My First Coffee Enema


May 10, 2018
charcoal and/or haiduts Camphosal n the enema, would this be beneifical?


May 28, 2020
I only skimmed through this whole thread... I will go back and read more in depth... just wanted to chime in... i started doing coffee enemas about a month ago... so far, quite an awesome hack... I didnt experience any extreme detox yet, as in, any negative feeling, or flu like, bad smells etc, as metioned above... but, better energy, cleaner fresher feeling skin, waking up more refreshed etc etc have been just easily increasing so far as I continue including coffee enemas in my health process... :) glad I finally started.
My sister, who passed away due to cancer recently, was doing them a lot, so thats really the first I remember hearing about them, and then I have to credit Ben Greenfield for posting about it several times, as being the one that got me to realize its something someone can and should include in there health protocol.
are you still doing them? did the effects diminish after these years


Jan 2, 2019
I was doing them regularly for a while. I probably would be, but due to laziness perhaps I’ve mostly stopped. I am currently using them when I’m just feeling the need in some way… And I’m still impressed with the results.


May 28, 2020
I was doing them regularly for a while. I probably would be, but due to laziness perhaps I’ve mostly stopped. I am currently using them when I’m just feeling the need in some way… And I’m still impressed with the results.
thanks for replying


Jan 9, 2019
I used this enema:

They have 3 options. I purchased the "Combination Douche and Enema Kit" (Should be the cheapest, too) for like $10 (good investment). Other glass and stainless steel options are available by other companies, too if that concerns you.

I used these instructions for the enema solution:

In short: 4 cups, 3 heaping tablespoons of Organic dark roast (all I had). There are conflicting reports on which roast to use. I personally think Light would be better, but I already had Dark so I didn't fuss. Boil for a few minutes then simmer for a few more, then strain thoroughly and allow the temperature to cool to close to body temperature. I recommend a few degrees warmer so that by the time you get in position, the coffee will still be warm and not chilly as it does feel cold going in even if it's a few degrees lower than your body. Chilly!

Worst part is getting it in. If you've never experienced this, it's just a little uncomfortable the first time. Definitely move slow and use lubricant like a food oil. I had to move a lot and it just took longer than I thought and I wasn't really sure if I was doing it right. I think there is just a learning curve you'll have to overcome unless you get professional assistance for your first enema to get the idea of what you're supposed to be feeling and doing. It's hard when you can't see your rectum or inside your rectum either. The way I knew I was getting somewhere is when I would hold my hand below the enema and I could simultaneously feel fluid moving through the enema and I wasn't able to feel any liquid flowing out onto my bare skin. That told me It's flowing, but not onto the floor, so it must be going inside. It can be hard to tell, but without assistance from someone with experience there is simply no way to tell until you overcome the learning curve. It took a few minutes, but I did eventually relax, fill the colon quite a bit and then was able to sit for approximately 15 minutes and then pass everything. So, definitely a success and the only experience I had before this was reading about it on the Internet. Anyone else should be able to mimic my success with the resources available on the Internet.

Sensations include feeling the enema in your rectum and then you can feel your colon filling up (weird) and if the liquid is slightly cooler or warmer than your body temperature, you will feel the presence of the liquid even more so relative to the difference in temperature. Interesting. I got worried that the liquid was filling up the inside of my body outside the colon but around my organs but apparently that wasn't happening because 15 minutes later I passed everything just fine.

I got in as much as I could, which was not the full amount but maybe 50% or more. It's really hard to tell for me especially since my enema bag is not clear and this was my first time. Then, I sat around for 15 minutes on my back and right side. Then I got the urge about 13 minutes later to go, so I got up and did. I passed everything. It just looked like coffee and smelt like coffee--nothing weird either by sight or smell. I did feel the sensation of passing something other than liquid for brief moments, but because I didn't take proper preparation to catch anything in the bowl or examine it after words, I wasn't able to determine if I passed anything unusual or out of the ordinary, which would just be coffee per the solution I used.

I did all this on my bathroom floor. I used a few towels to lie down and catch and extra liquid. Everything went fine. I spilled a bit, but being in the bathroom it wasn't a problem at all to clean up.

I don't feel very different yet. No effect from caffeine. Nothing really. No noticeable ups or downs to report. We'll see if that changes.

As of writing this, I finished the enema approximately 20-30 minutes ago and I'm suddenly feeling the same sensation of taking Niacin on my face and chest--that burning, tingling feeling--AKA the flush. I did take niacinimide 500 mg hours ago, so that could be the effect of a rapid breakdown, but it could be something else. My skin is tingling and warm. Just feels like taking niacin. Not sure what significance that is but the fact that I took niacinimide this morning (maybe 4 hours ago) could explain this sensation. Otherwise, I wouldn't know the reason for this sensation.

Recording this for discussion sake and to have a place to record results from the experiment. I'm not sure what sort of results I'll get, but I've heard some pretty crazy recoveries from very serious symptoms by administering coffee enemas, so I thought it can't hurt to give the liver some help if I'm careful and don't hurt myself in the process. So far so good. We'll see what results I get.
Are you still around and doing these? Is any of the old crew around? @Amazoniac @burtlancast
@Obi-wan. ???


Jan 9, 2019
Not sure if he is. But i do 1-2 times per week. It has helped me tremendously with my adrenals & gut health. I love doing them. I feel incredible after it and puts me in a place of calm balance the next few days
How do you prevent electrolyte issues?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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