Satoshi Nakamoto admits he has aspergers and is low thyroid and against Soy ....


Sep 19, 2016
BSV is the only coin that follows the original protocol from the white paper regardless if you believe Craig is Satoshi or not.

I think a lot of the anger against him is just general Greed, and a lack of understanding of the technology, understanding the importance of centralization, auditability, general economics, and the turing completeness part (which I dont have a full gasp of how it works yet either).

Hell, most people also think all these tokens and coins are crypto currency, when they are neither.

I enjoy the fact that there is such great disparity, because it rhymes true with everything Peat teaches. I think the world is about to turn a new leaf.

If the original bitcoin protocol isn't apart of the near future, the world; (America first), will collapse due to the accumilated cancer that is economic disparity due to dishonesty in business, and the original dilemma: separation between business and inventor.

This is a whole thing that amplified when Peat was going through his education, and we get to see the monster its become due to the general cap of Bureaucracy, a lack of infrastructure, checks and balances that work, and honesty.

If Peat is right about all of this, then the future is "communistic": Pure capitalism focused on efficiency to the point of stability, and minimalization of margin. The only way you can make money is in the honest system, and that requires you to not horde and work outside the system in order to overtake it for personal gain. To cheat becomes too expensive, and the value of inflated currency to the wealthy, to the detriment of those farthest away from the money printer no longer becomes a phenomenon.

The board resets, and all that was gained so far, no longer becomes a tool of power, but instead of direction in innovation: Restoring independence to research and driving innovation because its the only option to find margin for just a moment. To put your name in the history book. Ideas can be given credit where its due. All processes are tracked, and IP cannot be stolen. Co-independent idea discovery can be seen as that: As it is.

Competition as we understand it becomes something more we can throw ourselves into rather than survival.

Survival no longer becomes a bar to fight for on an independent level. People will have less children by choice. Businesses can cooperate to fulfill a baseline service before the problem becomes encumbering on society. Jobs become based on love for the work instead of who knows who, or cliques.

Our history can be tied to our economy, and never be truly lost or replaced to serve the few as we see happening before our eyes. The bad and the good. We can audit our own history as a people instead.

Or it all collapses before that can happen. Will see.


Jul 13, 2014


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Sep 19, 2016
Seeing how important this topic is, I'm going to blast my notes from a while back that I've accumulated so far:

I watched this guy, and the majority of the smaller videos he talks about.


Why do I think Craig is Satoshi?
He fits the criterion and explains things better than any other people I've forced myself to listen to, to understand the topics at hand.

Proof of work is the only way that you can correctly scale a system because it allows the ledger to be easily read, securitized, and decoded while remaining public.

He goes out to explain how bitcoin works, why it works, what doesn't work. He over-explains everything about how it works beyond what a fake would know. He is certain and precise with what he wants it to be and has made predictions about the market and other coins that have been correct (including eth's scalability issues).

Why do I think Craig revealed himself in the manner he did instead of some blunt way?
- I think he is similar to me, in that he is addicted to learning, but is off-putting because he wants to know a lot about everything. This puts him in situations where lapses can occur and to critique him on one moment within a large context of an explanation which in direction is correct, but is not absolutely textually correct, completely disregards the fact that he doesn't have time to ensure that everything he does and says is perfect, nor is the human mind perfect even though he attempts to be as perfect as he can.

-He doesn't want to be fought against. He wants what works to be displayed. He doesn't want to be viewed as the God of BTC, because he wants to focus on whatever he wants to and wants others to just participate in something that works and to prove him right or wrong on their own in a way that is true. Proof of what works works.

-The rich are also playing the game with a lot of money. He may risk all of his and his associate's lives if he makes them lose money.

-He HATES confrontation on emotional layers because he tries to be as logical as possible. When faced with a social situation that is sociologically overwhelming, he becomes the beast in the cage that everyone is pointing and laughing at. He is a RESEARCHER. NOT a CEO.

-His best displays are when presenting, OR when having a one on one interview where he is allowed to be himself. In the face of many different people, he cannot address crowds (as can't I), because his way of being and expression is linear, and focused on depth. One-on-one in learning. Eyes on books. An introvert at heart, which can be ascertained by the number of degrees he has.

-He wanted those who understood to follow him but doesn't want to be known as the guy who "started this Ponzi" bubble and then burst it.

-He could also not want to pop it while his money is still in it via the tulip trust whose trustee had passed, and the family wants to keep the money for themselves.

Is there a chance that Craig is NOT satoshi? Yes! but I have yet to see conclusive evidence other than slander and on shitty websites. It's hard to verify anything.
1. He didn't want to be known as the creator of bitcoin, yet created a lot of patents of things on top of bitcoin as of now including bitcoin.
2. It has been brought up that bitcoin is decentralized and only allows people to build atop it, and that gives him an authority of sorts. "No coin can be decentralized without preventing developers from ever have a say in what happens, and only allowing them to build atop the protocol (bitcoinsv). They (developers) are cancer in society/silicon valley/ bitcoin? My authority comes from what sits atop of it."

He believes in competition. Not Equality.

He is solving the problem of money as power, and instead of building his niche above it which is owning the protocols operating just above the base layer for his own benefit. Benefitting himself, as well as society, and solving the problem of people dominating the world. money is all about power. It will remove that globally.

Craig Wright Videos skimmed this.


Craig doesn't believe bitcoin will surpass all local currency. You don't get rid of tax with bitcoin. He wants more automation of process and verification of people, as well as a refund of monies: Making auditing easier.

There is a large % of people who won't get an education/degree, and the majority of people think just give them universal basic income. Machines are replacing lower-end jobs. This is the new inequality.

This isn't something he can solve, however, Bitcoin (BSV) can open up avenues.

Human Hierarchy is irreplaceable.

Only people who are Un-Happy innovate. People need to be rejected. If everyone was happy, nothing would change.

We want people who want, and who never feel satisfied.
Must feel ostracised if not working. Something similar to protestants work ethic belief being a gift from God.

track money catch thief.

when people get small amounts of money, they work towards improving towards it. for people who make a large sum quickly, it gets dissolved quickly typically too.

you cant remove crime; just make it more expensive.

bitcoin is NOT encrypted.

He wants to work on augmented assisted reality instead of replacing people outright.


bitcoin is economically secured by nodes; miners who pay lots of money to secure their machines which in the case of tampering with the blockchain are subject to the law, and assets can be seized. Accountability/responsibility.

Proof of stake allows the rich to get richer. It's an old system as old as the hills and easy to compromise because you can sell off rights to your shares, but still, have the voting rights which allow control. Simple to Sybil. them choosing to print more money makes them richer.

Nothing can be earned without work.

bitcoin can be Lead when it's stolen, and gold when it's back in your hands.

bitcoin was designed to work alongside the law. Crime's on the chain are permanently and forever tracked on the chain until caught.

Privacy vs Anonymity
Anonymity is not being able to be tracked at all.
Privacy protects people that are legal but may be doing something people don't like.

You're meant to own lots of wallets, with coins maybe in around 5 cent pieces to make hacking even moreso less profitable.

Bitcoin (BSV) is to be used. NOT hoarded. It won't go up in value. That's not the point.

Concept note: you can also purchase something with other people's money for them by sending them a ticket for the goods that they can use like Venmo on your behalf.

Craig is rich, happy, has a great life, family, sports cars, and wants to do more. He doesn't care about being the richest. He wants to commit the biggest impact.


Fundamentally bitcoin is a data management evaluation system. It must have unbound scaling + Avoiding volume bottleneck.

BSV is ready for enterprise use NOW.

As you use BSV, it gets cheaper compared to all the other coins. Not more expensive. The public doesn't even need to know that it's working.

---Everything that the entire market is working to develop is what Craig had planned all on bitcoinSV already, without the extra steps.

bitcoinSV is to bring back data to the people. fighting google, Facebook, Amazon, and other companies that buy and sell data to make money. Cause it's easy, and good money.

"if you're not doing something that gets you out of bed every morning, you're not doing something worth your time. I'll be working till the day I die."


Miners will be shifting over to being Transaction Processors.

Money after block rewards dissipates = transaction processes.

CoinGeek Zurich - Livestream - Day 1 - Morning Session
June 8th, 2021
9000 transactions per sec has happened.
data: a fact given or granted.
because BTC focused on decreasing the size of the block, it stunted its scalability unlike BSV, which allows it to grow with its use.
BSV just surpassed BTC with accumulated blockchain growth.

transaction fees on btc and eth are too high.
The Median is $.0001 on BSV.

Nation of tuvalu is moving their gov't? onto the bsv chain. 55:00?

The more people use it, the more miners are incentivized. miners compete in efficiency.

bsv is limited by the power of machines we have currently. (vertical)
teranode is going to be used to spread across multiple machines. (horizontal)

Currently, 1 node can handle up to <25,000

Stability of growth. Switzerland has been a bitcoin hub

Transmira Inc. - Omniscape - Revolutionary Experimental Marketing

bitcoin will be used for its metaverse: augmented reality. Allows one character in a game to move into another. same identity. Full-scale 3d in photorealistic in a year.

Craig: you cant break hashes with a quantum computer. (he's written a paper on this)
It's an economics problem to hack bitcoin because quantum computing builds linearly compared to bitcoin. It'd take too long and you'd benefit more from working alongside it.

What is the point of bitcoin?
Digital cash
Dr. Craig Wright: What is Bitcoin really about.
We've never had a single ledger for all our information everything. A network of trust where we can live in an augmented reality instead of replacing people outright.

Craig Wright: Bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency
It's not cryptography. It's public, but a private ledger. bitcoin is not a store of value: something you can pay a fixed amount of to someone without fear of it fluctuating. bitcoin is an intermediary. Bitcoin doesn't help if the world falls apart as some sort of anarchist project. It's about a stable protocol that nobody can change. No coin can be decentralized without preventing developers from ever have a say in what happens, and only allowing them to build atop the protocol (like bitcoinsv).
If nobody can change the protocol, there is no power in money.

Google, MasterCard, and other companies spend much more electricity compared to BSV.

Altruism doesn't exist. People do things to be noticed and seen. Doing things for society is for capitalism itself. Not altruism.
You get paid because you work smarter, delivering something someone wants. Not for working harder. Look at what you can deliver. If everyone was equal, there would be no way of measuring where things should be.

Steve Shadders: How will Bitcoin impact society?
Brings accountability and traceability to the government. It also forces the governments to be honest as well who participate and can verify that nothing shady is being done as it's on the permanent ledger.

Bitcoin monetizes all the actions on the internet instead of letting it be "free" in exchange for our information using micropayments which are also used to track our movements throughout the internet throughout time. A layer put atop the internet putting value to all the data. Monetizing our focus similar to brave browser. Merging reality with virtual/augmented reality. blending realities.

Bitcoin SV’s Metanet explained by nChain | The Daily Exchange

Metanet: The idea is that one-day bitcoin-SV blockchain will consume the internet in its entirety. Delivering data and content.
Craig has intents of using this combination of block data transactions to be the internet itself as well; being able to compress and expand a transaction as a website for example; (Beginning the process of truly tokenizing assets).
Dr. Craig Wright unveils game-changing Bitcoin project—Metanet
allows taxes and audits to be passive rather than you needing to file. Search engines.

How Bitcoin will change the future of data and empower everyone (Dr. Craig Wright)
Twitter and Facebook hate Craig because they prostitute our data.
Silicon valley is cancer. To keep you addicted to dumb you down and keep you addicted to the platforms.
identity can be built for safe elections.
pay for use; per page.
smart contracts have been around since the 70's. They have been available on the blockchain since the beginning and are easy/ basic.
education is NOT vocational skills. It's supposed to teach you how to think. not job skills.


Jul 13, 2014
Craig Wright is so obviously a con man and not even a good one. How many years of promising proof to be delivered that never materializes to realise you've been taken in by a moron? He has never delivered a single scrap of legitimate evidence. Not one.


“There’s this whole section, I remember some white paper back in 2008, had this section on how identity worked in Bitcoin. I remember reading it… probably when I wrote it… and there was this different way of doing things.”

He's not even good at grifting


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