New Journal: Treatment Recommendations For Those With Muscle Trigger Points? Please Input If You Kno


Apr 19, 2016
I think i know the milk paradox problem now. Wow. Will test and report back.

What do you eat? And what are all of the supplements that you take? How about blood tests? If you've got links to other threads detailing these things I'm interested in taking a look.


Mar 1, 2016
I have had major anxiety problems that manifest mostly in tight upper back/neck/chest area and sometimes tension headaches. No fap/no porn seems to be helping a lot though the first 2-3 weeks can be rough at times. Slacklining has helped a lot with posture, mood, and appetite. Also because I do it barefoot over the grass I think it is good for earthing/grounding after being inside around electronics all day. Putting a stool under your feet when having a bowel movement can put your body in a better squat posture and aid better bowel movements. Coffee and fruit work well for me with bowel movement regularity. Get the free app "calm" and try their 7 days of mindfulness meditation. Helps me relax physical tension quite significantly. I have just been meditating while slacklining- focus on the sensation of your breathing in and out the nose. Hot showers and carrot salad and a low starch diet help me as well.

How have you been doing?


Mar 29, 2014
maybe i'll do yoga.. what do you think?
Probably good, if you have a good teacher available.

i discovered cold milk is abolsteuly horrible for me... when i warm it in the microwave i can handle it way better, i think the coldness of it was shocking my system or something?
Quite possibly. I usually find drinks at room temperature or a bit warmer less shocking to the system.

so maybe i'm not eating enough right. .... but I should only eat when im hungry right?
IIRC, a while a go you thought even a measly 2000 cals was impossibly much, and had been surviving on significantly less than that. So I wouldn't rely on your hunger signalling to ensure you are getting enough unless you have calibrated it recently.
I'd suggest tracking your total food intake (approximately) for a few days and checking how much you actually do eat.
Aug 18, 2015
Probably good, if you have a good teacher available.

Quite possibly. I usually find drinks at room temperature or a bit warmer less shocking to the system.

IIRC, a while a go you thought even a measly 2000 cals was impossibly much, and had been surviving on significantly less than that. So I wouldn't rely on your hunger signalling to ensure you are getting enough unless you have calibrated it recently.
I'd suggest tracking your total food intake (approximately) for a few days and checking how much you actually do eat.

you know, you'd think the eat as much as possible approach is good, but really, my problem is very interesting. i know the problem now. i dont know how to solve it though. it seems like my body cannot handle insulin correctly. whenver i eat something that spikes my blood sugar too high, i will start getting estrogen symptoms, and consequently that will cause me to have very bad constipation. the logical answer is thyroid brah... but i dont know if that is really the best course of action because i seem to fizzle out on it. the resulting problem causes me to get very bad fungus as well due to poor blood sugar regulation.

right now, i'm sticking with fructose as carbs in order not to spike the system too hard. i can handle it. i can tell right away if i made a mistake with a non fructose style food because my scalp will get itchy, my nipples puffy, and my mood swing.

my thoughts now... i need to load up on minerals, like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium in a fructose heavy diet as the main carb with the use of anti fungals in order to correct blood sugar and insulin issues that i assume are being caused by pufa/cortisol issues.
Nov 21, 2015
I have done tons of work with trigger points and corresponded with Clair Davies before his untimely death. He is author of the best self-treat guide, The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook.

I've found that stretching is key. You can do trigger point massage FIRST, but unless you then stretch, it doesn't do any real good.

I also have inflammatory areas such as my neck sometimes, that will cause TPs to form in my temporalis and masseter and orbital muscles around my eyes. But they disappear on their own when I get rid of the neck issue. And if I just treat those TPs, it doesn't really help at all.

So I think the key as usual is to control inflammation.

I don't ejaculate often anymore, but when I did, I had a pain that occurred during ejaculation. I think these are caused by a TP in one of the adductors in the hip. Hip stretches (starting with psoas stretch) may help this.

There are TPs sometimes in the anus but I've never gone for those. I don't have this problem anymore, it kind of disappeared.

Red light has been more helpful than anything else.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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