Anyone experimenting with high carb, low protein, as Peat was doing during 2022?


Apr 15, 2015

Wow, thanks for this find.
I only heard of him saying that older people need to increase their protein and here we hear absolutely opposite ...
Incredible, it changes a lot ... "excessive amino acids become antithyroid agents and make metabolism even slower"
Peat endorses vegan diet.
Interestingly, Patrick Timpone used term "botanical fruits" ... instead of "tropical"
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Forum Supporter
Feb 2, 2020
“The double bonds in Omega 3’s are anti-thyroid and pro-estrogen.

High cortisol and high estrogen cause leaky capillaries.

Methionine restriction increases lifespan 40%.

Get enough milk when eating oatmeal. Milk has calcium and anti-stress factors.

Cold foods causes a stress reaction and vascular restriction. Could have a potentially deadly result.

Isotonic glucose solution for recovery from low energy production.

What are the benefits and methods of increasing your carbon dioxide? Helps heart vessels relax and blood flow easily. Bones get more dense.

Low carbon dioxide increases lactic acid. A sign of overbreathing.

If at rest, the liver takes lactic acid out of the blood and makes glucose. Need good thyroid function for that to happen.

Progesterone and thyroid support each other.

Active thyroid hormone T-3 has 12 hour residency, thyroxine has 2 week residency in the body.

What should a listener with lymphocytic leukemia with high lymphocyte numbers do?. Measure both lactic acid and carbon dioxide. CO2 slows cell growth. Take aspirin, which is anti-inflammatory.

Is baby aspirin good for the heart? Is Reyes Syndrome a concern? Is Tylenol responsible for toxic effects attributed to aspirin?

Phil questions if calcium interferes with absorption of other minerals such as magnesium.

What causes dry macular degeneration? Can it be reversed? Stop deteriorating capillaries. Aspirin is generally protective.

How to increase B vitamins? Balanced diet. Low-fat.

Can methylene blue be taken with sirolimus tablet? MB is an electron donor and receptor. Used for Alzheimer’s, depression.

What to do for Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Why is ivermectin helpful? Anti-inflammatory effect, parasite killer.

What are good brands of canned oysters? Crown Prince in olive oil taste good, don’t know about toxins. South American sourced preferable.

Oysters are rich in sea minerals. Selenium, copper, etc. Lobster also good.

Chris wants to know what to do about very dry skin and says PUFAS are all that seem to help. Correct thyroid function to oil and moisturize skin.

Dr. Peat recommends TSH of 0.5 and below. Says PUFA levels in blood can throw off T3 and T4. Macadamia nuts and cashews are good because low in PUFAs.

Avoid cottonseed, canola, soy, corn oils. A little cacao blocks the PUFA in canola.

How to shrink a large prostate? Progesterone, aspirin, thyroid.

Don’t need to take the full dose of an antibiotic.

L. reuteri, bacillus subtilus cultures for yogurt.

Listener asks why he’s gained fat after using progesterone cream on neck and oral DHEA? Progesterone creams aren’t absorbed on the skin.

Is iodine recommended for someone in a goiter zone? A little bit of iodized salt is good. Nodules and cancer of thyroid also affected by iodine.

Is a small amount of T4 at night recommended? If having stressful nights. The body doesn’t release endogenous thyroid all at once in the morning, better to space out during day.

Estrogen inhibits conversion of T4 to active T3. Is why women have 10 times incidence of hypothyroidism.

If thyroid low, get thin, frail hairs.

Systemic enzymes get rid of fibrin and blood clots. Does aspirin act the same way? Antigenic traces of fungus in systemic enzymes. Pancreatic enzymes carry risk of infections, but are the best choice.

What is a good cortisol level?

Good supplements for persistent cough and inflamed intestine from COVID? Serotonin, easy to digest foods, keeping CO2 up.

How low can saturated oxygen level go? Would CO2 be helpful? Baking soda regulates pH.

What causes paronychia? Vitamin A around nails.

Would eating farm raised chickens 4-5 times a week be harmful because of high Omega 6? Yes. US chicken and pork have more than 30% PUFAs.

Recommendations for sagging and extremely dehydrated skin? Thyroid regulates hydration and oil in skin.

Anxiety is a suppressor of the thyroid. Great shock and accidents are often a trigger for turning the thyroid off. Fear campaigns today are harming everyone’s bodies and minds.

Dr. Peat likes Dr. Bhakti’s thinking and his assertion that COVID and the vaccine are criminal and chemical warfare.

What causes lupus? How to help broken capillaries? Change diet, supplement thyroid and progesterone, avoid allergens. From too much estrogen.

How much protein is Dr. Peat doing? 50 – 60 mg/daily.

Listener calls about an atrial fibrillation episode and her treatments. Could the 4 cookies she ate just before the onset be the trigger? Yes, intestinal disturbances can disturb heart rhythm.

How much orange juice does Dr. Peat drink every day? A quart, for the anti-inflammatory effects. Now trying a pint of concord grape juice and a pint of orange juice.

What to do for bruxism? Improve digestion. Intestinal disturbances disturb serotonin.

Good alternatives to eating oysters and shellfish? Get selenium.“
"What causes paronychia? Vitamin A around nails."?? what does this mean?
Mar 10, 2021
"What causes paronychia? Vitamin A around nails."?? what does this mean?
“Paronychia (nail infection) usually results from bacteria. Bacteria get into the skin through cuts in the cuticle and the nail fold (the skin around the nail). Most nail infections get better with antibiotics. Paronychia doesn’t usually cause serious health problems. In some cases, the infection lasts a long time or comes back after treatment.”



Forum Supporter
Feb 2, 2020
“Paronychia (nail infection) usually results from bacteria. Bacteria get into the skin through cuts in the cuticle and the nail fold (the skin around the nail). Most nail infections get better with antibiotics. Paronychia doesn’t usually cause serious health problems. In some cases, the infection lasts a long time or comes back after treatment.”

View attachment 61692
Sorry, I meant, does it mean to put vitamin a around it?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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