Jennifer's Recovery Log



Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
I take all the credit for this, of course. >;D
Haha! For me dropping the milk? You've been an endless source of support and logic, but it was that soul gushing talk with my mum and my baby girl, Cricket that made me finally let go. I'll explain later! :)


Jul 8, 2014
pboy said:
I'm aware of the amazing qualities of milk and all of its praise in Ayurveda, but then also the fact that I'm simply cant handle the fact that where the milk is coming from is pretty overtly, at least in America, even if the cows are grass fed and all, exploitation. I cant or wouldn't ever even own a pet because I feel bad about every animal being trapped and not allowed to follow its heart and explore life. Cows are shut in fences and basically never get a chance at exploring adventure or sexuality, they have tags punched in their ears and other stuff that like I'm sure if I saw in person (of course factory farming is a million x worse) I wouldn't be happy about it and would feel tremendous guilt consuming the milk.
Seriously, are you my brother from another mother? Haha! I completely understand this. Well, I understand everything you wrote and have shared similar struggles. You and I have very similar beliefs when it comes to what we eat and how it affects animals. I actually wrote up a paragraph in my log for last night that discussed why I've had a hangup with consuming dairy, but I decided to cut it out. No one knew about this till a week ago when I was talking with my mum. Basically, like you, I don't like the thought of animals being caged or not free to roam. It's always been an issue for me, even as a little girl so I didn't like the thought of taking from a kept cow no matter how pastured they were. This was, until I found Sunnyfield. Here's the paragraph I left out:

"I really wish I tolerated milk because I want a source of food that is not only healthy for me, but as cruelty-free as I can possibly get here in cold New Hampshire. When I first fractured, I was like a madwoman tracking down farms and that's when I found Sunnyfield. It was a beacon of hope for a former vegan with osteoporosis. Besides being a 100% grass-based biodynamic farm, the most important thing to me was how the cows were treated. The farm manager, Dan, keeps the calves with their mothers for the first three months. They get the first milking and the customers get the second. Though, this means the milk we get has less cream, it's worth it because the herd is kept stress-free and healthy. If you've ever seen calves pulled away from the mothers early on, you know how heart breaking it is to watch. Dan has only lost 1 calf in 25 years of farming so I think that's a testament to how he cares for his herd. We literally bring these creatures into the world and I believe we have a responsibility to provide for them and treat them with the utmost respect and in return they provide for us with their milk. I think it's a beautiful system."

This is why I've mentioned Sunnyfield so many times in my log. It's the first farm where I knew the cows were top priority, even before the customer. That's the way it should be. The cows roam acres and acres of pasture, but are protected from predators that would surely kill them if they were in the wild. They aren't tagged or anything like that. On top of all that, Dan, knowing how young I was to have osteoporosis, made it a point to add sea minerals to the cow's diet so that I was getting as nutritious a milk as possible. He's simply a wonderful man. He's very gentle even in his speech and I know the animals are treated well. I really lucked out finding that farm. Unfortunately, I still suffered an allergic reaction to the milk, but I wanted to point out these kinds of farms exist in hopes of possibly easing your mind.

pboy said:
it goes against my instincts and really doesn't make me salivate over it. If I'm juicing oranges, I start salivating like half way through...if I cook a rice dish as I'm preparing it and smelling it, I'm salivating and anticipating it, but whenever I see milk or add it its like..suddenly its my gut bracing rather than a total openness to it.
It goes against my instincts too and I also don't salivate over it. Ice cream, yes! Milk, no! For me, if I ignore the science and everything I've learned, I salivate over soft fruit, especially cantaloupe, creamy/mushy things like really well cooked oats with cinnamon and figs, sweet potatoes of all colors, winter squash, sticky rice with cinnamon and raisins, refried beans (Eden Food brand) and I actually prefer coconut milk/cream over dairy. I use to add coconut cream to my oats, sweet potatoes and sticky rice. I know a lot of people are turned off by that coconut taste, but I can't get enough of it. I use to even make whipped cream out of it. To me, it's heavenly on strawberries and even makes a delicious mousse. None of these cause me gas or allergic reactions, but if I add in milk, even Sunnyfield's, all heck breaks loose.

pboy said:
Its a conundrum for me because eating meat is worse...especially beef or anything from a warm blooded animal that has like similar to human emotion. If there simply was a reliable vegan source of protein
Yep! I've been thinking about this everyday for the last 8 years and it became even more important after I fractured because it really was a life or death decision whether or not it was ethical to consume animal products. That's one reason I desperately tried to make milk work. My go to protein are eggs from Sunnyfield where the hens roam free and the Boarder Collies help locate the eggs so they can be gathered up. I even play with the dogs while I'm there. They always come find me in the farm store and bring me sticks to throw. Haha! Anyhow, their eggs are about as cruelty-free an animal protein as I can get, that I tolerate. I think you've mentioned you stopped eating them because of the sulphur smell (?) or is it due to a perspective that they aren't a cruelty-free source? They really have been an amazing protein for me. Just one egg with a large serving of fruit and my mind is so clear, my mood so peaceful and my energy high. I think it's because my sugars are kept stable.

pboy said:
interesting you mention how your appetite came way up after limiting or stopping dairy, because the same thing happens to me. Ive been surviving off of it for a wh ile now, but unless I'm like really really hungry, I pretty much just sense low blood sugar but don't actually have an appetite, and yet if I put some rice to cook, as soon as I smell it, appetite comes up, but if I look at a block of cheese or something...I never like salivate. Its a dual thing...on one hand its the promise of pure good nutrition, on the other hand its like my body refuses to salivate over it, which kind of cancels that out to a large extent.
Yep! That's exactly how it was for me. I no longer had a desire to eat, but I didn't want to deprive myself and make things worse. I believe that we should actually enjoy what we're eating and the amazing turnaround I've had in my mental state alone, tells me that is a healthy belief for me.

pboy said:
I don't mean to be gross here, but like another thing ive noticed is stool size is correlated pretty exactly to the amount of milk protein I'm drinking, and this is days where theres no fiber, so I don't know what to make of that other than I'm not digesting milk protein very efficiently
Unless milk causes constipation and/or diarrhea, intestinal discomfort or a white tongue, chances are you're digesting milk fine. Milk is a bulk-forming food due to bacteria so that's why you'll notice a larger stool volume. Meat/seafood and eggs (and juice, of course) leave less ash, if I'm not mistaken.

pboy said:
not appetizing at all, yet I consume it if my blood sugar is low because of the near trauma, well literally, I faced a few years back. I'm extremely scared of becoming weak or emaciated, because of all the life issues that caused for me years back, so now its like a trigger to where I never go hungry and am afraid to not on paper have everything covered in fear that ill become emaciated
Gosh, I know, pboy! That's how I was and I realized that fear was doing me as much harm as when I was eating an 80/10/10 diet. It was actually killing me with stress. That's why I mentioned to you a while back that I made the conscious decision to stop detailing my diet to the T. I had to! I'm telling you, pboy, I don't track anything now and I feel amazing for once. All I do is make sure to get just enough of a really good protein with my fruit and I also know that in the past, even one egg with a large serving of sweet potato like I described in my last log, really keeps my sugars stable.

I honestly know that had I stopped having this diet purity mindset, I would of been fine. I was doing great when I was eating fruit, cooked starches and not worrying about avoiding all overt fat and salt, but then I went into Natural Hygiene territory (80/10/10) and everything but low-fat raw fruits and veggies became toxic in my mind. Even after I fractured, I still held on to the belief that 80/10/10 was the right way to eat. After my 5th visit to the ER, the doctor finally looked at the x-rays of my translucent bones and was outraged no one told me or did anything about it. Her reaction was "We need to get you in to see a doctor immediately!" She set me up with the on call doctor for the hospital that night, Dr. Shanahan.

Dr. Shanahan was brand new to New Hampshire and had started an obesity clinic that follows an ancestral dietary philosophy very similar to WAPF. She had a friend who was a fruitarian for 8 years and almost died. She set me up with a nutritionist from her clinic to help get me over my Natural Hygiene mindset and the fear of food I developed. When I met the dietitian, Chris, she told me how she actually took the course in Natural Hygiene, but dropped it when she learned how dangerous it was. She spent time with me dissecting Douglas Graham's 80/10/10 book and Natural Hygiene and was able to dispel all the flawed science that lifestyle promoted. Even Dr. Shanahan went through 80/10/10 for me and noted all the flawed science in it. Of course now, Natural Hygiene no longer promotes fruitarianism as healthy and says one should at least get some raw goat's milk in their diet.

Gosh, I think of the people I've contacted just to find dietary truth. I even had an email exchange with Lustig and the American Diabetic Association during my 80/10/10 days. I was looking for them to tell me the diet was killing me because something inside me was telling me it was, but the science pointed to it being healthy. I did the same thing with milk. If you've followed enough of my log, you'll notice I've done practically every test under the sun and I realize I was trying to prove to myself that milk was the source of my issues, but the allergy test came back negative. The SIBO test came back negative. Heck, even with all the chronic diarrhea I've had, my serotonin test came back normal and was even on the lower end. So I completely ignored my intuition and fought to keep the milk in my diet because of how nutritious the science says it is.

This is where I think we have a problem, even on this forum. We've all learned too much and feel there is that one true healthy diet for all, but I believe life has proven there isn't and thank heavens for that! We aren't allowing ourselves to be individuals when we get locked into these lifestyles. We aren't being true to ourselves. We hear the science and other people's success stories and think they must know something we don't and we try to copy them. We ask them all kinds of questions about their diet and supplements completely overlooking one of the most important aspect of their success. They are doing what they feel is right for them and it has translated into vibrant health.

We have to do what is right for ourselves. I will never like liver. I will never like bone broth. The smell of animal fat, even butter frying on the stove, makes me queasy. I don't even care much for meat. I have to force it. I don't like having a pantry that looks more like a vitamin shop and science lab. So why am I trying to live this way? Because I believed the "what ifs." What if Ray is right? What if WAPF is right? What if Paleos are right? What if my highly intelligent internet buddies are right? I never once bothered to think "What if I'm right?" I never thought to think that because I lost trust in myself for past discretions. In my mind, I didn't protect myself from the sexual abuse and I almost killed myself following 80/10/10. How could I trust myself now? The thing is, I've come to realize that my life depends on it. It depends on me being true to myself. All I needed was the courage to let go. It was actually my deceased dog, Cricket, who taught me this. She's the reason I finally dropped the milk. It's a long story and will make me come off even more bat-sh*t crazy than I normally do so I'll just leave it at that. LOL


Nov 7, 2013
I'm sorry if you mentioned this already, but have you tried other sources of dairy? Like cheese, yoghurt or kefir? I have som troubles with milk too unfortunately... I do fine with rice and refined wheat though which is great. And do you eat your eggs hardboiled?


Jul 8, 2014
Filip1993 said:
I'm sorry if you mentioned this already, but have you tried other sources of dairy? Like cheese, yoghurt or kefir? I have som troubles with milk too unfortunately... I do fine with rice and refined wheat though which is great. And do you eat your eggs hardboiled?

Yeah, I've tried fermented and culture dairy and still get the allergic reaction. That's great that you're tolerating rice and wheat. I did great on starches before taking enzymes while doing RBTI so I'm keeping my fingers crossed the bone broth will help me tolerate them again. I usually fry my eggs and leave the yolks runny, but I like hard boiled too!

Hey, I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing! Are you back to playing soccer again? I hope so! :)


Jan 22, 2013
thanks jen that's very shaking things up lately so I'm not posting as much, as of course, my state of balance fluctuates as I adjust my protocol! You're right...listening to intuition is an enormous thing, ive had awe inspiring synchronicities happen as doing such, so many times its hard to even count...and usually not just food related but life related, in terms of just following my own compass and heart. As with food, people talk about muscle testing...I have my own way of calling it which is 'use the force', lol...there have been times where, well, many many times, that by going by feel ive had perfect timing with things and just events lining up to where I have full trust in this, and yet...its hard to quiet the mind and all the 'technical' things, or rather, it automatically happens and I have to catch myself. When I first became a vegan, I think ive posted this before on the forum, for the first 5-6 months I was doing excellent, and that was the time that I didn't know as much about health, I literally just followed what I thought I would enjoy, what I did enjoy, the wasn't until I started going more online and watching videos and other things that really I started tanking...a lot of it was because of fears of 'what I might not be getting' so I started adding in things unnaturally, which in turn, slowly begin my descent. A simple example was that, now I think I was just craving something dense at a point, as an example, I was craving one of those amy's frozen meals but I had a qualm about not eating leftover food, so rather than just buy and eat it, I assumed it was a vitamin x or y deficiency casue of what i'd read, so I started drinking kombucha which then wrecked my GI and made my teeth extremely sensitive. It wasn't until the winter set in and I was literally so cold I thought id die, sitting in my room in my apt at the time, with nothing but like apples and some dried fruit, and didn't even have the energy and heat to drive to the store...basically I had to like take hot showers just to survive, and then somehow get myself to the grocery store which was like 5 minutes away and in such a state of suffering, my gut took back over, and I was like stfu to my mind...not a mental decision, literally my gut and adrenaline took over and saved me. I bought the frozen meal and it hit the spot, of course it wasn't as pure as if id cooked something fresh, but it literally brought my warmth and ability to think for a while back, lol. (times such as this, i think cannabis...i mean, without it id never even be half way on the journey i am times where like ive been totally fcked, it not only imparted functionality, but certain faith, and a sense of humor or just positivity observing what was happening, and allowed me to, because the pain and tension gets relieved, actually see and feel whats happening) The same thing happened again a few times I was working, and eventually I just trusted it and made it my routine to stay warm and forget being perfect at the time. Later on I descended again for other reasons, taking herbal supplements and teas and all kinds of things that hurt my whole digestion. One thing I find fascinating was that when I first became a vegan after like a week I realized whenever I ate seeds or nuts it made me feel gross and created like gross greasy output the next day, so I didn't even think about it I was just like, not eating those anymore! and now I know it was a good thing, but then as soon as I started watching more videos and reading, the pufa propaganda took over, and for like a few months I desperately tried to make nuts and seeds work, doing all the stuff people talked about...soaking them, I tried cooking with them, baking them, whatever, and it just took its digestive toll to the point I was in gripping pain and even on a vegan diet it started backing up my elimination to the point I would be irate all the time. Ive since realized, this was well into Peat eating, that the tongue and whole body literally are in a perfect orchestration, and what you crave has what you need, and its always the best thing at the time...the goal is to just increase your palates intelligence by eating individual or near mono meals, using organic food, so then the cravings become better...the body always chooses the best thing it knows at the time...and if there isn't any intelligence and experience with more individual quality foods, it'll go to the best it knows....

so anyways, forward to now..the idea of milk disturbes me a bit, yet, whenever I try to go without it, after a day or 2, I almost have a desperation to obtain some, again, feeling weak and other things, and it always brings me back relatively quick, and in those times, it when I'm desperate, it digests...which is interesting because perhaps the idea of being vegan was a mental thing, and when I tanked deep enough, my gut took over, and forced me to drink milk again which saved me back at a certain point I was in a really bad place....I guess its just a major issue because there aren't harmonious farms so it makes it a difficult thing feeling good in my soul about buying the milk, but I now have this...again, another thing imparted to me via synchronicities (which often involved harsh lessons) that I always do the best karma at the time...this is all I can do, keep eye out for the best, and never settle for less out of laziness, but if the perfect thing isn't available, always do the best karma at the time. This has taken a lot of weight off me and keeps me grounded. It looks like are doing something similar, and I'm happy (proud?) of you. I really commend you it makes me joyous to see other people who have a sense of always aspiring for the best and yet valuing themselves enough too as a soul to not deserve to suffer either. Keep it up! No one else wants you to suffer either or feel less than great

So ive been doing a little bit of experimenting recently, and...usually when I consume milk I use cocoa or tea or something else in there, and its just been...since even before drinking milk, ive always drinkin coffee, cocoa, tea , things like its just been a habit for me. I stopped drinking coffee about a year and a half ago, and I figured out a way to basically brew cocoa and tea in a 'decaf' way, using a specific low temp and method of mechanically brewing it (requiring skill of the hands), so ive been able to get flavor and nutrition but without tannins or caffeine...and I thought this was ok. When I was at the store yesterday, I started buying more vegan food, skipped past the milk, and felt a surge in my heart, as if it was a good thing, still holding all the knowledge I know about avoiding harsh things, whoel grains, pufa, peels of fruit, ect, and basically nothing changed, knowing how I needed to balance nutrients, but when I went and grabbed the bag of cacao nibs I normally buy, I suddenly felt like a sinner...and it was a clear feeling of what I'm talking about with the force lol, or muscle testing...I was like..hmm. So today I made my usual brews but just didn't add milk, and interestingly some of the issues I attributed to milk...remained, remain...the minral like residue being left on my teeth, appetite not being there that much, desire to smoke right after a brew (which never happens with fresh OJ or ripe fruit). Its been nice in some ways, I feel more flexible probably because I dropped some sodium and calcium and stuff, more flowing basically, but I'm realizing now that (and I was talking in another topic about how I thought perhaps milk hurt the kidneys with its high phosphate content) but I'm thinking now all the brews ive been making are actually, tho avoiding the tannins and xanthines, might have been still providing oxalates, which would explain the kidney things, and the teeth residue (interestingly when I just left the caffine/theobromine in there id urineate a lot was probly dilating the kidneys, but I'm going for non artificial stimulation these days). I'm still going to try to figure a way to not need milk, but again, now I have to bring it back for a day or so or more to experiment with it and bring my vigor back up. I don't have kidney pain or anything at all, but basically I sweat a lot and have very small volume of literally id take in 120-160oz fluid in a day and only urinate out maybe 30-40oz, which is much different than how it was when I felt my best. I'm sure that means my metabolism is good, which it is, great heat production and all, but the sweat is like clammy which makes me think...kidneys aren't able to filter a lot, so I'm sweating a lot of minerals and other stuff and it just kinda makes me feel like I'm holding fluid all the time and theres a sense of weight and forward protrusion even though visibly its normal and flat. Anyways, not to talk about me in your log too much, but what you say is inspiring and correlates with what I know but often get in my head and don't follow all the time. Surprisingly (but I guess not), I had good results with a simple meal of jasmine rice with a bunch of plain strained tomato sauce on it, which also technically makes sense cause it didn't have the milk or oxalates in any significant quality. Another interesting thing that happened was (again, things line up in my life all the time seemingly to deliver signs and messages...I live in a state of knowing this and just watch and trust)...yesterday which I planned on not drinking any milk with, I had remaining about 4oz in a carton and I was low on blood sugar before I was gonna I was like ill just drink the rest of that so I don't hit cortisol point as I'm cooking...I drank the milk plain with a hint of water and some sugar added...and it had a totally different mouthfeel than when I usually add it to brews and felt remarkably lighter and more pure. So I'm thinking now...perhaps my aversion was, although in a way mental, although I use the purest I can get and don't feel bad in a sense, unless another way is delivered and I find out how to make it work, but the aversion was moreso also just the way I was using it. This might've not been the best time to write lool cause I'm in the middle of putting myself on the line doing testing and not really satiated but I'm getting valuable referances and making progress. I'm more of the type of person who just puts it all on the line and goes all into things so I learn and know rather than just stuffing things and sitting on it.
Wishin you the best


Mar 29, 2014
Jennifer said:
Unless milk causes constipation and/or diarrhea, intestinal discomfort or a white tongue, chances are you're digesting milk fine.

I don't get any of these symptoms from milk, as far as I can tell. It's all (or mostly) in my head. Which is the point, for me.


Nov 7, 2013
Jennifer said:
Filip1993 said:
I'm sorry if you mentioned this already, but have you tried other sources of dairy? Like cheese, yoghurt or kefir? I have som troubles with milk too unfortunately... I do fine with rice and refined wheat though which is great. And do you eat your eggs hardboiled?

Yeah, I've tried fermented and culture dairy and still get the allergic reaction. That's great that you're tolerating rice and wheat. I did great on starches before taking enzymes while doing RBTI so I'm keeping my fingers crossed the bone broth will help me tolerate them again. I usually fry my eggs and leave the yolks runny, but I like hard boiled too!

Hey, I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing! Are you back to playing soccer again? I hope so! :)

Oh that's very sweet of you! I feel great most of the time, a little bit stressed from studying a lot lately. I have decided to not play soccer professionally, I just play with my friends for fun once a week maybe. I miss it a bit but not too much actually. I'm thinking about traveling soon, probably to Spain, I love Palma. I need to spend some time at the beach asap. Lol. Hope you're doing fine!


Jul 8, 2014
pboy said:
thanks jen that's very shaking things up lately so I'm not posting as much, as of course, my state of balance fluctuates as I adjust my protocol! You're right...listening to intuition is an enormous thing, ive had awe inspiring synchronicities happen as doing such, so many times its hard to even count...and usually not just food related but life related, in terms of just following my own compass and heart. As with food, people talk about muscle testing...I have my own way of calling it which is 'use the force', lol...there have been times where, well, many many times, that by going by feel ive had perfect timing with things and just events lining up to where I have full trust in this, and yet...its hard to quiet the mind and all the 'technical' things, or rather, it automatically happens and I have to catch myself. When I first became a vegan, I think ive posted this before on the forum, for the first 5-6 months I was doing excellent, and that was the time that I didn't know as much about health, I literally just followed what I thought I would enjoy, what I did enjoy, the wasn't until I started going more online and watching videos and other things that really I started tanking...a lot of it was because of fears of 'what I might not be getting' so I started adding in things unnaturally, which in turn, slowly begin my descent. A simple example was that, now I think I was just craving something dense at a point, as an example, I was craving one of those amy's frozen meals but I had a qualm about not eating leftover food, so rather than just buy and eat it, I assumed it was a vitamin x or y deficiency casue of what i'd read, so I started drinking kombucha which then wrecked my GI and made my teeth extremely sensitive. It wasn't until the winter set in and I was literally so cold I thought id die, sitting in my room in my apt at the time, with nothing but like apples and some dried fruit, and didn't even have the energy and heat to drive to the store...basically I had to like take hot showers just to survive, and then somehow get myself to the grocery store which was like 5 minutes away and in such a state of suffering, my gut took back over, and I was like stfu to my mind...not a mental decision, literally my gut and adrenaline took over and saved me. I bought the frozen meal and it hit the spot, of course it wasn't as pure as if id cooked something fresh, but it literally brought my warmth and ability to think for a while back, lol. (times such as this, i think cannabis...i mean, without it id never even be half way on the journey i am times where like ive been totally fcked, it not only imparted functionality, but certain faith, and a sense of humor or just positivity observing what was happening, and allowed me to, because the pain and tension gets relieved, actually see and feel whats happening) The same thing happened again a few times I was working, and eventually I just trusted it and made it my routine to stay warm and forget being perfect at the time. Later on I descended again for other reasons, taking herbal supplements and teas and all kinds of things that hurt my whole digestion. One thing I find fascinating was that when I first became a vegan after like a week I realized whenever I ate seeds or nuts it made me feel gross and created like gross greasy output the next day, so I didn't even think about it I was just like, not eating those anymore! and now I know it was a good thing, but then as soon as I started watching more videos and reading, the pufa propaganda took over, and for like a few months I desperately tried to make nuts and seeds work, doing all the stuff people talked about...soaking them, I tried cooking with them, baking them, whatever, and it just took its digestive toll to the point I was in gripping pain and even on a vegan diet it started backing up my elimination to the point I would be irate all the time. Ive since realized, this was well into Peat eating, that the tongue and whole body literally are in a perfect orchestration, and what you crave has what you need, and its always the best thing at the time...the goal is to just increase your palates intelligence by eating individual or near mono meals, using organic food, so then the cravings become better...the body always chooses the best thing it knows at the time...and if there isn't any intelligence and experience with more individual quality foods, it'll go to the best it knows....

so anyways, forward to now..the idea of milk disturbes me a bit, yet, whenever I try to go without it, after a day or 2, I almost have a desperation to obtain some, again, feeling weak and other things, and it always brings me back relatively quick, and in those times, it when I'm desperate, it digests...which is interesting because perhaps the idea of being vegan was a mental thing, and when I tanked deep enough, my gut took over, and forced me to drink milk again which saved me back at a certain point I was in a really bad place....I guess its just a major issue because there aren't harmonious farms so it makes it a difficult thing feeling good in my soul about buying the milk, but I now have this...again, another thing imparted to me via synchronicities (which often involved harsh lessons) that I always do the best karma at the time...this is all I can do, keep eye out for the best, and never settle for less out of laziness, but if the perfect thing isn't available, always do the best karma at the time. This has taken a lot of weight off me and keeps me grounded. It looks like are doing something similar, and I'm happy (proud?) of you. I really commend you it makes me joyous to see other people who have a sense of always aspiring for the best and yet valuing themselves enough too as a soul to not deserve to suffer either. Keep it up! No one else wants you to suffer either or feel less than great

So ive been doing a little bit of experimenting recently, and...usually when I consume milk I use cocoa or tea or something else in there, and its just been...since even before drinking milk, ive always drinkin coffee, cocoa, tea , things like its just been a habit for me. I stopped drinking coffee about a year and a half ago, and I figured out a way to basically brew cocoa and tea in a 'decaf' way, using a specific low temp and method of mechanically brewing it (requiring skill of the hands), so ive been able to get flavor and nutrition but without tannins or caffeine...and I thought this was ok. When I was at the store yesterday, I started buying more vegan food, skipped past the milk, and felt a surge in my heart, as if it was a good thing, still holding all the knowledge I know about avoiding harsh things, whoel grains, pufa, peels of fruit, ect, and basically nothing changed, knowing how I needed to balance nutrients, but when I went and grabbed the bag of cacao nibs I normally buy, I suddenly felt like a sinner...and it was a clear feeling of what I'm talking about with the force lol, or muscle testing...I was like..hmm. So today I made my usual brews but just didn't add milk, and interestingly some of the issues I attributed to milk...remained, remain...the minral like residue being left on my teeth, appetite not being there that much, desire to smoke right after a brew (which never happens with fresh OJ or ripe fruit). Its been nice in some ways, I feel more flexible probably because I dropped some sodium and calcium and stuff, more flowing basically, but I'm realizing now that (and I was talking in another topic about how I thought perhaps milk hurt the kidneys with its high phosphate content) but I'm thinking now all the brews ive been making are actually, tho avoiding the tannins and xanthines, might have been still providing oxalates, which would explain the kidney things, and the teeth residue (interestingly when I just left the caffine/theobromine in there id urineate a lot was probly dilating the kidneys, but I'm going for non artificial stimulation these days). I'm still going to try to figure a way to not need milk, but again, now I have to bring it back for a day or so or more to experiment with it and bring my vigor back up. I don't have kidney pain or anything at all, but basically I sweat a lot and have very small volume of literally id take in 120-160oz fluid in a day and only urinate out maybe 30-40oz, which is much different than how it was when I felt my best. I'm sure that means my metabolism is good, which it is, great heat production and all, but the sweat is like clammy which makes me think...kidneys aren't able to filter a lot, so I'm sweating a lot of minerals and other stuff and it just kinda makes me feel like I'm holding fluid all the time and theres a sense of weight and forward protrusion even though visibly its normal and flat. Anyways, not to talk about me in your log too much, but what you say is inspiring and correlates with what I know but often get in my head and don't follow all the time. Surprisingly (but I guess not), I had good results with a simple meal of jasmine rice with a bunch of plain strained tomato sauce on it, which also technically makes sense cause it didn't have the milk or oxalates in any significant quality. Another interesting thing that happened was (again, things line up in my life all the time seemingly to deliver signs and messages...I live in a state of knowing this and just watch and trust)...yesterday which I planned on not drinking any milk with, I had remaining about 4oz in a carton and I was low on blood sugar before I was gonna I was like ill just drink the rest of that so I don't hit cortisol point as I'm cooking...I drank the milk plain with a hint of water and some sugar added...and it had a totally different mouthfeel than when I usually add it to brews and felt remarkably lighter and more pure. So I'm thinking now...perhaps my aversion was, although in a way mental, although I use the purest I can get and don't feel bad in a sense, unless another way is delivered and I find out how to make it work, but the aversion was moreso also just the way I was using it. This might've not been the best time to write lool cause I'm in the middle of putting myself on the line doing testing and not really satiated but I'm getting valuable referances and making progress. I'm more of the type of person who just puts it all on the line and goes all into things so I learn and know rather than just stuffing things and sitting on it.
Wishin you the best
Thank you for sharing that with me, pboy. What you experienced very much mirrors my experience. I really appreciate how you mentioned people valuing themselves enough too as a soul to not deserve to suffer either. That has always been my biggest concern with those who follow a vegan lifestyle. People who follow it are very well intentioned in wanting to spare suffering of animals, but so many forget their own animal. They forget the human animal shouldn't suffer either and I've seen far too many deteriorate for their devotion to our furry friends.

I think about how things could of been different had I given in to my cravings for eggs back when I was following the diet. The last year on the diet my egg craving was intense, but I ignored it for diet purity. Oh well! What's done is done and there's no use living with regret. Besides, if I knew then what I know now, I never would have learned a thing. I think this just adds to us and makes us that much more interesting anyway. We have really good comeback stories to share and who doesn't love a good comeback story, right? :)

You've probably checked this site already, but just in case, below is the website where you can locate raw milk and pasture based farms in your state. This is what I used to track down Sunnyfield. I clicked on Texas because I thought I read where you mentioned living there:

It would be great if you lived near Pereira Pastures Dairy in Abernathy. On the site it says "They currently milk 30 Jerseys and graze them on 160 acres of preserved native grasses. Their cows consume a 100% native forage diet" and "are the first and only cow dairy in the state of Texas to be Animal Welfare Approved. They operate as an organic sustainable farm."

A lot of these farms let you take a tour and you can see if they're clean and the herd treated well. Just a thought!

Wishing you all the best too, pboy and I hope your experiment works out and you find what lets you be at peace with your dietary choices. Take care! :)


Jul 8, 2014
tara said:
Jennifer said:
Unless milk causes constipation and/or diarrhea, intestinal discomfort or a white tongue, chances are you're digesting milk fine.

I don't get any of these symptoms from milk, as far as I can tell. It's all (or mostly) in my head. Which is the point, for me.
Yeah, brain fog can be associated with incomplete digestion of dairy. Though, where I get a little stumped is why many of us can digest meat fine, but get brain fog with dairy and it be associated with an inability to digest it properly. I always thought that meat was harder to digest than dairy protein. The depression was the kicker, though. I could get brain fog with other foods back when I cut out dairy in the past, but depression never accompanied it.

Before cutting out dairy, I actually wrote Ray about the possibility of an allergy to it and explained that for the past 6 years, I've tried everything I could think of to tolerate it, even employing all his tricks and I was still getting the depression, brain fog and rash with the white pustules. I also asked about Candida and if Nystatin was harmful to use. I wanted to find out because narouz, thebigp and I had discussed it.

Anyhow, he asked about my temps and pulse rate when taking thyroid and said digestion is always poor when thyroid function is low and that too much cream makes milk hard for some people to digest, so he usually recommend 1% fat milk, and low-fat cheeses, such as cottage cheese or mozzarella. He went on to say a daily raw carrot helps to reduce all kinds of microorganisms.

I wrote back with my temps/pulse when using thyroid and told him the reaction still happens even when my thyroid and temps are great and I consume low-fat dairy and a daily raw carrot. I asked again if it's still possible for a person to be allergic to dairy even if a blood serum allergy test comes back negative and if Nystatin was harmful to use. He never responded. So I wish I could tell you if an allergy is possible in your case, but it seems Ray thinks it all comes back to the thyroid or intestinal inflammation. My experience shows otherwise so I went with my gut and I'm so glad I did. Are you still getting that rash on your ankle?


Jul 8, 2014
Filip1993 said:
Jennifer said:
Hey, I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing! Are you back to playing soccer again? I hope so! :)

Oh that's very sweet of you! I feel great most of the time, a little bit stressed from studying a lot lately. I have decided to not play soccer professionally, I just play with my friends for fun once a week maybe. I miss it a bit but not too much actually. I'm thinking about traveling soon, probably to Spain, I love Palma. I need to spend some time at the beach asap. Lol. Hope you're doing fine!
I'm doing great! Thanks, Filip! I'm really happy to hear you're doing so well and playing soccer again, even if it's just for fun. I hope you get to travel to Spain and get some beach time in. Sounds like it's a well deserved trip! :)


Jul 8, 2014
I'm still feeling great on my diet. My energy is high, my mind still clear and my mood still peaceful. I've noticed more slimming in my midsection and the refeeding love pudge is all but gone now. I'm also smelling pretty good. A high fruit diet always does this to me. I'm still trying to figure out why, but I think it's because I digest fruit really well so it doesn't feed bacteria. That or it's all that fragrant juice that covers me when digging into a ripe fruit. LOL I no longer get a churning gut, morning breath, mucous, congestion, tonsil stones or a swollen throat and my tongue is no longer white but nice and pink. Sheesh! I sounded icky! :eh: Anyhow, my teeth stay squeaky clean too and I noticed the whites of my eyes have become very clear and bright. Other than that, nothing too miraculous has happened. I haven't sprouted wings and transcended to the heavens or anything.

I've been having mostly fried eggs as my protein source, with bone broth in the morning and scallops in a coconut cream sauce twice a week to get in trace minerals. The rest of my diet has been a lot of sugary watermelon, honeyed cantaloupe, sweet papaya, frozen mango, oranges and an interesting melon called Golden Hami. It looks like a huge golden egg. Come winter, though, ripe fruit will be hard to come by so I'm really hoping I no longer get heartburn from starch. I'm really excited to try sweet potatoes and squash again. With the fall upon us, this means the apple orchard will have my favorite variety of squash, Delicata. Baked in the oven with figs and drizzled with some maple syrup, it's spectacular! I also discovered a new use for coconut cream. Scream it with me..."Ice cream!" :mrgreen: Thank you Amazon reviewer for your idea! You're the dealer to my addiction and my new best friend!

What you do is freeze coconut cream in ice cube trays. I use the Aroy-D brand (100% coconut cream and nothing else), then transfer the frozen cubes to a freezer safe container/zip lock bag. Toss some CC cubes into a high speed blender with some frozen fruit such as mango, strawberries or even some frozen guava/concentrates would be outstanding and add some vanilla (I prefer whole bean to extract) and you have a delicious, slightly soft ice cream. YUM! The Vitamix adds a fair amount of air while blending so it should whip the mixture up nicely. Now I can keep my ice cream addiction, but also my sound mind. Ha! This also means I'll stop neglecting Vita. She's been giving me dirty looks for a while now. Hehe!

So for a 1/4 cup of coconut cream added to a 16+ oz. bag of frozen fruit, you're looking at under 10 grams of fat for a large serving of ice cream. Not bad for those whose livers can only tolerate so much fat at a time. My liver happens to tolerate coconut fat just fine so I'll probably try the recipe with half a cup of cream. It's a tasty way to bump up my calories. Hmm...what else? Oh, to get my calcium, I'm going to start supplementing with eggshell powder since I don't like kale/greens broth.

Tonight's song...some Allman Brothers


Jul 22, 2012
I thought you might be interested.
I finally came across the photo I took of pboy
out in the Sonoran Desert
when he was a vegan...

Also, remember:
some things that are possible for pboy
are not possible for us normal humans.
Amazoniac has posted about this distinction...

Amazoniac said:
And regarding pboy,
He was never a spermatozoid, he was a jacked eel.

So...there's that.

And here, my Peppermint Patty Poodle, is a cool Duane and Gregg tune from before they were The Allman Brothers:



  • pboy while vegan.JPG
    pboy while vegan.JPG
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Jul 8, 2014
narouz said:
I thought you might be interested.
I finally came across the photo I took of pboy
out in the Sonoran Desert
when he was a vegan...
Wait! Since when has pboy been visible to the human eye? Not bad, though! I like my men a little rugged. :P

I'm not sure if I'm mistaking what you mean when you say things that are possible for pboy are not possible for us normal humans, but just to be clear my Charleston Chewy Chap, I'm never going back to eating a vegan diet ever again. I'm sticking with plenty off eggs and supplementing with shellfish, but I definitely do better on a higher fruit intake. The change in my mental state alone is proof enough for me. If I can add back the tubers and squash, I'll be even happier. I need variety and I've missed getting creative in the kitchen.

And nice song choice! :)


Jul 22, 2012
Jennifer said:
I'm sticking with plenty off eggs and supplementing with shellfish, but I definitely do better on a higher fruit intake. The change in my mental state alone is proof enough for me. If I can add back the tubers and squash, I'll be even happier.

This milk thing...
come to think of it,
back about a year ago when I started having problems,
I had been drinking a milk and orange juice based diet.
Sometimes cottage cheese or greek yogurt.
And then also regular grocery store cheeses, with the microbial enzymes instead of rennet....


Jan 22, 2013
lol narouz, not quite

Jennifer, that sounds like a very sound intelligent diet and if its making you feels good its the testament. Theres not really any blaring flaws in it detectable...sure maybe a little high phosphate but the fruit balances it out mostly alone, especially the papaya. Peat said, I'm not sure exactly how this would be, but he said as long as its not a chronic thing (the parathyroid triggered by over phosphate) it has its roll...I guess implying that the occasional meal of whatever might be high phosphate, in his case eggs or meat, is tolerable. If the egg shell works, all the better I suppose

all ive found so far with myself is that its very easy to get in enough carbs and b vitamins (mostly) and minerals, but I did have protein cravings today, not like really bad but things that never used to be appetizing appear semi appetizing (like cottage cheese). Ive cross referenced it to make sure it wasn't just salt, so like something like a corn chip had no real appeal. I actually feel really good electrically, in terms of circulation and flexibility, I have an appetite, no protrusion feeling at all, and I'm skilled enough at not becoming too watery (ill take bits of sugar with juice and fruit) as well as not being too dense like after a meal with rice, or better, as I'm cooking it I leave it a lil soupy...being in that nice tonicity window is a huge factor in how I feel (probly everyone). Naturally fruit and milk are close to this, in your case, fruit with the eggs is probably keeping you in a near perfect fluid balance. Some fruits that are real sweet like mango are a lil dense but that's good cause others like oranges are a lil too watery alone. I love this feeling of not having something I feel/felt guilty about, or kind of just, something I'm afraid of how it'll basically digest and eliminate, gone, and the lightness of renal load is nice also. I'm just gonna have to figure out how to satisfy the protein craving...which either I could simply eat the cottage cheese and see how that goes, or finagle some other way. On a side note but quite huge, I figured because without having milk for a couple days i'd need iodine, I added some kelp to tea and like got a huge rush of just goodness throughout, I sweat my sense of smell improved it seemed like and just clarity overall, I guess I actually could have benefited from iodine, I dunno, but that's something to note. It was quite a large dose something like 800-900mcg I'm guessing based on an assumed 50% solubility/bioavailability. ( I was probably averaging like 250-350 mcg a day with milk).
Well anyways, I went off on a tangent and wrote a bunch m ore but it was kinda just my through process out loud and its Jennifers log so I wont interfere with the glory that this is


Mar 29, 2014
Jennifer said:
tara said:
Jennifer said:
Unless milk causes constipation and/or diarrhea, intestinal discomfort or a white tongue, chances are you're digesting milk fine.

I don't get any of these symptoms from milk, as far as I can tell. It's all (or mostly) in my head. Which is the point, for me.
Yeah, brain fog can be associated with incomplete digestion of dairy. Though, where I get a little stumped is why many of us can digest meat fine, but get brain fog with dairy and it be associated with an inability to digest it properly. I always thought that meat was harder to digest than dairy protein. The depression was the kicker, though. I could get brain fog with other foods back when I cut out dairy in the past, but depression never accompanied it.

Before cutting out dairy, I actually wrote Ray about the possibility of an allergy to it and explained that for the past 6 years, I've tried everything I could think of to tolerate it, even employing all his tricks and I was still getting the depression, brain fog and rash with the white pustules. I also asked about Candida and if Nystatin was harmful to use. I wanted to find out because narouz, thebigp and I had discussed it.

Anyhow, he asked about my temps and pulse rate when taking thyroid and said digestion is always poor when thyroid function is low and that too much cream makes milk hard for some people to digest, so he usually recommend 1% fat milk, and low-fat cheeses, such as cottage cheese or mozzarella. He went on to say a daily raw carrot helps to reduce all kinds of microorganisms.

I wrote back with my temps/pulse when using thyroid and told him the reaction still happens even when my thyroid and temps are great and I consume low-fat dairy and a daily raw carrot. I asked again if it's still possible for a person to be allergic to dairy even if a blood serum allergy test comes back negative and if Nystatin was harmful to use. He never responded. So I wish I could tell you if an allergy is possible in your case, but it seems Ray thinks it all comes back to the thyroid or intestinal inflammation. My experience shows otherwise so I went with my gut and I'm so glad I did. Are you still getting that rash on your ankle?

Yeah, I'm quite willing to believe that my digestion may be subpar even though I don't have obvious distress
symptoms. Interesting that Peat says low fat is easier for some to digest - given that in some cases fat is supposed to aid digestion, and there are lots of anecdotal reports of whole milk being helpful.
I too seem to do fine with meat, fish, shellfish and eggs - at least in term of them not triggering obvious fog. Though I think I may do better to keep it down if I'm in acute dnger of migraine.

One speculation I have is that the specific partial breakdown products of milk - casomorphines etc - may be part of the trouble, and maybe we just happen to be more sensitive to those than we are to the results of imperfect meat digestion? Some of them are said to have opioid-like effects if they get through to the brain.

Yes, the rash is still there, goes up and down - actually, all the way up to my armpits recently. But only occasionally severe enough to really bother me. The legs, esp. backs of knees have been fine for months, and belly and backs of buttocks much improved. So probably overall a bit better, but not gone. I'm trying to remember to supplement a little zinc from time to time, and a little vit-C occasionally (eg once or twice a week), since I gather these are both significantly needed for skin repair - but I don't have consistent enough practice or results to know if that is making any difference. I intend to keep that up when I remember for a while longer. I added a few drops of progest-e to my most recent batch of skin grease (coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax, a little vit-E).


Jul 8, 2014
narouz said:
Jennifer said:
I'm sticking with plenty off eggs and supplementing with shellfish, but I definitely do better on a higher fruit intake. The change in my mental state alone is proof enough for me. If I can add back the tubers and squash, I'll be even happier.

This milk thing...
come to think of it,
back about a year ago when I started having problems,
I had been drinking a milk and orange juice based diet.
Sometimes cottage cheese or greek yogurt.
And then also regular grocery store cheeses, with the microbial enzymes instead of rennet....
Hmm...had regular grocery store cheese or yogurt bothered you before the milk and juice based diet?

I think I got away with not having the allergic reaction most of my life because I didn't consume nearly the amount I have these past 6 years, particularly this past year plus of Peating. I did suffer from constipation as a baby (formula fed) and throughout my childhood so it probably was dose dependent.

narouz said:
Jennifer said:
I like my men a little rugged. :P

No way! :eek:

Haha! Yes way! A little rugged and a lot sweet. :D


Jul 8, 2014
pboy said:
lol narouz, not quite

Jennifer, that sounds like a very sound intelligent diet and if its making you feels good its the testament. Theres not really any blaring flaws in it detectable...sure maybe a little high phosphate but the fruit balances it out mostly alone, especially the papaya. Peat said, I'm not sure exactly how this would be, but he said as long as its not a chronic thing (the parathyroid triggered by over phosphate) it has its roll...I guess implying that the occasional meal of whatever might be high phosphate, in his case eggs or meat, is tolerable. If the egg shell works, all the better I suppose
Yeah, in the KMUD interview from January of this year, Ray mentioned:

"RP: As long as you’re getting all of the essential nutrients - for example, from sea foods and eggs and fruits and gelatin would be a very safe diet for adults."

VoS and I discussed a while back about the possibility of the rash returning while consuming dairy so I've kept the above diet in the back of my mind. I did take note about the lack of calcium in it and at the time I figured I could supplement with eggshell powder or a greens broth. Plus, fruit supposedly wastes phosphorus so even that would be lower on high fruit.

I'm thinking figs may also help. I remember them being a high calcium fruit and they're one of my favorites so I'll be consuming a lot of them come winter since I can get them frozen at Trader Joe's.

I've mentioned before on the log about this black mulberry juice I was getting. It's made by the Smart Juice company and tastes like pie. It's so good! Anyhow, they make a fig juice too so I'll be stocking up on those as well.

pboy said:
all ive found so far with myself is that its very easy to get in enough carbs and b vitamins (mostly) and minerals, but I did have protein cravings today, not like really bad but things that never used to be appetizing appear semi appetizing (like cottage cheese).
Yeah, I got a mild craving for ricotta cheese yesterday and a craving for scallops which I normally don't get. I ate less eggs so that could be the reason. Still no cravings for milk, though.

pboy said:
I'm skilled enough at not becoming too watery (ill take bits of sugar with juice and fruit) as well as not being too dense like after a meal with rice, or better, as I'm cooking it I leave it a lil soupy...being in that nice tonicity window is a huge factor in how I feel (probly everyone). Naturally fruit and milk are close to this, in your case, fruit with the eggs is probably keeping you in a near perfect fluid balance. Some fruits that are real sweet like mango are a lil dense but that's good cause others like oranges are a lil too watery alone.
Yeah, I know I'm over hydrated when I start peeing clear. I think the fact that this time around I'm also getting salt when I have fried eggs, helps. On 80/10/10, I wasn't taking in any added salt.

pboy said:
I'm just gonna have to figure out how to satisfy the protein craving...which either I could simply eat the cottage cheese and see how that goes, or finagle some other way. On a side note but quite huge, I figured because without having milk for a couple days i'd need iodine, I added some kelp to tea and like got a huge rush of just goodness throughout, I sweat my sense of smell improved it seemed like and just clarity overal.

Well anyways, I went off on a tangent and wrote a bunch m ore but it was kinda just my through process out loud and its Jennifers log so I wont interfere with the glory that this is
Jump in anytime you want, pboy! I like it when people share their experiences. :)

I notice my sense of smell always improves on a high fruit diet, which makes my lack of any body odor that much more noticeable to me and a little bizarre! I remember during the summer of my last year on 80/10/10, I was eating the most amazing cantaloupe for breakfast, lunch and dinner and I had people tell me I smelled like melon. I also started looking the color of one LOL, but I still find it interesting how sweet I was smelling. I was probably making myself diabetic. :P

Hey, what about potato protein? You could juice them if you're trying to avoid consuming too much starch and if you have a juicer, it's not as much of a hassle. You could make a big batch in one day and freeze it so you don't have to constantly make it. If you consume high calcium fruits like figs, that may keep calcium higher than phosphorus?


Jul 8, 2014
tara said:
Yeah, I'm quite willing to believe that my digestion may be subpar even though I don't have obvious distress
symptoms. Interesting that Peat says low fat is easier for some to digest - given that in some cases fat is supposed to aid digestion, and there are lots of anecdotal reports of whole milk being helpful.
I too seem to do fine with meat, fish, shellfish and eggs - at least in term of them not triggering obvious fog. Though I think I may do better to keep it down if I'm in acute dnger of migraine.
Yeah, I thought that was interesting too because I remember Ray mentioning saturated fat aiding digestion.

Out of curiosity, assuming you eat cheese made with animal rennet, have you noticed migraines more with cheese than milk?

tara said:
One speculation I have is that the specific partial breakdown products of milk - casomorphines etc - may be part of the trouble, and maybe we just happen to be more sensitive to those than we are to the results of imperfect meat digestion? Some of them are said to have opioid-like effects if they get through to the brain.
Huh, that's interesting! So yeah, maybe we are more sensitive to the casomorphines.

tara said:
Yes, the rash is still there, goes up and down - actually, all the way up to my armpits recently. But only occasionally severe enough to really bother me. The legs, esp. backs of knees have been fine for months, and belly and backs of buttocks much improved. So probably overall a bit better, but not gone. I'm trying to remember to supplement a little zinc from time to time, and a little vit-C occasionally (eg once or twice a week), since I gather these are both significantly needed for skin repair - but I don't have consistent enough practice or results to know if that is making any difference. I intend to keep that up when I remember for a while longer. I added a few drops of progest-e to my most recent batch of skin grease (coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax, a little vit-E).
Oh, no! So it spread?! you recall when the rash first appeared? Were there any changes in your diet that you can remember?

I was just thinking, have you tried the potato protein soup/juice? I came across a quote of Ray's a while back where he mentioned that two days of taking in PPS should help with digesting protein again. I tried, but it never helped with the dairy. I wonder if it would help you?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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