Jennifer's Recovery Log


Jul 22, 2012
Oh, I forgot I wanted to add this my Karamel Koala Kitty Kat!
EnoreeG posted this Peat quote over on the soluble fiber thread.
I'm not twistin' your arm on the thyroid angle--
just something for your well-organized catalog...

The upper part of the small intestine is sterile in healthy people. In the last 40 years, there has been increasing interest in the “contaminated small-bowel syndrome,” or the “small intestine bacterial overgrowth syndrome.” When peristalsis is reduced, for example by hypothyroidism, along with reduced secretion of digestive fluids, bacteria are able to thrive in the upper part of the intestine. Sugars are very quickly absorbed in the upper intestine, so starches and fibers normally provide most of the nourishment for bowel bacteria…Thyroid hormone increases digestive activity, including stomach acid and peristalsis, and both thyroid and progesterone increase the ability of the intestine to absorb sugars quickly; their deficiency can permit bacteria to live on sugars as well as starches.--Peat, from Concerns with Starches

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Jan 22, 2013
I think Jennifer recovered many moons ago, she just wants to keep her log going!


Jul 8, 2014
narouz said:
Jennifer said:
Methylene Blue is also an iron chelator. Maybe that's another reason it helped you?

Thanks, Pumpkin Pie Juice!
(please forgive my novice attempts to blend into this greeting format of the Jennifer thread :oops: )

You know, Jennifer, I don't think I knew that about MB!
Haha! You're good at this game, Honey Bunches of Oats! :D

I can't remember the source, but I read it online somewhere and haidut also mentioned MB's iron chelating effects:


narouz said:
Oh, I forgot I wanted to add this my Karamel Koala Kitty Kat!
EnoreeG posted this Peat quote over on the soluble fiber thread.
I'm not twistin' your arm on the thyroid angle--
just something for your well-organized catalog...

The upper part of the small intestine is sterile in healthy people. In the last 40 years, there has been increasing interest in the “contaminated small-bowel syndrome,” or the “small intestine bacterial overgrowth syndrome.” When peristalsis is reduced, for example by hypothyroidism, along with reduced secretion of digestive fluids, bacteria are able to thrive in the upper part of the intestine. Sugars are very quickly absorbed in the upper intestine, so starches and fibers normally provide most of the nourishment for bowel bacteria…Thyroid hormone increases digestive activity, including stomach acid and peristalsis, and both thyroid and progesterone increase the ability of the intestine to absorb sugars quickly; their deficiency can permit bacteria to live on sugars as well as starches.--Peat, from Concerns with Starches
Hmm...I don't have SIBO. I tested negative for it. I'm thinking it's coming down to my beloved dairy. I think I am allergic to it.

I tried taking NDT again and I still got the headaches, nightmares, numb fingers and heart palps. I talked to Dr. O to see if this was an effect of the NDT reducing stress hormones or actually causing them and she said with those symptoms, it's definitely causing them and she wants me off it. I'm going to try the eggshell powder calcium and dropping dairy. I think the dairy is actually causing the infection. If I can rid myself of it, I have a feeling the progest-e will lower my TSH. It dropped it 2 points in 6 weeks when I first started supplementing with it, but I wasn't consuming much dairy at the time.

Nice song choice! Do you think we sound like we're hungry? :P


Jul 8, 2014
pboy said:
I think Jennifer recovered many moons ago, she just wants to keep her log going!
It is true! I won't be satisfied till I've posted every song on YouTube or at least surpassed the number of pages on that soluble fiber and human breast milk thread. The big bag of bacteria colon is beating me. I can't handle losing to poo!


Jul 8, 2014
I saw Dr. O today because I was becoming quite concerned with the perfuse diarrhea I had developed. I was able to control it for the most part if I avoided dairy fat, but eventually even the skim milk was going right through me. I tried taking some Minocycline in hopes of stopping it, but it didn't work. So yesterday, I dropped all milk and ate just eggs and grapes and the diarrhea stopped. I asked Dr. O if allergy tests can be wrong because clearly I get a response and no matter what I do, I still get this rash and now chronic diarrhea.

The rash gets these white pustules and scabs, but goes away completely in a day if I don't touch dairy. It's crazy how fast my skin heals. From reading, talking with Dr. O and knowing what Ray has said about allergy tests, it seems they are unreliable. They test for one specific protein in milk, but milk has many. And because an allergic reaction can present itself even weeks after consuming a food, my trying to figure out which food was the culprit was a losing battle.

If I have any dairy in my diet, my tongue stays white. I drop dairy and within a day or two the white tongue is gone. I'm starting to think the milk is the source of the infection. I can digest meat no problem so it can't be due to a damaged gut. I only developed the burning gut when I began consuming the low allergenic/elimination type diet of only milk and sugar. I thought about it and the last time I had a burning gut that landed me in the ER, it was immediately after consuming homemade cheesecake.

I've been trying to tolerate dairy not just because I like it or because of the osteoporosis, but mostly because I thought that if I couldn't tolerate it, I must be damaged. So I asked Dr. O if a person can be completely healthy and still be allergic to a food and she said absolutely. I know Ray says a milk allergy is rare and intestinal inflammation is usually the source of dairy intolerances and it's for this reason I kept trying to make it work, but I've been trying for 6 years now and if I can digest meat, the proteins in dairy shouldn't be an issue unless I'm allergic.

So it looks like I need to retract my statement and say CALCIUM does my body good! I guess I'll be sticking to eggshell powder. One REALLY good thing I saw today was haidut's post about a 6 year study showing progesterone fully reversing osteoporosis and that was with small doses. I take enough to gestate a small nation so I'm thinking that in no time this peanut will have sprouted into a giant. Forget looking up at mountains. I'll be looking down on them. Ha!

Tonight's song...I love me some Eva Cassidy... ... ode=NORMAL


Jul 22, 2012
Jennifer said:
I saw Dr. O today because I was becoming quite concerned with the perfuse diarrhea I had developed. I was able to control it for the most part if I avoided dairy fat, but eventually even the skim milk was going right through me. I tried taking some Minocycline in hopes of stopping it, but it didn't work. So yesterday, I dropped all milk and ate just eggs and grapes and the diarrhea stopped. I asked Dr. O if allergy tests can be wrong because clearly I get a response and no matter what I do, I still get this rash and now chronic diarrhea.

The rash gets these white pustules and scabs, but goes away completely in a day if I don't touch dairy. It's crazy how fast my skin heals. From reading, talking with Dr. O and knowing what Ray has said about allergy tests, it seems they are unreliable. They test for one specific protein in milk, but milk has many. And because an allergic reaction can present itself even weeks after consuming a food, my trying to figure out which food was the culprit was a losing battle.

If I have any dairy in my diet, my tongue stays white. I drop dairy and within a day or two the white tongue is gone. I'm starting to think the milk is the source of the infection. I can digest meat no problem so it can't be due to a damaged gut. I only developed the burning gut when I began consuming the low allergenic/elimination type diet of only milk and sugar. I thought about it and the last time I had a burning gut that landed me in the ER, it was immediately after consuming homemade cheesecake.

I've been trying to tolerate dairy not just because I like it or because of the osteoporosis, but mostly because I thought that if I couldn't tolerate it, I must be damaged. So I asked Dr. O if a person can be completely healthy and still be allergic to a food and she said absolutely. I know Ray says a milk allergy is rare and intestinal inflammation is usually the source of dairy intolerances and it's for this reason I kept trying to make it work, but I've been trying for 6 years now and if I can digest meat, the proteins in dairy shouldn't be an issue unless I'm allergic.

So it looks like I need to retract my statement and say CALCIUM does my body good! I guess I'll be sticking to eggshell powder. One REALLY good thing I saw today was haidut's post about a 6 year study showing progesterone fully reversing osteoporosis and that was with small doses. I take enough to gestate a small nation so I'm thinking that in no time this peanut will have sprouted into a giant. Forget looking up at mountains. I'll be looking down on them. Ha!...

That sounds like some good detective work my Honey Dipped Guava!


Jul 8, 2014
narouz said:
That sounds like some good detective work my Honey Dipped Guava!
LOL You're killing me! I'm off to bed my Gluten-Free Dumpling! Have a good night!


Sep 17, 2014
Are you serious?! Where's my long **** post in response to you quitting dairy?! I wrote it this morning!

Did you not see it?


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
Are you serious?! Where's my long **** post in response to you quitting dairy?! I wrote it this morning!

Did you not see it?
Oh, no! :( I didn't see it. I didn't even get it in my inbox.

If I'm being honest, I'm nervous about not having dairy because I thought it was the right thing to have. I felt safe in my plan, but I had a long talk with my mum after seeing Dr. O and she pointed out that I'm clearly dealing with some PTSD from the accident and that I find safety in following someone in regards to my health and diet. She said it's understandable given the severity of what I've endured and that no one can truly know the depth of pain I suffered, but that she can see as someone on the outside of that pain, that I'm caught in it and don't realize how much stress I hold onto. When she told me that, I don't think I ever cried so hard in my life. She was right! I can come on here and talk about it, but it will never do it justice. It's why I freak when I see people talking about how the fruitarian diet is a perfect diet. I'm actually terrified for people to end up like me.

Anyhow, she said I have no reason to not trust myself. She knows I hold a lot of guilt for ever doing 80/10/10 and ending up like I did, but she said with what I survived and already managed to overcome, there's no reason I can't trust myself. She said I've done the research. I've talked to doctors and those knowledgable in their field. I know all about food and I know the science to the point of helping others so it's time to follow my own advice. She said she knows that I've held on to dairy because from the time I fractured, I thought it was the thing to save my bones and she's right. In my mind, I needed that one thing that would give me that fighting chance that doctors didn't think I had. All they could do for me is give me pain meds and I refused to take them so what was I left with? What options did I have? Go home and die at 28? It's sad because it would of only taken one doctor to look me straight in the eyes and say "You've got this! You will heal yourself. I believe in you." I didn't even need them to believe it. I just needed them to make me believe it.

I would of dropped the "Peaty" diet a while ago, but I didn't want to let anyone down. All along, people have been kind in offering advice and sending me info and then there was Phillip. I didn't want to let Phillip down because he from day one had gone above and beyond to try and help me. I swear, whatever he touches turns to gold for him. Unfortunately, I don't possess that skill. My body was adamant on me just letting go. I guess, all I can say is, I read the occasional comment about members here acting cult like in their dietary philosophies, but as far as I'm concerned, they've been nothing but kind and supportive to me. They could be promoting a diet of poly couch cushions for all I care, but that doesn't change the fact that they are people first and foremost who try to help one another with the purest of intentions. I'll never see my time here as wasted and I have a lot of faith everyone here can overcome their illnesses.

Ahhh...Meow! I'm scared sh*tless because of everything I learned that I now need to unlearn, for the most part. Okay, time to check out your loggy. I promise I won't dump all over it. I'll save that for the breastmilk thread. They're all about bacteria over there. ;P


Sep 17, 2014
My poor little bunny! You've suffered enough and you shouldn't continue suffering any longer out of fear of letting anyone down. Your log will be commemorated on the forum as a testimony of triumph and bravery --bravery to go against the creed and trust in yourself. You have done a great service to me and many girls like me who will undoubtedly find your journey enlightening and touching.

Though we might never agree about what came before, the chicken or the egg, I will always support the choices that bring you health and happines. I nag and argue becuase like you I have my biases and it scares me that you won't get better if you dont try something differet, even if it is the dreaded P word! ;P Whatever makes you smile and thrive would be what I would wish to you, anyway!
A great girl like you can light up a room with her smile, some would even say you're the cat's meow, so what's the use in a pretty smile that never gets used?!

Listen, I was just telling J that I can find a negative in eating every single food on the planet. How sad is that?...

Meat? Too much phosphorous and tryptophan which can produce toxic by-products if used as a primary source of fuel. Vegetables? Lectins, cellulose and other defensive measures that inhibit thyroid. Fruit? Well beware of that fermentable fiber! Fruit juice? Fructose will cause fatty liver disease. Starches? They will make you fat and persorb into your gut lining and blood. Dairy? Full of hormones, sugars and apearantly calcium leeching properties! Eggs are chicken period and cholesterol causes heart disease. (Vegans never have the best arguments, eh?) Grains will shred your gut lining and result in compromised autoimmunity and obesity. Sugar? The white death. Nuts? PUFAs. Fish? Will suppress your immunity. Bananas? Pineapples? Serotonin! Coffee? Cortisol and adrenaline! Everything else? Pretty much estrogenic!

See, what I mean? This is no way to live! This isn't even living!
Don't look back.

Fly little bunny-bird, fly and be free! ;)


Jul 22, 2012
Hey my Poly Couch Cushion Cupcake!

You know, I noticed, I think, that the cheese I was eating from the regular grocery stores,
the cheeses with the enzymes instead of rennet,
they seemed to upset my stomach.

I've been drinking Whole Foods pasteurized but not homogenized whole milk without trouble,
and also the few rennet cheeses I've been able to get.

Really though, I didn't have anywhere near the gut problems you and, say, bigpeat have had.
I never got big bloating and cramping and all that,
nor the big diarrhea.

I guess I might've had what might be bloating in the ascending colon area--
unless that was my liver.
But I think it was probably the ascending colon.
When I would look down at my abdomen it would be bigger on that right side
and sortuv ache-y.
Mainly it was my butthole area!
I guess I had hemorrhoids, but no poking out.
Just swollen, inflamed tissue there.
And then those odd little bumps appeared and stayed and sometimes bled a little.
All that has mostly cleared up now.

I have intermittent what might be peripheral neuropathy in my right toes and heal.
Seems related to my lower backache.
Some numby kinda feeling, plus some kind of discomfort wearing shoes...kinda a burny sensation.
You seem to have something akin to that in your fingers.


Sep 17, 2014
Forgot to dedicate a song to my rebel girl! ;)



Jul 22, 2012
Hey, that was a fun song.
Here's another, dedicated to my Rebellious Raspberry Rarebit!

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Jul 8, 2014
Thanks for the songs, guys! :D

To think, all I had to do was follow my body and I'd earn the title rebellious. I wonder what title I'd get if I told you about the time I was at a bar and...oh, never mind! ;P


Jul 8, 2014
Thank you for what you said, Ally. :cry:

I'm not concerned we have our chicken and egg debates. It's all good! We're two passionate women so it's bound to happen, but it's how we bounce back from our disagreements that shows the strength of our friendship. I know you want the best for me. I want the best for you too. You deserve it!

What you said about the food is exactly what runs through my head when I go to eat. I had gotten over it when I refed, but I dove into more science and it came back full force. I know deep down that the food can't hurt me. I just need to get my brain to know it now. I'm getting there. All the improvements I've had so far make for a convincing argument when it tries to talk me out of what I'm doing. I'll just keep sweet talking the beast till it's purring like a kitten in my lap. ;)


Jul 8, 2014
narouz said:
Hey my Poly Couch Cushion Cupcake!

Hi my Tutti Frutti Snow Cone!

Yeah, cultured/enzyme containing dairy of any kind was the worst so I stayed away from it. I've tried milk ranging from 100% grass-fed raw A2 cow's milk from biodynamic farms all the way to pastured goat's milk, including powdered. I tried at least 15 total. I even tried sticking with Stonyfield since I grew up on it. They're located a couple towns over from me. In the end, they all gave me the same reaction.

I've only been off dairy two days and I woke with a half degree increase in my temp. By this afternoon my temp hit 98.9 degrees. I was actually perspiring and without brooding like a chicken under a lamp or lying on a heating pad. My rash, brain fog, diarrhea, white tongue, morning breath, phalange numbness, fine lines/crepiness (probably caused by chronic diarrhea) and depression are all gone. The last one is the biggest relief for me. I actually feel like my old self. I have so much happiness and energy running through me.

I even smell better. The only place I'll develop a scent is under my arms and since I don't wear deodorant, only rose water and vanilla, I can tell by the end of the day if a light musk scent has developed. Today, not a hint of musk. I equate that to less bacteria since I also had no scent while on the minocycline. I'm still getting use to the fiber again, but with all the positive changes so far, I'm giving my gut time to work itself out. With that said, my elimination is healthy. I went 3 times today and it's no longer light yellow, but a normal color which leads me to believe my bile is working its magic. So far I've had eggs, grapes, roasted turkey breast, scallops, watermelon, papaya, oranges and coconut oil.


Jul 22, 2012
Jennifer said:
So far I've had eggs, grapes, roasted turkey breast, scallops, watermelon, papaya, oranges and coconut oil.

That's an inspiring regime!


Nov 1, 2012
My rash, brain fog, diarrhea, white tongue, morning breath, phalange numbness, fine lines/crepiness (probably caused by chronic diarrhea) and depression are all gone. The last one is the biggest relief for me. I actually feel like my old self. I have so much happiness and energy running through me.

So happy for you, Jennifer!!!! :disco
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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