin and thyroid lower it. It increased my temperature after taking it.

You think caffeeine will cause damage when I'm all ready damaged?
Both thyroid and caffeine tend to increase oxidation of glucose for energy.
Too-low glucose levels are experienced by the body as stress.
Under low-glucose stress, body normally raises stress hormones in order to get more glucose into the blood - from liver glycogen if there is some available, from organ proteins (which you probably don't want to lose) and maybe some from fat.
So if you take more coffee and thyroid and drive your oxidative metabolism up higher than your fuel supply can support, this is one way to cause stress.

Also, I think Peat has said increasing thyroid can make people temporarily more sensitive to adrenaline.

There may be other mechanisms. I think one of Haidut's threads talks about effects of coffee/caffeine wrt stress.


Mar 29, 2014
Like my left hand look super ashy.. as if there is white all over it from being so dry. What could it be from?

Also, increasing metabolism usually means increasing the need for many other nutrients as well. If you have been borderline deficient in anything in particular, in addition to calories, adding thyroid can deepen these deficiencies too, with consequences.


Jun 8, 2014
exercise is bad for me...........

What kind of exercise have you tried?

I recommend approaching it as taking a protective hormone supplement. It doesn't have to be a strenuous muscle building routine.

Have you seen these quotes from Peat before?

Concentric resistance training has an anabolic effect on the whole body. Sprinting is probably o.k. Endurance exercise is the worst.

Ten pound dumbells, lifted quickly for 30 to 60 seconds, for example, is usually good for increasing the anabolic and protective hormones.

So Peat seems to think that it doesn't take very much resistance training to stimulate a significant amount of hormone production.

A few sets of bodyweight exercise for each major muscle group 3 times per week is probably enough to start seeing a change. Something like squats, pullups, handstand pushups or modified versions of them at whatever strength level you are at. Only about 60 seconds per set and a few minutes of rest should ensure cortisol and lactic acid are not overly elevated.

I find a workout like this very enjoyable. The very long rest periods leave me looking forward to my next set rather than something to dread while my heartbeat and breathing are still fast. I usually feel invigorated rather than exhausted after the workout.

Simply walking a few miles per day and having more time on your feet in after-work hobbies or during work-breaks can also help stimulate hormone production as the legs are the largest muscle group, so they create a larger anabolic response than stimulation of smaller muscles.
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May 3, 2015
It is good the jelly meats are improving your health.

Have you cut down on eggs and other meat? Ray wrote about the danger of phosphate and advised:

The foods naturally highest in phosphate, relative to calcium, are cereals, legumes, meats, and fish. Many prepared foods contain added phosphate. Foods with a higher, safer ratio of calcium to phosphate are leaves, such as kale, turnip greens, and beet greens, and many fruits, milk, and cheese. Coffee, besides being a good source of magnesium, is probably helpful for lowering phosphate, by its antagonism to adenosine (Coulson, et al., 1991).
Aug 18, 2015
What kind of exercise have you tried?

I recommend approaching it as taking a protective hormone supplement. It doesn't have to be a strenuous muscle building routine.

Have you seen these quotes from Peat before?

So Peat seems to think that it doesn't take very much resistance training to stimulate a significant amount of hormone production.

A few sets of bodyweight exercise for each major muscle group 3 times per week is probably enough to start seeing a change. Something like squats, pullups, handstand pushups or modified versions of them at whatever strength level you are at. Only about 60 seconds per set and a few minutes of rest should ensure cortisol and lactic acid are not overly elevated.

I find a workout like this very enjoyable. The very long rest periods leave me looking forward to my next set rather than something to dread while my heartbeat and breathing are still fast. I usually feel invigorated rather than exhausted after the workout.

Simply walking a few miles per day and having more time on your feet in after-work hobbies or during work-breaks can also help stimulate hormone production as the legs are the largest muscle group, so they create a larger anabolic response than stimulation of smaller muscles.

well about 1 or 2 years ago, i started lifting weights and went all out. pushed my body too far.. i crashed.. hard. i had huge bags under my eyes, i looked different, people started treating me differently because i ****88 my body up so much, it was showing on my face, no emotion, no nothing. it seriously scared the ***t out of me. since then i've taken it really easy on exercise. i did go lifting one day and felt probably the best i've ever felt after it.. but i was worried it would come up and then crash down... i didn't want to risk it. it could be worth doing some light stuff though like you say.

It is good the jelly meats are improving your health.

Have you cut down on eggs and other meat? Ray wrote about the danger of phosphate and advised:

hey it is helping a lot. im chowing down on some super gelatinous oxtail now. it tastes like literal jelly and butter there is so much gelatin on it lol. no i didnt cut down on other stuff. i know what you are saying, but i thought the carbs and thyroid offset it.


Feb 4, 2016
Great advise Brian. On the recovery side you can use some red light therapy. Incorporate it into the recovery cycle with metylene blue. Lactic acid is a faint memory. Little to no soreness. Start slow and let the body grow
During off days.
Aug 18, 2015
Jesus christ.. I think I may have figured out my problem. So I'm searching online. . I find out proglastin d2 is elevated in balding men. I search down the line and find that homocysteine is a major increaser of pd2 due to it increasing white blood cells. Further down the line.. high methione diets will increase homocysteine in the body.

I have been eating absolutely no gelatin for like 6 months. WTF!! I basically have been probably slamming my homocysteine levels up for this whole time eating basically the highest methoine foods ever on this diet.

3 years ago I did a no methione diet and to my surprise I started sleeping really well. I basically ate no meat and it was like starving myself but I felt so good. I thought my methylation was broken or something.

Now when I took this beef oxtail.. I think the gelatin is combing with the methione to create glutathione. I slept last night the way I slept when I went on that diet.. like amazing.

I think if I eat beef oxtail as my main protein for like 2 days maybe it will bring my methione down down and then brinv my homocysteine down if that is what is going on.

Part of the conversion process for your body to make glycine on its own is b6.. when I take b6 I feel great and people think I look better... holy ***t. Mind is blown. If this is what is happening.. im about to buy a ***t load of oxtailm

Is this feasible lol
Aug 18, 2015
Whit I do red light everyday. :-D its great.

I wonder if this high methione led to poor stomach acid or aomething.. I cant absorb b vitamins correctly. Everytime I have a bowel movement I can eat anything no itch........ weird. Maybe homocysteine exits in your poop. Lol.


Feb 4, 2016
Idea labs has a great liquid b complex. B is water soluable so its in and out pretty quick. Plus the liver needs a good steady supply for many processes. B1and 2 especially. A lot of things exit in the poop thats why they call it poop. He he. Its good your paying attention though. Sometimes B vitamins can be tied up with bad flora in the stomach or further on down. I'm not sure about the Methonine's link to B.
Aug 18, 2015
Idea labs has a great liquid b complex. B is water soluable so its in and out pretty quick. Plus the liver needs a good steady supply for many processes. B1and 2 especially. A lot of things exit in the poop thats why they call it poop. He he. Its good your paying attention though. Sometimes B vitamins can be tied up with bad flora in the stomach or further on down. I'm not sure about the Methonine's link to B.

Okay cool. Oh I do know that one, I cant use it matter of a fact. I have a very bad reaction to P5P lol. Methione links to B because if there is too much methione, the B vitamins will convert it to something else because there is too much. I think I'm just in a bad cycle of too much methione and not enough gelatin and then the vicious cyle goes down.

I realize now what everyone is saying. So my plan of action is this.. I'll only have calcium and OJ after my temperature goes up to 99 or above at least 98.6 because I know I can handle it at that point. To get it to that point, I will eat gelatin, beef, and potatoes and take wp-throid with it, that will get the temperature up, then I will add in the other items later in the day. I am going to try to eat a ***t load of oxtail tomorrow. I just bought like 6 or 7 of them and I will cook them all tomorrow and eat them throughout the day lol.

I did eat the oxtail and coke earlier today and I felt no "itch" on my hair. I think my theory could be correct. I emailed ray about it and he said thyroid hormone will stop homocysteine from forming, so I think that is probably why with a low metabolic rate I can handle high gelatin food, but I cant handle other things.
Aug 18, 2015
the human body feels like a giant program to me. there are these enzymes, like methione and all that, and then there are these enzymes that convert them to something based on current levels of things. they are like methods, if a certain level goes down to low, then they activate and take in certain molecules and let out other molecules. it is kind of fascinating, i wish there was some kind of actual program that was visualized out or something of all of it with molecules showing so you can really keep track of it. or some lab test that tracks every single molecule in your body, like sees how much methione you currently have and homocystine, and tells you if enzymes are reacting in real time, for like 24 hours, that would be so amazing.

or how plants activate certain enzymes when they are exposed to light.. and how we activate similar enzymes when we are exposed to light... its like crazy evolution... the human body its insane how it works together.. can you imagine how many millions of years went into developing the systems.. i cant even process this fact... it's like a piece of art all of the enzyme reactions with each other, it's truly incredible.. i feel like life had to form on another planet or developed by another life form or something.. it's like a computer program exactly...
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May 3, 2015
So you can either avoid muscle meats, or eat lots of bone broths / gelatin rich meats / jelly, or eat lots of Vegemite / bananas / vitamin b6 and you may recover your hair...

Another rule from Denise Minger was to eat mature cheese / vitamin k2 and chicken liver / vitamin a and get sunlight / vitamin d and her teeth repaired themselves.

I think other threads are working on the rules for curing acne and cancer... Though individual results may vary!
Aug 18, 2015
So you can either avoid muscle meats, or eat lots of bone broths / gelatin rich meats / jelly, or eat lots of Vegemite / bananas / vitamin b6 and you may recover your hair...

Another rule from Denise Minger was to eat mature cheese / vitamin k2 and chicken liver / vitamin a and get sunlight / vitamin d and her teeth repaired themselves.

I think other threads are working on the rules for curing acne and cancer... Though individual results may vary!

why do you think muscle meats are a problem?


Aug 9, 2013
How many calories are you eating a day and what is your macro split per meal and per day?


Feb 4, 2016
Muscle meats are problematic for the phosphate content. It triggers the parathyroid into overdrive when its out of balance with calcium. Prolactin is released to offset the balance. Its also high in methonine. High veg. Diet is also quite high in phosphates.
I would beware of bananas as Peat says they are the richest source of serotonin in nature.:(
Aug 18, 2015
How many calories are you eating a day and what is your macro split per meal and per day?

ill post it today.. ill keep track for you today

Muscle meats are problematic for the phosphate content. It triggers the parathyroid into overdrive when its out of balance with calcium. Prolactin is released to offset the balance. Its also high in methonine. High veg. Diet is also quite high in phosphates.
I would beware of bananas as Peat says they are the richest source of serotonin in nature.:(

well yeah, but i thought carbs offset that.

here's the thing with me i'm getting at. it's like a continous loop where everyone is contradicting each other on information and I don't know what to do. People say.. you can't handle milk or oj or whatever with a low metabolic rate. Okay... so I will take thyroid. No, you can't take thyroid because it will make it worse if you are in a low metabolic rate. Okay..... so how am I ever supposed to get into a better metabolic rate? Okay... you can't eat beef because the muscle meat is too much phosphate..... okay... so I will have calcium with it... okay but you can't have milk and cheese because you are in a low metabolic rate.... okay this circle keeps looping around. i honestly have this thought process all day and then just end up eating milk and feeling paniced about my hair and then this is my reality for the past 6 months lol.

i started eating only potatoes and beef today. i have 7 oxtails cooking now, they should be done in a couple of hours. i will eat them with potatoes. i started feeling thirsty AF so i drank some OJ with an egg.. immediate scalp itch from the OJ.. i know it's the oj because I ate an egg like 10 mins later and no itch. WTF? lol this is so ******* wack dude. seriously, i wish this nightmare would just stop.
Aug 18, 2015
my temp after eating beef and potato.. 98.6... my temp now.. 98.5 right after eating... my temp is there, my body is working... i don't know why this ***t keeps happening. i think i need a ***t load of thyroid to lower down everything, roddy has his tsh below 1.

my temp is usually this good too after milk and oj and all that. all this my metabolic rate must be bad can't be accurate if my temp always is good lol.
Aug 18, 2015
so i noticed immediately after drinking oj and taking .25 of wp throid my temperature dropped.......................... i feel less warm immediately after taking the OJ...........................i think this explains the itch i get everytime i drink OJ or liquid................ why does it drop my temperature immediately after drinking it..... probably because it is too cold when you drink it and it takes some times to digest it............. ***t.


Feb 4, 2016
For cacium we use egg shell. Its much denser source. I lowers serotonin too. As for your temp there are multiple ways the body can raise it. The stress is certainly a factor. When I let go of the stress of possibly losing my hair and focused on others dealing with the same issues. The solutions presented themselves. I feel for you though its a difficult process. ;)
Some brands of oj have been treated with enzymes that some of us are sensitive to. fresh squeezed is best. Peat even strains the pulp.
As for the muscle meat. In balance with cacium and glycine from the joint tissue there shouldn't be much issue. Sometimes the tingle in the skin is increased blood flow from C02. Sugar raises C02 in a healthy metabolism. Feeling something is usually good. I noticed a tingle when mine started coming back.
I think your diet is good though. You could add liver for some other good vitamins to balance metabolism and make hormones. Eggs are another.
But don't tell my hens I'm eating their eggs.:chicken: They're suspicious.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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